blob: 0eb557c5d1d1fbf623a9707a719b25195d0d803d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Prevent multiple inclusion
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include <app/util/basic-types.h>
#include <lib/support/Span.h>
#include <protocols/interaction_model/Constants.h>
#include "enums.h"
// Struct for SimpleStruct
typedef struct _SimpleStruct
uint8_t a;
bool b;
uint8_t c;
chip::ByteSpan d;
chip::CharSpan e;
uint8_t f;
} SimpleStruct;
// Struct for NullablesAndOptionalsStruct
typedef struct _NullablesAndOptionalsStruct
uint16_t NullableInt;
uint16_t OptionalInt;
uint16_t NullableOptionalInt;
chip::CharSpan NullableString;
chip::CharSpan OptionalString;
chip::CharSpan NullableOptionalString;
SimpleStruct NullableStruct;
SimpleStruct OptionalStruct;
SimpleStruct NullableOptionalStruct;
/* TYPE WARNING: array array defaults to */ uint8_t * NullableList;
/* TYPE WARNING: array array defaults to */ uint8_t * OptionalList;
/* TYPE WARNING: array array defaults to */ uint8_t * NullableOptionalList;
} NullablesAndOptionalsStruct;
// Struct for NestedStruct
typedef struct _NestedStruct
uint8_t a;
bool b;
SimpleStruct c;
} NestedStruct;
// Struct for NestedStructList
typedef struct _NestedStructList
uint8_t a;
bool b;
SimpleStruct c;
/* TYPE WARNING: array array defaults to */ uint8_t * d;
/* TYPE WARNING: array array defaults to */ uint8_t * e;
/* TYPE WARNING: array array defaults to */ uint8_t * f;
/* TYPE WARNING: array array defaults to */ uint8_t * g;
} NestedStructList;
// Struct for DoubleNestedStructList
typedef struct _DoubleNestedStructList
/* TYPE WARNING: array array defaults to */ uint8_t * a;
} DoubleNestedStructList;
// Struct for ContentLaunchAdditionalInfo
typedef struct _ContentLaunchAdditionalInfo
chip::CharSpan name;
chip::CharSpan value;
} ContentLaunchAdditionalInfo;
// Struct for ContentLaunchParamater
typedef struct _ContentLaunchParamater
uint8_t Type;
chip::CharSpan Value;
/* TYPE WARNING: array array defaults to */ uint8_t * ExternalIDList;
} ContentLaunchParamater;
// Struct for ActionStruct
typedef struct _ActionStruct
uint16_t ActionID;
chip::CharSpan Name;
uint8_t Type;
uint16_t EndpointListID;
uint16_t SupportedCommands;
uint8_t Status;
} ActionStruct;
// Struct for ApplicationLauncherApp
typedef struct _ApplicationLauncherApp
uint16_t catalogVendorId;
chip::CharSpan applicationId;
} ApplicationLauncherApp;
// Struct for AudioOutputInfo
typedef struct _AudioOutputInfo
uint8_t index;
uint8_t outputType;
chip::CharSpan name;
} AudioOutputInfo;
// Struct for BasicCommissioningInfoType
typedef struct _BasicCommissioningInfoType
uint32_t FailSafeExpiryLengthMs;
} BasicCommissioningInfoType;
// Struct for BatChargeFaultChangeType
typedef struct _BatChargeFaultChangeType
/* TYPE WARNING: array array defaults to */ uint8_t * current;
/* TYPE WARNING: array array defaults to */ uint8_t * previous;
} BatChargeFaultChangeType;
// Struct for BatFaultChangeType
typedef struct _BatFaultChangeType
/* TYPE WARNING: array array defaults to */ uint8_t * current;
/* TYPE WARNING: array array defaults to */ uint8_t * previous;
} BatFaultChangeType;
// Struct for ContentLaunchBrandingInformation
typedef struct _ContentLaunchBrandingInformation
chip::CharSpan providerName;
uint8_t background;
uint8_t logo;
uint8_t progressBar;
uint8_t splash;
uint8_t waterMark;
} ContentLaunchBrandingInformation;
// Struct for ContentLaunchDimension
typedef struct _ContentLaunchDimension
chip::CharSpan width;
chip::CharSpan height;
uint8_t metric;
} ContentLaunchDimension;
// Struct for ContentLaunchStyleInformation
