[Matter.framework] Wrap the MatterControllerFactory shutdown code that is runned with atexit into its own autorelease pool (#35878)
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/MTRDeviceControllerFactory.mm b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/MTRDeviceControllerFactory.mm
index 085d0a2..23643d6 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/MTRDeviceControllerFactory.mm
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/MTRDeviceControllerFactory.mm
@@ -73,8 +73,12 @@
static bool sExitHandlerRegistered = false;
static void ShutdownOnExit()
- MTR_LOG("ShutdownOnExit invoked on exit");
- [[MTRDeviceControllerFactory sharedInstance] stopControllerFactory];
+ // Depending on the structure of the software, this code might execute *after* the main autorelease pool has exited.
+ // Therefore, it needs to be enclosed in its own autorelease pool.
+ @autoreleasepool {
+ MTR_LOG("ShutdownOnExit invoked on exit");
+ [[MTRDeviceControllerFactory sharedInstance] stopControllerFactory];
+ }
@interface MTRDeviceControllerFactoryParams ()