[Chef] Add AirPurifier device in Chef example (#31226)
* After finish Chef fan control manager
* Add Step command to chef airpurifier
* Add chef resource monitoring delegates
* Support Chef AirPurfier for nRFConnect
* Restyled by clang-format
* Enable LocalizationConfigurate / TimeFormatLocalization
* Remove TimeFormatLocalization and LocalizationConfiguration
* Use std::unique_ptr and ValueOr in AirPurifier sample
Use std::unique_ptr to manage the pointer in chef-resource-monitoring-delegates.cpp
Add ValueOr to chip::Nullable and simplify the code based on it
* Restyled by clang-format
* Use ValueOr instead of check IsNull()
* Fix typo
* Replacing with chip::BitMask<ResourceMonitoring::Feature>
* Fix typo
* Restyled by clang-format
* Remove comments
* Remove unused comment
* Use unique_ptr.reset() instead of unique_ptr = nullptr
* Remove unused comment
* Not using nullptr when using unique_ptr
* Add comments to std::make_unique<ResourceMonitoring::Instance>
* Restyled by clang-format
* Use chip:BitMask(args...) instead of static_cast
* Remove comments cause confusion
* Fix speedSetting
1. Simplify the code by a new kLowest vriable
2. Return error when Attribute Read error
* Restyled by clang-format
* Make mFanControlManager a std::unique_ptr
* Rename kLowest to kLowestSpeed
* Restyled by clang-format
* When decrease, we don't need to check speedMax
* Using std::invoke & lambda to return the step
* Restyled by clang-format
Co-authored-by: Restyled.io <commits@restyled.io>
diff --git a/examples/chef/common/chef-fan-control-manager.cpp b/examples/chef/common/chef-fan-control-manager.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c42c31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/chef/common/chef-fan-control-manager.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 Project CHIP Authors
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <app-common/zap-generated/attributes/Accessors.h>
+#include <app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h>
+#include <app-common/zap-generated/ids/Attributes.h>
+#include <app-common/zap-generated/ids/Clusters.h>
+#include <app/AttributeAccessInterface.h>
+#include <app/clusters/fan-control-server/fan-control-server.h>
+#include <app/util/attribute-storage.h>
+#include <app/util/error-mapping.h>
+#include <lib/support/CodeUtils.h>
+#include <lib/support/logging/CHIPLogging.h>
+using namespace chip;
+using namespace chip::app;
+using namespace chip::app::Clusters;
+using namespace chip::app::Clusters::FanControl;
+using namespace chip::app::Clusters::FanControl::Attributes;
+using Protocols::InteractionModel::Status;
+namespace {
+class ChefFanControlManager : public AttributeAccessInterface, public Delegate
+ ChefFanControlManager(EndpointId aEndpointId) :
+ AttributeAccessInterface(Optional<EndpointId>(aEndpointId), FanControl::Id), Delegate(aEndpointId)
+ {}
+ CHIP_ERROR Read(const ConcreteReadAttributePath & aPath, AttributeValueEncoder & aEncoder) override;
+ Status HandleStep(StepDirectionEnum aDirection, bool aWrap, bool aLowestOff) override;
+ CHIP_ERROR ReadPercentCurrent(AttributeValueEncoder & aEncoder);
+ CHIP_ERROR ReadSpeedCurrent(AttributeValueEncoder & aEncoder);
+static std::unique_ptr<ChefFanControlManager> mFanControlManager;
+CHIP_ERROR ChefFanControlManager::ReadPercentCurrent(AttributeValueEncoder & aEncoder)
+ // Return PercentSetting attribute value for now
+ DataModel::Nullable<Percent> percentSetting;
+ EmberAfStatus status = PercentSetting::Get(mEndpoint, percentSetting);
+ return aEncoder.Encode(percentSetting.ValueOr(0));
+CHIP_ERROR ChefFanControlManager::ReadSpeedCurrent(AttributeValueEncoder & aEncoder)
+ // Return SpeedCurrent attribute value for now
+ DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> speedSetting;
+ EmberAfStatus status = SpeedSetting::Get(mEndpoint, speedSetting);
+ return aEncoder.Encode(speedSetting.ValueOr(0));
+Status ChefFanControlManager::HandleStep(StepDirectionEnum aDirection, bool aWrap, bool aLowestOff)
+ ChipLogProgress(NotSpecified, "ChefFanControlManager::HandleStep aDirection %d, aWrap %d, aLowestOff %d",
+ to_underlying(aDirection), aWrap, aLowestOff);
+ VerifyOrReturnError(aDirection != StepDirectionEnum::kUnknownEnumValue, Status::InvalidCommand);
+ EmberAfStatus status;
+ uint8_t speedMax;
+ status = SpeedMax::Get(mEndpoint, &speedMax);
+ VerifyOrReturnError(EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_SUCCESS == status, Status::InvalidCommand);
+ uint8_t speedCurrent;
+ status = SpeedCurrent::Get(mEndpoint, &speedCurrent);
+ VerifyOrReturnError(EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_SUCCESS == status, Status::InvalidCommand);
+ DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> speedSetting;
+ status = SpeedSetting::Get(mEndpoint, speedSetting);
+ VerifyOrReturnError(EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_SUCCESS == status, Status::InvalidCommand);
+ uint8_t newSpeedSetting;
+ uint8_t speedValue = speedSetting.ValueOr(speedCurrent);
+ const uint8_t kLowestSpeed = aLowestOff ? 0 : 1;
+ if (aDirection == StepDirectionEnum::kIncrease)
+ {
+ newSpeedSetting = std::invoke([&]() -> uint8_t {
+ VerifyOrReturnValue(speedValue < speedMax, (aWrap ? kLowestSpeed : speedMax));
+ return static_cast<uint8_t>(speedValue + 1);
+ });
+ }
+ else if (aDirection == StepDirectionEnum::kDecrease)
+ {
+ newSpeedSetting = std::invoke([&]() -> uint8_t {
+ VerifyOrReturnValue(speedValue > kLowestSpeed, aWrap ? speedMax : kLowestSpeed);
+ return static_cast<uint8_t>(speedValue - 1);
+ });
+ }
+ return ToInteractionModelStatus(SpeedSetting::Set(mEndpoint, newSpeedSetting));
+CHIP_ERROR ChefFanControlManager::Read(const ConcreteReadAttributePath & aPath, AttributeValueEncoder & aEncoder)
+ VerifyOrDie(aPath.mClusterId == FanControl::Id);
+ VerifyOrDie(aPath.mEndpointId == mEndpoint);
+ switch (aPath.mAttributeId)
+ {
+ case SpeedCurrent::Id:
+ return ReadSpeedCurrent(aEncoder);
+ case PercentCurrent::Id:
+ return ReadPercentCurrent(aEncoder);
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return CHIP_NO_ERROR;
+} // anonymous namespace
+void emberAfFanControlClusterInitCallback(EndpointId endpoint)
+ VerifyOrDie(!mFanControlManager);
+ mFanControlManager = std::make_unique<ChefFanControlManager>(endpoint);
+ registerAttributeAccessOverride(mFanControlManager.get());
+ FanControl::SetDefaultDelegate(endpoint, mFanControlManager.get());
diff --git a/examples/chef/common/chef-resource-monitoring-delegates.cpp b/examples/chef/common/chef-resource-monitoring-delegates.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca2b713
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/chef/common/chef-resource-monitoring-delegates.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 Project CHIP Authors
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <app-common/zap-generated/ids/Attributes.h>
+#include <app-common/zap-generated/ids/Clusters.h>
+#include <app/clusters/resource-monitoring-server/resource-monitoring-cluster-objects.h>
+#include <app/clusters/resource-monitoring-server/resource-monitoring-server.h>
+#include <chef-resource-monitoring-delegates.h>
+using namespace chip;
+using namespace chip::app;
+using namespace chip::app::Clusters;
+using namespace chip::app::Clusters::ResourceMonitoring;
+using namespace chip::app::Clusters::ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring;
+using namespace chip::app::Clusters::HepaFilterMonitoring;
+using chip::Protocols::InteractionModel::Status;
+const chip::BitMask<ResourceMonitoring::Feature> gHepaFilterFeatureMap(ResourceMonitoring::Feature::kCondition,
+ ResourceMonitoring::Feature::kWarning,
