Added TC-ACL-2-11 test script (#35163)

Implement the M-ACL / Managed NIM / ARL test plan.

The test plan (currently in review form) can be found here:



* Added TC-ACL-2-11 test script

* Restyled by autopep8

* Restyled by isort

* fixed linter issues

* review updates

* Use network-manager-app for

* Fix REPL build commands for network manager

* add trace support to network-manager-app


Co-authored-by: <>
Co-authored-by: <>
diff --git a/.github/workflows/tests.yaml b/.github/workflows/tests.yaml
index dbbda0a..b37ed3c 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/tests.yaml
+++ b/.github/workflows/tests.yaml
@@ -485,6 +485,7 @@
                       --target linux-x64-energy-management-ipv6only-no-ble-no-wifi-tsan-clang-test \
                       --target linux-x64-microwave-oven-ipv6only-no-ble-no-wifi-tsan-clang-test \
                       --target linux-x64-rvc-ipv6only-no-ble-no-wifi-tsan-clang-test \
+                      --target linux-x64-network-manager-ipv6only-no-ble-no-wifi-tsan-clang-test \
                       --target linux-x64-python-bindings \
                       build \
                       --copy-artifacts-to objdir-clone \
@@ -498,6 +499,7 @@
                   echo "LIT_ICD_APP: out/linux-x64-lit-icd-ipv6only-no-ble-no-wifi-tsan-clang-test/lit-icd-app" >> /tmp/test_env.yaml
                   echo "CHIP_MICROWAVE_OVEN_APP: out/linux-x64-microwave-oven-ipv6only-no-ble-no-wifi-tsan-clang-test/chip-microwave-oven-app" >> /tmp/test_env.yaml
                   echo "CHIP_RVC_APP: out/linux-x64-rvc-ipv6only-no-ble-no-wifi-tsan-clang-test/chip-rvc-app" >> /tmp/test_env.yaml
+                  echo "NETWORK_MANAGEMENT_APP: out/linux-x64-network-manager-ipv6only-no-ble-no-wifi-tsan-clang-test/matter-network-manager-app" >> /tmp/test_env.yaml
                   echo "TRACE_APP: out/trace_data/app-{SCRIPT_BASE_NAME}" >> /tmp/test_env.yaml
                   echo "TRACE_TEST_JSON: out/trace_data/test-{SCRIPT_BASE_NAME}" >> /tmp/test_env.yaml
                   echo "TRACE_TEST_PERFETTO: out/trace_data/test-{SCRIPT_BASE_NAME}" >> /tmp/test_env.yaml
diff --git a/examples/network-manager-app/linux/args.gni b/examples/network-manager-app/linux/args.gni
index e97ddb1..e463c7d 100644
--- a/examples/network-manager-app/linux/args.gni
+++ b/examples/network-manager-app/linux/args.gni
@@ -25,3 +25,5 @@
 # This enables AccessRestrictionList (ARL) support used by the NIM sample app
 chip_enable_access_restrictions = true
+matter_enable_tracing_support = true
diff --git a/src/python_testing/ b/src/python_testing/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a979b1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/python_testing/
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+#    Copyright (c) 2024 Project CHIP Authors
+#    All rights reserved.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#    You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#    limitations under the License.
+# See
+# for details about the block below.
+# test-runner-runs: run1
+# test-runner-run/run1/app: ${NETWORK_MANAGEMENT_APP}
+# test-runner-run/run1/factoryreset: True
+# test-runner-run/run1/quiet: True
+# test-runner-run/run1/app-args: --discriminator 1234 --KVS kvs1 --trace-to json:${TRACE_APP}.json --commissioning-arl-entries "[{\"endpoint\": 1,\"cluster\": 1105,\"restrictions\": [{\"type\": 0,\"id\": 0}]}]" --arl-entries "[{\"endpoint\": 1,\"cluster\": 1105,\"restrictions\": [{\"type\": 0,\"id\": 0}]}]"
+# test-runner-run/run1/script-args: --storage-path admin_storage.json --commissioning-method on-network --discriminator 1234 --passcode 20202021 --trace-to json:${TRACE_TEST_JSON}.json --trace-to perfetto:${TRACE_TEST_PERFETTO}.perfetto
+import logging
+import queue
+import chip.clusters as Clusters
+from chip.clusters.Attribute import EventReadResult, SubscriptionTransaction
