[CI] Automate Test_TC_IDM_1_2.yaml (#28071)

* [chiptool.py] Allow '*' to be used as a top level endpoint value

* [matter_yamltests] Add saveResponseAs step level keyword to save the whole response

* [matter_yamltests] Add an optional definitions parameters for the methods of pseudo clusters

* [matter_yamltests] Add WildcardResponseExtractorCluster

* [CI] Automate Test_TC_IDM_1_2.yaml
diff --git a/examples/chip-tool/py_matter_chip_tool_adapter/matter_chip_tool_adapter/encoder.py b/examples/chip-tool/py_matter_chip_tool_adapter/matter_chip_tool_adapter/encoder.py
index 8340289..2c02811 100644
--- a/examples/chip-tool/py_matter_chip_tool_adapter/matter_chip_tool_adapter/encoder.py
+++ b/examples/chip-tool/py_matter_chip_tool_adapter/matter_chip_tool_adapter/encoder.py
@@ -309,6 +309,8 @@
         endpoint_argument_name = 'endpoint-id-ignored-for-group-commands'
         endpoint_argument_value = request.endpoint
+        if endpoint_argument_value == '*':
+            endpoint_argument_value = 0xFFFF
         if (request.is_attribute and not request.command == "writeAttribute") or request.is_event or (request.command in _ANY_COMMANDS_LIST and not request.command == "WriteById"):
             endpoint_argument_name = 'endpoint-ids'
diff --git a/scripts/py_matter_yamltests/matter_yamltests/parser.py b/scripts/py_matter_yamltests/matter_yamltests/parser.py
index 82b798a..0709067 100644
--- a/scripts/py_matter_yamltests/matter_yamltests/parser.py
+++ b/scripts/py_matter_yamltests/matter_yamltests/parser.py
@@ -208,6 +208,7 @@
         self.wait_for = _value_or_none(test, 'wait')
         self.event_number = _value_or_none(test, 'eventNumber')
         self.run_if = _value_or_none(test, 'runIf')
+        self.save_response_as = _value_or_none(test, 'saveResponseAs')
         self.is_attribute = self.__is_attribute_command()
         self.is_event = self.__is_event_command()
@@ -695,6 +696,9 @@
         if not isinstance(received_responses, list):
             received_responses = [received_responses]
+        if self._test.save_response_as:
+            self._runtime_config_variable_storage[self._test.save_response_as] = received_responses
         if self.wait_for is not None:
             self._response_cluster_wait_validation(received_responses, result)
             return result
@@ -1112,6 +1116,7 @@
         self.timeout = config['timeout']
+        self.definitions = parser_config.definitions
     def __apply_config_override(self, config, config_override):
         for key, value in config_override.items():
diff --git a/scripts/py_matter_yamltests/matter_yamltests/pseudo_clusters/pseudo_clusters.py b/scripts/py_matter_yamltests/matter_yamltests/pseudo_clusters/pseudo_clusters.py
index e194615..7ab24f0 100644
--- a/scripts/py_matter_yamltests/matter_yamltests/pseudo_clusters/pseudo_clusters.py
+++ b/scripts/py_matter_yamltests/matter_yamltests/pseudo_clusters/pseudo_clusters.py
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 #    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 #    limitations under the License.
+import inspect
 from typing import List
 from .clusters.commissioner_commands import CommissionerCommands
@@ -33,12 +34,16 @@
     def add(self, cluster: PseudoCluster):
-    async def execute(self, request):
+    async def execute(self, request, definitions=None):
         status = {'error': 'FAILURE'}
         command = self.__get_command(request)
         if command:
-            status = await command(request)
+            if 'definitions' in inspect.signature(command).parameters:
+                status = await command(request, definitions)
+            else:
+                status = await command(request)
