commit | 40599c4ddf825b8cf37260b9430c4d16db053e4e | [log] [tgz] |
author | manjunath-grl <> | Fri Jan 12 19:40:04 2024 +0530 |
committer | GitHub <> | Fri Jan 12 14:10:04 2024 +0000 |
tree | c47cfd339bfafa69b1f84296591f2c24f4c8e496 | |
parent | 6ff2f71bad352d3908028664223f8645fd244dca [diff] |
Modified yaml scripts Jan 09 (#31312) * modified files as per latest test-plan. PICS.yaml TC_ACE_1_1 TC_ACE_1_5 TC_ACFREMON_1_1 TC_ACFREMON_2_1 TC_ACL_2_1 TC_ACL_2_10 TC_ACL_2_3 TC_ACL_2_9 TC_AIRQUAL_1_1 TC_AIRQUAL_2_1 TC_ALOGIN_1_12 TC_APBSC_1_10 TC_APBSC_9_1 TC_APPLAUNCHER_1_3 TC_APPLAUNCHER_3_5 TC_APPLAUNCHER_3_7 TC_APPLAUNCHER_3_8 TC_APPLAUNCHER_3_9 TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_1_8 TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_7_1 TC_AUDIOOUTPUT_7_2 TC_BINFO_1_1 TC_BINFO_2_1 TC_BINFO_2_2 TC_BOOL_2_1 TC_BRBINFO_1_1 TC_BRBINFO_2_1 TC_CADMIN_1_10 TC_CADMIN_1_16 TC_CC_2_1 TC_CC_5_1 TC_CC_6_1 TC_CNET_1_3 TC_CNET_4_5 TC_CNET_4_9 TC_CONTENTLAUNCHER_1_11 TC_DD_1_8 TC_DD_3_1 TC_DD_3_2 TC_DGETH_2_1 TC_DGGEN_1_1 TC_DGGEN_2_1 TC_DGGEN_2_3 TC_DGTHREAD_1_1 TC_DGTHREAD_2_4 TC_DGWIFI_2_1 TC_DGWIFI_2_3 TC_DISHM_2_1 TC_DISHM_3_1 TC_DISHM_3_2 TC_DISHM_3_3 TC_DRLK_2_1 TC_DRLK_2_10 TC_DRLK_2_5 TC_DRLK_2_6 TC_DRLK_2_7 TC_DRLK_2_9 TC_FAN_1_1 TC_FAN_2_1 TC_FAN_2_2 TC_FAN_2_3 TC_FAN_2_4 TC_FAN_2_5 TC_FAN_3_1 TC_FAN_3_2 TC_FAN_3_6 TC_FLABEL_1_1 TC_FLABEL_2_1 TC_FLDCONC_1_1 TC_FLDCONC_2_1 TC_FLW_1_1 TC_FLW_2_1 TC_FLW_2_2 TC_GRPKEY_1_1 TC_GRPKEY_2_1 TC_GRPKEY_2_2 TC_G_1_1 TC_G_2_1 TC_G_2_3 TC_G_2_4 TC_HEPAFREMON_1_1 TC_HEPAFREMON_2_1 TC_ICDM_1_1 TC_IDM_1_1 TC_IDM_2_1 TC_IDM_2_2 TC_IDM_3_1 TC_IDM_3_2 TC_ILL_1_1 TC_ILL_2_1 TC_ILL_2_2 TC_I_1_1 TC_I_2_1 TC_I_2_2 TC_I_2_3 TC_KEYPADINPUT_1_2 TC_KEYPADINPUT_3_3 TC_LCFG_1_1 TC_LCFG_2_1 TC_LOWPOWER_1_1 TC_LOWPOWER_2_1 TC_LTIME_1_2 TC_LTIME_3_1 TC_LUNIT_1_2 TC_LUNIT_3_1 TC_LVL_1_1 TC_LVL_2_1 TC_LVL_2_2 TC_LVL_3_1 TC_LVL_4_1 TC_LVL_5_1 TC_LVL_6_1 TC_LVL_7_1 TC_LWM_1_1 TC_LWM_2_1 TC_LWM_3_1 TC_LWM_3_2 TC_LWM_3_3 TC_MEDIAINPUT_1_4 TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_10 TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_11 TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_12 TC_MEDIAINPUT_3_13 TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_1_7 TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_1 TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_2 TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_3 TC_MEDIAPLAYBACK_6_4 TC_MOD_1_1 TC_MOD_3_1 TC_MOD_3_2 TC_MOD_3_3 TC_MOD_3_4 