Several example applications are provided to to demonstrate a CHIP
device, with Thread connectivity, using BLE to perform CHIP provisioning
on the Qorvo QPG6100 SDK. More information about each application can be
found in the file found in the qpg6100 directory of the
example application directory
Currently supported example applications
For more information on Qorvo and the platforms, please visit the Qorvo website or contact us on
Download and install a suitable ARM gcc tool chain: GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain 9-2019-q4-update (Direct download link: Linux Mac OS X)
Install additional tools used by the CHIP build:
# Linux sudo apt-get install git make libtool ccache ninja-build
# Mac OS X brew install libtool ccache ninja
cd ~ git clone
cd ~ git clone
export ARM_GCC_INSTALL_ROOT=${HOME}/tools/gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2019-q4-major/bin export PATH=$PATH:$ARM_GCC_INSTALL_ROOT
export QPG6100_SDK_ROOT=${HOME}/qpg-connectedhomeip
cd ~/connectedhomeip/examples/[lighting|lock]-app/qpg6100 source third_party/connectedhomeip/scripts/ gn gen out/debug ninja -C out/debug
The QPG6100 DK boards can be programmed using:
Drag/copy the hex-file generated to the mBED drive that appears when plugging in the DK board.
Connect the Segger J-Link to the programming header and use the Segger SW to flash the .hex.
More detailed information to be included in SDK Documentation.
qvCHIP v0.0.0.0 (CL:155586) running [P][-] Init CHIP Stack [P][DL] BLEManagerImpl::Init() complete [P][-] Starting Platform Manager Event Loop [P][-] ================================== [P][-] Qorvo [Application Name] Launching [P][-] ================================== [D][DL] CHIP task running