+ ResourceMonitoring::Feature::kReplacementProductList);
+const chip::BitMask<ResourceMonitoring::Feature> gActivatedCarbonFeatureMap(ResourceMonitoring::Feature::kCondition,
+ ResourceMonitoring::Feature::kWarning,
+ ResourceMonitoring::Feature::kReplacementProductList);
+static std::unique_ptr<ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoringDelegate> gActivatedCarbonFilterDelegate;
+static std::unique_ptr<ResourceMonitoring::Instance> gActivatedCarbonFilterInstance;
+static std::unique_ptr<HepaFilterMonitoringDelegate> gHepaFilterDelegate;
+static std::unique_ptr<ResourceMonitoring::Instance> gHepaFilterInstance;
+static ImmutableReplacementProductListManager sReplacementProductListManager;
+//-- Activated Carbon Filter Monitoring delegate methods
+CHIP_ERROR ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoringDelegate::Init()
+ ChipLogDetail(Zcl, "ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoringDelegate::Init()");
+ GetInstance()->SetReplacementProductListManagerInstance(&sReplacementProductListManager);
+ return CHIP_NO_ERROR;
+Status ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoringDelegate::PreResetCondition()
+ ChipLogDetail(Zcl, "ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoringDelegate::PreResetCondition()");
+ return Status::Success;
+Status ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoringDelegate::PostResetCondition()
+ ChipLogDetail(Zcl, "ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoringDelegate::PostResetCondition()");
+ return Status::Success;
+void ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring::Shutdown()
+ gActivatedCarbonFilterInstance.reset();
+ gActivatedCarbonFilterDelegate.reset();
+//-- Hepa Filter Monitoring delegate methods
+CHIP_ERROR HepaFilterMonitoringDelegate::Init()
+ ChipLogDetail(Zcl, "HepaFilterMonitoringDelegate::Init()");
+ GetInstance()->SetReplacementProductListManagerInstance(&sReplacementProductListManager);
+ return CHIP_NO_ERROR;
+Status HepaFilterMonitoringDelegate::PreResetCondition()
+ ChipLogDetail(Zcl, "HepaFilterMonitoringDelegate::PreResetCondition()");
+ return Status::Success;
+Status HepaFilterMonitoringDelegate::PostResetCondition()
+ ChipLogDetail(Zcl, "HepaFilterMonitoringDelegate::PostResetCondition()");
+ return Status::Success;
+void HepaFilterMonitoring::Shutdown()
+ gHepaFilterInstance.reset();
+ gHepaFilterDelegate.reset();
+void emberAfActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoringClusterInitCallback(chip::EndpointId endpoint)
+ VerifyOrDie(!gActivatedCarbonFilterInstance && !gActivatedCarbonFilterDelegate);
+ gActivatedCarbonFilterDelegate = std::make_unique<ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoringDelegate>();
+ bool bResetConditionCommandSupported = true; // The ResetCondition command is supported by the ResourceMonitor cluster
+ gActivatedCarbonFilterInstance = std::make_unique<ResourceMonitoring::Instance>(
+ gActivatedCarbonFilterDelegate.get(), endpoint, ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring::Id,
+ static_cast<uint32_t>(gActivatedCarbonFeatureMap.Raw()), ResourceMonitoring::DegradationDirectionEnum::kDown,
+ bResetConditionCommandSupported);
+ gActivatedCarbonFilterInstance->Init();
+void emberAfHepaFilterMonitoringClusterInitCallback(chip::EndpointId endpoint)
+ VerifyOrDie(!gHepaFilterInstance && !gHepaFilterDelegate);
+ gHepaFilterDelegate = std::make_unique<HepaFilterMonitoringDelegate>();
+ bool bResetConditionCommandSupported = true; // The ResetCondition command is supported by the ResourceMonitor cluster
+ gHepaFilterInstance = std::make_unique<ResourceMonitoring::Instance>(
+ gHepaFilterDelegate.get(), endpoint, HepaFilterMonitoring::Id, static_cast<uint32_t>(gHepaFilterFeatureMap.Raw()),
+ ResourceMonitoring::DegradationDirectionEnum::kDown, bResetConditionCommandSupported);
+ gHepaFilterInstance->Init();
+CHIP_ERROR ImmutableReplacementProductListManager::Next(ReplacementProductStruct & item)
+ if (mIndex >= kReplacementProductListMaxSize)
+ {
+ }
+ switch (mIndex)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ item.SetProductIdentifierType(ResourceMonitoring::ProductIdentifierTypeEnum::kUpc);
+ item.SetProductIdentifierValue(CharSpan::fromCharString("111112222233"));
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ item.SetProductIdentifierType(ResourceMonitoring::ProductIdentifierTypeEnum::kGtin8);
+ item.SetProductIdentifierValue(CharSpan::fromCharString("gtin8xxx"));
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ item.SetProductIdentifierType(ResourceMonitoring::ProductIdentifierTypeEnum::kEan);
+ item.SetProductIdentifierValue(CharSpan::fromCharString("4444455555666"));
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ item.SetProductIdentifierType(ResourceMonitoring::ProductIdentifierTypeEnum::kGtin14);
+ item.SetProductIdentifierValue(CharSpan::fromCharString("gtin14xxxxxxxx"));
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ item.SetProductIdentifierType(ResourceMonitoring::ProductIdentifierTypeEnum::kOem);
+ item.SetProductIdentifierValue(CharSpan::fromCharString("oem20xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"));
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ mIndex++;
+ return CHIP_NO_ERROR;
diff --git a/examples/chef/common/chef-resource-monitoring-delegates.h b/examples/chef/common/chef-resource-monitoring-delegates.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f161be0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/chef/common/chef-resource-monitoring-delegates.h
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 Project CHIP Authors
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <app-common/zap-generated/ids/Attributes.h>
+#include <app-common/zap-generated/ids/Clusters.h>
+#include <app/clusters/resource-monitoring-server/resource-monitoring-cluster-objects.h>
+#include <app/clusters/resource-monitoring-server/resource-monitoring-server.h>
+namespace chip {
+namespace app {
+namespace Clusters {
+namespace ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring {
+class ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoringDelegate : public ResourceMonitoring::Delegate
+ CHIP_ERROR Init() override;
+ chip::Protocols::InteractionModel::Status PreResetCondition() override;
+ chip::Protocols::InteractionModel::Status PostResetCondition() override;
+ ~ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoringDelegate() override = default;
+void Shutdown();
+} // namespace ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring
+namespace HepaFilterMonitoring {
+class HepaFilterMonitoringDelegate : public ResourceMonitoring::Delegate
+ CHIP_ERROR Init() override;
+ chip::Protocols::InteractionModel::Status PreResetCondition() override;
+ chip::Protocols::InteractionModel::Status PostResetCondition() override;
+ ~HepaFilterMonitoringDelegate() override = default;
+class ImmutableReplacementProductListManager : public ResourceMonitoring::ReplacementProductListManager
+ Next(chip::app::Clusters::ResourceMonitoring::ReplacementProductStruct & item) override;
+void Shutdown();
+} // namespace HepaFilterMonitoring
+} // namespace Clusters
+} // namespace app
+} // namespace chip
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_airpurifier_73a6fe2651.matter b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_airpurifier_73a6fe2651.matter
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c5269f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_airpurifier_73a6fe2651.matter
@@ -0,0 +1,1606 @@
+// This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP.
+// It is for view/code review purposes only.