typedef struct _ContentLaunchStyleInformation
chip::CharSpan imageUrl;
chip::CharSpan color;
uint8_t size;
} ContentLaunchStyleInformation;
// Struct for DeviceType
typedef struct _DeviceType
chip::DeviceTypeId type;
uint16_t revision;
} DeviceType;
// Struct for EndpointListStruct
typedef struct _EndpointListStruct
uint16_t EndpointListID;
chip::CharSpan Name;
uint8_t Type;
chip::ByteSpan Endpoints;
} EndpointListStruct;
// Struct for FabricDescriptor
typedef struct _FabricDescriptor
uint8_t FabricIndex;
chip::ByteSpan RootPublicKey;
uint16_t VendorId;
chip::FabricId FabricId;
chip::NodeId NodeId;
chip::CharSpan Label;
} FabricDescriptor;
// Struct for GroupKey
typedef struct _GroupKey
uint16_t VendorId;
uint16_t GroupKeyIndex;
chip::ByteSpan GroupKeyRoot;
uint64_t GroupKeyEpochStartTime;
uint8_t GroupKeySecurityPolicy;
} GroupKey;
// Struct for GroupState
typedef struct _GroupState
uint16_t VendorId;
uint16_t VendorGroupId;
uint16_t GroupKeySetIndex;
} GroupState;
// Struct for IasAceZoneStatusResult
typedef struct _IasAceZoneStatusResult
uint8_t zoneId;
uint16_t zoneStatus;
} IasAceZoneStatusResult;
// Struct for LabelStruct
typedef struct _LabelStruct
chip::CharSpan label;
chip::CharSpan value;
} LabelStruct;
// Struct for MediaInputInfo
typedef struct _MediaInputInfo
uint8_t index;
uint8_t inputType;
chip::CharSpan name;
chip::CharSpan description;
} MediaInputInfo;
// Struct for MediaPlaybackPosition
typedef struct _MediaPlaybackPosition
uint64_t updatedAt;
uint64_t position;
} MediaPlaybackPosition;
// Struct for ModeOptionStruct
typedef struct _ModeOptionStruct
chip::CharSpan Label;
uint8_t Mode;
uint32_t SemanticTag;
} ModeOptionStruct;
// Struct for NOCStruct
typedef struct _NOCStruct
uint8_t FabricIndex;
chip::ByteSpan NOC;
} NOCStruct;
// Struct for NavigateTargetTargetInfo
typedef struct _NavigateTargetTargetInfo
uint8_t identifier;
chip::CharSpan name;
} NavigateTargetTargetInfo;
// Struct for NeighborTable
typedef struct _NeighborTable
uint64_t ExtAddress;
uint32_t Age;
uint16_t Rloc16;
uint32_t LinkFrameCounter;
uint32_t MleFrameCounter;
uint8_t LQI;
int8_t AverageRssi;
int8_t LastRssi;
uint8_t FrameErrorRate;
uint8_t MessageErrorRate;
bool RxOnWhenIdle;
bool FullThreadDevice;
bool FullNetworkData;
bool IsChild;
} NeighborTable;
// Struct for NetworkInterfaceType
typedef struct _NetworkInterfaceType
chip::CharSpan Name;
bool FabricConnected;
bool OffPremiseServicesReachableIPv4;
bool OffPremiseServicesReachableIPv6;
chip::ByteSpan HardwareAddress;
uint8_t Type;
} NetworkInterfaceType;
// Struct for Notification
typedef struct _Notification
uint16_t contentId;
uint8_t statusFeedback;
} Notification;
// Struct for OperationalDatasetComponents
typedef struct _OperationalDatasetComponents
bool ActiveTimestampPresent;
bool PendingTimestampPresent;
bool MasterKeyPresent;
bool NetworkNamePresent;
bool ExtendedPanIdPresent;
bool MeshLocalPrefixPresent;
bool DelayPresent;
bool PanIdPresent;
bool ChannelPresent;
bool PskcPresent;
bool SecurityPolicyPresent;
bool ChannelMaskPresent;
} OperationalDatasetComponents;
// Struct for PowerProfileRecord
typedef struct _PowerProfileRecord
uint8_t powerProfileId;
uint8_t energyPhaseId;
bool powerProfileRemoteControl;
uint8_t powerProfileState;
} PowerProfileRecord;
// Struct for ReadAttributeStatusRecord
typedef struct _ReadAttributeStatusRecord
chip::AttributeId attributeId;
chip::Protocols::InteractionModel::Status status;
uint8_t attributeType;
uint8_t * attributeLocation;
} ReadAttributeStatusRecord;
// Struct for ReadStructuredAttributeRecord
