blob: e76ec45889a4fc466ec27724196bbc238e80828b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2022 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <Matter/MTRBaseDevice.h>
@class MTRDeviceController;
@class MTRAsyncCallbackWorkQueue;
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, MTRDeviceState) {
MTRDeviceStateUnknown = 0,
MTRDeviceStateReachable = 1,
MTRDeviceStateUnreachable = 2
@protocol MTRDeviceDelegate;
@interface MTRDevice : NSObject
- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
+ (instancetype)new NS_UNAVAILABLE;
* TODO: Document usage better
* Directly instantiate a MTRDevice with a MTRDeviceController as a shim.
* All device-specific information would be stored on the device controller, and
* retrieved when performing actions using a combination of MTRBaseDevice
* and MTRAsyncCallbackQueue.
+ (instancetype)deviceWithNodeID:(NSNumber *)nodeID controller:(MTRDeviceController *)controller MTR_NEWLY_AVAILABLE;
* The current state of the device.
* The three states:
* MTRDeviceStateUnknown
* Unable to determine the state of the device at the moment.
* MTRDeviceStateReachable
* Communication with the device is expected to succeed.
* MTRDeviceStateUnreachable
* The device is currently unreachable.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) MTRDeviceState state;
* Set the delegate to receive asynchronous callbacks about the device.
* The delegate will be called on the provided queue, for attribute reports, event reports, and device state changes.
- (void)setDelegate:(id<MTRDeviceDelegate>)delegate queue:(dispatch_queue_t)queue;
* Read attribute in a designated attribute path
* TODO: Need to document that this returns "the system's best guess" of attribute values.
* @return a data-value dictionary of the attribute as described in MTRDeviceResponseHandler
- (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)readAttributeWithEndpointID:(NSNumber *)endpointID
clusterID:(NSNumber *)clusterID
attributeID:(NSNumber *)attributeID
params:(MTRReadParams * _Nullable)params;
* Write to attribute in a designated attribute path
* @param value A data-value NSDictionary object as described in
* MTRDeviceResponseHandler.
* @param expectedValueInterval maximum interval in milliseconds during which reads of the attribute will return the value being
* written. This value must be within [1, UINT32_MAX], and will be clamped to this range.
* TODO: document that -readAttribute... will return the expected value for the [endpoint,cluster,attribute] until one of the
* following:
* 1. Another write for the same attribute happens.
* 2. expectedValueIntervalMs (clamped) expires. Need to figure out phrasing here.
* 3. We succeed at writing the attribute.
* 4. We fail at writing the attribute and give up on the write
* @param timeout timeout in milliseconds for timed write, or nil. This value must be within [1, UINT16_MAX], and will be clamped
* to this range.
* TODO: make timeout arguments uniform
- (void)writeAttributeWithEndpointID:(NSNumber *)endpointID
clusterID:(NSNumber *)clusterID
attributeID:(NSNumber *)attributeID
expectedValueInterval:(NSNumber *)expectedValueInterval
timedWriteTimeout:(NSNumber * _Nullable)timeout;
* Invoke a command with a designated command path
* @param commandFields command fields object. The object must be a data-value NSDictionary object
* as described in the MTRDeviceResponseHandler.
* The attribute must be a Structure, i.e.,
* the NSDictionary MTRTypeKey key must have the value MTRStructureValueType.
* @param expectedValues array of dictionaries containing the expected values in the same format as
* attribute read completion handler. Requires MTRAttributePathKey values.
* See MTRDeviceResponseHandler definition for dictionary details.
* The expectedValues and expectedValueInterval arguments need to be both
* nil or both non-nil, or both will be both ignored.
* TODO: document better the expectedValues is how this command is expected to change attributes when read, and that the next
* readAttribute will get these values
* @param expectedValueInterval maximum interval in milliseconds during which reads of the attribute will return the value being
* written. If the value is less than 1, both this value and expectedValues will be ignored.
If this value is greater than UINT32_MAX, it will be clamped to UINT32_MAX.
* @param timeout timeout in milliseconds for timed invoke, or nil. This value must be within [1, UINT16_MAX], and will be clamped
* to this range.
* @param completion response handler will receive either values or error.
- (void)invokeCommandWithEndpointID:(NSNumber *)endpointID
clusterID:(NSNumber *)clusterID
commandID:(NSNumber *)commandID
expectedValues:(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable)expectedValues
expectedValueInterval:(NSNumber * _Nullable)expectedValueInterval
timedInvokeTimeout:(NSNumber * _Nullable)timeout
completion:(MTRDeviceResponseHandler)completion MTR_NEWLY_AVAILABLE;
* Open a commissioning window on the device.
* On success, completion will be called on queue with the MTRSetupPayload that
* can be used to commission the device.
* @param setupPasscode The setup passcode to use for the commissioning window.
* See MTRSetupPayload's generateRandomSetupPasscode for
* generating a valid random passcode.
* @param discriminator The discriminator to use for the commissionable
* advertisement.
* @param duration Duration, in seconds, during which the commissioning
* window will be open.
- (void)openCommissioningWindowWithSetupPasscode:(NSNumber *)setupPasscode
discriminator:(NSNumber *)discriminator
duration:(NSNumber *)duration
API_AVAILABLE(ios(16.2), macos(13.1), watchos(9.2), tvos(16.2));
@protocol MTRDeviceDelegate <NSObject>
* device:stateChanged:
* @param state The current state of the device
- (void)device:(MTRDevice *)device stateChanged:(MTRDeviceState)state;
* device:receivedAttributeReport:
* Notifies delegate of attribute reports from the MTRDevice
* @param attributeReport An array of response-value objects as described in MTRDeviceResponseHandler
- (void)device:(MTRDevice *)device receivedAttributeReport:(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> *)attributeReport;
* subscriptionReceivedEventReport:
* Notifies delegate of event reports from the MTRDevice
* @param eventReport An array of response-value objects as described in MTRDeviceResponseHandler
- (void)device:(MTRDevice *)device receivedEventReport:(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> *)eventReport;
@interface MTRDevice (Deprecated)
* Deprecated MTRDevice APIs.
+ (instancetype)deviceWithNodeID:(uint64_t)nodeID
deviceController:(MTRDeviceController *)deviceController
MTR_NEWLY_DEPRECATED("Please use deviceWithNodeID:controller:");
- (void)invokeCommandWithEndpointID:(NSNumber *)endpointID
clusterID:(NSNumber *)clusterID
commandID:(NSNumber *)commandID
expectedValues:(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable)expectedValues
expectedValueInterval:(NSNumber * _Nullable)expectedValueInterval
timedInvokeTimeout:(NSNumber * _Nullable)timeout