+from chip.clusters.ClusterObjects import ALL_ACCEPTED_COMMANDS, ALL_ATTRIBUTES, ALL_CLUSTERS, ClusterEvent
+from chip.clusters.Objects import AccessControl
+from chip.interaction_model import Status
+from matter_testing_support import MatterBaseTest, TestStep, async_test_body, default_matter_test_main
+from mobly import asserts
+class EventChangeCallback:
+    def __init__(self, expected_event: ClusterEvent, output: queue.Queue):
+        self._output = output
+        self._expected_cluster_id = expected_event.cluster_id
+        self._expected_event_id = expected_event.event_id
+    def __call__(self, res: EventReadResult, transaction: SubscriptionTransaction):
+        if res.Status == Status.Success and res.Header.ClusterId == self._expected_cluster_id and res.Header.EventId == self._expected_event_id:
+                f'Got subscription report for event {self._expected_event_id} on cluster {self._expected_cluster_id}: {res.Data}')
+            self._output.put(res)
+def WaitForEventReport(q: queue.Queue, expected_event: ClusterEvent):
+    try:
+        res = q.get(block=True, timeout=10)
+    except queue.Empty:
+"Failed to receive a report for the event {}".format(expected_event))
+    asserts.assert_equal(res.Header.ClusterId, expected_event.cluster_id, "Expected cluster ID not found in event report")
+    asserts.assert_equal(res.Header.EventId, expected_event.event_id, "Expected event ID not found in event report")
+class TC_ACL_2_11(MatterBaseTest):
+    def desc_TC_ACL_2_11(self) -> str:
+        return "[TC-ACL-2.11] Verification of Managed Device feature"
+    def steps_TC_ACL_2_11(self) -> list[TestStep]:
+        steps = [
+            TestStep(1, "Commissioning, already done"),
+            TestStep(2, "TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster CommissioningARL attribute"),
+            TestStep(3, "TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster ARL attribute"),
+            TestStep(4, "For each entry in ARL, iterate over each restriction and attempt access the restriction's ID on the Endpoint and Cluster in the ARL entry.",
+                     "If the restriction is Type AttributeAccessForbidden, read the restriction's attribute ID and verify the response is UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS."
+                     "If the restriction is Type AttributeWriteForbidden, write restriction's the attribute ID and verify the response is UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS."
+                     "If the restriction is Type CommandForbidden, invoke the restriction's command ID and verify the response is UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS."),
+            TestStep(5, "TH1 sends DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster command ReviewFabricRestrictions"),
+            TestStep(6, "Wait for up to 1 hour. Follow instructions provided by device maker to remove all access restrictions",
+                     "AccessRestrictionReviewUpdate event is received"),
+            TestStep(7, "TH1 reads DUT Endpoint 0 AccessControl cluster ARL attribute", "ARL is empty")
+        ]
+        return steps
+    @async_test_body
+    async def test_TC_ACL_2_11(self):
+        self.step(1)
+        self.step(2)
+        await self.read_single_attribute_check_success(
+            endpoint=0,
+            cluster=Clusters.AccessControl,
+            attribute=Clusters.AccessControl.Attributes.CommissioningARL
+        )
+        self.step(3)
+        arl = await self.read_single_attribute_check_success(
+            endpoint=0,
+            cluster=Clusters.AccessControl,
+            attribute=Clusters.AccessControl.Attributes.Arl
+        )
+        self.step(4)
+        care_struct = None
+        for arl_entry in arl:
+            E1 = arl_entry.endpoint
