blob: 71198f4679791d96986ee53dd3c37da2f1bf39c7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
* Copyright (c) 2018 Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
namespace chip {
namespace DeviceLayer {
namespace Internal {
* Concrete implementation of the NetworkProvisioningServer singleton object for the PSoC 6 platform.
class BLEManagerImpl final : public BLEManager,
private Ble::BleLayer,
private Ble::BlePlatformDelegate,
private Ble::BleApplicationDelegate
// Allow the BLEManager interface class to delegate method calls to
// the implementation methods provided by this class.
friend BLEManager;
// ===== Members that implement the BLEManager internal interface.
CHIP_ERROR _Init(void);
void _Shutdown() {}
bool _IsAdvertisingEnabled(void);
CHIP_ERROR _SetAdvertisingEnabled(bool val);
bool _IsFastAdvertisingEnabled(void);
bool _IsAdvertising(void);
CHIP_ERROR _SetAdvertisingMode(BLEAdvertisingMode mode);
CHIP_ERROR _GetDeviceName(char * buf, size_t bufSize);
CHIP_ERROR _SetDeviceName(const char * deviceName);
uint16_t _NumConnections(void);
void _OnPlatformEvent(const ChipDeviceEvent * event);
::chip::Ble::BleLayer * _GetBleLayer(void);
// ===== Members that implement virtual methods on BlePlatformDelegate.
bool SubscribeCharacteristic(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT conId, const Ble::ChipBleUUID * svcId,
const Ble::ChipBleUUID * charId) override;
bool UnsubscribeCharacteristic(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT conId, const Ble::ChipBleUUID * svcId,
const Ble::ChipBleUUID * charId) override;
bool CloseConnection(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT conId) override;
uint16_t GetMTU(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT conId) const override;
bool SendIndication(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT conId, const Ble::ChipBleUUID * svcId, const Ble::ChipBleUUID * charId,
System::PacketBufferHandle data) override;
bool SendWriteRequest(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT conId, const Ble::ChipBleUUID * svcId, const Ble::ChipBleUUID * charId,
System::PacketBufferHandle data) override;
// ===== Members that implement virtual methods on BleApplicationDelegate.
void NotifyChipConnectionClosed(BLE_CONNECTION_OBJECT conId) override;
// ===== Members for internal use by the following friends.
friend BLEManager & BLEMgr(void);
friend BLEManagerImpl & BLEMgrImpl(void);
static BLEManagerImpl sInstance;
// ===== Private members reserved for use by this class only.
enum class Flags : uint16_t
kFlag_StackInitialized = 0x0001, /**< One-time asynchronous initialization actions have been performed. */
kFlag_AdvertisingEnabled = 0x0002, /**< The application has enabled CHIPoBLE advertising. */
kFlag_FastAdvertisingEnabled = 0x0004, /**< The application has enabled fast advertising. */
kFlag_Advertising = 0x0008, /**< The system is currently CHIPoBLE advertising. */
kFlag_AdvertisingRestarted =
0x0010, /**< The advertising state/configuration has changed, but the SoftDevice has yet to be updated. */
struct CHIPoBLEConState
// System::PacketBuffer * PendingIndBuf;
uint16_t ConId;
uint16_t Mtu;
bool connected;
bool Subscribed;
CHIPoBLEConState mCons[3];
uint16_t mNumCons;
CHIPoBLEServiceMode mServiceMode;
BitFlags<Flags> mFlags;
char mDeviceName[32 + 1];
void DriveBLEState(void);
void SetAdvertisingData(uint8_t * data, uint8_t * len);
void SetScanRspData(uint8_t * data, uint8_t * len);
void SetAdvStartFlag(void);
void SetAdvEndFlag(void);
void SetStackInit(void);
CHIPoBLEConState * AllocConnectionState(uint16_t conId);
CHIPoBLEConState * GetConnectionState(uint16_t conId);
bool ReleaseConnectionState(uint16_t conId);
void SetConnectionMtu(uint16_t conId, uint16_t mtu);
static void DriveBLEState(intptr_t arg);
void HandleTXCharCCCDRead(uint8_t connection_id, uint16_t * length, uint8_t * value);
bool HandleRXCharWrite(uint8_t connection_id, uint16_t length, uint8_t * value);
bool HandleTXCharCCCDWrite(uint8_t connection_id, uint16_t length, uint8_t * value);
void SendIndicationConfirm(uint16_t conId);
void HandleC3CharRead(uint8_t connection_id, uint16_t * p_len, uint8_t * p_value);
static void HandleFastAdvertisementTimer(System::Layer * systemLayer, void * context);
void HandleFastAdvertisementTimer();
* Returns a reference to the public interface of the BLEManager singleton object.
* Internal components should use this to access features of the BLEManager object
* that are common to all platforms.
inline BLEManager & BLEMgr(void)
return BLEManagerImpl::sInstance;
* Returns the platform-specific implementation of the BLEManager singleton object.
* Internal components can use this to gain access to features of the BLEManager
* that are specific to the PSoC 6 platform.
inline BLEManagerImpl & BLEMgrImpl(void)
return BLEManagerImpl::sInstance;
inline Ble::BleLayer * BLEManagerImpl::_GetBleLayer()
return this;
} // namespace Internal
} // namespace DeviceLayer
} // namespace chip