TC_NDOCONC_1_1 TC_NDOCONC_2_1 TC_OCC_2_3 TC_OCC_3_1 TC_OO_1_1 TC_OO_2_1 TC_OO_2_2 TC_OO_2_3 TC_OO_2_4 TC_OPCREDS_1_2 TC_OPCREDS_3_7 TC_OPSTATE_1_1 TC_OZCONC_1_1 TC_OZCONC_2_1 TC_PRS_1_1 TC_PRS_2_1 TC_PRS_2_2 TC_PSCFG_1_1 TC_PS_1_1 TC_PS_2_1 TC_PS_2_2 TC_REFALM_1_1 TC_REFALM_2_3 TC_RH_1_1 TC_RH_2_1 TC_RH_2_2 TC_RNCONC_1_1 TC_RNCONC_2_1 TC_RVCCLEANM_1_1 TC_RVCCLEANM_3_1 TC_RVCCLEANM_3_3 TC_RVCOPSTATE_1_1 TC_RVCRUNM_1_1 TC_RVCRUNM_3_3 TC_SC_5_1 TC_SMOKECO_2_2 TC_SMOKECO_2_3 TC_SMOKECO_2_4 TC_SMOKECO_2_5 TC_S_1_1 TC_S_2_1 TC_S_2_2 TC_S_2_3 TC_S_2_4 TC_TCCM_1_1 TC_TCCM_3_1 TC_TCCM_3_2 TC_TCCM_3_3 TC_TGTNAV_1_9 TC_TGTNAV_8_1 TC_TIMESYNC_1_1 TC_TMP_1_1 TC_TMP_2_1 TC_TMP_2_2 TC_TSTAT_1_1 TC_TSTAT_2_2 TC_TSUIC_1_1 TC_TSUIC_2_1 TC_TSUIC_2_2 TC_TVOCCONC_1_1 TC_TVOCCONC_2_1 TC_ULABEL_1_1 TC_ULABEL_2_1 TC_ULABEL_2_2 TC_ULABEL_2_3 TC_ULABEL_2_4 TC_WAKEONLAN_1_5 TC_WAKEONLAN_4_1 TC_WASHERCTRL_1_1 TC_WASHERCTRL_2_1 TC_WASHERCTRL_2_2 TC_WNCV_1_1 TC_WNCV_2_1 TC_WNCV_2_2 TC_WNCV_2_3 TC_WNCV_2_4 TC_WNCV_2_5 TC_WNCV_3_1 TC_WNCV_3_2 TC_WNCV_3_3 TC_WNCV_3_4 TC_WNCV_3_5 TC_WNCV_4_1 TC_WNCV_4_2 TC_WNCV_4_3 TC_WNCV_4_4 TC_WNCV_4_5 modified: ci-pics-values * Auto generated files * modifed FAN-2.1 file * Restyled by whitespace * Restyled by prettier-yaml * Modified files: TC_CNET_1_3.yaml TC_DISHM_3_2.yaml TC_PCC_2_1.yaml TC_PCC_2_2.yaml TC_PCC_2_3.yaml TC_PCC_2_4.yaml TC_TCCM_2_1.yaml TC_TSTAT_2_1.yaml * Revert back the PICS and functionality changes. --------- Co-authored-by: <>
Matter (formerly Project CHIP) creates more connections between more objects, simplifying development for manufacturers and increasing compatibility for consumers, guided by the Connectivity Standards Alliance.
Matter is a unified, open-source application-layer connectivity standard built to enable developers and device manufacturers to connect and build reliable, and secure ecosystems and increase compatibility among connected home devices. It is built with market-proven technologies using Internet Protocol (IP) and is compatible with Thread and Wi-Fi network transports. Matter was developed by a Working Group within the Connectivity Standards Alliance (Alliance). This Working Group develops and promotes the adoption of the Matter standard, a royalty-free connectivity standard to increase compatibility among smart home products, with security as a fundamental design tenet. The vision that led major industry players to come together to build Matter is that smart connectivity should be simple, reliable, and interoperable.
