tree: f80e68ee1b27c9b3ec308253cf8c848975719779 [path history] [tgz]
  1. Dockerfile
  3. requirements_nogrpc.txt

Docker connectedhomeip:chip-build-cirque

connectedhomeip/chip-build-cirque is the name of the Docker image used by CHIP for continuous integration and other builds when using Cirque. It builds upon the chip-build image and adds system dependencies needed by Cirque.

Contents of this directory:

  • - utility for building (and optionally) tagging and pushing the chip-build Docker image
  • version - the semver-style version of the image in use for this branch of CHIP
  • Dockerfile - description of the image

Please update version when any required tooling is updated. Some rough guidelines:

  • Updating a tool? Increment dot version unless the tool has a major version delta or a backward incompatibility
  • Adding a tool? Increment minor version: e.g. 0.2.1 -> 0.3.0
  • Removing a tool? Increment major version: e.g. 1.2 -> 2.0

Note, you must have privileged access to the connectedhomeip area on Docker Hub to push the image.

Typical use:

  1. new build tool dependency identified
  2. add tool to Dockerfile
  3. update version
  4. $ ./, which installs the image locally as the new version
  5. update the image version in the devcontainer.json and CI manifests
  6. verify that the build works locally in the new image
  7. $ docker login
  8. $ ./ --push --latest, Note: omit --latest unless on the master branch