blob: 66a09c0c70e27a9fad6473bafc52f82bace3432a [file] [log] [blame]
"""Module for parsing zap files for use in
Note on generating the hash:
Care must be taken to produce a hash value which is not affected by updates to the zap file.
For this reason, it is necessary to ensure a consistent order for all lists. It is also
necessary to generate a minimum set of parameters that can be used to uniquely identify a
particular build. In this case, the hash is generated from the metadata file data.
The actual hash is generated by digesting the output from json.dumps() with `sort_keys=True`.
The json lib is a good choice here because it is a Python standard lib and the output is
unlikely to change. Additionally, using `sort_keys=True` provides us with a guaranteed output
for the ordering of dict keys.
After generating the hash, the hash is converted to base64 and the first 10 characters are used.
The probability of a collision (with 100,000 items) is 1-exp(-100000^2/62^10) ~= 1.2 x 10^-8.
Conventions used for constructing the metadata file:
- All lists are sorted alphabetically.
- If a list contains dicts, it will be sorted by the "name" key. If it does not contain "name"
key, it will be sorted by the first key common to all dicts that comes first alphabetically.
- The list of endpoints is excluded from the above conventions. Endpoints are ordered according
to their endpoint number; here, the endpoint number is the same as the order they are read
from the zap file.
Future work:
- _load_matter_device_types should be updated to get the mapping for device type ID and device
name from the matter spec directly. This should be done once the matter spec becomes publicly
- Add support for .matter files.
import copy
import base64
import hashlib
import json
import os
import re
from typing import Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Sequence, TypedDict, Union
import yaml
except ImportError:
print("Missing yaml library. Install with:\npip install pyyaml")
_FEATURE_MAP_CODE, # Feature Map
_HERE = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
_MATTER_DEVICE_LIST = os.path.join(_HERE, "matter_device_types.json")
class ClusterType(TypedDict):
commands: List[str]
attributes: Dict[str, str]
class EndpointType(TypedDict):
client_clusters: Dict[str, ClusterType]
server_clusters: Dict[str, ClusterType]
def _b64encode(input_data: bytes) -> bytes:
"""Returns urlsafe base64 encoded with padding removed."""
return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(input_data).strip(b"=")
def _b64decode(input_data: bytes) -> bytes:
"""Returns urlsafe base64 decoded with padding added."""
# "=" is padding character that doesn't carry info.
# Adding 2x "=" will handle all edge cases where there may be
# incorrect number of bytes.
return base64.urlsafe_b64decode(input_data + b"==")
def _convert_metadata_name(name: str, code: Union[int, str]) -> str:
"""Converts a name for use in a metadata file - CamelCaseName/ID."""
# Preserve camel case if it's already there
name = re.sub(r"([A-Z]+)", r" \1", name).title()
# Convert to camel case and append ID
return re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z]+", "", name.title()) + f"/{int(code)}"
def _convert_filename(name: str) -> str:
"""Converts a pretty name into a file friendly one."""
return re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z]+", "", name).lower()
def _load_matter_device_types() -> Dict[Union[int, str], Union[int, str]]:
"""Load matter device type reversible mapping.
This function should be updated to pull from the Matter spec once it is available publicly.
A dictionary mapping Matter device type IDs to their proper name and vice versa.
with open(_MATTER_DEVICE_LIST) as f:
mapping = json.loads(
reverse_mapping = {}
for key, val in mapping.items():
reverse_mapping[val] = key
return mapping
def _read_value(input_string: str) -> str:
"""Convert various numeric forms to regular decimal format if possible."""
ret_val = ""
if not input_string:
ret_val = ""
if "0x" in input_string:
ret_val = int(input_string, 16)
elif "." in input_string:
ret_val = float(input_string)
except ValueError:
ret_val = int(input_string)
except ValueError:
return str(ret_val)
def _convert_metadata_to_hashable_digest(metadata_input: Sequence[Dict[str, EndpointType]]) -> str:
"""Converts metadata input into a hashable digest.
Note that the output produced here is consistent across runs. Lists are sorted and dictionaries
are sorted by their keys.
metadata_input: Metadata input produced from a zap file or read in from the hashable file.
Hashable string for digest into a hash algorithm.
metadata = copy.deepcopy(metadata_input)
# Replace endpoint, cluster, attribute, and commands names with IDs
# Replace endpoint names
for endpoint in metadata:
endpoint_key = list(endpoint.keys())[0]
endpoint_id = _get_id(endpoint_key)
endpoint[endpoint_id] = endpoint.pop(endpoint_key)
endpoint_obj = endpoint[endpoint_id]
# Replace cluster names
for cluster_type in ["client_clusters", "server_clusters"]:
for cluster_key in list(endpoint_obj[cluster_type].keys()):
cluster_id = _get_id(cluster_key)
endpoint_obj[cluster_type][cluster_id] = endpoint_obj[cluster_type].pop(cluster_key)
cluster_obj = endpoint_obj[cluster_type][cluster_id]
# Replace attribute names
attribute_obj = cluster_obj["attributes"]
attribute_keys = list(cluster_obj["attributes"])
for attribute_key in attribute_keys:
attribute_id = _get_id(attribute_key)
attribute_obj[attribute_id] = attribute_obj.pop(attribute_key)
# Replace command names
if "commands" in cluster_obj:
command_keys = cluster_obj["commands"]
cluster_obj["commands"] = [_get_id(x) for x in command_keys]
return json.dumps(metadata, sort_keys=True)
def _get_id(name):
"""Gets id from a condensed name which is formatted like: name/id."""
return name.split("/")[-1]
def generate_hash(zap_file_path: str) -> str:
"""Generates a hash for a zap file.
zap_file_path: Path to the zap file.