+/** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */
+cluster Identify = 3 {
+ revision 4;
+ enum EffectIdentifierEnum : enum8 {
+ kBlink = 0;
+ kBreathe = 1;
+ kOkay = 2;
+ kChannelChange = 11;
+ kFinishEffect = 254;
+ kStopEffect = 255;
+ }
+ enum EffectVariantEnum : enum8 {
+ kDefault = 0;
+ }
+ enum IdentifyTypeEnum : enum8 {
+ kNone = 0;
+ kLightOutput = 1;
+ kVisibleIndicator = 2;
+ kAudibleBeep = 3;
+ kDisplay = 4;
+ kActuator = 5;
+ }
+ attribute int16u identifyTime = 0;
+ readonly attribute IdentifyTypeEnum identifyType = 1;
+ readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
+ readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
+ readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
+ readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
+ readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
+ readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
+ request struct IdentifyRequest {
+ int16u identifyTime = 0;
+ }
+ request struct TriggerEffectRequest {
+ EffectIdentifierEnum effectIdentifier = 0;
+ EffectVariantEnum effectVariant = 1;
+ }
+ /** Command description for Identify */
+ command access(invoke: manage) Identify(IdentifyRequest): DefaultSuccess = 0;
+ /** Command description for TriggerEffect */
+ command access(invoke: manage) TriggerEffect(TriggerEffectRequest): DefaultSuccess = 64;
+/** The Descriptor Cluster is meant to replace the support from the Zigbee Device Object (ZDO) for describing a node, its endpoints and clusters. */
+cluster Descriptor = 29 {
+ revision 2;
+ bitmap Feature : bitmap32 {
+ kTagList = 0x1;
+ }
+ struct DeviceTypeStruct {
+ devtype_id deviceType = 0;
+ int16u revision = 1;
+ }
+ struct SemanticTagStruct {
+ nullable vendor_id mfgCode = 0;
+ enum8 namespaceID = 1;
+ enum8 tag = 2;
+ optional nullable char_string label = 3;
+ }
+ readonly attribute DeviceTypeStruct deviceTypeList[] = 0;
+ readonly attribute cluster_id serverList[] = 1;
+ readonly attribute cluster_id clientList[] = 2;
+ readonly attribute endpoint_no partsList[] = 3;
+ readonly attribute optional SemanticTagStruct tagList[] = 4;
+ readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
+ readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
+ readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
+ readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
+ readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
+ readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
+/** The Access Control Cluster exposes a data model view of a
+ Node's Access Control List (ACL), which codifies the rules used to manage
+ and enforce Access Control for the Node's endpoints and their associated
+ cluster instances. */
+cluster AccessControl = 31 {
+ revision 1; // NOTE: Default/not specifically set
+ enum AccessControlEntryAuthModeEnum : enum8 {
+ kPASE = 1;
+ kCASE = 2;
+ kGroup = 3;
+ }
+ enum AccessControlEntryPrivilegeEnum : enum8 {
+ kView = 1;
+ kProxyView = 2;
+ kOperate = 3;
+ kManage = 4;
+ kAdminister = 5;
+ }
+ enum ChangeTypeEnum : enum8 {
+ kChanged = 0;
+ kAdded = 1;
+ kRemoved = 2;
+ }
+ struct AccessControlTargetStruct {
+ nullable cluster_id cluster = 0;
+ nullable endpoint_no endpoint = 1;
+ nullable devtype_id deviceType = 2;
+ }
+ fabric_scoped struct AccessControlEntryStruct {
+ fabric_sensitive AccessControlEntryPrivilegeEnum privilege = 1;
+ fabric_sensitive AccessControlEntryAuthModeEnum authMode = 2;
+ nullable fabric_sensitive int64u subjects[] = 3;
+ nullable fabric_sensitive AccessControlTargetStruct targets[] = 4;
+ fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254;
+ }
+ fabric_scoped struct AccessControlExtensionStruct {
+ fabric_sensitive octet_string<128> data = 1;
+ fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254;
+ }
+ fabric_sensitive info event access(read: administer) AccessControlEntryChanged = 0 {
+ nullable node_id adminNodeID = 1;
+ nullable int16u adminPasscodeID = 2;
+ ChangeTypeEnum changeType = 3;
+ nullable AccessControlEntryStruct latestValue = 4;
+ fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254;
+ }
+ fabric_sensitive info event access(read: administer) AccessControlExtensionChanged = 1 {
+ nullable node_id adminNodeID = 1;
+ nullable int16u adminPasscodeID = 2;
+ ChangeTypeEnum changeType = 3;
+ nullable AccessControlExtensionStruct latestValue = 4;
+ fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254;
+ }
+ attribute access(read: administer, write: administer) AccessControlEntryStruct acl[] = 0;
+ attribute access(read: administer, write: administer) optional AccessControlExtensionStruct extension[] = 1;
+ readonly attribute int16u subjectsPerAccessControlEntry = 2;
+ readonly attribute int16u targetsPerAccessControlEntry = 3;
+ readonly attribute int16u accessControlEntriesPerFabric = 4;
+ readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
+ readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
+ readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
+ readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
+ readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
+ readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
+/** This cluster provides attributes and events for determining basic information about Nodes, which supports both
+ Commissioning and operational determination of Node characteristics, such as Vendor ID, Product ID and serial number,
+ which apply to the whole Node. Also allows setting user device information such as location. */
+cluster BasicInformation = 40 {
+ revision 3;
+ enum ColorEnum : enum8 {
+ kBlack = 0;
+ kNavy = 1;
+ kGreen = 2;
+ kTeal = 3;
+ kMaroon = 4;
+ kPurple = 5;
+ kOlive = 6;
+ kGray = 7;
+ kBlue = 8;
+ kLime = 9;
+ kAqua = 10;
+ kRed = 11;
+ kFuchsia = 12;
+ kYellow = 13;
+ kWhite = 14;
+ kNickel = 15;
+ kChrome = 16;
+ kBrass = 17;
+ kCopper = 18;
+ kSilver = 19;
+ kGold = 20;
+ }
+ enum ProductFinishEnum : enum8 {
+ kOther = 0;
+ kMatte = 1;
+ kSatin = 2;
+ kPolished = 3;
+ kRugged = 4;
+ kFabric = 5;
+ }
+ struct CapabilityMinimaStruct {
+ int16u caseSessionsPerFabric = 0;
+ int16u subscriptionsPerFabric = 1;
+ }
+ struct ProductAppearanceStruct {
+ ProductFinishEnum finish = 0;
+ nullable ColorEnum primaryColor = 1;
+ }
+ critical event StartUp = 0 {
+ int32u softwareVersion = 0;
+ }
+ critical event ShutDown = 1 {
+ }
+ info event Leave = 2 {
+ fabric_idx fabricIndex = 0;
+ }
+ info event ReachableChanged = 3 {
+ boolean reachableNewValue = 0;
+ }
+ readonly attribute int16u dataModelRevision = 0;
+ readonly attribute char_string<32> vendorName = 1;
+ readonly attribute vendor_id vendorID = 2;
+ readonly attribute char_string<32> productName = 3;
+ readonly attribute int16u productID = 4;
+ attribute access(write: manage) char_string<32> nodeLabel = 5;
+ attribute access(write: administer) char_string<2> location = 6;
+ readonly attribute int16u hardwareVersion = 7;
+ readonly attribute char_string<64> hardwareVersionString = 8;
+ readonly attribute int32u softwareVersion = 9;
+ readonly attribute char_string<64> softwareVersionString = 10;
+ readonly attribute optional char_string<16> manufacturingDate = 11;
+ readonly attribute optional char_string<32> partNumber = 12;
+ readonly attribute optional long_char_string<256> productURL = 13;
+ readonly attribute optional char_string<64> productLabel = 14;
+ readonly attribute optional char_string<32> serialNumber = 15;
+ attribute access(write: manage) optional boolean localConfigDisabled = 16;
+ readonly attribute optional boolean reachable = 17;
+ readonly attribute optional char_string<32> uniqueID = 18;
+ readonly attribute CapabilityMinimaStruct capabilityMinima = 19;
+ readonly attribute optional ProductAppearanceStruct productAppearance = 20;
+ readonly attribute int32u specificationVersion = 21;
+ readonly attribute int16u maxPathsPerInvoke = 22;
+ readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
+ readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
+ readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
+ readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
+ readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
+ readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
+ command MfgSpecificPing(): DefaultSuccess = 0;
+/** Provides an interface for providing OTA software updates */
+cluster OtaSoftwareUpdateProvider = 41 {
+ revision 1; // NOTE: Default/not specifically set
+ enum ApplyUpdateActionEnum : enum8 {
+ kProceed = 0;
+ kAwaitNextAction = 1;
+ kDiscontinue = 2;
+ }
+ enum DownloadProtocolEnum : enum8 {
+ kBDXSynchronous = 0;