             # If the command does not returns an error, it is considered a success.
             if status is None:
                 status = {}
diff --git a/scripts/py_matter_yamltests/matter_yamltests/runner.py b/scripts/py_matter_yamltests/matter_yamltests/runner.py
index 08de8d7..c819eea 100644
--- a/scripts/py_matter_yamltests/matter_yamltests/runner.py
+++ b/scripts/py_matter_yamltests/matter_yamltests/runner.py
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
                 start = time.time()
                 if config.pseudo_clusters.supports(request):
-                    responses, logs = await config.pseudo_clusters.execute(request)
+                    responses, logs = await config.pseudo_clusters.execute(request, parser.definitions)
                     encoded_request = config.adapter.encode(request)
                     encoded_response = await self.execute(encoded_request)
diff --git a/scripts/py_matter_yamltests/matter_yamltests/yaml_loader.py b/scripts/py_matter_yamltests/matter_yamltests/yaml_loader.py
index 50a9217..ecdc7af 100644
--- a/scripts/py_matter_yamltests/matter_yamltests/yaml_loader.py
+++ b/scripts/py_matter_yamltests/matter_yamltests/yaml_loader.py
@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@
             'PICS': str,
             'arguments': dict,
             'response': (dict, list, str),  # Can be a variable
+            'saveResponseAs': str,
             'minInterval': int,
             'maxInterval': int,
             'timeout': int,
diff --git a/scripts/tests/chiptest/__init__.py b/scripts/tests/chiptest/__init__.py
index 87c308c..26aed1d 100644
--- a/scripts/tests/chiptest/__init__.py
+++ b/scripts/tests/chiptest/__init__.py
@@ -148,6 +148,7 @@
         "Test_TC_SMCO_2_4.yaml",   # chip-repl does not support timeout (07/20/2023)
         "Test_TC_SMCO_2_5.yaml",   # chip-repl does not support timeout (07/20/2023)
         "Test_TC_SMCO_2_6.yaml",   # chip-repl does not support timeout (07/20/2023)
+        "Test_TC_IDM_1_2.yaml",              # chip-repl does not support AnyCommands (19/07/2023)
diff --git a/scripts/tests/yaml/extensions/wildcard_response_extractor_cluster.py b/scripts/tests/yaml/extensions/wildcard_response_extractor_cluster.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0e34cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/tests/yaml/extensions/wildcard_response_extractor_cluster.py
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+#    Copyright (c) 2023 Project CHIP Authors
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License');
+#    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#    You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS,
+#    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#    limitations under the License.
+from matter_yamltests.pseudo_clusters.pseudo_cluster import PseudoCluster
+class wildcard_response_extractor_cluster(PseudoCluster):
+    name = 'WildcardResponseExtractorCluster'
+    async def GetDefaultEndPointForClusters(self, request, definitions):
+        entries = self.__get_argument(request, _VALUE_ARGUMENT_NAME)
+        clusters = self.__get_argument(request, _CLUSTERS_ARGUMENT_NAME)
+        if entries is None or clusters is None:
+            return {'error': 'INVALID_ARGUMENT'}
+        results = {}
+        for cluster in clusters:
+            cluster_id = definitions.get_cluster_id_by_name(cluster)
+            results[cluster] = None
+            for entry in entries:
+                server_list = entry.get('value')
+                if cluster_id in server_list:
+                    results[cluster] = entry.get('endpoint')
+                    break
+        return {'value': results}
+    async def GetUnsupportedCluster(self, request):
+        entries = self.__get_argument(request, _VALUE_ARGUMENT_NAME)
+        if entries is None:
+            return {'error': 'INVALID_ARGUMENT'}
+        cluster_ids = []
+        for entry in entries:
+            server_list = entry.get('value')
+            for cluster_id in server_list:
+                if cluster_id not in cluster_ids:
+                    cluster_ids.append(cluster_id)
+        unsupported_cluster = None
+        for cluster_code in range(0xFFFFFFFF):
+            if cluster_code not in cluster_ids:
+                unsupported_cluster = f'{cluster_code:#0{10}x}'
+                break
+        return {'value': {'UnsupportedCluster': unsupported_cluster}}
+    async def GetUnsupportedCommand(self, request):
+        entries = self.__get_argument(request, _VALUE_ARGUMENT_NAME)
+        if entries is None:
+            return {'error': 'INVALID_ARGUMENT'}
+        command_ids = []
+        for entry in entries:
+            commands_list = entry.get('value')
+            for command_id in commands_list:
+                if command_id not in command_ids:
+                    command_ids.append(command_id)
+        unsupported_command = None
+        for command_code in range(0xFFFFFFFF):
+            if command_code not in command_ids:
+                unsupported_command = f'{command_code:#0{10}x}'
+                break
+        return {'value': {'UnsupportedCommand': unsupported_command}}
+    async def GetUnsupportedEndPoint(self, request):
+        entries = self.__get_argument(request, _VALUE_ARGUMENT_NAME)
+        if entries is None:
+            return {'error': 'INVALID_ARGUMENT'}
+        endpoint_ids = []
+        for entry in entries:
+            parts_list = entry.get('value')
+            for endpoint_id in parts_list:
+                if endpoint_id not in endpoint_ids:
+                    endpoint_ids.append(endpoint_id)
+            # Add the endpoint id of the response if needed.