MD5 hash of the metadata generated from the zap file.
This is converted to base64 and then the first 10 characters are used.
parsed = generate_hash_metadata(zap_file_path)
# Use json.dumps to produce a consistent output for the object passed into it.
digestible_content = _convert_metadata_to_hashable_digest(parsed)
md5_hash = hashlib.md5(digestible_content.encode("utf-8")).digest()
output = str(_b64encode(md5_hash), encoding="utf-8")[:10]
# Replace "-" and "_" with "a" and "b".
# The reason for doing this is to allow the generated name to be parsed by splitting on "_".
# Replacing "-" makes the name easier to parse visually.
# This increases likelihood of hash collisions, but minimally so. See module docstring.
return output.replace("-", "a").replace("_", "b")
def generate_hash_metadata(zap_file_path: str) -> List[Dict[str, EndpointType]]:
"""Generates metadata for hash digest consumption."""
return generate_metadata(
def generate_metadata(
zap_file_path: str,
attribute_allow_list: Optional[Sequence[str]] = _ATTRIBUTE_ALLOW_LIST,
include_commands: bool = False,
include_platform_specific_info: bool = False) -> List[Dict[str, EndpointType]]:
"""Parses a zap_file and returns structure containing minimal content.
The lists provided in the returned objects are sorted except for the top level list of endpoints.
Lists containing dicts will be sorted by the "name" key of the individual dicts.
zap_file_path: Path to the zap file.
attribute_allow_list: List of attribute IDs which are included in the metadata.
If set to None then all attributes will be included.
include_commands: Whether to include commands in the metadata.
include_platform_specific_info: Whether to include platform specific information.
Omitting this allows us to generate a hash that is agnostic of the platform.
Dictionary containing information about endpoints and clusters. Format will be as follows:
<endpoint_0_name>/<endpoint_0_id>: {
"server_clusters": {
<cluster_name>/<cluster_id>: {
"commands": [
"attributes": {
<attribute_name>/<attribute_id>: <attribute_value>,
"client_clusters": { ... }
<endpoint_1_name>/<endpoint_1_id>: { ... }
endpoint_names = _load_matter_device_types()
with open(zap_file_path) as f:
app_data = json.loads(
return_obj: List[Dict[str, EndpointType]] = []
for endpoint in app_data["endpointTypes"]:
device_type_id = endpoint["deviceTypeCode"]
device_type_name = endpoint_names[device_type_id]
endpoint_ref = _convert_metadata_name(device_type_name, device_type_id)
endpoint_obj: Dict[str, EndpointType] = {endpoint_ref: {}}
client_clusters: Dict[str, ClusterType] = {}
server_clusters: Dict[str, ClusterType] = {}
endpoint_obj[endpoint_ref]["client_clusters"] = client_clusters
endpoint_obj[endpoint_ref]["server_clusters"] = server_clusters
for cluster in endpoint["clusters"]:
# The network commissioning cluster contains platform specific details
# such as how the platform will be commissioned to the matter fabric.
if (not include_platform_specific_info and
str(cluster["code"]) == _NETWORK_COMMISSIONING_CODE):
if not cluster["enabled"]:
cluster_ref = _convert_metadata_name(cluster["name"], cluster["code"])
if include_commands:
cluster_obj: ClusterType = {"attributes": {}, "commands": []}
cluster_obj: ClusterType = {"attributes": {}}
for attribute in cluster["attributes"]:
attribute_allowed = (
attribute_allow_list is None or str(attribute["code"]) in attribute_allow_list)
if attribute["included"] and attribute_allowed:
attribute_ref = _convert_metadata_name(attribute["name"], attribute["code"])
value = _read_value(attribute["defaultValue"])
cluster_obj["attributes"][attribute_ref] = value
# Add a default feature map if none is provided
if "FeatureMap/65532" not in cluster_obj["attributes"]:
cluster_obj["attributes"]["FeatureMap/65532"] = "0"
if include_commands:
for command in cluster["commands"]:
command_ref = _convert_metadata_name(command["name"], command["code"])
if cluster["side"] == "client" and command["outgoing"] == 1:
elif cluster["side"] == "server" and command["incoming"] == 1:
cluster_obj["commands"] = sorted(cluster_obj["commands"])
if cluster["side"] == "client":
client_clusters[cluster_ref] = cluster_obj
server_clusters[cluster_ref] = cluster_obj
return return_obj
def generate_hash_metadata_file(zap_file_path: str) -> str:
"""Generates hash metadata file for a zap file input.
The purpose of this file is to inform the user what data was included in the hash digest.
zap_file_path: Path to the zap file to parse for generating the metadata file.
parsed = generate_hash_metadata(zap_file_path)
output = yaml.dump(parsed, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
dirname, filename = os.path.split(zap_file_path)
filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
output_file_path = os.path.join(dirname, f"{filename}_hashmeta.yaml")
with open(output_file_path, "w") as f:
return output_file_path
def generate_name(zap_file_path: str) -> str:
"""Generates the name for a zap file following convention.
zap_file_path: Path to the zap file to parse for generating the metadata file.
Name of the file generated by following convention.
parsed = generate_metadata(zap_file_path)
names = []
for endpoint in parsed:
name = next(iter(endpoint))
hash_string = generate_hash(zap_file_path)
return "_".join(names) + f"_{hash_string}"