blob: e6f5c8c324d91e590ec14c9a2d1c06bc5280d647 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2023 Project CHIP Authors
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "app/clusters/energy-evse-server/energy-evse-server.h"
#include <EVSECallbacks.h>
#include <app/util/af.h>
#include <app/util/config.h>
#include <cstring>
using chip::Protocols::InteractionModel::Status;
* @brief Helper function to get current timestamp in Epoch format
* @param chipEpoch reference to hold return timestamp
CHIP_ERROR GetEpochTS(uint32_t & chipEpoch);
namespace chip {
namespace app {
namespace Clusters {
namespace EnergyEvse {
/* Local state machine Events to allow simpler handling of state transitions */
enum EVSEStateMachineEvent
EVPluggedInEvent, /* EV has been plugged in */
EVNotDetectedEvent, /* EV has been unplugged or detected as not connected */
EVNoDemandEvent, /* EV has stopped asking for demand */
EVDemandEvent, /* EV has asked for demand*/
ChargingEnabledEvent, /* Charging has been enabled */
DischargingEnabledEvent, /* Discharging has been enabled */
DisabledEvent, /* EVSE has been disabled */
FaultRaised, /* Fault has been raised */
FaultCleared, /* Fault has been cleared */
* Helper class to handle all of the session related info
class EvseSession
EvseSession(EndpointId aEndpoint) { mEndpointId = aEndpoint; }
* @brief This function records the start time and provided energy meter values as part of the new session.
* @param chargingMeterValue - The current value of the energy meter (charging) in mWh
* @param dischargingMeterValue - The current value of the energy meter (discharging) in mWh
void StartSession(int64_t chargingMeterValue, int64_t dischargingMeterValue);
* @brief This function updates the session Duration to allow read attributes to return latest values
void RecalculateSessionDuration();
* @brief This function updates the EnergyCharged meter value
* @param chargingMeterValue - The value of the energy meter (charging) in mWh
void UpdateEnergyCharged(int64_t chargingMeterValue);
* @brief This function updates the EnergyDischarged meter value
* @param dischargingMeterValue - The value of the energy meter (discharging) in mWh
void UpdateEnergyDischarged(int64_t dischargingMeterValue);
/* Public members - represent attributes in the cluster */
DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> mSessionID;
DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> mSessionDuration;
DataModel::Nullable<int64_t> mSessionEnergyCharged;
DataModel::Nullable<int64_t> mSessionEnergyDischarged;
EndpointId mEndpointId = 0;
uint32_t mStartTime = 0; // Epoch_s - 0 means it hasn't started yet
int64_t mSessionEnergyChargedAtStart = 0; // in mWh - 0 means it hasn't been set yet
int64_t mSessionEnergyDischargedAtStart = 0; // in mWh - 0 means it hasn't been set yet
* The application delegate.
class EnergyEvseDelegate : public EnergyEvse::Delegate
* @brief Called when EVSE cluster receives Disable command
Status Disable() override;
* @brief Called when EVSE cluster receives EnableCharging command
* @param chargingEnabledUntil
* @param minimumChargeCurrent (in mA)
* @param maximumChargeCurrent (in mA)
Status EnableCharging(const DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> & chargingEnabledUntil, const int64_t & minimumChargeCurrent,
const int64_t & maximumChargeCurrent) override;
* @brief Called when EVSE cluster receives EnableDischarging command
* @param dischargingEnabledUntil
* @param maximumChargeCurrent (in mA)
Status EnableDischarging(const DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> & dischargingEnabledUntil,
const int64_t & maximumDischargeCurrent) override;
* @brief Called when EVSE cluster receives StartDiagnostics command
Status StartDiagnostics() override;
* @brief Called by EVSE Hardware to register a single callback handler
Status HwRegisterEvseCallbackHandler(EVSECallbackFunc handler, intptr_t arg);
* @brief Decides if a timer is needed based on EVSE state and sets a callback if needed
* In order to ensure the EVSE restarts charging (if enabled) after power loss
* this should be called after the EVSE is initialised
* (e.g. HwSetMaxHardwareCurrentLimit and HwSetCircuitCapacity have been called)
* and the persisted attributes have been loaded, and time has been synchronised.
