Improve format in the README file by removing excessive indentation (#27594)

* Improve format in the README file by removing excessive indentation

* Remove $ prefixes and add language to the markdown code block
diff --git a/examples/bridge-app/linux/ b/examples/bridge-app/linux/
index 826206c..26d9aa1 100644
--- a/examples/bridge-app/linux/
+++ b/examples/bridge-app/linux/
@@ -108,26 +108,26 @@
 -   Install tool chain
-          ```
-          $ sudo apt-get install git gcc g++ python pkg-config libssl-dev libdbus-1-dev libglib2.0-dev ninja-build python3-venv python3-dev unzip
-          ```
+    ```sh
+    sudo apt-get install git gcc g++ python pkg-config libssl-dev libdbus-1-dev libglib2.0-dev ninja-build python3-venv python3-dev unzip
+    ```
 -   Build the example application:
-          ```
-          $ cd ~/connectedhomeip/examples/bridge-app/linux
-          $ git submodule update --init
-          $ source third_party/connectedhomeip/scripts/
-          $ gn gen out/debug
-          $ ninja -C out/debug
-          ```
+    ```sh
+    cd ~/connectedhomeip/examples/bridge-app/linux
+    git submodule update --init
+    source third_party/connectedhomeip/scripts/
+    gn gen out/debug
+    ninja -C out/debug
+    ```
 -   To delete generated executable, libraries and object files use:
-          ```
-          $ cd ~/connectedhomeip/examples/bridge-app/linux
-          $ rm -rf out/
-          ```
+    ```sh
+    cd ~/connectedhomeip/examples/bridge-app/linux
+    rm -rf out/
+    ```
 ## Running the Complete Example on Raspberry Pi 4
@@ -151,29 +151,29 @@
             number after `hci` is the bluetooth device number, `1` in this
-                  ```
-                  $ hciconfig
-                  hci1:	Type: Primary  Bus: USB
-                      BD Address: 00:1A:7D:AA:BB:CC  ACL MTU: 310:10  SCO MTU: 64:8
-                      UP RUNNING PSCAN ISCAN
-                      RX bytes:20942 acl:1023 sco:0 events:1140 errors:0
-                      TX bytes:16559 acl:1011 sco:0 commands:121 errors:0
+            ```sh
+            $ hciconfig
+            hci1:	Type: Primary  Bus: USB
+                BD Address: 00:1A:7D:AA:BB:CC  ACL MTU: 310:10  SCO MTU: 64:8
+                UP RUNNING PSCAN ISCAN
+                RX bytes:20942 acl:1023 sco:0 events:1140 errors:0
+                TX bytes:16559 acl:1011 sco:0 commands:121 errors:0
-                  hci0:	Type: Primary  Bus: UART
-                      BD Address: B8:27:EB:AA:BB:CC  ACL MTU: 1021:8  SCO MTU: 64:1
-                      UP RUNNING PSCAN ISCAN
-                      RX bytes:8609495 acl:14 sco:0 events:217484 errors:0
-                      TX bytes:92185 acl:20 sco:0 commands:5259 errors:0
-                  ```
+            hci0:	Type: Primary  Bus: UART
+                BD Address: B8:27:EB:AA:BB:CC  ACL MTU: 1021:8  SCO MTU: 64:1
+                UP RUNNING PSCAN ISCAN
+                RX bytes:8609495 acl:14 sco:0 events:217484 errors:0
+                TX bytes:92185 acl:20 sco:0 commands:5259 errors:0
+            ```
         -   Run Linux Bridge Example App
-                  ```
-                  $ cd ~/connectedhomeip/examples/bridge-app/linux
-                  $ sudo out/debug/chip-bridge-app --ble-device [bluetooth device number]
-                  # In this example, the device we want to use is hci1
-                  $ sudo out/debug/chip-bridge-app --ble-device 1
-                  ```
+            ```sh
+            cd ~/connectedhomeip/examples/bridge-app/linux
+            sudo out/debug/chip-bridge-app --ble-device [bluetooth device number]
+            # In this example, the device we want to use is hci1
+            sudo out/debug/chip-bridge-app --ble-device 1
+            ```
         -   Test the device using ChipDeviceController on your laptop /
             workstation etc.