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NXP OTA image tool


This tool can generate an OTA image in the |OTA standard header|TLV1|...|TLVn| format. The payload contains data in standard TLV format (not Matter TLV format. During OTA transfer, these TLV can span across multiple BDX blocks, thus the OTAImageProcessorImpl instance should take this into account.

Each TLV will be processed by its associated processor, pre-registered in OTAImageProcessorImpl and identified by the TLV tag. If a processor cannot be found for current decoded tag, the OTA transfer will be canceled.

An application is able to define its own processors, thus enabling extending the default OTA functionality. The application can also opt to disable the default processors (application, bootloader and factory data) by setting chip_enable_ota_default_processors=0.


TODO: add more options


python3 ./scripts/tools/nxp/ota/ create -v 0xDEAD -p 0xBEEF -vn 50000 -vs "1.0" -da sha256 -fd --cert_declaration $FACTORY_DATA_DEST/Chip-Test-CD-$VID-$PID.der --dac_cert $FACTORY_DATA_DEST/Chip-DAC-NXP-$VID-$PID-Cert.der --dac_key $FACTORY_DATA_DEST/Chip-DAC-NXP-$VID-$PID-Key.der --pai_cert $FACTORY_DATA_DEST/Chip-PAI-NXP-$VID-$PID-Cert.der -app ~/binaries/ota_update/chip-k32w0x-light-example-50000.bin --app-version 50000 --app-version-str "50000_test" --app-build-date "$DATE" ~/binaries/ota_update/chip-k32w0x-light-example-50000.bin $FACTORY_DATA_DEST/chip-k32w0x-light-example-50000.ota

Example (only factory data update):

python3 ./scripts/tools/nxp/ota/ create -v 0xDEAD -p 0xBEEF -vn 50000 -vs "1.0" -da sha256 -fd --cert_declaration $FACTORY_DATA_DEST/Chip-Test-CD-$VID-$PID.der --dac_cert $FACTORY_DATA_DEST/Chip-DAC-NXP-$VID-$PID-Cert.der --dac_key $FACTORY_DATA_DEST/Chip-DAC-NXP-$VID-$PID-Key.der --pai_cert $FACTORY_DATA_DEST/Chip-PAI-NXP-$VID-$PID-Cert.der $FACTORY_DATA_DEST/chip-k32w0x-light-example-50000.ota

Default processors

The default processors for K32W0 are already implemented in:

  • OTAApplicationProcessor for application update.
  • TODO: OTABootloaderProcessor for SSBL update.
  • OTAFactoryDataProcessor for factory data update.

Implementing custom processors

A custom processor should implement the interface defined by the OTATlvProcessor abstract interface (simplified version; see OTATlvHeader.h for full version):

class OTATlvProcessor
    virtual CHIP_ERROR Init() = 0;
    virtual CHIP_ERROR Clear() = 0;
    virtual CHIP_ERROR ApplyAction() = 0;
    virtual CHIP_ERROR AbortAction() = 0;

    CHIP_ERROR Process(ByteSpan & block);
    virtual CHIP_ERROR ProcessInternal(ByteSpan & block) = 0;

Note that ProcessInternal should return:

  • CHIP_NO_ERROR if block was processed successfully.
  • CHIP_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL if current block doesn't contain all necessary data. This can happen when a TLV value field has a header, but it is split across two blocks.
  • CHIP_OTA_FETCH_ALREADY_SCHEDULED if block was processed successfully and the fetching is already scheduled by the processor. This happens in the default application processor, because the next data fetching is scheduled through a callback (called when enough external flash was erased).

Process is the public API that is used inside OTAImageProcessorImpl for data processing. This is a wrapper over ProcessInternal, which can return CHIP_OTA_CHANGE_PROCESSOR to notify a new processor should be selected for the remaining data.

Furthermore, a processor can use an instance of OTADataAccumulator to to accumulate data until a given threshold. This is useful when a custom payload contains metadata that need parsing: accumulate data until the threshold is reached or return CHIP_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL to signal OTAImageProcessorImpl more data is needed.

 * This class can be used to accumulate data until a given threshold.
 * Should be used by OTATlvProcessor derived classes if they need
 * metadata accumulation (e.g. for custom header decoding).
class OTADataAccumulator
    void Init(uint32_t threshold);
    void Clear();
    CHIP_ERROR Accumulate(ByteSpan & block);

    inline uint8_t* data() { return mBuffer.Get(); }

    uint32_t mThreshold;
    uint32_t mBufferOffset;
    Platform::ScopedMemoryBuffer<uint8_t> mBuffer;

Factory data update

DAC, PAI and CD can be updated at a later time by creating a factory data update OTA image. If the PAA changes, make sure to generate the new certificates using the new PAA (which is only used by the controller, e.g. chip-tool). Please see the manufacturing flow guide for generating new certificates.

Example of OTA image generation with factory data and application update (using env variables set in the prerequisites of manufacturing flow):

python3 ./scripts/tools/nxp/ota/ create -v 0xDEAD -p 0xBEEF -vn 50000 -vs "1.0" -da sha256 -fd --cert_declaration $FACTORY_DATA_DEST/Chip-Test-CD-$VID-$PID.der --dac_cert $FACTORY_DATA_DEST/Chip-DAC-NXP-$VID-$PID-Cert.der --dac_key $FACTORY_DATA_DEST/Chip-DAC-NXP-$VID-$PID-Key.der --pai_cert $FACTORY_DATA_DEST/Chip-PAI-NXP-$VID-$PID-Cert.der -app $FACTORY_DATA_DEST/chip-k32w0x-light-example-50000.bin --app-version 50000 --app-version-str "50000_test" --app-build-date "$DATE" $FACTORY_DATA_DEST/chip-k32w0x-light-example-50000.bin $FACTORY_DATA_DEST/chip-k32w0x-light-example-50000.ota