* If time isn't sync'd yet it will call itself back periodically (if required)
* until time is sync'd.
* It is also called when a EnableCharging or EnableDischarging command
* is recv'd to schedule when the EVSE should be automatically disabled based
* on ChargingEnabledUntil / DischargingEnabledUntil expiring.
Status ScheduleCheckOnEnabledTimeout();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Internal API to allow an EVSE to change its internal state etc
Status HwSetMaxHardwareCurrentLimit(int64_t currentmA);
int64_t HwGetMaxHardwareCurrentLimit() { return mMaxHardwareCurrentLimit; }
Status HwSetCircuitCapacity(int64_t currentmA);
Status HwSetCableAssemblyLimit(int64_t currentmA);
int64_t HwGetCableAssemblyLimit() { return mCableAssemblyCurrentLimit; }
Status HwSetState(StateEnum state);
StateEnum HwGetState() { return mHwState; };
Status HwSetFault(FaultStateEnum fault);
Status HwSetRFID(ByteSpan uid);
Status HwSetVehicleID(const CharSpan & vehID);
Status HwDiagnosticsComplete();
Status SendEVConnectedEvent();
Status SendEVNotDetectedEvent();
Status SendEnergyTransferStartedEvent();
Status SendEnergyTransferStoppedEvent(EnergyTransferStoppedReasonEnum reason);
Status SendFaultEvent(FaultStateEnum newFaultState);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get attribute methods
StateEnum GetState() override;
CHIP_ERROR SetState(StateEnum);
SupplyStateEnum GetSupplyState() override;
CHIP_ERROR SetSupplyState(SupplyStateEnum);
FaultStateEnum GetFaultState() override;
CHIP_ERROR SetFaultState(FaultStateEnum);
DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> GetChargingEnabledUntil() override;
CHIP_ERROR SetChargingEnabledUntil(DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>);
DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> GetDischargingEnabledUntil() override;
CHIP_ERROR SetDischargingEnabledUntil(DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>);
int64_t GetCircuitCapacity() override;
CHIP_ERROR SetCircuitCapacity(int64_t);
int64_t GetMinimumChargeCurrent() override;
CHIP_ERROR SetMinimumChargeCurrent(int64_t);
int64_t GetMaximumChargeCurrent() override;
CHIP_ERROR SetMaximumChargeCurrent(int64_t);
int64_t GetMaximumDischargeCurrent() override;
CHIP_ERROR SetMaximumDischargeCurrent(int64_t);
int64_t GetUserMaximumChargeCurrent() override;
CHIP_ERROR SetUserMaximumChargeCurrent(int64_t) override;
uint32_t GetRandomizationDelayWindow() override;
CHIP_ERROR SetRandomizationDelayWindow(uint32_t) override;
/* PREF attributes */
DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> GetNextChargeStartTime() override;
DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> GetNextChargeTargetTime() override;
DataModel::Nullable<int64_t> GetNextChargeRequiredEnergy() override;
DataModel::Nullable<Percent> GetNextChargeTargetSoC() override;
DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> GetApproximateEVEfficiency() override;
CHIP_ERROR SetApproximateEVEfficiency(DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>) override;
/* SOC attributes */
DataModel::Nullable<Percent> GetStateOfCharge() override;
DataModel::Nullable<int64_t> GetBatteryCapacity() override;
/* PNC attributes*/
DataModel::Nullable<CharSpan> GetVehicleID() override;
/* Session SESS attributes */
DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> GetSessionID() override;
DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> GetSessionDuration() override;
DataModel::Nullable<int64_t> GetSessionEnergyCharged() override;
DataModel::Nullable<int64_t> GetSessionEnergyDischarged() override;
/* Constants */
static constexpr int kDefaultMinChargeCurrent = 6000; /* 6A */
