CHIP P6 Persistent Storage Example

An example testing and demonstrating the key value storage API.


This example serves to both test the key value storage implementation and API as it is brought-up on different platforms, as well as provide an example for how to use the API.

In the future this example can be moved into a unit test when available on all platforms.


The P6 platform KVS is fully implemented, the KVS is enabled and configured by providing a file during the init call.


  • Build the example application:

      $ git submodule update --init
      $ source third_party/connectedhomeip/scripts/
      $ ./scripts/examples/ examples/persistent-storage/p6 out/persistent_storage_app_p6

Flashing the Application

  • Put CY8CKIT-062S2-43012 board on KitProg3 CMSIS-DAP Mode by pressing the MODE SELECT button. KITPROG3 STATUS LED is ON confirms board is in proper mode.

  • On the command line:

      $ cd ~/connectedhomeip
      $ python3 out/persistent_storage_app_p6/