tree: 371935bc2dad5d352ce0ae73e6cf405ccd1000ee [path history] [tgz]
  1. doc/
  2. main/
  3. third_party/
  4. .gn
  5. args.gni
  7. chip.syscfg

CHIP CC1352 CC2652 Lock Example Application

An example application showing the use CHIP on the Texas Instruments CC13X2_26X2 family of Wireless MCUs.



The CC13X2_26X2 lock example application provides a working demonstration of a connected door lock device. This uses the open-source CHIP implementation and the Texas Instruments SimpleLinkā„¢ CC13x2 and CC26x2 software development kit.

This example is enabled to build on all members of the CC13X2_26X2 family of MCUs recommended for Thread. By default this example targets the CC1352R1_LAUNCHXL LaunchPad.

The lock example is intended to serve both as a means to explore the workings of CHIP, as well as a template for creating real products based on the Texas Instruments devices.

Device UI

This example application has a simple User Interface to depict the state of the door lock and to control the state. The user LEDs on the LaunchPad are set on when the lock is locked, and are set off when unlocked. The LEDs will flash when in the transition state between locked and unlocked. The user buttons are used for requesting lock and unlock of the door lock. The left button (BTN-1) is used to request locking. The right button (BTN-2) us used to request unlocking.



Some initial setup is necessary for preparing the build environment. This section will need to be done when migrating to new versions of the SDK.

  • Download and install the SimpleLinkā„¢ CC13x2 and CC26x2 software development kit (SDK) (

    • Follow the default installation instructions when executing the installer.

    • The version of OpenThread used in this repository is newer than the one packaged with the TI SDK. Check the following section for a list of changes needed.

  • Download and install SysConfig (sysconfig-1.5.0_1397)

    • This may have already been installed with your SimpleLink SDK install
  • If you have installed different versions, the build defaults will need to be changed to reflect this in ${chip_root}/examples/build_overrides/ti_simplelink_sdk.gni.

  • Install Python 3.8 for the GN build system:

    # Linux
    $ sudo apt-get install python3.8 python3.8-distutils python3.8-dev python3.8-venv
    # Distutils listed due to a package manager error on Ubuntu 18.04
    • You will have to ensure that the default version of Python 3 is Python 3.8.
  • run the bootstrap script to setup the build environment.

    $ cd ~/connectedhomeip
    $ source ./script/

Changes to the TI SDK

The OpenThread library will set the short address assigned to the device as soon as it receives the Child ID response. This may happen while the radio driver is still in transmit mode. This is easilly fixed by removing state check in the else condition in ${ti_simplelink_sdk_root}/examples/rtos/${ti_simplelink_board}/thread/cli_mtd/platform/radio.c on linke 1791.

-     else if (sState != platformRadio_phyState_Transmit)
+     else
          sReceiveCmd.localShortAddr = aAddress;


It is necessary to activate the environment in every new shell. Then run GN and Ninja to build the executable.

  • Activate the build environment with the repository activate script.

    $ cd ~/connectedhomeip
    $ source ./script/
  • Run the build to produce a default executable. By default on Linux both the TI SimpleLink SDK and Sysconfig are located in a ti folder in the user's home directory, and you must provide the absolute path to them. For example /home/username/ti/simplelink_cc13x2_26x2_sdk_4_30_00_54 and /home/username/ti/sysconfig_1.6.0. On Windows the default directory is C:\ti

    $ cd ~/connectedhomeip/examples/lock-app/cc13x2_26x2
    $ export TI_SIMPLELINK_SDK_ROOT=<path-to-simplelink-sdk>
    $ export TI_SYSCONFIG_ROOT=<path-to-sysconfig-sdk>
    $ gn gen out/debug --args="ti_simplelink_sdk_root=\"${TI_SIMPLELINK_SDK_ROOT}\" ti_sysconfig_root=\"${TI_SYSCONFIG_ROOT}\""
    $ ninja -C out/debug


Loading the built image onto a LaunchPad is supported through two methods; Uniflash and Code Composer Studio (CCS). UniFlash can be used to load the image. Code Composer Studio can be used to load the image and debug the source code.


Programming UniFlash

Code Composer Studio

Programming and Debugging with CCS

Viewing Logging Output

By default the log output will be sent to the Application/User UART. Open a terminal emulator to that port to see the output with the following options:

Speed (baud)115200
Data bits8
Stop bits1
Flow controlNone