tv-casting-app updated docs with new v1.3 Matter APIs (#34093)

* tv-casting-app updated docs with new v1.3 Matter APIs

* Fixing spelling error

* Addressed comments by sharadb-amazon

* Addressed comments by sharadb-amazon2
diff --git a/examples/tv-casting-app/ b/examples/tv-casting-app/
index 76af45a..75c63eb 100644
--- a/examples/tv-casting-app/
+++ b/examples/tv-casting-app/
@@ -158,6 +158,16 @@
     the Matter specification's "Onboarding Payload" section for more details on
     commissioning data.
+    For the optional `CastingPlayer` / Commissioner-Generated Passcode User
+    Directed Commissioning (UDC) feature, the Commissioning `DataProvider` needs
+    to be updated during the commissioning process. In this scenario, the
+    `CastingPlayer` generates a Passcode and displays it for the user. The user
+    enters the Passcode on the UX of the Casting Client which should update its
+    Commissioning `DataProvider`. This allows the Matter Casting Library to run
+    commissioning with the `CastingPlayer` using a PAKE verifier based on the
+    user-entered passcode. See the Matter specification’s UDC section for more
+    information on the Commissioner-Generated Passcode feature.
     On Linux, define a function `InitCommissionableDataProvider` to initialize a
     `LinuxCommissionableDataProvider` that can provide the required values to
     the `CastingApp`.
@@ -185,33 +195,95 @@
+    On Linux, if using the `CastingPlayer` / Commissioner-Generated Passcode UDC
+    feature, set up a new `LinuxCommissionableDataProvider` when called back on
+    the `CommissionerDeclarationCallback` during the
+    [VerifyOrEstablishConnection()](#connect-to-a-casting-player) API call
+    (described later). The `CastingPlayer` generated passcode (as entered by the
+    user on the Casting Client UX) should be set in this
+    `LinuxCommissionableDataProvider` which should then be passed to the
+    CastingApp using the `UpdateCommissionableDataProvider` API.
+    ```c
+        LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().payload.setUpPINCode = userEnteredPasscode;
+        LinuxCommissionableDataProvider gCommissionableDataProvider;
+        CHIP_ERROR err = CHIP_NO_ERROR;
+        err = InitCommissionableDataProvider(gCommissionableDataProvider, LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance());
+        if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
+        {
+            ChipLogError(AppServer,
+                            "CommandHandler() setcommissionerpasscode InitCommissionableDataProvider() err %" CHIP_ERROR_FORMAT, err.Format());
+            return err;
+        }
+        err = matter::casting::core::CastingApp::GetInstance()->UpdateCommissionableDataProvider(&gCommissionableDataProvider);
+        if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
+        {
+            ChipLogError(AppServer,
+                            "CommandHandler() setcommissionerpasscode InitCommissionableDataProvider() err %" CHIP_ERROR_FORMAT, err.Format());
+            return err;
+        }
+    ```
     On Android, define a `commissioningDataProvider` that can provide the
-    required values to the `CastingApp`.
+    required values to the `CastingApp`. If using the `CastingPlayer` /
+    Commissioner-Generated Passcode UDC feature, the Casting Client needs to
+    update this `commissioningDataProvider` during the
+    [verifyOrEstablishConnection()](#connect-to-a-casting-player) API call
+    (described later). In the example below,
+    `updateCommissionableDataSetupPasscode` updates the CommissionableData with
+    the `CastingPlayer` generated passcode entered by the user on the Casting
+    Client UX.
-    private static final DataProvider<CommissionableData> commissionableDataProvider =
-      new DataProvider<CommissionableData>() {
+    public static class CommissionableDataProvider implements DataProvider<CommissionableData> {
+    CommissionableData commissionableData =
+        // Dummy values for commissioning demonstration only. These are hard coded in the example tv-app:
+        // connectedhomeip/examples/tv-app/tv-common/src/AppTv.cpp
+        private static final long DUMMY_SETUP_PASSCODE = 20202021;
+        private static final int DUMMY_DISCRIMINATOR = 3874;
         public CommissionableData get() {
-          // dummy values for demonstration only
-          return new CommissionableData(20202021, 3874);
+          return commissionableData;
+        }
+        // If using the alternate CastingPlayer / Commissioner-Generated Passcode UDC feature:
+        public void updateCommissionableDataSetupPasscode(long setupPasscode, int discriminator) {
+            commissionableData.setSetupPasscode(setupPasscode);
+            commissionableData.setDiscriminator(discriminator);
     On iOS, add a `func commissioningDataProvider` to the
     `MCAppParametersDataSource` class defined above, that can provide the
-    required values to the `MCCastingApp`.
+    required values to the `MCCastingApp`. If using the `CastingPlayer` /
+    Commissioner-Generated Passcode UDC feature, the Casting Client needs to
+    update this `commissioningDataProvider` during the
+    [VerifyOrEstablishConnection()](#connect-to-a-casting-player) API call
+    (described later). In the example below, the `update` function updates the
+    CommissionableData with the `CastingPlayer` generated passcode entered by
+    the user on the Casting Client UX.
+    // Dummy values for demonstration only.
+    private var commissionableData: MCCommissionableData = MCCommissionableData(
+        passcode: 20202021,
+        discriminator: 3874,
+        spake2pIterationCount: 1000,
+        spake2pVerifier: nil,
+        spake2pSalt: nil
+    )
     func castingAppDidReceiveRequestForCommissionableData(_ sender: Any) -> MCCommissionableData {
-        // dummy values for demonstration only
-        return MCCommissionableData(
-            passcode: 20202021,
-            discriminator: 3874,
-            spake2pIterationCount: 1000,
-            spake2pVerifier: nil,
-            spake2pSalt: nil)
+        return commissionableData
+    }
+    // If using the alternate CastingPlayer / Commissioner-Generated Passcode UDC feature:
+    func update(_ newCommissionableData: MCCommissionableData) {
+        self.commissionableData = newCommissionableData
@@ -703,9 +775,42 @@
 [Discovery](#discover-casting-players) contains information such as
 `deviceName`, `vendorId`, `productId`, etc. which can help the user pick the
 right `CastingPlayer`. A Casting Client can attempt to connect to the
-`selectedCastingPlayer` using Matter User Directed Commissioning (UDC). The
-Matter TV Casting library locally caches information required to reconnect to a
-`CastingPlayer`, once the Casting client has been commissioned by it. After
+`selectedCastingPlayer` using Matter User Directed Commissioning (UDC), where
+the Casting Client generates the passcode. Alternately, a Casting Client can
+attempt to connect to a `CastingPlayer`, using the `CastingPlayer`/
+Commissioner-Generated Passcode UDC feature, if the
+`supportsCommissionerGeneratedPasscode` flag on the `selectedCastingPlayer` is
+set to `true`.
