[ESP32] Update esp-idf to v5.1 release (#28326)
* [ESP32] Update esp-idf to v5.1 release
* Fix the requirements for v5.1
* Fix the pyparsing version and explaining comment
* Update the container image to use the latest one
* remove gdbgui from few more places
* fixup constraints for pyparsing
* Fix kconfig module
* Fix the esp32 qemu
* Fix freertos path
* Fix format specifier in esp32 pigweed logger
* Restyled by clang-format
* Fix the shell app
* Move freertos function from IRAM to flash for chef app
* Fixes for building all-clusters-app with Target m5stack.
Also, IRAM usage shot up so moved the freertos functions to flash
* Changes to fix all-clusters-minimal app
* Remove gdbgui references
* Changes in lighting-app
* Examples supporting display must build for non esp32 targets
* Pull in few dram optimizations from temperature app
* Reduce the critical logging buffer
Co-authored-by: Restyled.io <commits@restyled.io>
diff --git a/scripts/setup/requirements.esp32.txt b/scripts/setup/requirements.esp32.txt
index f688b17..d0d6d92 100644
--- a/scripts/setup/requirements.esp32.txt
+++ b/scripts/setup/requirements.esp32.txt
@@ -1,18 +1,15 @@
+# pyparsing: Min version was set based on https://github.com/pyparsing/pyparsing/issues/319
+# pyparsing: Max version was set to avoid breaking changes
itsdangerous<2.1 ; python_version < "3.11"
-# gdbgui pulls in gevent which fails to compile due to cython updates.
-# Could not find a good way to fix this dependency, so commenting it
-# out here.
-# gdbgui== ; python_version < "3.11" and platform_machine != 'aarch64' and sys_platform == 'linux'