+            C1 = arl_entry.cluster
+            R1 = arl_entry.restrictions
+            care_struct = Clusters.AccessControl.Structs.AccessRestrictionEntryStruct(E1, C1, R1)
+            cluster = ALL_CLUSTERS[C1]
+            for restriction in R1:
+                restriction_type = restriction.type
+                ID1 =
+                attribute = ALL_ATTRIBUTES[C1][ID1]
+                command = ALL_ACCEPTED_COMMANDS[C1][ID1]
+                if restriction_type == AccessControl.Enums.AccessRestrictionTypeEnum.kAttributeAccessForbidden:
+                    await self.read_single_attribute_expect_error(cluster=cluster, attribute=attribute, error=Status.UnsupportedAccess, endpoint=E1)
+                elif restriction_type == AccessControl.Enums.AccessRestrictionTypeEnum.kAttributeWriteForbidden:
+                    status = await self.write_single_attribute(attribute_value=attribute, endpoint_id=E1)
+                    asserts.assert_equal(status, Status.UnsupportedAccess,
+                                         f"Failed to verify UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS when writing to Attribute {ID1} Cluster {C1} Endpoint {E1}")
+                elif restriction_type == AccessControl.Enums.AccessRestrictionTypeEnum.kCommandForbidden:
+                    result = await self.send_single_cmd(cmd=command, endpoint=E1)
+                    asserts.assert_equal(result.status, Status.UnsupportedAccess,
+                                         f"Failed to verify UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS when sending command {ID1} to Cluster {C1} Endpoint {E1}")
+        # Belongs to step 6, but needs to be subscribed before executing step 5: begin
+        arru_queue = queue.Queue()
+        arru_cb = EventChangeCallback(Clusters.AccessControl.Events.FabricRestrictionReviewUpdate, arru_queue)
+        urgent = 1
+        subscription_arru = await self.default_controller.ReadEvent(nodeid=self.dut_node_id, events=[(0, Clusters.AccessControl.Events.FabricRestrictionReviewUpdate, urgent)], reportInterval=(1, 5), keepSubscriptions=True, autoResubscribe=False)
+        subscription_arru.SetEventUpdateCallback(callback=arru_cb)
+        # end
+        # Belongs to step 7, but needs to be subscribed before executing step 5: begin
+        arec_queue = queue.Queue()
+        arec_cb = EventChangeCallback(Clusters.AccessControl.Events.AccessRestrictionEntryChanged, arec_queue)
+        urgent = 1
+        subscription_arec = await self.default_controller.ReadEvent(nodeid=self.dut_node_id, events=[(0, Clusters.AccessControl.Events.AccessRestrictionEntryChanged, urgent)], reportInterval=(1, 5), keepSubscriptions=True, autoResubscribe=False)
+        subscription_arec.SetEventUpdateCallback(callback=arec_cb)
+        # end
+        self.step(5)
+        response = await self.send_single_cmd(cmd=Clusters.AccessControl.Commands.ReviewFabricRestrictions([care_struct]), endpoint=0)
+        asserts.assert_true(isinstance(response, Clusters.AccessControl.Commands.ReviewFabricRestrictionsResponse),
+                            "Result is not of type ReviewFabricRestrictionsResponse")
+        self.step(6)
+"Please follow instructions provided by the product maker to remove all ARL entries")
+        WaitForEventReport(arru_queue, Clusters.AccessControl.Events.FabricRestrictionReviewUpdate)
+        self.step(7)
+        cluster = Clusters.AccessControl
+        attribute = Clusters.AccessControl.Attributes.Arl
+        arl = await self.read_single_attribute_check_success(
+            node_id=self.dut_node_id,
+            endpoint=0,
+            cluster=cluster,
+            attribute=attribute
+        )
+        asserts.assert_equal(arl, [], "Unexpected Arl; Not empty")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    default_matter_test_main()