+For a Casting Client to connect to a `CastingPlayer` using the optional
+`CastingPlayer` / Commissioner-Generated Passcode UDC feature, the Casting
+Client may specify optional parameters in the `VerifyOrEstablishConnection`
+function call and then respond to the CastingPlayer's CommissionerDeclaration
+message as follows:
+1. In `VerifyOrEstablishConnection` the Casting Client should set the UDC
+   IdentificationDeclaration `CommissionerPasscode` field to true and provide a
+   `CommissionerDeclarationCallback` in the `ConnectionCallbacks` parameter to
+   handle the CastingPlayer's CommissionerDeclaration message during
+   commissioning.
+2. Upon receiving the CastingPlayer’s CommissionerDeclaration message with
+   PasscodeDialogDisplayed set to true, the Casting Client should prompt the
+   user to input the Passcode displayed on the `CastingPlayer` UX. If the user
+   declines to enter the Passcode, the Casting Client should call
+   `StopConnecting` to alert the `CastingPlayer` that the commissioning attempt
+   was canceled.
+3. The Casting Client should then update the passcode to be used for
+   commissioning session to the user-entered Passcode. Refer to how to set up
+   the `commissioningDataProvider` in
+   [Initialize the Casting Client](#initialize-the-casting-client) section
+   above.
+4. Finally, the Casting Client should call `ContinueConnecting` to send a second
+   IdentificationDeclaration message to the `CastingPlayer` with
+   `CommissionerPasscodeReady` in `IdentificationDeclarationOptions` set to
+   true.
+The Matter TV Casting library locally caches information required to reconnect
+to a `CastingPlayer`, once the Casting client has been commissioned by it. After
 that, the Casting client is able to skip the full UDC process by establishing
 CASE with the `CastingPlayer` directly. Once connected, the `CastingPlayer`
 object will contain the list of available Endpoints on that `CastingPlayer`.
@@ -718,7 +823,11 @@
 Endpoint, in cases where it is not available in the Casting client's cache.
 On Linux, the Casting Client can connect to a `CastingPlayer` by successfully
-calling `VerifyOrEstablishConnection` on it.
+calling `VerifyOrEstablishConnection` on it. Alternately, the Casting Client can
+connect to a `CastingPlayer` using the `CastingPlayer` / Commissioner-Generated
+Passcode UDC feature, by successfully calling `VerifyOrEstablishConnection`,
+updating the commissioning passcode and then calling `ContinueConnecting` on the
 // VendorId of the Endpoint on the CastingPlayer that the CastingApp desires to interact with after connection
@@ -733,59 +842,166 @@
+// If using the alternate CastingPlayer / Commissioner-Generated Passcode UDC feature:
+// Define a callback to handle CastingPlayer’s CommissionerDeclaration messages.
+void CommissionerDeclarationCallback(const chip::Transport::PeerAddress & source,
+                                     chip::Protocols::UserDirectedCommissioning::CommissionerDeclaration cd)
+    ChipLogProgress(AppServer,
+                    "simple-app-helper.cpp::CommissionerDeclarationCallback() called with CommissionerDeclaration message:");
+    if (cd.GetCommissionerPasscode())
+    {
+        // A Passcode is now displayed for the user by the CastingPlayer. Prompt the user to enter the Passcode.
+        ...
+        // Update the commissioning session's passcode with the user-entered Passcode
+        LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().payload.setUpPINCode = userEnteredPasscode;
+        LinuxCommissionableDataProvider gCommissionableDataProvider;
+        CHIP_ERROR err = CHIP_NO_ERROR;
+        err = InitCommissionableDataProvider(gCommissionableDataProvider, LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance());
+        err = matter::casting::core::CastingApp::GetInstance()->UpdateCommissionableDataProvider(&gCommissionableDataProvider);
+        // Call continueConnecting to complete commissioning.
+        err = targetCastingPlayer->ContinueConnecting();
+        if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
+        {
+            ChipLogError(AppServer, "CommandHandler() setcommissionerpasscode ContinueConnecting() err %" CHIP_ERROR_FORMAT,
+                            err.Format());
+            // Since continueConnecting() failed, Attempt to cancel the connection attempt with
+            // the CastingPlayer/Commissioner by calling StopConnecting().
+            err = targetCastingPlayer->StopConnecting();
+            if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
+            {
+                ChipLogError(AppServer, "CommandHandler() setcommissionerpasscode, ContinueConnecting() failed and then StopConnecting failed due to err %" CHIP_ERROR_FORMAT, err.Format());
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// Specify the TargetApp that the client wants to interact with after commissioning. If this value is passed in,
+// VerifyOrEstablishConnection() will force UDC, in case the desired TargetApp is not found in the on-device
+// CastingStore
+matter::casting::core::IdentificationDeclarationOptions idOptions;
+chip::Protocols::UserDirectedCommissioning::TargetAppInfo targetAppInfo;
+targetAppInfo.vendorId = kDesiredEndpointVendorId;
+CHIP_ERROR result = idOptions.addTargetAppInfo(targetAppInfo);
+matter::casting::core::ConnectionCallbacks connectionCallbacks;
+connectionCallbacks.mOnConnectionComplete = ConnectionHandler;
+// If using the alternate CastingPlayer / Commissioner-Generated Passcode UDC feature:
+// Set the IdentificationDeclaration CommissionerPasscode flag to instruct the CastingPlayer /
+// Commissioner to use the Commissioner-generated Passcode for commissioning. Set the
+// CommissionerDeclarationCallback in ConnectionCallbacks.