+ kBDXAsynchronous = 1;
+ kHTTPS = 2;
+ kVendorSpecific = 3;
+ }
+ enum StatusEnum : enum8 {
+ kUpdateAvailable = 0;
+ kBusy = 1;
+ kNotAvailable = 2;
+ kDownloadProtocolNotSupported = 3;
+ }
+ readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
+ readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
+ readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
+ readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
+ readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
+ readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
+ request struct QueryImageRequest {
+ vendor_id vendorID = 0;
+ int16u productID = 1;
+ int32u softwareVersion = 2;
+ DownloadProtocolEnum protocolsSupported[] = 3;
+ optional int16u hardwareVersion = 4;
+ optional char_string<2> location = 5;
+ optional boolean requestorCanConsent = 6;
+ optional octet_string<512> metadataForProvider = 7;
+ }
+ response struct QueryImageResponse = 1 {
+ StatusEnum status = 0;
+ optional int32u delayedActionTime = 1;
+ optional char_string<256> imageURI = 2;
+ optional int32u softwareVersion = 3;
+ optional char_string<64> softwareVersionString = 4;
+ optional octet_string<32> updateToken = 5;
+ optional boolean userConsentNeeded = 6;
+ optional octet_string<512> metadataForRequestor = 7;
+ }
+ request struct ApplyUpdateRequestRequest {
+ octet_string<32> updateToken = 0;
+ int32u newVersion = 1;
+ }
+ response struct ApplyUpdateResponse = 3 {
+ ApplyUpdateActionEnum action = 0;
+ int32u delayedActionTime = 1;
+ }
+ request struct NotifyUpdateAppliedRequest {
+ octet_string<32> updateToken = 0;
+ int32u softwareVersion = 1;
+ }
+ /** Determine availability of a new Software Image */
+ command QueryImage(QueryImageRequest): QueryImageResponse = 0;
+ /** Determine next action to take for a downloaded Software Image */
+ command ApplyUpdateRequest(ApplyUpdateRequestRequest): ApplyUpdateResponse = 2;
+ /** Notify OTA Provider that an update was applied */
+ command NotifyUpdateApplied(NotifyUpdateAppliedRequest): DefaultSuccess = 4;
+/** Provides an interface for downloading and applying OTA software updates */
+cluster OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor = 42 {
+ revision 1; // NOTE: Default/not specifically set
+ enum AnnouncementReasonEnum : enum8 {
+ kSimpleAnnouncement = 0;
+ kUpdateAvailable = 1;
+ kUrgentUpdateAvailable = 2;
+ }
+ enum ChangeReasonEnum : enum8 {
+ kUnknown = 0;
+ kSuccess = 1;
+ kFailure = 2;
+ kTimeOut = 3;
+ kDelayByProvider = 4;
+ }
+ enum UpdateStateEnum : enum8 {
+ kUnknown = 0;
+ kIdle = 1;
+ kQuerying = 2;
+ kDelayedOnQuery = 3;
+ kDownloading = 4;
+ kApplying = 5;
+ kDelayedOnApply = 6;
+ kRollingBack = 7;
+ kDelayedOnUserConsent = 8;
+ }
+ fabric_scoped struct ProviderLocation {
+ node_id providerNodeID = 1;
+ endpoint_no endpoint = 2;
+ fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254;
+ }
+ info event StateTransition = 0 {
+ UpdateStateEnum previousState = 0;
+ UpdateStateEnum newState = 1;
+ ChangeReasonEnum reason = 2;
+ nullable int32u targetSoftwareVersion = 3;
+ }
+ critical event VersionApplied = 1 {
+ int32u softwareVersion = 0;
+ int16u productID = 1;
+ }
+ info event DownloadError = 2 {
+ int32u softwareVersion = 0;
+ int64u bytesDownloaded = 1;
+ nullable int8u progressPercent = 2;
+ nullable int64s platformCode = 3;
+ }
+ attribute access(write: administer) ProviderLocation defaultOTAProviders[] = 0;
+ readonly attribute boolean updatePossible = 1;
+ readonly attribute UpdateStateEnum updateState = 2;
+ readonly attribute nullable int8u updateStateProgress = 3;
+ readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
+ readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
+ readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
+ readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
+ readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
+ readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
+ request struct AnnounceOTAProviderRequest {
+ node_id providerNodeID = 0;
+ vendor_id vendorID = 1;
+ AnnouncementReasonEnum announcementReason = 2;
+ optional octet_string<512> metadataForNode = 3;
+ endpoint_no endpoint = 4;
+ }
+ /** Announce the presence of an OTA Provider */
+ command AnnounceOTAProvider(AnnounceOTAProviderRequest): DefaultSuccess = 0;
+/** This cluster is used to manage global aspects of the Commissioning flow. */
+cluster GeneralCommissioning = 48 {
+ revision 1; // NOTE: Default/not specifically set
+ enum CommissioningErrorEnum : enum8 {
+ kOK = 0;
+ kValueOutsideRange = 1;
+ kInvalidAuthentication = 2;
+ kNoFailSafe = 3;
+ kBusyWithOtherAdmin = 4;
+ }
+ enum RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum : enum8 {
+ kIndoor = 0;
+ kOutdoor = 1;
+ kIndoorOutdoor = 2;
+ }
+ struct BasicCommissioningInfo {
+ int16u failSafeExpiryLengthSeconds = 0;
+ int16u maxCumulativeFailsafeSeconds = 1;
+ }
+ attribute access(write: administer) int64u breadcrumb = 0;
+ readonly attribute BasicCommissioningInfo basicCommissioningInfo = 1;
+ readonly attribute RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum regulatoryConfig = 2;
+ readonly attribute RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum locationCapability = 3;
+ readonly attribute boolean supportsConcurrentConnection = 4;
+ readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
+ readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
+ readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
+ readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
+ readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
+ readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
+ request struct ArmFailSafeRequest {
+ int16u expiryLengthSeconds = 0;
+ int64u breadcrumb = 1;
+ }
+ response struct ArmFailSafeResponse = 1 {
+ CommissioningErrorEnum errorCode = 0;
+ char_string<128> debugText = 1;
+ }
+ request struct SetRegulatoryConfigRequest {
+ RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum newRegulatoryConfig = 0;
+ char_string<2> countryCode = 1;
+ int64u breadcrumb = 2;
+ }
+ response struct SetRegulatoryConfigResponse = 3 {
+ CommissioningErrorEnum errorCode = 0;
+ char_string debugText = 1;
+ }
+ response struct CommissioningCompleteResponse = 5 {
+ CommissioningErrorEnum errorCode = 0;
+ char_string debugText = 1;
+ }
+ /** Arm the persistent fail-safe timer with an expiry time of now + ExpiryLengthSeconds using device clock */
+ command access(invoke: administer) ArmFailSafe(ArmFailSafeRequest): ArmFailSafeResponse = 0;
+ /** Set the regulatory configuration to be used during commissioning */
+ command access(invoke: administer) SetRegulatoryConfig(SetRegulatoryConfigRequest): SetRegulatoryConfigResponse = 2;
+ /** Signals the Server that the Client has successfully completed all steps of Commissioning/Recofiguration needed during fail-safe period. */
+ fabric command access(invoke: administer) CommissioningComplete(): CommissioningCompleteResponse = 4;
+/** Functionality to configure, enable, disable network credentials and access on a Matter device. */
+cluster NetworkCommissioning = 49 {
+ revision 1; // NOTE: Default/not specifically set
+ enum NetworkCommissioningStatusEnum : enum8 {
+ kSuccess = 0;
+ kOutOfRange = 1;
+ kBoundsExceeded = 2;
+ kNetworkIDNotFound = 3;
+ kDuplicateNetworkID = 4;
+ kNetworkNotFound = 5;
+ kRegulatoryError = 6;
+ kAuthFailure = 7;
+ kUnsupportedSecurity = 8;
+ kOtherConnectionFailure = 9;
+ kIPV6Failed = 10;
+ kIPBindFailed = 11;
+ kUnknownError = 12;
+ }
+ enum WiFiBandEnum : enum8 {
+ k2G4 = 0;
+ k3G65 = 1;
+ k5G = 2;
+ k6G = 3;
+ k60G = 4;
+ k1G = 5;
+ }
+ bitmap Feature : bitmap32 {
+ kWiFiNetworkInterface = 0x1;
+ kThreadNetworkInterface = 0x2;
+ kEthernetNetworkInterface = 0x4;
+ kPerDeviceCredentials = 0x8;
+ }
+ bitmap ThreadCapabilitiesBitmap : bitmap16 {
+ kIsBorderRouterCapable = 0x1;
+ kIsRouterCapable = 0x2;
+ kIsSleepyEndDeviceCapable = 0x4;
+ kIsFullThreadDevice = 0x8;
+ kIsSynchronizedSleepyEndDeviceCapable = 0x10;
+ }
+ bitmap WiFiSecurityBitmap : bitmap8 {
+ kUnencrypted = 0x1;
+ kWEP = 0x2;
+ kWPAPersonal = 0x4;
+ kWPA2Personal = 0x8;
+ kWPA3Personal = 0x10;
+ kWPA3MatterPDC = 0x20;
+ }
+ struct NetworkInfoStruct {
+ octet_string<32> networkID = 0;
+ boolean connected = 1;
+ optional nullable octet_string<20> networkIdentifier = 2;
+ optional nullable octet_string<20> clientIdentifier = 3;
+ }
+ struct ThreadInterfaceScanResultStruct {
+ int16u panId = 0;
+ int64u extendedPanId = 1;
+ char_string<16> networkName = 2;
+ int16u channel = 3;
+ int8u version = 4;
