tree: 4df059f6a0b174c4ad5ecf695a941e02c689011b [path history] [tgz]
  1. data_model/
  2. include/
  3. src/
  4. third_party/
  5. .gn
  6. args.gni
  9. with_pw_rpc.gni

Matter SiWx917 Lighting Example

An example showing the use of CHIP on the Silicon Labs SiWx917.

NOTE: Silicon Laboratories now maintains a public matter GitHub repo with frequent releases thoroughly tested and validated. Developers looking to develop matter products with silabs hardware are encouraged to use our latest release with added tools and documentation. Silabs Matter Github


The SiWx917 lighting example provides a baseline demonstration of a Light control device, built using Matter, the Silicon Labs Gecko SDK, and the Silicon Labs WiseMCU SDK. It can be controlled by a Chip controller over a Wi-Fi network.

The SiWx917 device can be commissioned over Bluetooth Low Energy where the device and the Chip controller will exchange security information with the rendezvous procedure. Wi-Fi Network credentials are then provided to the SiWx917 device which will then join the Wi-Fi network.

If the LCD is enabled, the LCD on the Silabs WSTK shows a QR Code containing the needed commissioning information for the BLE connection and starting the rendezvous procedure.

The lighting example is intended to serve both as a means to explore the workings of Matter as well as a template for creating real products based on the Silicon Labs platform.


  • Download the Simplicity Commander command line tool, and ensure that commander is your shell search path. (For Mac OS X, commander is located inside

  • Download and install a suitable ARM gcc tool chain: GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain 9-2019-q4-major

  • Install some additional tools (likely already present for CHIP developers):

    • Linux: sudo apt-get install git ninja-build

    • Mac OS X: brew install ninja

  • Supported hardware:

    • For the latest supported hardware please refer to the Hardware Requirements in the Silicon Labs Matter Github Repo

  • Build the example application:

      cd ~/connectedhomeip
      ./scripts/examples/ examples/lighting-app/silabs/SiWx917/ out/lighting-app BRD4325B
  • To delete generated executable, libraries and object files use:

      $ cd ~/connectedhomeip
      $ rm -rf ./out/

Flashing the Application

  • Flashing requires the SiWx917 SoC device to be configured in the Ozone Debugger.
  • Once it's configured, it can be run with the Ozone Debugger by loading the .out file.

Viewing Logging Output

The example application's logging output can be viewed in the Ozone Debugger.

Running the Complete Example

  • You can provision and control the Chip device using the chip-tool standalone


    Here is an example with the chip-tool:

    • $SSID and $PSK are the SSID and passcode of your Wi-Fi Access Point.

    chip-tool pairing ble-wifi 1122 $SSID $PSK 20202021 3840
    chip-tool onoff on 1 1


  • Depending on your network settings your router might not provide native IPv6 addresses to your devices (Router / PC). If this is the case, you need to add a static IPv6 addresses on both devices and then an IPv6 route to your router on your PC

    • On PC(Linux): sudo ip addr add dev <Network interface> 2002::1/64

    • Add IPv6 route on PC(Linux) sudo ip route add <Router global IPv6 prefix>/64 via 2002::2

Memory settings

While most of the RAM usage in CHIP is static, allowing easier debugging and optimization with symbols analysis, we still need some HEAP for the crypto and Wi-Fi stack. Size of the HEAP can be modified by changing the value of the configTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE define inside of the FreeRTOSConfig.h file of this example. Please take note that a HEAP size smaller than 13k can and will cause a Mbedtls failure during the BLE rendez-vous or CASE session

To track memory usage you can set enable_heap_monitoring = true either in the file or pass it as a build argument to gn. This will print on the RTT console the RAM usage of each individual task and the number of Memory allocation and Free. While this is not extensive monitoring you're welcome to modify examples/platform/silabs/SiWx917/MemMonitoring.cpp to add your own memory tracking code inside the trackAlloc and trackFree function

Group Communication (Multicast)

With this lighting example you can also use group communication to send Lighting commands to multiples devices at once. Please refer to the chip-tool documentation Configuring the server side for Group Commands and Using the Client to Send Group (Multicast) Matter Commands

Building options

All of Silabs's examples within the Matter repo have all the features enabled by default, as to provide the best end user experience. However some of those features can easily be toggled on or off. Here is a short list of options to be passed to the build scripts.

Disabling logging

chip_progress_logging, chip_detail_logging, chip_automation_logging

$ ./scripts/examples/ ./examples/lighting-app/silabs/SiWx917 ./out/lighting-app BRD4325B "chip_detail_logging=false chip_automation_logging=false chip_progress_logging=false"

Debug build / release build


$ ./scripts/examples/ ./examples/lighting-app/silabs/SiWx917 ./out/lighting-app BRD4325B "is_debug=false"

Disabling LCD


$ ./scripts/examples/ ./examples/lighting-app/silabs/SiWx917 ./out/lighting-app BRD4325B "show_qr_code=false"

KVS maximum entry count


Set the maximum Kvs entries that can be stored in NVM (Default 75)
Thresholds: 30 <= kvs_max_entries <= 255

$ ./scripts/examples/ ./examples/lighting-app/silabs/SiWx917 ./out/lighting-app BRD4325B kvs_max_entries=50