typedef struct _ReadStructuredAttributeRecord
chip::AttributeId attributeId;
uint8_t indicator;
/* TYPE WARNING: array array defaults to */ uint8_t * indicies;
} ReadStructuredAttributeRecord;
// Struct for RouteTable
typedef struct _RouteTable
uint64_t ExtAddress;
uint16_t Rloc16;
uint8_t RouterId;
uint8_t NextHop;
uint8_t PathCost;
uint8_t LQIIn;
uint8_t LQIOut;
uint8_t Age;
bool Allocated;
bool LinkEstablished;
} RouteTable;
// Struct for SceneExtensionAttributeInfo
typedef struct _SceneExtensionAttributeInfo
uint8_t attributeType;
uint8_t * attributeLocation;
} SceneExtensionAttributeInfo;
// Struct for SceneExtensionFieldSet
typedef struct _SceneExtensionFieldSet
chip::ClusterId clusterId;
uint8_t length;
uint8_t value;
} SceneExtensionFieldSet;
// Struct for ScheduledPhase
typedef struct _ScheduledPhase
uint8_t energyPhaseId;
uint16_t scheduledTime;
} ScheduledPhase;
// Struct for SecurityPolicy
typedef struct _SecurityPolicy
uint16_t RotationTime;
uint16_t Flags;
} SecurityPolicy;
// Struct for SemanticTag
typedef struct _SemanticTag
uint16_t MfgCode;
uint16_t Value;
} SemanticTag;
// Struct for TestListStructOctet
typedef struct _TestListStructOctet
uint64_t fabricIndex;
chip::ByteSpan operationalCert;
} TestListStructOctet;
// Struct for ThreadInterfaceScanResult
typedef struct _ThreadInterfaceScanResult
chip::ByteSpan DiscoveryResponse;
} ThreadInterfaceScanResult;
// Struct for ThreadMetrics
typedef struct _ThreadMetrics
uint64_t Id;
chip::CharSpan Name;
uint32_t StackFreeCurrent;
uint32_t StackFreeMinimum;
uint32_t StackSize;
} ThreadMetrics;
// Struct for TransferredPhase
typedef struct _TransferredPhase
uint8_t energyPhaseId;
uint8_t macroPhaseId;
uint16_t expectedDuration;
uint16_t peakPower;
uint16_t energy;
uint16_t maxActivationDelay;
} TransferredPhase;
// Struct for TvChannelInfo
typedef struct _TvChannelInfo
uint16_t majorNumber;
uint16_t minorNumber;
chip::CharSpan name;
chip::CharSpan callSign;
chip::CharSpan affiliateCallSign;
} TvChannelInfo;
// Struct for TvChannelLineupInfo
typedef struct _TvChannelLineupInfo
chip::CharSpan operatorName;
chip::CharSpan lineupName;
chip::CharSpan postalCode;
uint8_t lineupInfoType;
} TvChannelLineupInfo;
// Struct for WiFiInterfaceScanResult
typedef struct _WiFiInterfaceScanResult
uint8_t Security;
chip::ByteSpan SSID;
chip::ByteSpan BSSID;
uint8_t Channel;
uint32_t FrequencyBand;
} WiFiInterfaceScanResult;
// Struct for WiredFaultChangeType
typedef struct _WiredFaultChangeType
/* TYPE WARNING: array array defaults to */ uint8_t * current;
/* TYPE WARNING: array array defaults to */ uint8_t * previous;
} WiredFaultChangeType;
// Struct for WriteAttributeRecord
typedef struct _WriteAttributeRecord
chip::AttributeId attributeId;
uint8_t attributeType;
uint8_t * attributeLocation;
} WriteAttributeRecord;
// Struct for WriteAttributeStatusRecord
typedef struct _WriteAttributeStatusRecord
chip::Protocols::InteractionModel::Status status;
chip::AttributeId attributeId;
} WriteAttributeStatusRecord;
// Struct for WriteStructuredAttributeRecord
typedef struct _WriteStructuredAttributeRecord
chip::AttributeId attributeId;
uint8_t indicator;
/* TYPE WARNING: array array defaults to */ uint8_t * indicies;
uint8_t attributeType;
uint8_t * attributeLocation;
} WriteStructuredAttributeRecord;
// Struct for WriteStructuredAttributeStatusRecord
typedef struct _WriteStructuredAttributeStatusRecord
chip::Protocols::InteractionModel::Status status;
chip::AttributeId attributeId;
uint8_t indicator;
/* TYPE WARNING: array array defaults to */ uint8_t * indicies;
} WriteStructuredAttributeStatusRecord;