[NuttX] update Docker image (#33329)

Signed-off-by: zhanghongyu <zhanghongyu@xiaomi.com>
diff --git a/integrations/docker/images/base/chip-build/version b/integrations/docker/images/base/chip-build/version
index 67a7593..3a1d208 100644
--- a/integrations/docker/images/base/chip-build/version
+++ b/integrations/docker/images/base/chip-build/version
@@ -1 +1 @@
-50 : [Telink] Update Docker image (Zephyr update)
+51 : [NuttX] Update Docker image to support compile with external source
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/integrations/docker/images/stage-2/chip-build-nuttx/Dockerfile b/integrations/docker/images/stage-2/chip-build-nuttx/Dockerfile
index e5f8585..c867748 100644
--- a/integrations/docker/images/stage-2/chip-build-nuttx/Dockerfile
+++ b/integrations/docker/images/stage-2/chip-build-nuttx/Dockerfile
@@ -24,20 +24,27 @@
     && rm -rf ../../gcc_build \
     && : # last line
+    RUN set -x \
+    && ! test -f /opt/nuttx/gcc-13/bin/cc \
+    && ln -s /opt/nuttx/gcc-13/bin/gcc /opt/nuttx/gcc-13/bin/cc \
+    && : # last line
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Download NuttX SDK
 RUN set -x \
     && cd /opt/nuttx \
     && rm -rf nuttx \
-    && wget -q -O nuttx.zip https://codeload.github.com/apache/nuttx/zip/ce61e866 \
+    && wget -q -O nuttx.zip https://codeload.github.com/apache/nuttx/zip/6e941aed \
     && unzip -q nuttx.zip \
-    && mv nuttx-ce61e866 nuttx \
-    && rm nuttx.zip
+    && mv nuttx-6e941aed nuttx \
+    && rm nuttx.zip \
+    && : # last line
 RUN set -x \
     && cd /opt/nuttx \
     && rm -rf apps \
-    && wget -q -O nuttx_app.zip https://codeload.github.com/apache/nuttx-apps/zip/e2805fc9 \
+    && wget -q -O nuttx_app.zip https://codeload.github.com/apache/nuttx-apps/zip/c6051e4c \
     && unzip -q nuttx_app.zip \
-    && mv nuttx-apps-e2805fc9 apps \
-    && rm nuttx_app.zip
+    && mv nuttx-apps-c6051e4c apps \
+    && rm nuttx_app.zip \
+    && : # last line