+ octet_string<8> extendedAddress = 5;
+ int8s rssi = 6;
+ int8u lqi = 7;
+ }
+ struct WiFiInterfaceScanResultStruct {
+ WiFiSecurityBitmap security = 0;
+ octet_string<32> ssid = 1;
+ octet_string<6> bssid = 2;
+ int16u channel = 3;
+ WiFiBandEnum wiFiBand = 4;
+ int8s rssi = 5;
+ }
+ readonly attribute access(read: administer) int8u maxNetworks = 0;
+ readonly attribute access(read: administer) NetworkInfoStruct networks[] = 1;
+ readonly attribute optional int8u scanMaxTimeSeconds = 2;
+ readonly attribute optional int8u connectMaxTimeSeconds = 3;
+ attribute access(write: administer) boolean interfaceEnabled = 4;
+ readonly attribute access(read: administer) nullable NetworkCommissioningStatusEnum lastNetworkingStatus = 5;
+ readonly attribute access(read: administer) nullable octet_string<32> lastNetworkID = 6;
+ readonly attribute access(read: administer) nullable int32s lastConnectErrorValue = 7;
+ readonly attribute optional WiFiBandEnum supportedWiFiBands[] = 8;
+ readonly attribute optional ThreadCapabilitiesBitmap supportedThreadFeatures = 9;
+ readonly attribute optional int16u threadVersion = 10;
+ readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
+ readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
+ readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
+ readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
+ readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
+ readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
+ request struct ScanNetworksRequest {
+ optional nullable octet_string<32> ssid = 0;
+ optional int64u breadcrumb = 1;
+ }
+ response struct ScanNetworksResponse = 1 {
+ NetworkCommissioningStatusEnum networkingStatus = 0;
+ optional char_string debugText = 1;
+ optional WiFiInterfaceScanResultStruct wiFiScanResults[] = 2;
+ optional ThreadInterfaceScanResultStruct threadScanResults[] = 3;
+ }
+ request struct AddOrUpdateWiFiNetworkRequest {
+ octet_string<32> ssid = 0;
+ octet_string<64> credentials = 1;
+ optional int64u breadcrumb = 2;
+ optional octet_string<140> networkIdentity = 3;
+ optional octet_string<20> clientIdentifier = 4;
+ optional octet_string<32> possessionNonce = 5;
+ }
+ request struct AddOrUpdateThreadNetworkRequest {
+ octet_string<254> operationalDataset = 0;
+ optional int64u breadcrumb = 1;
+ }
+ request struct RemoveNetworkRequest {
+ octet_string<32> networkID = 0;
+ optional int64u breadcrumb = 1;
+ }
+ response struct NetworkConfigResponse = 5 {
+ NetworkCommissioningStatusEnum networkingStatus = 0;
+ optional char_string<512> debugText = 1;
+ optional int8u networkIndex = 2;
+ optional octet_string<140> clientIdentity = 3;
+ optional octet_string<64> possessionSignature = 4;
+ }
+ request struct ConnectNetworkRequest {
+ octet_string<32> networkID = 0;
+ optional int64u breadcrumb = 1;
+ }
+ response struct ConnectNetworkResponse = 7 {
+ NetworkCommissioningStatusEnum networkingStatus = 0;
+ optional char_string debugText = 1;
+ nullable int32s errorValue = 2;
+ }
+ request struct ReorderNetworkRequest {
+ octet_string<32> networkID = 0;
+ int8u networkIndex = 1;
+ optional int64u breadcrumb = 2;
+ }
+ request struct QueryIdentityRequest {
+ octet_string<20> keyIdentifier = 0;
+ optional octet_string<32> possessionNonce = 1;
+ }
+ response struct QueryIdentityResponse = 10 {
+ octet_string<140> identity = 0;
+ optional octet_string<64> possessionSignature = 1;
+ }
+ /** Detemine the set of networks the device sees as available. */
+ command access(invoke: administer) ScanNetworks(ScanNetworksRequest): ScanNetworksResponse = 0;
+ /** Add or update the credentials for a given Wi-Fi network. */
+ command access(invoke: administer) AddOrUpdateWiFiNetwork(AddOrUpdateWiFiNetworkRequest): NetworkConfigResponse = 2;
+ /** Add or update the credentials for a given Thread network. */
+ command access(invoke: administer) AddOrUpdateThreadNetwork(AddOrUpdateThreadNetworkRequest): NetworkConfigResponse = 3;
+ /** Remove the definition of a given network (including its credentials). */
+ command access(invoke: administer) RemoveNetwork(RemoveNetworkRequest): NetworkConfigResponse = 4;
+ /** Connect to the specified network, using previously-defined credentials. */
+ command access(invoke: administer) ConnectNetwork(ConnectNetworkRequest): ConnectNetworkResponse = 6;
+ /** Modify the order in which networks will be presented in the Networks attribute. */
+ command access(invoke: administer) ReorderNetwork(ReorderNetworkRequest): NetworkConfigResponse = 8;
+ /** Retrieve details about and optionally proof of possession of a network client identity. */
+ command access(invoke: administer) QueryIdentity(QueryIdentityRequest): QueryIdentityResponse = 9;
+/** The cluster provides commands for retrieving unstructured diagnostic logs from a Node that may be used to aid in diagnostics. */
+cluster DiagnosticLogs = 50 {
+ revision 1; // NOTE: Default/not specifically set
+ enum IntentEnum : enum8 {
+ kEndUserSupport = 0;
+ kNetworkDiag = 1;
+ kCrashLogs = 2;
+ }
+ enum StatusEnum : enum8 {
+ kSuccess = 0;
+ kExhausted = 1;
+ kNoLogs = 2;
+ kBusy = 3;
+ kDenied = 4;
+ }
+ enum TransferProtocolEnum : enum8 {
+ kResponsePayload = 0;
+ kBDX = 1;
+ }
+ readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
+ readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
+ readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
+ readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
+ readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
+ readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
+ request struct RetrieveLogsRequestRequest {
+ IntentEnum intent = 0;
+ TransferProtocolEnum requestedProtocol = 1;
+ optional char_string<32> transferFileDesignator = 2;
+ }
+ response struct RetrieveLogsResponse = 1 {
+ StatusEnum status = 0;
+ long_octet_string logContent = 1;
+ optional epoch_us UTCTimeStamp = 2;
+ optional systime_us timeSinceBoot = 3;
+ }
+ /** Retrieving diagnostic logs from a Node */
+ command RetrieveLogsRequest(RetrieveLogsRequestRequest): RetrieveLogsResponse = 0;
+/** The General Diagnostics Cluster, along with other diagnostics clusters, provide a means to acquire standardized diagnostics metrics that MAY be used by a Node to assist a user or Administrative Node in diagnosing potential problems. */
+cluster GeneralDiagnostics = 51 {
+ revision 2;
+ enum BootReasonEnum : enum8 {
+ kUnspecified = 0;
+ kPowerOnReboot = 1;
+ kBrownOutReset = 2;
+ kSoftwareWatchdogReset = 3;
+ kHardwareWatchdogReset = 4;
+ kSoftwareUpdateCompleted = 5;
+ kSoftwareReset = 6;
+ }
+ enum HardwareFaultEnum : enum8 {
+ kUnspecified = 0;
+ kRadio = 1;
+ kSensor = 2;
+ kResettableOverTemp = 3;
+ kNonResettableOverTemp = 4;
+ kPowerSource = 5;
+ kVisualDisplayFault = 6;
+ kAudioOutputFault = 7;
+ kUserInterfaceFault = 8;
+ kNonVolatileMemoryError = 9;
+ kTamperDetected = 10;
+ }
+ enum InterfaceTypeEnum : enum8 {
+ kUnspecified = 0;
+ kWiFi = 1;
+ kEthernet = 2;
+ kCellular = 3;
+ kThread = 4;
+ }
+ enum NetworkFaultEnum : enum8 {
+ kUnspecified = 0;
+ kHardwareFailure = 1;
+ kNetworkJammed = 2;
+ kConnectionFailed = 3;
+ }
+ enum RadioFaultEnum : enum8 {
+ kUnspecified = 0;
+ kWiFiFault = 1;
+ kCellularFault = 2;
+ kThreadFault = 3;
+ kNFCFault = 4;
+ kBLEFault = 5;
+ kEthernetFault = 6;
+ }
+ struct NetworkInterface {
+ char_string<32> name = 0;
+ boolean isOperational = 1;
+ nullable boolean offPremiseServicesReachableIPv4 = 2;
+ nullable boolean offPremiseServicesReachableIPv6 = 3;
+ octet_string<8> hardwareAddress = 4;
+ octet_string IPv4Addresses[] = 5;
+ octet_string IPv6Addresses[] = 6;
+ InterfaceTypeEnum type = 7;
+ }
+ critical event HardwareFaultChange = 0 {
+ HardwareFaultEnum current[] = 0;
+ HardwareFaultEnum previous[] = 1;
+ }
+ critical event RadioFaultChange = 1 {
+ RadioFaultEnum current[] = 0;
+ RadioFaultEnum previous[] = 1;
+ }
+ critical event NetworkFaultChange = 2 {
+ NetworkFaultEnum current[] = 0;
+ NetworkFaultEnum previous[] = 1;
+ }
+ critical event BootReason = 3 {
+ BootReasonEnum bootReason = 0;
+ }
+ readonly attribute NetworkInterface networkInterfaces[] = 0;
+ readonly attribute int16u rebootCount = 1;
+ readonly attribute optional int64u upTime = 2;
+ readonly attribute optional int32u totalOperationalHours = 3;
+ readonly attribute optional BootReasonEnum bootReason = 4;
+ readonly attribute optional HardwareFaultEnum activeHardwareFaults[] = 5;
+ readonly attribute optional RadioFaultEnum activeRadioFaults[] = 6;
+ readonly attribute optional NetworkFaultEnum activeNetworkFaults[] = 7;
+ readonly attribute boolean testEventTriggersEnabled = 8;
+ readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
+ readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
+ readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
+ readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
+ readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
+ readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
+ request struct TestEventTriggerRequest {
+ octet_string<16> enableKey = 0;
+ int64u eventTrigger = 1;
+ }
+ response struct TimeSnapshotResponse = 2 {
+ systime_ms systemTimeMs = 0;
+ nullable posix_ms posixTimeMs = 1;
+ }
+ /** Provide a means for certification tests to trigger some test-plan-specific events */
+ command access(invoke: manage) TestEventTrigger(TestEventTriggerRequest): DefaultSuccess = 0;
+ /** Take a snapshot of system time and epoch time. */
+ command TimeSnapshot(): TimeSnapshotResponse = 1;
+/** The Software Diagnostics Cluster provides a means to acquire standardized diagnostics metrics that MAY be used by a Node to assist a user or Administrative Node in diagnosing potential problems. */
+cluster SoftwareDiagnostics = 52 {
+ revision 1; // NOTE: Default/not specifically set
+ bitmap Feature : bitmap32 {
+ kWatermarks = 0x1;
+ }
+ struct ThreadMetricsStruct {
+ int64u id = 0;
+ optional char_string<8> name = 1;
+ optional int32u stackFreeCurrent = 2;
+ optional int32u stackFreeMinimum = 3;
+ optional int32u stackSize = 4;
+ }
+ info event SoftwareFault = 0 {
+ int64u id = 0;
+ optional char_string name = 1;
+ optional octet_string faultRecording = 2;
+ }
+ readonly attribute optional ThreadMetricsStruct threadMetrics[] = 0;
+ readonly attribute optional int64u currentHeapFree = 1;
+ readonly attribute optional int64u currentHeapUsed = 2;
+ readonly attribute optional int64u currentHeapHighWatermark = 3;
+ readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
+ readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
+ readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
+ readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
+ readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
+ readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
+ /** Reception of this command SHALL reset the values: The StackFreeMinimum field of the ThreadMetrics attribute, CurrentHeapHighWaterMark attribute. */
+ command access(invoke: manage) ResetWatermarks(): DefaultSuccess = 0;
+/** Commands to trigger a Node to allow a new Administrator to commission it. */
+cluster AdministratorCommissioning = 60 {
+ revision 1; // NOTE: Default/not specifically set
+ enum CommissioningWindowStatusEnum : enum8 {
+ kWindowNotOpen = 0;
+ kEnhancedWindowOpen = 1;
+ kBasicWindowOpen = 2;
+ }
+ enum StatusCode : enum8 {
+ kBusy = 2;
+ kPAKEParameterError = 3;
+ kWindowNotOpen = 4;
+ }
+ bitmap Feature : bitmap32 {
+ kBasic = 0x1;
+ }
+ readonly attribute CommissioningWindowStatusEnum windowStatus = 0;
+ readonly attribute nullable fabric_idx adminFabricIndex = 1;
+ readonly attribute nullable vendor_id adminVendorId = 2;
+ readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
+ readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
+ readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
+ readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
+ readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
+ readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
+ request struct OpenCommissioningWindowRequest {
+ int16u commissioningTimeout = 0;
+ octet_string PAKEPasscodeVerifier = 1;
+ int16u discriminator = 2;
+ int32u iterations = 3;
+ octet_string<32> salt = 4;
+ }
+ request struct OpenBasicCommissioningWindowRequest {
+ int16u commissioningTimeout = 0;
+ }
+ /** This command is used by a current Administrator to instruct a Node to go into commissioning mode using enhanced commissioning method. */
+ timed command access(invoke: administer) OpenCommissioningWindow(OpenCommissioningWindowRequest): DefaultSuccess = 0;
+ /** This command is used by a current Administrator to instruct a Node to go into commissioning mode using basic commissioning method, if the node supports it. */
+ timed command access(invoke: administer) OpenBasicCommissioningWindow(OpenBasicCommissioningWindowRequest): DefaultSuccess = 1;
+ /** This command is used by a current Administrator to instruct a Node to revoke any active Open Commissioning Window or Open Basic Commissioning Window command. */
+ timed command access(invoke: administer) RevokeCommissioning(): DefaultSuccess = 2;
+/** This cluster is used to add or remove Operational Credentials on a Commissionee or Node, as well as manage the associated Fabrics. */
+cluster OperationalCredentials = 62 {
+ revision 1; // NOTE: Default/not specifically set
+ enum CertificateChainTypeEnum : enum8 {
+ kDACCertificate = 1;
+ kPAICertificate = 2;
+ }
+ enum NodeOperationalCertStatusEnum : enum8 {
+ kOK = 0;
+ kInvalidPublicKey = 1;
+ kInvalidNodeOpId = 2;
+ kInvalidNOC = 3;
+ kMissingCsr = 4;
+ kTableFull = 5;
+ kInvalidAdminSubject = 6;
+ kFabricConflict = 9;
+ kLabelConflict = 10;
+ kInvalidFabricIndex = 11;
+ }
+ fabric_scoped struct FabricDescriptorStruct {
+ octet_string<65> rootPublicKey = 1;
+ vendor_id vendorID = 2;
+ fabric_id fabricID = 3;
+ node_id nodeID = 4;
+ char_string<32> label = 5;
+ fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254;
+ }
+ fabric_scoped struct NOCStruct {
+ fabric_sensitive octet_string noc = 1;
+ nullable fabric_sensitive octet_string icac = 2;
+ fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254;
+ }
+ readonly attribute access(read: administer) NOCStruct NOCs[] = 0;
+ readonly attribute FabricDescriptorStruct fabrics[] = 1;
+ readonly attribute int8u supportedFabrics = 2;
+ readonly attribute int8u commissionedFabrics = 3;
+ readonly attribute octet_string trustedRootCertificates[] = 4;
+ readonly attribute int8u currentFabricIndex = 5;
+ readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
+ readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
+ readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
+ readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
+ readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
+ readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
+ request struct AttestationRequestRequest {
+ octet_string<32> attestationNonce = 0;
+ }
+ response struct AttestationResponse = 1 {
+ octet_string<900> attestationElements = 0;
+ octet_string<64> attestationSignature = 1;
+ }
+ request struct CertificateChainRequestRequest {
+ CertificateChainTypeEnum certificateType = 0;
+ }
+ response struct CertificateChainResponse = 3 {
+ octet_string<600> certificate = 0;
+ }
+ request struct CSRRequestRequest {
+ octet_string<32> CSRNonce = 0;
+ optional boolean isForUpdateNOC = 1;
+ }
+ response struct CSRResponse = 5 {
+ octet_string NOCSRElements = 0;
+ octet_string attestationSignature = 1;
+ }
+ request struct AddNOCRequest {
+ octet_string<400> NOCValue = 0;
+ optional octet_string<400> ICACValue = 1;
+ octet_string<16> IPKValue = 2;
+ int64u caseAdminSubject = 3;
+ vendor_id adminVendorId = 4;
+ }
+ request struct UpdateNOCRequest {
+ octet_string NOCValue = 0;
+ optional octet_string ICACValue = 1;
+ }
+ response struct NOCResponse = 8 {
+ NodeOperationalCertStatusEnum statusCode = 0;
+ optional fabric_idx fabricIndex = 1;
+ optional char_string<128> debugText = 2;
+ }
+ request struct UpdateFabricLabelRequest {
+ char_string<32> label = 0;
+ }
+ request struct RemoveFabricRequest {
+ fabric_idx fabricIndex = 0;
+ }
+ request struct AddTrustedRootCertificateRequest {
+ octet_string rootCACertificate = 0;
+ }
+ /** Sender is requesting attestation information from the receiver. */
+ command access(invoke: administer) AttestationRequest(AttestationRequestRequest): AttestationResponse = 0;
+ /** Sender is requesting a device attestation certificate from the receiver. */
+ command access(invoke: administer) CertificateChainRequest(CertificateChainRequestRequest): CertificateChainResponse = 2;
+ /** Sender is requesting a certificate signing request (CSR) from the receiver. */
+ command access(invoke: administer) CSRRequest(CSRRequestRequest): CSRResponse = 4;
+ /** Sender is requesting to add the new node operational certificates. */
+ command access(invoke: administer) AddNOC(AddNOCRequest): NOCResponse = 6;
+ /** Sender is requesting to update the node operational certificates. */
+ fabric command access(invoke: administer) UpdateNOC(UpdateNOCRequest): NOCResponse = 7;