+idOptions.mCommissionerPasscode = true;
+connectionCallbacks.mCommissionerDeclarationCallback = CommissionerDeclarationCallback;
 // targetCastingPlayer is a discovered CastingPlayer
-matter::casting::core::EndpointFilter desiredEndpointFilter;
-desiredEndpointFilter.vendorId = kDesiredEndpointVendorId;
-                                                    desiredEndpointFilter);
+                                                    idOptions);
 On Android, the Casting Client may call `verifyOrEstablishConnection` on the
-`CastingPlayer` object it wants to connect to.
+`CastingPlayer` object it wants to connect to. Alternately, the Casting Client
+can connect to a `CastingPlayer`, using the `CastingPlayer` /
+Commissioner-Generated Passcode UDC feature by successfully calling
+`verifyOrEstablishConnection`, updating the commissioning passcode and then
+calling `continueConnecting` on the `CastingPlayer`.
-private static final long MIN_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_SEC = 3 * 60;
+private static final short MIN_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_SEC = 3 * 60;
+private static final Integer DESIRED_TARGET_APP_VENDOR_ID = 65521;
-EndpointFilter desiredEndpointFilter = new EndpointFilter();
-desiredEndpointFilter.vendorId = DESIRED_ENDPOINT_VENDOR_ID;
+// Specify the TargetApp that the client wants to interact with after commissioning. If this value is passed in,
+// VerifyOrEstablishConnection() will force UDC, in case the desired TargetApp is not found in the on-device
+// CastingStore
+IdentificationDeclarationOptions idOptions = new IdentificationDeclarationOptions();
+TargetAppInfo targetAppInfo = new TargetAppInfo(DESIRED_TARGET_APP_VENDOR_ID);
+// If using the alternate CastingPlayer / Commissioner-Generated Passcode UDC feature.
+// Set the IdentificationDeclaration CommissionerPasscode flag to instruct the CastingPlayer /
+// Commissioner to use the Commissioner-generated Passcode for commissioning.
+idOptions = new IdentificationDeclarationOptions(commissionerPasscode:true);
+ConnectionCallbacks connectionCallbacks =
+    new ConnectionCallbacks(
+        new MatterCallback<Void>() {
+        @Override
+        public void handle(Void v) {
+            Log.i(
+                TAG,
+                "Successfully connected to CastingPlayer with deviceId: "
+                    + targetCastingPlayer.getDeviceId());
+            getActivity()
+                .runOnUiThread(
+                    () -> {
+                    connectionFragmentStatusTextView.setText(
+                        "Successfully connected to Casting Player with device name: "
+                            + targetCastingPlayer.getDeviceName()
+                            + "\n\n");
+                    connectionFragmentNextButton.setEnabled(true);
+                    });
+        }
+        },
+        new MatterCallback<MatterError>() {
+        @Override
+        public void handle(MatterError err) {
+            Log.e(TAG, "CastingPlayer connection failed: " + err);
+            getActivity()
+                .runOnUiThread(
+                    () -> {
+                    connectionFragmentStatusTextView.setText(
+                        "Casting Player connection failed due to: " + err + "\n\n");
+                    });
+        }
+        },
+        // If using the alternate CastingPlayer / Commissioner-Generated Passcode UDC feature.
+        // Define a callback to handle CastingPlayer’s CommissionerDeclaration messages.
+        // This can be null if using Casting Client / Commissionee generated passcode commissioning.
+        new MatterCallback<CommissionerDeclaration>() {
+        @Override
+        public void handle(CommissionerDeclaration cd) {
+            getActivity()
+                .runOnUiThread(
+                    () -> {
+                        connectionFragmentStatusTextView.setText(
+                            "CommissionerDeclaration message received from Casting Player: \n\n");
+                        if (cd.getCommissionerPasscode()) {
+                        displayPasscodeInputDialog(getActivity());
+                        ...
+                        // Update the commissioning session's passcode with the user-entered Passcode
+                        InitializationExample.commissionableDataProvider.updateCommissionableDataSetupPasscode(
+                                        passcodeLongValue, DEFAULT_DISCRIMINATOR_FOR_CGP_FLOW);
+                        // Call continueConnecting to complete commissioning.
+                        MatterError err = targetCastingPlayer.continueConnecting();
+                        if (err.hasError()) {
+                            ...
+                            Log.e(
+                                TAG,
+                                "displayPasscodeInputDialog() continueConnecting() failed, calling stopConnecting() due to: "
+                                    + err);
+                            // Since continueConnecting() failed, Attempt to cancel the connection attempt with
+                            // the CastingPlayer/Commissioner by calling stopConnecting().
+                            err = targetCastingPlayer.stopConnecting();
+                            if (err.hasError()) {
+                                Log.e(TAG, "displayPasscodeInputDialog() stopConnecting() failed due to: " + err);
+                            }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    });
+            }
+        }
+    );
 MatterError err = targetCastingPlayer.verifyOrEstablishConnection(
-                      MIN_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_SEC,
-                      desiredEndpointFilter,
-                      new MatterCallback<Void>() {
-                        @Override
-                        public void handle(Void v) {
-                          Log.i(
-                              TAG,
-                              "Connected to CastingPlayer with deviceId: "
-                                  + targetCastingPlayer.getDeviceId());
-                          getActivity()
-                              .runOnUiThread(
-                                  () -> {
-                                    connectionFragmentStatusTextView.setText(
-                                        "Connected to Casting Player with device name: "
-                                            + targetCastingPlayer.getDeviceName()
-                                            + "\n\n");
-                                    connectionFragmentNextButton.setEnabled(true);
-                                  });
-                        }
-                      },
-                      new MatterCallback<MatterError>() {
-                        @Override
-                        public void handle(MatterError err) {
-                          Log.e(TAG, "CastingPLayer connection failed: " + err);
-                          getActivity()
-                              .runOnUiThread(
-                                  () -> {
-                                    connectionFragmentStatusTextView.setText(
-                                        "Casting Player connection failed due to: " + err + "\n\n");
-                                  });
-                        }
-                      });
+        connectionCallbacks, MIN_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_SEC, idOptions);
 if (err.hasError())
@@ -799,7 +1015,11 @@
 On iOS, the Casting Client may call `verifyOrEstablishConnection` on the
 `MCCastingPlayer` object it wants to connect to and handle any `NSErrors` that
-may happen in the process.
