blob: 2a5680168a3194b70ce555f91b78462e1dcf9d85 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Project CHIP Authors
* Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This file contains free functions for mapping OS and LwIP
* stack-specific errors into CHIP System Layer-specific errors
* and for converting those mapped errors into descriptive
* error strings.
// Include module header
#include <system/SystemError.h>
#include <lib/support/DLLUtil.h>
#include <lib/support/ErrorStr.h>
#include <lib/core/CHIPConfig.h>
// Include local headers
#include <lwip/err.h>
#include <limits>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
namespace chip {
namespace System {
namespace Internal {
* This implements a mapping function for CHIP System Layer errors that allows mapping integers in the number space of the
* underlying POSIX network and OS stack errors into a platform- or system-specific range. Error codes beyond those currently
* defined by POSIX or the ISO C/C++ standards are mapped similar to the standard ones.
* @param[in] aError The POSIX network or OS error to map.
* @return The mapped POSIX network or OS error.
return (aError == 0 ? CHIP_NO_ERROR : CHIP_ERROR(ChipError::Range::kPOSIX, static_cast<ChipError::ValueType>(aError)));
DLL_EXPORT CHIP_ERROR MapErrorPOSIX(int aError, const char * file, unsigned int line)
return (aError == 0 ? CHIP_NO_ERROR
: CHIP_ERROR(ChipError::Range::kPOSIX, static_cast<ChipError::ValueType>(aError), file, line));
} // namespace Internal
* This implements a function to return an NULL-terminated OS-specific descriptive C string, associated with the specified, mapped
* OS error.
* @param[in] aError The mapped OS-specific error to describe.
* @return A NULL-terminated, OS-specific descriptive C string describing the error.
DLL_EXPORT const char * DescribeErrorPOSIX(CHIP_ERROR aError)
const int lError = static_cast<int>(aError.GetValue());
return strerror(lError);
* Register a text error formatter for POSIX errors.
void RegisterPOSIXErrorFormatter()
static ErrorFormatter sPOSIXErrorFormatter = { FormatPOSIXError, nullptr };
* Given a POSIX error, returns a human-readable NULL-terminated C string
* describing the error.
* @param[in] buf Buffer into which the error string will be placed.
* @param[in] bufSize Size of the supplied buffer in bytes.
* @param[in] err The error to be described.
* @return true If a description string was written into the supplied buffer.
* @return false If the supplied error was not a POSIX error.
bool FormatPOSIXError(char * buf, uint16_t bufSize, CHIP_ERROR err)
if (err.IsRange(ChipError::Range::kPOSIX))
const char * desc =
FormatError(buf, bufSize, "OS", err, desc);
return true;
return false;
* This implements a mapping function for CHIP System Layer errors that allows mapping integers in the number space of the
* Zephyr OS user API stack errors into the POSIX range.
* @param[in] aError The native Zephyr API error to map.
* @return The mapped POSIX error.
DLL_EXPORT CHIP_ERROR MapErrorZephyr(int aError)
return Internal::MapErrorPOSIX(-aError);
* This implements a mapping function for CHIP System Layer errors that allows mapping underlying LwIP network stack errors into a
* platform- or system-specific range.
* @param[in] aError The LwIP error to map.
* @return The mapped LwIP network or OS error.
DLL_EXPORT CHIP_ERROR MapErrorLwIP(err_t aError)
static_assert(ChipError::CanEncapsulate(-std::numeric_limits<err_t>::min()), "Can't represent all LWIP errors");
return (aError == ERR_OK ? CHIP_NO_ERROR : CHIP_ERROR(ChipError::Range::kLwIP, static_cast<unsigned int>(-aError)));
* This implements a function to return an NULL-terminated LwIP-specific descriptive C string, associated with the specified,
* mapped LwIP error.
* @param[in] aError The mapped LwIP-specific error to describe.
* @return A NULL-terminated, LwIP-specific descriptive C string describing the error.
DLL_EXPORT const char * DescribeErrorLwIP(CHIP_ERROR aError)
if (!aError.IsRange(ChipError::Range::kLwIP))
return nullptr;
const err_t lError = static_cast<err_t>(-static_cast<err_t>(aError.GetValue()));
// If we are not compiling with LWIP_DEBUG asserted, the unmapped
// local value may go unused.
(void) lError;
return lwip_strerr(lError);
* Register a text error formatter for LwIP errors.
void RegisterLwIPErrorFormatter()
static ErrorFormatter sLwIPErrorFormatter = { FormatLwIPError, nullptr };
* Given an LwIP error, returns a human-readable NULL-terminated C string
* describing the error.
* @param[in] buf Buffer into which the error string will be placed.
* @param[in] bufSize Size of the supplied buffer in bytes.
* @param[in] err The error to be described.
* @return true If a description string was written into the supplied buffer.
* @return false If the supplied error was not an LwIP error.
bool FormatLwIPError(char * buf, uint16_t bufSize, CHIP_ERROR err)
if (err.IsRange(ChipError::Range::kLwIP))
const char * desc =
chip::FormatError(buf, bufSize, "LwIP", err, desc);
return true;
return false;
} // namespace System
} // namespace chip