blob: e87e303340560c798d1465ccac8f06df966a2914 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @brief Defines processing state managed by Commissioner for an active User Directed Commissioning (UDC) client.
#pragma once
#include <lib/dnssd/Resolver.h>
#include <transport/raw/Base.h>
#include <transport/raw/PeerAddress.h>
namespace chip {
namespace Protocols {
namespace UserDirectedCommissioning {
enum class UDCClientProcessingState : uint8_t
using PeerAddress = ::chip::Transport::PeerAddress;
enum class TargetAppCheckState : uint8_t
* Represents information in the TargetAppList of the Identification Declaration message
struct TargetAppInfo
uint16_t vendorId = 0;
uint16_t productId = 0;
TargetAppCheckState checkState = TargetAppCheckState::kNotInitialized;
uint32_t passcode = 0;
bool foundApp = false;
* Defines the handling state of a UDC Client.
* Information contained within the state:
* - PeerAddress represents how to talk to the UDC client
* - PeerInstanceName is the DNS-SD instance name of the UDC client
* - ExpirationTimeMs is a timestamp of when this object should expire.
* - UDCClientProcessingState contains the current state of processing this UDC Client
class UDCClientState
UDCClientState() : mPeerAddress(PeerAddress::Uninitialized()) {}
UDCClientState(UDCClientState &&) = default;
UDCClientState(const UDCClientState &) = default;
UDCClientState & operator=(const UDCClientState &) = default;
UDCClientState & operator=(UDCClientState &&) = default;
const PeerAddress GetPeerAddress() const { return mPeerAddress; }
void SetPeerAddress(const PeerAddress & address) { mPeerAddress = address; }
const char * GetInstanceName() const { return mInstanceName; }
void SetInstanceName(const char * instanceName) { Platform::CopyString(mInstanceName, instanceName); }
const char * GetDeviceName() const { return mDeviceName; }
void SetDeviceName(const char * deviceName) { Platform::CopyString(mDeviceName, deviceName); }
uint16_t GetLongDiscriminator() const { return mLongDiscriminator; }
void SetLongDiscriminator(uint16_t value) { mLongDiscriminator = value; }
uint16_t GetVendorId() const { return mVendorId; }
void SetVendorId(uint16_t value) { mVendorId = value; }
uint16_t GetProductId() const { return mProductId; }
void SetProductId(uint16_t value) { mProductId = value; }
uint16_t GetCdPort() const { return mCdPort; }
void SetCdPort(uint16_t port) { mCdPort = port; }
const uint8_t * GetRotatingId() const { return mRotatingId; }
size_t GetRotatingIdLength() const { return mRotatingIdLen; }
void SetRotatingId(const uint8_t * rotatingId, size_t rotatingIdLen)
size_t maxSize = ArraySize(mRotatingId);
mRotatingIdLen = (maxSize < rotatingIdLen) ? maxSize : rotatingIdLen;
memcpy(mRotatingId, rotatingId, mRotatingIdLen);
const char * GetPairingInst() const { return mPairingInst; }
void SetPairingInst(const char * pairingInst) { Platform::CopyString(mPairingInst, pairingInst); }
uint16_t GetPairingHint() const { return mPairingHint; }
void SetPairingHint(uint16_t pairingHint) { mPairingHint = pairingHint; }
bool GetTargetAppInfo(uint8_t index, TargetAppInfo & info) const
if (index < mNumTargetAppInfos)
info.vendorId = mTargetAppInfos[index].vendorId;
info.productId = mTargetAppInfos[index].productId;
info.checkState = mTargetAppInfos[index].checkState;
info.passcode = mTargetAppInfos[index].passcode;
info.foundApp = mTargetAppInfos[index].foundApp;
return true;
return false;
void SetTargetAppInfoState(uint8_t index, TargetAppCheckState checkState)
if (index < mNumTargetAppInfos)
mTargetAppInfos[index].checkState = checkState;
uint8_t GetNumTargetAppInfos() const { return mNumTargetAppInfos; }