+may happen in the process. Alternately, the Casting Client can connect to a
+`CastingPlayer` using the `CastingPlayer` / Commissioner-Generated Passcode UDC
+feature, by successfully calling `verifyOrEstablishConnection`, updating the
+commissioning passcode and then calling `continueConnecting` on the
 // VendorId of the MCEndpoint on the MCCastingPlayer that the MCCastingApp desires to interact with after connection
@@ -810,21 +1030,111 @@
 @Published var connectionStatus: String?;
 func connect(selectedCastingPlayer: MCCastingPlayer?) {
-    let desiredEndpointFilter: MCEndpointFilter = MCEndpointFilter()
-    desiredEndpointFilter.vendorId = kDesiredEndpointVendorId
-    selectedCastingPlayer?.verifyOrEstablishConnection(completionBlock: { err in
-        self.Log.error("MCConnectionExampleViewModel connect() completed with \(err)")
-        if(err == nil)
-        {
-            self.connectionSuccess = true
-            self.connectionStatus = "Connected!"
+    let connectionCompleteCallback: (Swift.Error?) -> Void = { err in
+        self.Log.error("MCConnectionExampleViewModel connect() completed with: \(err)")
+        DispatchQueue.main.async {
+            if err == nil {
+                self.connectionSuccess = true
+                self.connectionStatus = "Successfully connected to Casting Player!"
+            } else {
+                self.connectionSuccess = false
+                self.connectionStatus = "Connection to Casting Player failed with: \(String(describing: err))"
+            }
-        else
-        {
-            self.connectionSuccess = false
-            self.connectionStatus = "Connection failed with \(String(describing: err))"
+    }
+    // If using the alternate CastingPlayer / Commissioner-Generated Passcode UDC feature.
+    // Define a callback to handle CastingPlayer’s CommissionerDeclaration messages.
+    let commissionerDeclarationCallback: (MCCommissionerDeclaration) -> Void = { commissionerDeclarationMessage in
+        DispatchQueue.main.async {
+  "MCConnectionExampleViewModel connect() commissionerDeclarationCallback, recived a message form the MCCastingPlayer:\n\(commissionerDeclarationMessage)")
+            if commissionerDeclarationMessage.commissionerPasscode {
+                if let topViewController = self.getTopMostViewController() {
+                    self.displayPasscodeInputDialog(on: topViewController, continueConnecting: { userEnteredPasscode in
+              "MCConnectionExampleViewModel connect() commissionerDeclarationCallback, Continuing to connect with user entered MCCastingPlayer/Commissioner-Generated passcode: \(passcode)")
+                        // Update the commissioning session's passcode with the user-entered Passcode
+                        if let dataSource = initializationExample.getAppParametersDataSource() {
+                            let newCommissionableData = MCCommissionableData(
+                                passcode: UInt32(userEnteredPasscode) ?? 0,
+                                discriminator: 0,
+                                ...
+                            )
+                            dataSource.update(newCommissionableData)
+                            ...
+                        } else {
+                            self.Log.error("MCConnectionExampleViewModel connect() commissionerDeclarationCallback, InitializationExample.getAppParametersDataSource() failed, calling stopConnecting()")
+                            self.connectionStatus = "Failed to update the MCAppParametersDataSource with the user entered passcode: \n\nRoute back and try again."
+                            self.connectionSuccess = false
+                            // Since we failed to update the passcode, attempt to cancel the connection attempt with
+                            // the CastingPlayer/Commissioner.
+                            let err = selectedCastingPlayer?.stopConnecting()
+                            if err == nil {
+                      "MCConnectionExampleViewModel connect() commissionerDeclarationCallback, InitializationExample.getAppParametersDataSource() failed, then stopConnecting() succeeded")
+                            } else {
+                                self.Log.error("MCConnectionExampleViewModel connect() commissionerDeclarationCallback, InitializationExample.getAppParametersDataSource() failed, then stopConnecting() failed due to: \(err)")
+                            }
+                            return
+                        }
+                        // Call continueConnecting to complete commissioning.
+                        let errContinue = selectedCastingPlayer?.continueConnecting()
+                        if errContinue == nil {
+                            self.connectionStatus = "Continuing to connect with user entered passcode: \(userEnteredPasscode)"
+                        } else {
+                            self.connectionStatus = "Continue Connecting to Casting Player failed with: \(String(describing: errContinue)) \n\nRoute back and try again."
+                            self.Log.error("MCConnectionExampleViewModel connect() commissionerDeclarationCallback, MCCastingPlayer.continueConnecting() failed due to: \(errContinue)")
+                            // Since continueConnecting() failed, Attempt to cancel the connection attempt with
+                            // the CastingPlayer/Commissioner by calling stopConnecting().
+                            let err = selectedCastingPlayer?.stopConnecting()
+                            if err == nil {
+                      "MCConnectionExampleViewModel connect() commissionerDeclarationCallback, MCCastingPlayer.continueConnecting() failed, then stopConnecting() succeeded")
+                            } else {
+                                self.Log.error("MCConnectionExampleViewModel connect() commissionerDeclarationCallback, MCCastingPlayer.continueConnecting() failed, then stopConnecting() failed due to: \(err)")
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }, cancelConnecting: {
+              "MCConnectionExampleViewModel connect() commissionerDeclarationCallback, Connection attempt cancelled by the user, calling MCCastingPlayer.stopConnecting()")
+                        let err = selectedCastingPlayer?.stopConnecting()
+                        ...
+                    })
+                }
+            }
-    }, desiredEndpointFilter: desiredEndpointFilter)
+    }
+    let identificationDeclarationOptions: MCIdentificationDeclarationOptions
+    let targetAppInfo: MCTargetAppInfo
+    let connectionCallbacks: MCConnectionCallbacks
+    // Specify the TargetApp that the client wants to interact with after commissioning. If this value is passed in,
+    // VerifyOrEstablishConnection() will force UDC, in case the desired TargetApp is not found in the on-device
+    // CastingStore
+    identificationDeclarationOptions = MCIdentificationDeclarationOptions()
+    targetAppInfo = MCTargetAppInfo(vendorId: kDesiredEndpointVendorId)
+    connectionCallbacks = MCConnectionCallbacks(
+        callbacks: connectionCompleteCallback,
+        commissionerDeclarationCallback: nil
+    )
+    identificationDeclarationOptions.addTargetAppInfo(targetAppInfo)
+    // If using the alternate CastingPlayer / Commissioner-Generated Passcode UDC feature.