+ /** This command SHALL be used by an Administrative Node to set the user-visible Label field for a given Fabric, as reflected by entries in the Fabrics attribute. */
+ fabric command access(invoke: administer) UpdateFabricLabel(UpdateFabricLabelRequest): NOCResponse = 9;
+ /** This command is used by Administrative Nodes to remove a given fabric index and delete all associated fabric-scoped data. */
+ command access(invoke: administer) RemoveFabric(RemoveFabricRequest): NOCResponse = 10;
+ /** This command SHALL add a Trusted Root CA Certificate, provided as its CHIP Certificate representation. */
+ command access(invoke: administer) AddTrustedRootCertificate(AddTrustedRootCertificateRequest): DefaultSuccess = 11;
+/** The Group Key Management Cluster is the mechanism by which group keys are managed. */
+cluster GroupKeyManagement = 63 {
+ revision 1; // NOTE: Default/not specifically set
+ enum GroupKeySecurityPolicyEnum : enum8 {
+ kTrustFirst = 0;
+ kCacheAndSync = 1;
+ }
+ bitmap Feature : bitmap32 {
+ kCacheAndSync = 0x1;
+ }
+ fabric_scoped struct GroupInfoMapStruct {
+ group_id groupId = 1;
+ endpoint_no endpoints[] = 2;
+ optional char_string<16> groupName = 3;
+ fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254;
+ }
+ fabric_scoped struct GroupKeyMapStruct {
+ group_id groupId = 1;
+ int16u groupKeySetID = 2;
+ fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254;
+ }
+ struct GroupKeySetStruct {
+ int16u groupKeySetID = 0;
+ GroupKeySecurityPolicyEnum groupKeySecurityPolicy = 1;
+ nullable octet_string<16> epochKey0 = 2;
+ nullable epoch_us epochStartTime0 = 3;
+ nullable octet_string<16> epochKey1 = 4;
+ nullable epoch_us epochStartTime1 = 5;
+ nullable octet_string<16> epochKey2 = 6;
+ nullable epoch_us epochStartTime2 = 7;
+ }
+ attribute access(write: manage) GroupKeyMapStruct groupKeyMap[] = 0;
+ readonly attribute GroupInfoMapStruct groupTable[] = 1;
+ readonly attribute int16u maxGroupsPerFabric = 2;
+ readonly attribute int16u maxGroupKeysPerFabric = 3;
+ readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
+ readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
+ readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
+ readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
+ readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
+ readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
+ request struct KeySetWriteRequest {
+ GroupKeySetStruct groupKeySet = 0;
+ }
+ request struct KeySetReadRequest {
+ int16u groupKeySetID = 0;
+ }
+ response struct KeySetReadResponse = 2 {
+ GroupKeySetStruct groupKeySet = 0;
+ }
+ request struct KeySetRemoveRequest {
+ int16u groupKeySetID = 0;
+ }
+ response struct KeySetReadAllIndicesResponse = 5 {
+ int16u groupKeySetIDs[] = 0;
+ }
+ /** Write a new set of keys for the given key set id. */
+ fabric command access(invoke: administer) KeySetWrite(KeySetWriteRequest): DefaultSuccess = 0;
+ /** Read the keys for a given key set id. */
+ fabric command access(invoke: administer) KeySetRead(KeySetReadRequest): KeySetReadResponse = 1;
+ /** Revoke a Root Key from a Group */
+ fabric command access(invoke: administer) KeySetRemove(KeySetRemoveRequest): DefaultSuccess = 3;
+ /** Return the list of Group Key Sets associated with the accessing fabric */
+ fabric command access(invoke: administer) KeySetReadAllIndices(): KeySetReadAllIndicesResponse = 4;
+/** The Fixed Label Cluster provides a feature for the device to tag an endpoint with zero or more read only
+labels. */
+cluster FixedLabel = 64 {
+ revision 1; // NOTE: Default/not specifically set
+ struct LabelStruct {
+ char_string<16> label = 0;
+ char_string<16> value = 1;
+ }
+ readonly attribute LabelStruct labelList[] = 0;
+ readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
+ readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
+ readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
+ readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
+ readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
+ readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
+/** Attributes and commands for monitoring HEPA filters in a device */
+cluster HepaFilterMonitoring = 113 {
+ revision 1; // NOTE: Default/not specifically set
+ enum ChangeIndicationEnum : enum8 {
+ kOK = 0;
+ kWarning = 1;
+ kCritical = 2;
+ }
+ enum DegradationDirectionEnum : enum8 {
+ kUp = 0;
+ kDown = 1;
+ }
+ enum ProductIdentifierTypeEnum : enum8 {
+ kUPC = 0;
+ kGTIN8 = 1;
+ kEAN = 2;
+ kGTIN14 = 3;
+ kOEM = 4;
+ }
+ bitmap Feature : bitmap32 {
+ kCondition = 0x1;
+ kWarning = 0x2;
+ kReplacementProductList = 0x4;
+ }
+ struct ReplacementProductStruct {
+ ProductIdentifierTypeEnum productIdentifierType = 0;
+ char_string<20> productIdentifierValue = 1;
+ }
+ readonly attribute optional percent condition = 0;
+ readonly attribute optional DegradationDirectionEnum degradationDirection = 1;
+ readonly attribute ChangeIndicationEnum changeIndication = 2;
+ readonly attribute optional boolean inPlaceIndicator = 3;
+ attribute optional nullable epoch_s lastChangedTime = 4;
+ readonly attribute optional ReplacementProductStruct replacementProductList[] = 5;
+ readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
+ readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
+ readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
+ readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
+ readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
+ readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
+ /** Reset the condition of the replaceable to the non degraded state */
+ command ResetCondition(): DefaultSuccess = 0;
+/** Attributes and commands for monitoring activated carbon filters in a device */
+cluster ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring = 114 {
+ revision 1; // NOTE: Default/not specifically set
+ enum ChangeIndicationEnum : enum8 {
+ kOK = 0;
+ kWarning = 1;
+ kCritical = 2;
+ }
+ enum DegradationDirectionEnum : enum8 {
+ kUp = 0;
+ kDown = 1;
+ }
+ enum ProductIdentifierTypeEnum : enum8 {
+ kUPC = 0;
+ kGTIN8 = 1;
+ kEAN = 2;
+ kGTIN14 = 3;
+ kOEM = 4;
+ }
+ bitmap Feature : bitmap32 {
+ kCondition = 0x1;
+ kWarning = 0x2;
+ kReplacementProductList = 0x4;
+ }
+ struct ReplacementProductStruct {
+ ProductIdentifierTypeEnum productIdentifierType = 0;
+ char_string<20> productIdentifierValue = 1;
+ }
+ readonly attribute optional percent condition = 0;
+ readonly attribute optional DegradationDirectionEnum degradationDirection = 1;
+ readonly attribute ChangeIndicationEnum changeIndication = 2;
+ readonly attribute optional boolean inPlaceIndicator = 3;
+ attribute optional nullable epoch_s lastChangedTime = 4;
+ readonly attribute optional ReplacementProductStruct replacementProductList[] = 5;
+ readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
+ readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
+ readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
+ readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
+ readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
+ readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
+ /** Reset the condition of the replaceable to the non degraded state */
+ command ResetCondition(): DefaultSuccess = 0;
+/** An interface for controlling a fan in a heating/cooling system. */
+provisional cluster FanControl = 514 {
+ revision 4;
+ enum AirflowDirectionEnum : enum8 {
+ kForward = 0;
+ kReverse = 1;
+ }
+ enum FanModeEnum : enum8 {
+ kOff = 0;
+ kLow = 1;
+ kMedium = 2;
+ kHigh = 3;
+ kOn = 4;
+ kAuto = 5;
+ kSmart = 6;
+ }
+ enum FanModeSequenceEnum : enum8 {
+ kOffLowMedHigh = 0;
+ kOffLowHigh = 1;
+ kOffLowMedHighAuto = 2;
+ kOffLowHighAuto = 3;
+ kOffHighAuto = 4;
+ kOffHigh = 5;
+ }
+ enum StepDirectionEnum : enum8 {
+ kIncrease = 0;
+ kDecrease = 1;
+ }
+ bitmap Feature : bitmap32 {
+ kMultiSpeed = 0x1;
+ kAuto = 0x2;
+ kRocking = 0x4;
+ kWind = 0x8;
+ kStep = 0x10;
+ kAirflowDirection = 0x20;
+ }
+ bitmap RockBitmap : bitmap8 {
+ kRockLeftRight = 0x1;
+ kRockUpDown = 0x2;
+ kRockRound = 0x4;
+ }
+ bitmap WindBitmap : bitmap8 {
+ kSleepWind = 0x1;
+ kNaturalWind = 0x2;
+ }
+ attribute FanModeEnum fanMode = 0;
+ readonly attribute FanModeSequenceEnum fanModeSequence = 1;
+ attribute nullable percent percentSetting = 2;
+ readonly attribute percent percentCurrent = 3;
+ readonly attribute optional int8u speedMax = 4;
+ attribute optional nullable int8u speedSetting = 5;
+ readonly attribute optional int8u speedCurrent = 6;
+ readonly attribute optional RockBitmap rockSupport = 7;
+ attribute optional RockBitmap rockSetting = 8;