+            endpoint_id = entry.get('endpoint')
+            if endpoint_id not in endpoint_ids:
+                endpoint_ids.append(endpoint_id)
+        unsupported_endpoint = None
+        for endpoint_code in range(0xFFFF):
+            if endpoint_code not in endpoint_ids:
+                unsupported_endpoint = endpoint_code
+                break
+        return {'value': {'UnsupportedEndPoint': unsupported_endpoint}}
+    def __get_argument(self, request, argument_name):
+        arguments = request.arguments.get('values')
+        if arguments is None:
+            return None
+        if not type(arguments) is list:
+            return None
+        for argument in arguments:
+            name = argument.get('name')
+            value = argument.get('value')
+            if name is None or value is None:
+                return None
+            if name == argument_name:
+                return value
+        return None
diff --git a/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_IDM_1_2.yaml b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_IDM_1_2.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff7e3d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/tests/suites/certification/Test_TC_IDM_1_2.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2021-2023 Project CHIP Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+name: 3.1.2. [TC-IDM-1.2] Invoke Response Action from DUT to TH - [{DUT_Server}]
+    - MCORE.IDM.S
+    nodeId: 0x12344321
+    InvokeRequestMessage.Cluster: 0x00000006 # OnOff
+    InvokeRequestMessage.Command: 0x00000000 # Off
+    InvokeRequestMessage.EndPoint: 1
+    InvokeRequestMessage.Payload: {}
+    - label: "Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"
+      cluster: "DelayCommands"
+      command: "WaitForCommissionee"
+      arguments:
+          values:
+              - name: "nodeId"
+                value: nodeId
+    #### Test Setup
+    - label: "Get the list of available endpoints on the device"
+      cluster: "Descriptor"
+      command: "readAttribute"
+      attribute: "PartsList"
+      endpoint: 0
+      saveResponseAs: AvailableDeviceEndPoints
+    - label:
+          "Get an unsupported endpoint id from the list of available device
+          endpoints"
+      cluster: WildcardResponseExtractorCluster
+      command: GetUnsupportedEndPoint
+      arguments:
+          values:
+              - name: Value
+                value: AvailableDeviceEndPoints
+      response:
+          values:
+              - name: UnsupportedEndPoint
+                saveAs: PIXIT.IDM.UnsupportedEndPoint
+    - label: "Get the list of available clusters on the device (all endpoints)"
+      cluster: "Descriptor"
+      command: "readAttribute"
+      attribute: "ServerList"
+      endpoint: "*"
+      saveResponseAs: AvailableDeviceClusters
+    - label:
+          "Extract the endpoint values for the AccessControl,
+          GeneralCommissioning, AdministratorCommissioning and
+          OperationalCredentials cluster"
+      cluster: WildcardResponseExtractorCluster
+      command: GetDefaultEndPointForClusters
+      arguments:
+          values:
+              - name: Value
+                value: AvailableDeviceClusters
+              - name: Clusters
+                value:
+                    [
+                        "AccessControl",
+                        "GeneralCommissioning",
+                        "AdministratorCommissioning",
+                        "OperationalCredentials",
+                    ]
+      response:
+          values:
+              - name: AccessControl
+                saveAs: PIXIT.Cluster.AccessControl.EndPoint
+              - name: GeneralCommissioning
+                saveAs: PIXIT.Cluster.GeneralCommissioning.EndPoint
+              - name: AdministratorCommissioning
+                saveAs: PIXIT.Cluster.AdministratorCommissioning.EndPoint
+              - name: OperationalCredentials
+                saveAs: PIXIT.Cluster.OperationalCredentials.EndPoint
+    - label:
+          "Get an unsupported cluster id from the list of available device
+          clusters"
+      cluster: WildcardResponseExtractorCluster
+      command: GetUnsupportedCluster
+      arguments:
+          values:
+              - name: Value
+                value: AvailableDeviceClusters
+      response:
+          values:
+              - name: UnsupportedCluster
+                saveAs: PIXIT.IDM.UnsupportedCluster
+    - label:
+          "Get the list of available cluster commands on the device (all
+          endpoints)"
+      cluster: "AnyCommands"
+      command: "ReadById"
+      endpoint: "*"
+      arguments:
+          values:
+              - name: "ClusterId"
+                value: "*"
+              - name: "AttributeId"
+                value: 0x0000FFF9