bool AddTargetAppInfo(TargetAppInfo vid)
if (mNumTargetAppInfos >= kMaxTargetAppInfos)
// already at max
return false;
mTargetAppInfos[mNumTargetAppInfos].vendorId = vid.vendorId;
mTargetAppInfos[mNumTargetAppInfos].productId = vid.productId;
mTargetAppInfos[mNumTargetAppInfos].checkState = TargetAppCheckState::kNotInitialized;
mTargetAppInfos[mNumTargetAppInfos].passcode = 0;
mTargetAppInfos[mNumTargetAppInfos].foundApp = false;
return true;
UDCClientProcessingState GetUDCClientProcessingState() const { return mUDCClientProcessingState; }
void SetUDCClientProcessingState(UDCClientProcessingState state) { mUDCClientProcessingState = state; }
System::Clock::Timestamp GetExpirationTime() const { return mExpirationTime; }
void SetExpirationTime(System::Clock::Timestamp value) { mExpirationTime = value; }
bool IsInitialized(System::Clock::Timestamp currentTime)
// if state is not the "not-initialized" and it has not expired
return (mUDCClientProcessingState != UDCClientProcessingState::kNotInitialized && mExpirationTime > currentTime);
void SetNoPasscode(bool newValue) { mNoPasscode = newValue; };
bool GetNoPasscode() const { return mNoPasscode; };
void SetCdUponPasscodeDialog(bool newValue) { mCdUponPasscodeDialog = newValue; };
bool GetCdUponPasscodeDialog() const { return mCdUponPasscodeDialog; };
void SetCommissionerPasscode(bool newValue) { mCommissionerPasscode = newValue; };
bool GetCommissionerPasscode() const { return mCommissionerPasscode; };
void SetCommissionerPasscodeReady(bool newValue) { mCommissionerPasscodeReady = newValue; };
bool GetCommissionerPasscodeReady() const { return mCommissionerPasscodeReady; };
void SetCancelPasscode(bool newValue) { mCancelPasscode = newValue; };
bool GetCancelPasscode() const { return mCancelPasscode; };
void SetCachedCommissionerPasscode(uint32_t newValue) { mCachedCommissionerPasscode = newValue; };
uint32_t GetCachedCommissionerPasscode() const { return mCachedCommissionerPasscode; };
* Reset the connection state to a completely uninitialized status.
void Reset()
mPeerAddress = PeerAddress::Uninitialized();
mLongDiscriminator = 0;
mVendorId = 0;
mProductId = 0;
mRotatingIdLen = 0;
mCdPort = 0;
mDeviceName[0] = '\0';
mPairingInst[0] = '\0';
mPairingHint = 0;
mNoPasscode = false;
mCdUponPasscodeDialog = false;
mCommissionerPasscode = false;
mCommissionerPasscodeReady = false;
mCancelPasscode = false;
mExpirationTime = System::Clock::kZero;
mUDCClientProcessingState = UDCClientProcessingState::kNotInitialized;
mCachedCommissionerPasscode = 0;
mNumTargetAppInfos = 0;
PeerAddress mPeerAddress;
char mInstanceName[Dnssd::Commission::kInstanceNameMaxLength + 1];
char mDeviceName[Dnssd::kMaxDeviceNameLen + 1];
uint16_t mLongDiscriminator = 0;
uint16_t mVendorId = 0;
uint16_t mProductId = 0;
uint16_t mCdPort = 0;
uint8_t mRotatingId[chip::Dnssd::kMaxRotatingIdLen];
size_t mRotatingIdLen = 0;
char mPairingInst[chip::Dnssd::kMaxPairingInstructionLen + 1] = {};
uint16_t mPairingHint = 0;
constexpr static size_t kMaxTargetAppInfos = CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_UDC_MAX_TARGET_APPS;
uint8_t mNumTargetAppInfos = 0; // number of vendor Ids
TargetAppInfo mTargetAppInfos[kMaxTargetAppInfos];
bool mNoPasscode = false;
bool mCdUponPasscodeDialog = false;
bool mCommissionerPasscode = false;
bool mCommissionerPasscodeReady = false;
bool mCancelPasscode = false;
UDCClientProcessingState mUDCClientProcessingState;
System::Clock::Timestamp mExpirationTime = System::Clock::kZero;
uint32_t mCachedCommissionerPasscode = 0;
} // namespace UserDirectedCommissioning
} // namespace Protocols
} // namespace chip