| { |
| "include": "../../../../src/app/tests/suites/ciTests.json", |
| "disable": [ |
| "Test_TC_SC_4_1", |
| "Test_TC_SC_5_2", |
| "TestBasicInformation disabled because codegen test don't support writing readonly attributes", |
| "TestBasicInformation", |
| "TestClusterComplexTypes", |
| "TestEvents", |
| "TestDiscovery", |
| "TestGroupMessaging", |
| "Test_TC_BRBINFO_2_1", |
| "Test_TC_DGTHREAD_2_1", |
| "Test_TC_DGTHREAD_2_2", |
| "Test_TC_DGTHREAD_2_3", |
| "Test_TC_DGTHREAD_2_4", |
| "Test_TC_CC_7_2", |
| "Test_TC_CC_6_2", |
| "Test_TC_CC_6_3", |
| "Test_TC_CC_8_1", |
| "Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_3_7", |
| "Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_3_8", |
| "Test_TC_APPLAUNCHER_3_9", |
| "Test_TC_BINFO_2_1", |
| "Test_TC_SWTCH_2_1", |
| "Test_TC_G_2_1", |
| "Test_TC_FLABEL_2_1", |
| "Test_TC_TSTAT_2_1", |
| "Test_TC_TSTAT_2_2", |
| "Test_TC_ACL_2_4", |
| "Test_TC_ACL_2_7", |
| "Test_TC_ACL_2_8", |
| "Test_TC_ACL_2_9", |
| "Test_TC_ACL_2_10", |
| "Disabled due to GetCommissionerRootCertificate command not being supported", |
| "Test_TC_OPCREDS_3_7", |
| "DL_LockUnlock", |
| "Disabled due to Events verification not supported", |
| "Test_TC_BINFO_2_2", |
| "Test_TC_ACL_2_5", |
| "Test_TC_ACL_2_6", |
| "Test_TC_SMOKECO_2_2", |
| "Test_TC_SMOKECO_2_3", |
| "Test_TC_SMOKECO_2_4", |
| "Test_TC_SMOKECO_2_5", |
| "Test_TC_DGGEN_2_1", |
| "Test_TC_OPSTATE_2_4", |
| "Disabled due to undefined properties", |
| "Test_TC_SMOKECO_2_6", |
| "Disabled because the power source configuration cluster is now deprecated and not present in all-clusters", |
| "Test_TC_PSCFG_1_1", |
| "Test_TC_PSCFG_2_1", |
| "Test_TC_PSCFG_2_2", |
| "Disabled because darwin-framework-tool does not support GetCommissionerRootCertificate", |
| "Test_AddNewFabricFromExistingFabric", |
| "Disabled because darwin-framework-tool does not support EqualityCommands pseudo-cluster", |
| "Test_TC_S_2_2", |
| "Test_TC_TCCM_3_1", |
| "Test_TC_TCCM_3_2", |
| "Test_TC_TCCM_3_3", |
| "Test_TC_RVCRUNM_3_1", |
| "Test_TC_TCTL_2_1", |
| "Test_TC_LWM_3_1", |
| "Test_TC_LWM_3_2", |
| "Test_TC_LWM_3_3", |
| "Test_TC_OTCCM_2_1", |
| "Test_TC_OTCCM_3_1", |
| "Test_TC_OTCCM_3_2", |
| "Test_TC_OTCCM_3_3", |
| "Disabled because darwin-framework-tool does not support constraints arithmetic operations", |
| "Test_TC_FLW_2_1", |
| "Test_TC_RH_2_1", |
| "Disabled because darwin-framework-tool does not handle substraction in parameters", |
| "Test_TC_S_2_3", |
| "TestScenesMultiFabric", |
| "TestScenesFabricSceneInfo", |
| "#30759: Darwin chip-tool does not support ICD registration during commissioning", |
| "TestIcdManagementCluster" |
| ] |
| } |