Matter simplifies development for manufacturers and increases compatibility for consumers.
The standard was built around a shared belief that smart home devices should be secure, reliable, and seamless to use. By building upon Internet Protocol (IP), Matter enables communication across smart home devices, mobile apps, and cloud services and defines a specific set of IP-based networking technologies for device certification.
The Matter specification details everything necessary to implement a Matter application and transport layer stack. It is intended to be used by implementers as a complete specification.
The Alliance officially opened the Matter Working Group on January 17, 2020, and the specification is available for adoption now.
Visit to learn more and read the latest news and updates about the project.
Matter is developed with the following goals and principles in mind:
Unifying: Matter is built with and on top of market-tested, existing technologies.
Interoperable: The specification permits communication between any Matter-certified device, subject to users’ permission.
Secure: The specification leverages modern security practices and protocols.
User Control: The end user controls authorization for interaction with devices.
Federated: No single entity serves as a throttle or a single point of failure for root of trust.
Robust: The set of protocols specifies a complete lifecycle of a device — starting with the seamless out-of-box experience, through operational protocols, to device and system management specifications required for proper function in the presence of change.
Low Overhead: The protocols are practically implementable on low compute-resource devices, such as MCUs.
Pervasive: The protocols are broadly deployable and accessible, by leveraging IP and being implementable on low-capability devices.
Ecosystem-Flexible: The protocol is flexible enough to accommodate deployment in ecosystems with differing policies.
Easy to Use: The protocol provides smooth, cohesive, integrated provisioning and out-of-box experience.
Open: The Project’s design and technical processes are open and transparent to the general public, including non-members wherever possible.
Matter aims to build a universal IPv6-based communication protocol for smart home devices. The protocol defines the application layer that will be deployed on devices and the different link layers to help maintain interoperability. The following diagram illustrates the normal operational mode of the stack:
The architecture is divided into layers to help separate the different responsibilities and introduce a good level of encapsulation among the various pieces of the protocol stack. The vast majority of interactions flow through the stack captured in the following Figure:
Security: An encoded action frame is then sent down to the Security Layer to encrypt and sign the payload to ensure that data is secured and authenticated by both sender and receiver of a packet.
Message Framing & Routing: With an interaction encrypted and signed, the Message Layer constructs the payload format with required and optional header fields; which specify the message's properties and some routing information.
Matter’s design and technical processes are intended to be open and transparent to the general public, including to Working Group non-members wherever possible. The availability of this GitHub repository and its source code under an Apache v2 license is an important and demonstrable step to achieving this commitment. Matter endeavors to bring together the best aspects of market-tested technologies and redeploy them as a unified and cohesive whole-system solution. The overall goal of this approach is to bring the benefits of Matter to consumers and manufacturers as quickly as possible. As a result, what you observe in this repository is an implementation-first approach to the technical specification, vetting integrations in practice. The Matter repository is growing and evolving to implement the overall architecture. The repository currently contains the security foundations, message framing and dispatch, and an implementation of the interaction model and data model. The code examples show simple interactions, and are supported on multiple transports -- Wi-Fi and Thread -- starting with resource-constrained (i.e., memory, processing) silicon platforms to help ensure Matter’s scalability.
We welcome your contributions to Matter. Read our contribution guidelines here.
Instructions about how to build Matter can be found here .
The Matter repository is structured as follows:
File/Folder | Content |
build | Build system support content and built output directories |
build_overrides | Build system parameter customization for different platforms |
config | Project configurations |
credentials | Development and test credentials |
docs | Documentation, including guides. Visit the Matter SDK documentation page to read it. |
examples | Example firmware applications that demonstrate use of Matter |
integrations | 3rd party integrations |
scripts | Scripts needed to work with the Matter repository |
src | Implementation of Matter |
third_party | 3rd party code used by Matter |
zzz_generated | ZAP generated template code - Revolving around cluster information | | Build file for the GN build system | | Code of conduct for Matter and contribution to it | | Guidelines for contributing to Matter |
LICENSE | Matter license file | | PR reviewers | | Build script for specific projects such as Android, EFR32, etc. | | This file |
Matter is released under the Apache 2.0 license.