+      saveResponseAs: AvailableDeviceCommands
+    - label:
+          "Get an unsupported command id from the list of available device
+          commands"
+      cluster: WildcardResponseExtractorCluster
+      command: GetUnsupportedCommand
+      arguments:
+          values:
+              - name: Value
+                value: AvailableDeviceCommands
+      response:
+          values:
+              - name: UnsupportedCommand
+                saveAs: PIXIT.IDM.UnsupportedCommand
+    - label: "Read the fabric index from the alpha fabric"
+      cluster: "Operational Credentials"
+      command: "readAttribute"
+      endpoint: PIXIT.Cluster.OperationalCredentials.EndPoint
+      attribute: "CurrentFabricIndex"
+      response:
+          saveAs: alphaIndex
+    - label: "Read the commissioner node ID from the alpha fabric"
+      cluster: "CommissionerCommands"
+      command: "GetCommissionerNodeId"
+      response:
+          values:
+              - name: "nodeId"
+                saveAs: commissionerNodeIdAlpha
+    ##### Test Implementation
+    - label:
+          "TH sends the Invoke Request Message to the DUT with the path that
+          indicates a specific endpoint that is unsupported."
+      cluster: "AnyCommands"
+      command: "CommandById"
+      endpoint: PIXIT.IDM.UnsupportedEndPoint
+      arguments:
+          values:
+              - name: "ClusterId"
+                value: InvokeRequestMessage.Cluster
+              - name: "CommandId"
+                value: InvokeRequestMessage.Command
+              - name: "Payload"
+                value: InvokeRequestMessage.Payload
+      response:
+          error: UNSUPPORTED_ENDPOINT
+    - label:
+          "TH sends the Invoke Request Message to the DUT with the path that
+          indicates a specific cluster that is unsupported."
+      cluster: "AnyCommands"
+      command: "CommandById"
+      endpoint: InvokeRequestMessage.EndPoint
+      arguments:
+          values:
+              - name: "ClusterId"
+                value: PIXIT.IDM.UnsupportedCluster
+              - name: "CommandId"
+                value: InvokeRequestMessage.Command
+              - name: "Payload"
+                value: InvokeRequestMessage.Payload
+      response:
+          error: UNSUPPORTED_CLUSTER
+    - label:
+          "TH sends the Invoke Request Message to the DUT with the path that
+          indicates a specific command that is unsupported."
+      cluster: "AnyCommands"
+      command: "CommandById"
+      endpoint: InvokeRequestMessage.EndPoint
+      arguments:
+          values:
+              - name: "ClusterId"
+                value: InvokeRequestMessage.Cluster
+              - name: "CommandId"
+                value: PIXIT.IDM.UnsupportedCommand
+              - name: "Payload"
+                value: InvokeRequestMessage.Payload
+      response:
+          error: UNSUPPORTED_COMMAND
+    - label:
+          "Setup the TH such that it should not have the privilege for the
+          cluster in the path."
+      cluster: "AccessControl"
+      command: "writeAttribute"
+      attribute: "ACL"
+      endpoint: PIXIT.Cluster.AccessControl.EndPoint
+      arguments:
+          value:
+              [
+                  {
+                      "fabricIndex": alphaIndex,
+                      "Privilege": 5,
+                      "AuthMode": 2,
+                      "Subjects": [commissionerNodeIdAlpha],
+                      "Targets":
+                          [
+                              {
+                                  "Cluster": 31,
+                                  "Endpoint": 0,
+                                  "DeviceType": null,
+                              },
+                          ],
+                  },
+              ]
+    - label:
+          "TH sends the Invoke Request Message to the DUT with a valid
+          CommandDataIB"
+      cluster: "AnyCommands"
+      command: "CommandById"
+      endpoint: InvokeRequestMessage.EndPoint
+      arguments:
+          values:
+              - name: "ClusterId"
+                value: InvokeRequestMessage.Cluster
+              - name: "CommandId"
+                value: InvokeRequestMessage.Command
+              - name: "Payload"
+                value: InvokeRequestMessage.Payload
+      response:
+          error: UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS
+    - label:
+          "TH sends the Invoke Request Message to the DUT with a valid and
+          fabric-scoped CommandDataIB"
+      cluster: "General Commissioning"
+      command: "CommissioningComplete"
+      endpoint: PIXIT.Cluster.GeneralCommissioning.EndPoint
+      response:
+          error: UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS
+    - label:
+          "Setup the TH such that it should have the privilege for the cluster
+          in the path."