+    // Set the IdentificationDeclaration CommissionerPasscode flag to instruct the CastingPlayer /
+    // Commissioner to use the Commissioner-generated Passcode for commissioning. Set the
+    // CommissionerDeclarationCallback in MCConnectionCallbacks.
+    identificationDeclarationOptions = MCIdentificationDeclarationOptions(commissionerPasscodeOnly: true)
+    targetAppInfo = MCTargetAppInfo(vendorId: kDesiredEndpointVendorId)
+    connectionCallbacks = MCConnectionCallbacks(
+        callbacks: connectionCompleteCallback,
+        commissionerDeclarationCallback: commissionerDeclarationCallback
+    )
+    identificationDeclarationOptions.addTargetAppInfo(targetAppInfo)
+    let err = selectedCastingPlayer?.verifyOrEstablishConnection(with: connectionCallbacks, identificationDeclarationOptions: identificationDeclarationOptions)
+    if err != nil {
+        self.Log.error("MCConnectionExampleViewModel connect(), MCCastingPlayer.verifyOrEstablishConnection() failed due to: \(err)")
+    }
@@ -864,26 +1174,22 @@
 private static final Integer SAMPLE_ENDPOINT_VID = 65521;
-private Endpoint selectFirstEndpointByVID()
-    Endpoint endpoint = null;
-    if(selectedCastingPlayer != null)
-    {
-        List<Endpoint> endpoints = selectedCastingPlayer.getEndpoints();
-        if (endpoints == null)
-        {
-            Log.e(TAG, "No Endpoints found on CastingPlayer");
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            endpoint = endpoints
-                    .stream()
-                    .filter(e -> SAMPLE_ENDPOINT_VID.equals(e.getVendorId()))
-                    .findFirst()
-                    .get();
-        }
+public static Endpoint selectFirstEndpointByVID(CastingPlayer selectedCastingPlayer) {
+Endpoint endpoint = null;
+if (selectedCastingPlayer != null) {
+    List<Endpoint> endpoints = selectedCastingPlayer.getEndpoints();
+    if (endpoints == null) {
+    Log.e(TAG, "selectFirstEndpointByVID() No Endpoints found on CastingPlayer");
+    } else {
+    endpoint =
+        endpoints
+            .stream()
+            .filter(e -> SAMPLE_ENDPOINT_VID.equals(e.getVendorId()))
+            .findFirst()
+            .orElse(null);
-    return endpoint;
+return endpoint;
@@ -893,10 +1199,19 @@
 // VendorId of the MCEndpoint on the MCCastingPlayer that the MCCastingApp desires to interact with after connection
 let sampleEndpointVid: Int = 65521
-// select the MCEndpoint on the MCCastingPlayer to invoke the command on
-if let endpoint: MCEndpoint = castingPlayer.endpoints().filter({ $0.vendorId().intValue == sampleEndpointVid}).first
+// Select the MCEndpoint on the MCCastingPlayer to invoke the command on
+static func selectEndpoint(from castingPlayer: MCCastingPlayer, sampleEndpointVid: Int) -> MCEndpoint? {
+    if let endpoint = castingPlayer.endpoints().filter({ $0.vendorId().intValue == sampleEndpointVid }).first {
+"MCEndpointSelector.selectEndpoint() Found endpoint matching the sampleEndpointVid: \(sampleEndpointVid)")
+        return endpoint
+    }
+    ...
+    Log.error("No endpoint matching the example VID or identifier 1 found")
+    return nil
diff --git a/examples/tv-casting-app/android/App/app/src/main/java/com/matter/casting/ b/examples/tv-casting-app/android/App/app/src/main/java/com/matter/casting/
index 1bf95ef..b61b63f 100644
--- a/examples/tv-casting-app/android/App/app/src/main/java/com/matter/casting/
+++ b/examples/tv-casting-app/android/App/app/src/main/java/com/matter/casting/
@@ -128,24 +128,26 @@
             () -> {
               Log.d(TAG, "onViewCreated() calling CastingPlayer.verifyOrEstablishConnection()");
-              IdentificationDeclarationOptions idOptions = new IdentificationDeclarationOptions();
-              TargetAppInfo targetAppInfo = new TargetAppInfo();
-              targetAppInfo.vendorId = DESIRED_TARGET_APP_VENDOR_ID;
+              IdentificationDeclarationOptions idOptions;
+              TargetAppInfo targetAppInfo = new TargetAppInfo(DESIRED_TARGET_APP_VENDOR_ID);
               if (useCommissionerGeneratedPasscode) {
-                idOptions.commissionerPasscode = true;
-                targetAppInfo.vendorId = DESIRED_TARGET_APP_VENDOR_ID_FOR_CGP_FLOW;
+                // Set commissionerPasscode to true for CastingPlayer/Commissioner-Generated
+                // passcode commissioning.
+                idOptions = new IdentificationDeclarationOptions(false, false, true, false, false);
+                targetAppInfo = new TargetAppInfo(DESIRED_TARGET_APP_VENDOR_ID_FOR_CGP_FLOW);
                     "onViewCreated() calling CastingPlayer.verifyOrEstablishConnection() Target Content Application Vendor ID: "
-                        + targetAppInfo.vendorId
+                        + targetAppInfo.getVendorId()
                         + ", useCommissionerGeneratedPasscode: "
                         + useCommissionerGeneratedPasscode);
               } else {
+                idOptions = new IdentificationDeclarationOptions();
                     "onViewCreated() calling CastingPlayer.verifyOrEstablishConnection() Target Content Application Vendor ID: "
-                        + targetAppInfo.vendorId);
+                        + targetAppInfo.getVendorId());
@@ -242,21 +244,21 @@
         new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
           public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
-            String passcode = input.getText().toString();
+            String userEnteredPasscode = input.getText().toString();
-                "displayPasscodeInputDialog() User entered CastingPlayer/Commissioner-Generated passcode: "
-                    + passcode);
+                "displayPasscodeInputDialog() user-entered CastingPlayer/Commissioner-Generated passcode: "
+                    + userEnteredPasscode);
             // Display the user entered passcode on the screen
-                "Continue Connecting with user entered CastingPlayer/Commissioner-Generated passcode: "
-                    + passcode
+                "Continue Connecting with user-entered CastingPlayer/Commissioner-Generated passcode: "
+                    + userEnteredPasscode
                     + "\n\n");
             long passcodeLongValue = DEFAULT_COMMISSIONER_GENERATED_PASSCODE;
             try {
-              passcodeLongValue = Long.parseLong(passcode);
+              passcodeLongValue = Long.parseLong(userEnteredPasscode);
                   "displayPasscodeInputDialog() User entered CastingPlayer/Commissioner-Generated passcode: "
@@ -268,12 +270,12 @@
                       + nfe);
                   "User entered CastingPlayer/Commissioner-Generated passcode is not a valid integer: "
-                      + passcode
+                      + userEnteredPasscode
                       + "\n\n");
-            // Update the CommissionableData DataProvider with the user entered
-            // CastingPlayer/Commissioner-Generated setup passcode. This is mandatory for
+            // Update the CommissionableData DataProvider with the user-entered
+            // CastingPlayer / Commissioner-Generated setup passcode. This is mandatory for
             // Commissioner-Generated passcode commissioning since the commissioning session's PAKE
             // verifier needs to be updated with the entered passcode.
diff --git a/examples/tv-casting-app/android/App/app/src/main/java/com/matter/casting/ b/examples/tv-casting-app/android/App/app/src/main/java/com/matter/casting/
index 6cae9ab..6ccf2a3 100644
--- a/examples/tv-casting-app/android/App/app/src/main/java/com/matter/casting/
+++ b/examples/tv-casting-app/android/App/app/src/main/java/com/matter/casting/
@@ -28,10 +28,6 @@
 public class InitializationExample {
   private static final String TAG = InitializationExample.class.getSimpleName();
-  // Dummy values for commissioning demonstration only. These are hard coded in the example tv-app:
-  // connectedhomeip/examples/tv-app/tv-common/src/AppTv.cpp
-  private static final long DUMMY_SETUP_PASSCODE = 20202021;
-  private static final int DUMMY_DISCRIMINATOR = 3874;
    * DataProvider implementation for the Unique ID that is used by the SDK to generate the Rotating
@@ -53,6 +49,12 @@
    * through commissioning
   public static class CommissionableDataProvider implements DataProvider<CommissionableData> {
+    // Dummy values for commissioning demonstration only. These are hard coded in the example
+    // tv-app:
+    // connectedhomeip/examples/tv-app/tv-common/src/AppTv.cpp
+    private static final long DUMMY_SETUP_PASSCODE = 20202021;
+    private static final int DUMMY_DISCRIMINATOR = 3874;
     CommissionableData commissionableData =
diff --git a/examples/tv-casting-app/android/App/app/src/main/jni/com/matter/casting/support/ b/examples/tv-casting-app/android/App/app/src/main/jni/com/matter/casting/support/
index 9b64b89..48c7ace 100644
--- a/examples/tv-casting-app/android/App/app/src/main/jni/com/matter/casting/support/
+++ b/examples/tv-casting-app/android/App/app/src/main/jni/com/matter/casting/support/
@@ -27,21 +27,29 @@
+  /** Default constructor. */
   public IdentificationDeclarationOptions() {}
+  /**
+   * Constructor to set all fields.
+   *
+   * @param noPasscode the no passcode flag.
+   * @param cdUponPasscodeDialog the cd upon passcode dialog flag.
+   * @param commissionerPasscode the commissioner passcode flag.
+   * @param commissionerPasscodeReady the commissioner passcode ready flag.
+   * @param cancelPasscode the cancel passcode flag.
+   */
   public IdentificationDeclarationOptions(
       boolean noPasscode,
       boolean cdUponPasscodeDialog,
       boolean commissionerPasscode,
       boolean commissionerPasscodeReady,
-      boolean cancelPasscode,
-      List<TargetAppInfo> targetAppInfos) {
+      boolean cancelPasscode) {
     this.noPasscode = noPasscode;
     this.cdUponPasscodeDialog = cdUponPasscodeDialog;
     this.commissionerPasscode = commissionerPasscode;
     this.commissionerPasscodeReady = commissionerPasscodeReady;
     this.cancelPasscode = cancelPasscode;
-    this.targetAppInfos = targetAppInfos != null ? targetAppInfos : new ArrayList<>();
@@ -57,28 +65,28 @@
    * Passcode input dialog, and instead send a CommissionerDeclaration message if a commissioning
    * Passcode is needed.
-  public boolean noPasscode = false;
+  private boolean noPasscode = false;
    * Feature: Coordinate Passcode Dialogs - Flag to instruct the Commissioner to send a
    * CommissionerDeclaration message when the Passcode input dialog on the Commissioner has been
    * shown to the user.
-  public boolean cdUponPasscodeDialog = false;
+  private boolean cdUponPasscodeDialog = false;
    * Feature: Commissioner-Generated Passcode - Flag to instruct the Commissioner to use the
    * Commissioner-generated Passcode for commissioning.
-  public boolean commissionerPasscode = false;
+  private boolean commissionerPasscode = false;
    * Feature: Commissioner-Generated Passcode - Flag to indicate whether or not the Commissionee has
    * obtained the Commissioner Passcode from the user and is therefore ready for commissioning.
-  public boolean commissionerPasscodeReady = false;
+  private boolean commissionerPasscodeReady = false;
    * Feature: Coordinate Passcode Dialogs Flag - to indicate when the Commissionee user has decided
    * to exit the commissioning process.
-  public boolean cancelPasscode = false;
+  private boolean cancelPasscode = false;
    * Feature: Target Content Application - The set of content app Vendor IDs (and optionally,
    * Product IDs) that can be used for authentication. Also, if TargetAppInfo is passed in,
@@ -104,6 +112,26 @@
     return true;
+  public boolean isNoPasscode() {
+    return noPasscode;
+  }
+  public boolean isCdUponPasscodeDialog() {
+    return cdUponPasscodeDialog;
+  }
+  public boolean isCommissionerPasscode() {
+    return commissionerPasscode;
+  }
+  public boolean isCommissionerPasscodeReady() {
+    return commissionerPasscodeReady;
+  }
+  public boolean isCancelPasscode() {
+    return cancelPasscode;
+  }
   public List<TargetAppInfo> getTargetAppInfoList() {
     return targetAppInfos;
@@ -129,11 +157,7 @@
     sb.append("IdentificationDeclarationOptions::targetAppInfos list: \n");
     for (TargetAppInfo targetAppInfo : targetAppInfos) {
-      sb.append("\t\tTargetAppInfo - Vendor ID: ")
-          .append(targetAppInfo.vendorId)
-          .append(", Product ID: ")
-          .append(targetAppInfo.productId)
-          .append("\n");
+      sb.append("\t\t").append(targetAppInfo).append("\n");
     return sb.toString();
diff --git a/examples/tv-casting-app/android/App/app/src/main/jni/com/matter/casting/support/ b/examples/tv-casting-app/android/App/app/src/main/jni/com/matter/casting/support/
index e8b0553..ab3c70f 100644
--- a/examples/tv-casting-app/android/App/app/src/main/jni/com/matter/casting/support/
+++ b/examples/tv-casting-app/android/App/app/src/main/jni/com/matter/casting/support/
@@ -19,7 +19,55 @@
 public class TargetAppInfo {
   /** Target Target Content Application Vendor ID, null means unspecified */
-  public Integer vendorId;
+  private Integer vendorId;
   /** Target Target Content Application Product ID, null means unspecified */
-  public Integer productId;
+  private Integer productId;
+  /**
+   * Constructor to set both vendorId and productId.
+   *
+   * @param vendorId the vendor ID, null means unspecified.
+   * @param productId the product ID, null means unspecified.
+   */
+  public TargetAppInfo(Integer vendorId, Integer productId) {
+    this.vendorId = vendorId;
+    this.productId = productId;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Constructor to set only the vendorId.
+   *
+   * @param vendorId the vendor ID, null means unspecified.
+   */
+  public TargetAppInfo(Integer vendorId) {
+    this.vendorId = vendorId;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Getter for vendorId.
+   *
+   * @return the vendor ID, null means unspecified.
+   */
+  public Integer getVendorId() {
+    return vendorId;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Getter for productId.
+   *
+   * @return the product ID, null means unspecified.
+   */
+  public Integer getProductId() {
+    return productId;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Returns a string representation of the object.
+   *
+   * @return a string representation of the object.
+   */
+  @Override
+  public String toString() {
+    return "TargetAppInfo Vendor ID:" + vendorId + ", Product ID:" + productId;
+  }
diff --git a/examples/tv-casting-app/darwin/TvCasting/TvCasting/MCConnectionExampleViewModel.swift b/examples/tv-casting-app/darwin/TvCasting/TvCasting/MCConnectionExampleViewModel.swift
index 13293d9..895b4a5 100644
--- a/examples/tv-casting-app/darwin/TvCasting/TvCasting/MCConnectionExampleViewModel.swift
+++ b/examples/tv-casting-app/darwin/TvCasting/TvCasting/MCConnectionExampleViewModel.swift
@@ -67,8 +67,8 @@
           "MCConnectionExampleViewModel connect() commissionerDeclarationCallback, calling getTopMostViewController()")
                     if let topViewController = self.getTopMostViewController() {
               "MCConnectionExampleViewModel connect() commissionerDeclarationCallback, calling displayPasscodeInputDialog()")
-                        self.displayPasscodeInputDialog(on: topViewController, continueConnecting: { passcode in
-                  "MCConnectionExampleViewModel connect() commissionerDeclarationCallback, Continuing to connect with user entered MCCastingPlayer/Commissioner-Generated passcode: \(passcode)")
+                        self.displayPasscodeInputDialog(on: topViewController, continueConnecting: { userEnteredPasscode in
+                  "MCConnectionExampleViewModel connect() commissionerDeclarationCallback, Continuing to connect with user entered MCCastingPlayer/Commissioner-Generated passcode: \(userEnteredPasscode)")
                             // Update the CommissionableData in the client defined MCAppParametersDataSource with the user
                             // entered CastingPlayer/Commissioner-Generated setup passcode. This is mandatory for the
@@ -79,26 +79,44 @@
                   "MCConnectionExampleViewModel connect() commissionerDeclarationCallback calling MCInitializationExample.getAppParametersDataSource()")
                             if let dataSource = initializationExample.getAppParametersDataSource() {
                                 let newCommissionableData = MCCommissionableData(
-                                    passcode: UInt32(passcode) ?? 0,
+                                    passcode: UInt32(userEnteredPasscode) ?? 0,
                                     discriminator: 0,
                                     spake2pIterationCount: 1000,
                                     spake2pVerifier: nil,
                                     spake2pSalt: nil
-                                self.Log.error("MCConnectionExampleViewModel connect() commissionerDeclarationCallback, Updated MCAppParametersDataSource instance with new MCCommissionableData.")
+                      "MCConnectionExampleViewModel connect() commissionerDeclarationCallback, Updated MCAppParametersDataSource instance with new MCCommissionableData.")
                             } else {
-                                self.Log.error("MCConnectionExampleViewModel connect() commissionerDeclarationCallback, InitializationExample.getAppParametersDataSource() failed")
+                                self.Log.error("MCConnectionExampleViewModel connect() commissionerDeclarationCallback, InitializationExample.getAppParametersDataSource() failed, calling stopConnecting()")
                                 self.connectionStatus = "Failed to update the MCAppParametersDataSource with the user entered passcode: \n\nRoute back and try again."
+                                self.connectionSuccess = false
+                                // Since we failed to update the passcode, Attempt to cancel the connection attempt with
+                                // the CastingPlayer/Commissioner.
