tree: 5a78ebcd043e75077bb1e7e15a62d428cf9abc1d [path history] [tgz]
  1. third_party/
  2. .gn
  3. args.gni
  5. Dockerfile
  7. main.cpp

CHIP TV Casting App Example

This is a CHIP TV Casting app that can be used to cast content to a TV. This app discovers TVs on the local network that act as commissioners, lets the user select one, sends the TV a User Directed Commissioning request, enters commissioning mode, advertises itself as a Commissionable Node and gets commissioned. Then it allows the user to send CHIP ContentLauncher commands to the TV.


  • Install tool chain

      $ sudo apt-get install git gcc g++ python pkg-config libssl-dev libdbus-1-dev libglib2.0-dev ninja-build python3-venv python3-dev unzip
  • Build the example application:

      $ cd ~/connectedhomeip/examples/tv-casting-app/linux
      $ git submodule update --init
      $ source third_party/connectedhomeip/scripts/
      $ gn gen out/debug
      $ ninja -C out/debug
  • To delete generated executable, libraries and object files use:

      $ cd ~/connectedhomeip/examples/tv-casting-app/linux
      $ rm -rf out/

Running the Complete Example on Linux

  • Pre-requisite: Build and run the tv-app

    $ cd ~/connectedhomeip/examples/tv-app/linux
    $ out/debug/chip-tv-app
  • Run the tv-casting-app

    $ cd ~/connectedhomeip/examples/tv-casting-app/linux
    $ out/debug/chip-tv-casting-app

    Follow the on-screen prompts on the tv-casting-app console