+      cluster: "AccessControl"
+      command: "writeAttribute"
+      endpoint: PIXIT.Cluster.AccessControl.EndPoint
+      attribute: "ACL"
+      arguments:
+          value:
+              [
+                  {
+                      "fabricIndex": alphaIndex,
+                      "Privilege": 5,
+                      "AuthMode": 2,
+                      "Subjects": [commissionerNodeIdAlpha],
+                      "Targets": null,
+                  },
+              ]
+    - label:
+          "(OPTIONAL) TH sends the Invoke Request Message to the DUT with the
+          command which requires a data response to be sent back."
+      cluster: "General Commissioning"
+      command: "ArmFailSafe"
+      endpoint: PIXIT.Cluster.GeneralCommissioning.EndPoint
+      arguments:
+          values:
+              - name: "ExpiryLengthSeconds"
+                value: 1000
+              - name: "Breadcrumb"
+                value: 1
+      response:
+          values:
+              - name: "ErrorCode"
+                value: 0
+    - label:
+          "TH sends the Invoke Request Message to the DUT with a valid
+          CommandDataIB and SuppressResponse set to True"
+      disabled: true
+      verification: |
+          Out of Scope for V1.0
+          https://github.com/project-chip/connectedhomeip/issues/8043
+      cluster: InvokeRequestMessage.Cluster
+      command: InvokeRequestMessage.Command
+      endpoint: InvokeRequestMessage.EndPoint
+      arguments:
+          values:
+              - name: "Payload"
+                value: PIXIT.InvokeRequestMessage.Payload
+    - label:
+          "Setup the TH such that it should not have the privilege for the
+          cluster in the path."
+      cluster: "AccessControl"
+      command: "writeAttribute"
+      attribute: "ACL"
+      endpoint: PIXIT.Cluster.AccessControl.EndPoint
+      arguments:
+          value:
+              [
+                  {
+                      "fabricIndex": alphaIndex,
+                      "Privilege": 5,
+                      "AuthMode": 2,
+                      "Subjects": [commissionerNodeIdAlpha],
+                      "Targets":
+                          [
+                              {
+                                  "Cluster": 31,
+                                  "Endpoint": 0,
+                                  "DeviceType": null,
+                              },
+                          ],
+                  },
+              ]
+    - label:
+          "TH sends a Invoke Request Message to the DUT with the TimedRequest
+          set as TRUE.(There should be no previous Timed Invoke action.)"
+      cluster: "AnyCommands"
+      command: "CommandById"
+      endpoint: InvokeRequestMessage.EndPoint
+      timedInteractionTimeoutMs: 1000
+      arguments:
+          values:
+              - name: "ClusterId"
+                value: InvokeRequestMessage.Cluster
+              - name: "CommandId"
+                value: InvokeRequestMessage.Command
+              - name: "Payload"
+                value: InvokeRequestMessage.Payload
+      response:
+          error: UNSUPPORTED_ACCESS
+    - label:
+          "Setup the TH such that it should have the privilege for the cluster
+          in the path."
+      cluster: "AccessControl"
+      command: "writeAttribute"
+      endpoint: PIXIT.Cluster.AccessControl.EndPoint
+      attribute: "ACL"
+      arguments:
+          value:
+              [
+                  {
+                      "fabricIndex": alphaIndex,
+                      "Privilege": 5,
+                      "AuthMode": 2,
+                      "Subjects": [commissionerNodeIdAlpha],
+                      "Targets": null,
+                  },
+              ]
+    - label:
+          "TH sends Invoke Request Message to the DUT with the command in the
+          path that requires a Timed Invoke transaction to invoke and this
+          action is not part of a Timed Invoke transaction"
+      cluster: "AdministratorCommissioning"
+      command: "OpenBasicCommissioningWindow"
+      endpoint: PIXIT.Cluster.AdministratorCommissioning.EndPoint
+      arguments:
+          values:
+              - name: "CommissioningTimeout"
+                value: 180
+      response: