CHIP compilation is generally split into two steps
Manual building is generally platform-dependent. All build steps would require a bootstrapped environment (loads a pigweed build environment) and will then be followed by platform-specific instructions.
The file describes general requirements and examples. Typical usage is:
source scripts/activate gn gen out/host ninja -C out/host
The script
provides a single entry point for generating and executing the build.
Build environment MUST be properly configured for build_examples to succeed. For example ESP32 builds requite IDF_PATH to be set. Building in the corresponding build image or the chip vscode image satisfy the build environment requirement.
Usage examples:
Compiles all targets
./scripts/build/ --target all build
Compile the all clusters app for a ESP32 DevKitC
./scripts/build/ --target esp32-devkitc-all-clusters build
Generate all the makefiles (but do not compile) using a specific output root
./scripts/build/ --target linux-x64-chip-tool --out-prefix ./mydir gen
Compile the qpg lock app and copy the output in a ‘artifact’ folder. Note the argument order (artifact copying is an argument for the build command)
./scripts/build/ --target qpg-qpg6100-lock build --copy-artifacts-to /tmp/artifacts
Find out all possible targets for compiling the ‘light’ app:
./scripts/build/ --target-glob '*light' --log-level fatal targets
Compile everything except linux or darwin:
./scripts/build/ --skip-target-glob '{darwin,linux}-*' --log-level fatal build