static constexpr int kDefaultUserMaximumChargeCurrent = kMaximumChargeCurrent; /* 80A */
static constexpr int kDefaultRandomizationDelayWindow = 600; /* 600s */
static constexpr int kMaxVehicleIDBufSize = 32;
static constexpr int kPeriodicCheckIntervalRealTimeClockNotSynced = 30;
/* private variables for controlling the hardware - these are not attributes */
int64_t mMaxHardwareCurrentLimit = 0; /* Hardware current limit in mA */
int64_t mCableAssemblyCurrentLimit = 0; /* Cable limit detected when cable is plugged in, in mA */
int64_t mMaximumChargingCurrentLimitFromCommand = 0; /* Value of current maximum limit when charging enabled */
int64_t mActualChargingCurrentLimit = 0;
StateEnum mHwState = StateEnum::kNotPluggedIn; /* Hardware state */
/* Variables to hold State and SupplyState in case a fault is raised */
StateEnum mStateBeforeFault = StateEnum::kUnknownEnumValue;
SupplyStateEnum mSupplyStateBeforeFault = SupplyStateEnum::kUnknownEnumValue;
/* Callback related */
EVSECallbackWrapper mCallbacks = { .handler = nullptr, .arg = 0 }; /* Wrapper to allow callbacks to be registered */
Status NotifyApplicationCurrentLimitChange(int64_t maximumChargeCurrent);
Status NotifyApplicationStateChange();
Status GetEVSEEnergyMeterValue(ChargingDischargingType meterType, int64_t & aMeterValue);
/* Local State machine handling */
Status CheckFaultOrDiagnostic();
Status HandleStateMachineEvent(EVSEStateMachineEvent event);
Status HandleEVPluggedInEvent();
Status HandleEVNotDetectedEvent();
Status HandleEVNoDemandEvent();
Status HandleEVDemandEvent();
Status HandleChargingEnabledEvent();
Status HandleDischargingEnabledEvent();
Status HandleDisabledEvent();
Status HandleFaultRaised();
Status HandleFaultCleared();
* @brief Helper function to work out the charge limit based on conditions and settings
Status ComputeMaxChargeCurrentLimit();
* @brief This checks if the charging or discharging needs to be disabled
* @params pointer to SystemLayer
* @params pointer to EnergyEvseDelegate
static void EvseCheckTimerExpiry(System::Layer * systemLayer, void * delegate);
/* Attributes */
StateEnum mState = StateEnum::kNotPluggedIn;
SupplyStateEnum mSupplyState = SupplyStateEnum::kDisabled;
FaultStateEnum mFaultState = FaultStateEnum::kNoError;
DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> mChargingEnabledUntil; // TODO Default to 0 to indicate disabled
DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> mDischargingEnabledUntil; // TODO Default to 0 to indicate disabled
int64_t mCircuitCapacity = 0;
int64_t mMinimumChargeCurrent = kDefaultMinChargeCurrent;
int64_t mMaximumChargeCurrent = 0;
int64_t mMaximumDischargeCurrent = 0;
int64_t mUserMaximumChargeCurrent = kDefaultUserMaximumChargeCurrent; // TODO update spec
uint32_t mRandomizationDelayWindow = kDefaultRandomizationDelayWindow;
/* PREF attributes */
DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> mNextChargeStartTime;
DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> mNextChargeTargetTime;
DataModel::Nullable<int64_t> mNextChargeRequiredEnergy;
DataModel::Nullable<Percent> mNextChargeTargetSoC;
DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> mApproximateEVEfficiency;
/* SOC attributes */
DataModel::Nullable<Percent> mStateOfCharge;
DataModel::Nullable<int64_t> mBatteryCapacity;
/* PNC attributes*/
DataModel::Nullable<CharSpan> mVehicleID;
/* Session Object */
EvseSession mSession = EvseSession(mEndpointId);
/* Helper variable to hold meter val since last EnergyTransferStarted event */
int64_t mMeterValueAtEnergyTransferStart;
} // namespace EnergyEvse
} // namespace Clusters
} // namespace app
} // namespace chip