+                                let err = selectedCastingPlayer?.stopConnecting()
+                                if err == nil {
+                          "MCConnectionExampleViewModel connect() commissionerDeclarationCallback, InitializationExample.getAppParametersDataSource() failed, then stopConnecting() succeeded")
+                                } else {
+                                    self.Log.error("MCConnectionExampleViewModel connect() commissionerDeclarationCallback, InitializationExample.getAppParametersDataSource() failed, then stopConnecting() failed due to: \(err)")
+                                }
+                                return
                   "MCConnectionExampleViewModel connect() commissionerDeclarationCallback, calling MCCastingPlayer.continueConnecting()")
                             let errContinue = selectedCastingPlayer?.continueConnecting()
                             if errContinue == nil {
-                                self.connectionStatus = "Continuing to connect with user entered passcode: \(passcode)"
+                                self.connectionStatus = "Continuing to connect with user entered passcode: \(userEnteredPasscode)"
                             } else {
                                 self.connectionStatus = "Continue Connecting to Casting Player failed with: \(String(describing: errContinue)) \n\nRoute back and try again."
                                 self.Log.error("MCConnectionExampleViewModel connect() commissionerDeclarationCallback, MCCastingPlayer.continueConnecting() failed due to: \(errContinue)")
+                                // Since continueConnecting() failed, Attempt to cancel the connection attempt with
+                                // the CastingPlayer/Commissioner.
+                                let err = selectedCastingPlayer?.stopConnecting()
+                                if err == nil {
+                          "MCConnectionExampleViewModel connect() commissionerDeclarationCallback, MCCastingPlayer.continueConnecting() failed, then stopConnecting() succeeded")
+                                } else {
+                                    self.Log.error("MCConnectionExampleViewModel connect() commissionerDeclarationCallback, MCCastingPlayer.continueConnecting() failed, then stopConnecting() failed due to: \(err)")
+                                }
                         }, cancelConnecting: {
                   "MCConnectionExampleViewModel connect() commissionerDeclarationCallback, Connection attempt cancelled by the user, calling MCCastingPlayer.stopConnecting()")
diff --git a/examples/tv-casting-app/linux/simple-app-helper.cpp b/examples/tv-casting-app/linux/simple-app-helper.cpp
index 8fc0e7f..3cf13fa 100644
--- a/examples/tv-casting-app/linux/simple-app-helper.cpp
+++ b/examples/tv-casting-app/linux/simple-app-helper.cpp
@@ -394,6 +394,10 @@
         targetCastingPlayer =;
         gCommissionerGeneratedPasscodeFlowRunning = false;
+        // Specify the TargetApp that the client wants to interact with after commissioning. If this value is passed in,
+        // VerifyOrEstablishConnection() will force UDC, in case the desired TargetApp is not found in the on-device
+        // CastingStore
         matter::casting::core::IdentificationDeclarationOptions idOptions;
         chip::Protocols::UserDirectedCommissioning::TargetAppInfo targetAppInfo;
         targetAppInfo.vendorId = kDesiredEndpointVendorId;
@@ -455,17 +459,17 @@
             return PrintAllCommands();
         char * eptr;
-        uint32_t passcode = (uint32_t) strtol(argv[1], &eptr, 10);
+        uint32_t userEnteredPasscode = (uint32_t) strtol(argv[1], &eptr, 10);
         if (gAwaitingCommissionerPasscodeInput)
-            ChipLogProgress(AppServer, "CommandHandler() setcommissionerpasscode user entered passcode: %d", passcode);
+            ChipLogProgress(AppServer, "CommandHandler() setcommissionerpasscode user-entered passcode: %d", userEnteredPasscode);
             gAwaitingCommissionerPasscodeInput = false;
             // Per connectedhomeip/examples/platform/linux/LinuxCommissionableDataProvider.h: We don't support overriding the
-            // passcode post-init (it is deprecated!). Therefore we need to initiate a new provider with the user entered
+            // passcode post-init (it is deprecated!). Therefore we need to initiate a new provider with the user-entered
             // Commissioner-generated passcode, and then update the CastigApp's AppParameters to update the commissioning session's
             // passcode.
-            LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().payload.setUpPINCode = passcode;
+            LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance().payload.setUpPINCode = userEnteredPasscode;
             LinuxCommissionableDataProvider gCommissionableDataProvider;
             CHIP_ERROR err = CHIP_NO_ERROR;
             err            = InitCommissionableDataProvider(gCommissionableDataProvider, LinuxDeviceOptions::GetInstance());
@@ -474,6 +478,7 @@
                              "CommandHandler() setcommissionerpasscode InitCommissionableDataProvider() err %" CHIP_ERROR_FORMAT,
+                return err;
             // Update the CommissionableDataProvider stored in this CastingApp's AppParameters and the CommissionableDataProvider to
             // be used for the commissioning session.
@@ -483,14 +488,27 @@
                              "CommandHandler() setcommissionerpasscode InitCommissionableDataProvider() err %" CHIP_ERROR_FORMAT,
+                return err;
             // Continue Connecting to the target CastingPlayer with the user entered Commissioner-generated Passcode.
             err = targetCastingPlayer->ContinueConnecting();
             if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
-                ChipLogError(AppServer, "CommandHandler() setcommissionerpasscode ContinueConnecting() err %" CHIP_ERROR_FORMAT,
+                ChipLogError(AppServer,
+                             "CommandHandler() setcommissionerpasscode ContinueConnecting() failed due to err %" CHIP_ERROR_FORMAT,
+                // Since continueConnecting() failed, Attempt to cancel the connection attempt with
+                // the CastingPlayer/Commissioner by calling StopConnecting().
+                err = targetCastingPlayer->StopConnecting();
+                if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
+                {
+                    ChipLogError(AppServer,
+                                 "CommandHandler() setcommissionerpasscode, ContinueConnecting() failed and then StopConnecting "
+                                 "failed due to err %" CHIP_ERROR_FORMAT,
+                                 err.Format());
+                }
+                return err;
@@ -498,6 +516,7 @@
                 "CommandHandler() setcommissionerpasscode, no Commissioner-Generated passcode input expected at this time.");
+            return CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT;
     if (strcmp(argv[0], "stop-connecting") == 0)
@@ -507,6 +526,7 @@
         if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
             ChipLogError(AppServer, "CommandHandler() stop-connecting, err %" CHIP_ERROR_FORMAT, err.Format());
+            return err;
     if (strcmp(argv[0], "print-bindings") == 0)