blob: 66886c7d769ff5d0b7139fb2b47e30f814912e4d [file] [log] [blame]
"include": "../../../../src/app/tests/suites/ciTests.json",
"disable": [
"TestBasicInformation disabled because codegen test don't support writing readonly attributes",
"Disabled due to GetCommissionerRootCertificate command not being supported",
"Disabled due to Events verification not supported",
"Disabled due to undefined properties",
"Disabled because the power source configuration cluster is now deprecated and not present in all-clusters",
"Disabled because darwin-framework-tool does not support GetCommissionerRootCertificate",
"Disabled because darwin-framework-tool does not support EqualityCommands pseudo-cluster",
"Disabled because darwin-framework-tool does not support constraints arithmetic operations",
"Disabled because darwin-framework-tool does not handle substraction in parameters",
"#30759: Darwin chip-tool does not support ICD registration during commissioning",