+ readonly attribute optional WindBitmap windSupport = 9;
+ attribute optional WindBitmap windSetting = 10;
+ attribute optional AirflowDirectionEnum airflowDirection = 11;
+ readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528;
+ readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529;
+ readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530;
+ readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531;
+ readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532;
+ readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533;
+ request struct StepRequest {
+ StepDirectionEnum direction = 0;
+ optional boolean wrap = 1;
+ optional boolean lowestOff = 2;
+ }
+ /** The Step command speeds up or slows down the fan, in steps. */
+ command Step(StepRequest): DefaultSuccess = 0;
+endpoint 0 {
+ device type ma_rootdevice = 22, version 1;
+ binding cluster OtaSoftwareUpdateProvider;
+ server cluster Descriptor {
+ callback attribute deviceTypeList;
+ callback attribute serverList;
+ callback attribute clientList;
+ callback attribute partsList;
+ ram attribute featureMap default = 0;
+ callback attribute clusterRevision;
+ }
+ server cluster AccessControl {
+ emits event AccessControlEntryChanged;
+ emits event AccessControlExtensionChanged;
+ callback attribute acl;
+ callback attribute extension;
+ callback attribute subjectsPerAccessControlEntry;
+ callback attribute targetsPerAccessControlEntry;
+ callback attribute accessControlEntriesPerFabric;
+ callback attribute attributeList;
+ ram attribute featureMap default = 0;
+ callback attribute clusterRevision;
+ }
+ server cluster BasicInformation {
+ emits event StartUp;
+ emits event ShutDown;
+ emits event Leave;
+ callback attribute dataModelRevision;
+ callback attribute vendorName;
+ callback attribute vendorID;
+ callback attribute productName;
+ callback attribute productID;
+ persist attribute nodeLabel;
+ callback attribute location;
+ callback attribute hardwareVersion;
+ callback attribute hardwareVersionString;
+ callback attribute softwareVersion;
+ callback attribute softwareVersionString;
+ callback attribute manufacturingDate;
+ callback attribute partNumber;
+ callback attribute productURL;
+ callback attribute productLabel;
+ callback attribute serialNumber;
+ persist attribute localConfigDisabled default = 0;
+ callback attribute uniqueID;
+ callback attribute capabilityMinima;
+ callback attribute specificationVersion;
+ callback attribute maxPathsPerInvoke;
+ ram attribute featureMap default = 0;
+ ram attribute clusterRevision default = 3;
+ }
+ server cluster OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor {
+ emits event StateTransition;
+ emits event VersionApplied;
+ emits event DownloadError;
+ callback attribute defaultOTAProviders;
+ ram attribute updatePossible default = 1;
+ ram attribute updateState default = 0;
+ ram attribute updateStateProgress default = 0;
+ ram attribute featureMap default = 0;
+ ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
+ handle command AnnounceOTAProvider;
+ }
+ server cluster GeneralCommissioning {
+ ram attribute breadcrumb default = 0x0000000000000000;
+ callback attribute basicCommissioningInfo;
+ callback attribute regulatoryConfig;
+ callback attribute locationCapability;
+ callback attribute supportsConcurrentConnection;
+ ram attribute featureMap default = 0;
+ ram attribute clusterRevision default = 0x0001;
+ handle command ArmFailSafe;
+ handle command ArmFailSafeResponse;
+ handle command SetRegulatoryConfig;
+ handle command SetRegulatoryConfigResponse;
+ handle command CommissioningComplete;
+ handle command CommissioningCompleteResponse;
+ }
+ server cluster NetworkCommissioning {
+ ram attribute maxNetworks;
+ callback attribute networks;
+ ram attribute scanMaxTimeSeconds;
+ ram attribute connectMaxTimeSeconds;
+ ram attribute interfaceEnabled;
+ ram attribute lastNetworkingStatus;
+ ram attribute lastNetworkID;
+ ram attribute lastConnectErrorValue;
+ ram attribute featureMap default = 1;
+ ram attribute clusterRevision default = 0x0001;
+ handle command ScanNetworks;
+ handle command ScanNetworksResponse;
+ handle command AddOrUpdateWiFiNetwork;
+ handle command AddOrUpdateThreadNetwork;
+ handle command RemoveNetwork;
+ handle command NetworkConfigResponse;
+ handle command ConnectNetwork;
+ handle command ConnectNetworkResponse;
+ handle command ReorderNetwork;
+ }
+ server cluster DiagnosticLogs {
+ ram attribute featureMap default = 0;
+ ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
+ handle command RetrieveLogsRequest;
+ }
+ server cluster GeneralDiagnostics {
+ emits event BootReason;
+ callback attribute networkInterfaces;
+ callback attribute rebootCount;
+ callback attribute upTime;
+ callback attribute totalOperationalHours;
+ callback attribute bootReason;
+ callback attribute activeHardwareFaults;
+ callback attribute activeRadioFaults;
+ callback attribute activeNetworkFaults;
+ callback attribute testEventTriggersEnabled default = false;
+ ram attribute featureMap default = 0;
+ ram attribute clusterRevision default = 0x0002;
+ handle command TestEventTrigger;
+ handle command TimeSnapshot;
+ handle command TimeSnapshotResponse;
+ }
+ server cluster SoftwareDiagnostics {
+ callback attribute threadMetrics;
+ callback attribute currentHeapFree;
+ callback attribute currentHeapUsed;
+ callback attribute currentHeapHighWatermark;
+ callback attribute featureMap;
+ ram attribute clusterRevision default = 0x0001;
+ handle command ResetWatermarks;
+ }
+ server cluster AdministratorCommissioning {
+ callback attribute windowStatus;
+ callback attribute adminFabricIndex;
+ callback attribute adminVendorId;
+ ram attribute featureMap default = 0;
+ ram attribute clusterRevision default = 0x0001;
+ handle command OpenCommissioningWindow;
+ handle command RevokeCommissioning;
+ }
+ server cluster OperationalCredentials {
+ callback attribute NOCs;
+ callback attribute fabrics;
+ callback attribute supportedFabrics;
+ callback attribute commissionedFabrics;
+ callback attribute trustedRootCertificates;
+ callback attribute currentFabricIndex;
+ ram attribute featureMap default = 0;
+ ram attribute clusterRevision default = 0x0001;
+ handle command AttestationRequest;
+ handle command AttestationResponse;
+ handle command CertificateChainRequest;
+ handle command CertificateChainResponse;
+ handle command CSRRequest;
+ handle command CSRResponse;
+ handle command AddNOC;
+ handle command UpdateNOC;
+ handle command NOCResponse;
+ handle command UpdateFabricLabel;
+ handle command RemoveFabric;
+ handle command AddTrustedRootCertificate;
+ }
+ server cluster GroupKeyManagement {
+ callback attribute groupKeyMap;
+ callback attribute groupTable;
+ callback attribute maxGroupsPerFabric;
+ callback attribute maxGroupKeysPerFabric;
+ callback attribute featureMap;
+ callback attribute clusterRevision;
+ handle command KeySetWrite;
+ handle command KeySetRead;
+ handle command KeySetReadResponse;
+ handle command KeySetRemove;
+ handle command KeySetReadAllIndices;
+ handle command KeySetReadAllIndicesResponse;
+ }
+ server cluster FixedLabel {
+ callback attribute labelList;
+ ram attribute featureMap default = 0;
+ ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
+ }
+endpoint 1 {
+ device type ma_air_purifier = 45, version 1;
+ server cluster Identify {
+ ram attribute identifyTime default = 0x0;
+ ram attribute identifyType default = 0x00;
+ callback attribute generatedCommandList;
+ callback attribute acceptedCommandList;
+ callback attribute eventList;
+ callback attribute attributeList;
+ ram attribute featureMap default = 0;
+ ram attribute clusterRevision default = 4;
+ handle command Identify;
+ }
+ server cluster Descriptor {
+ callback attribute deviceTypeList;
+ callback attribute serverList;
+ callback attribute clientList;
+ callback attribute partsList;
+ callback attribute generatedCommandList;
+ callback attribute acceptedCommandList;
+ callback attribute eventList;
+ callback attribute attributeList;
+ ram attribute featureMap default = 0;
+ callback attribute clusterRevision;
+ }
+ server cluster HepaFilterMonitoring {
+ callback attribute condition;
+ callback attribute degradationDirection;
+ callback attribute changeIndication;
+ callback attribute inPlaceIndicator;
+ callback attribute lastChangedTime;
+ callback attribute replacementProductList;
+ callback attribute generatedCommandList;
+ callback attribute acceptedCommandList;
+ callback attribute eventList;
+ callback attribute attributeList;
+ callback attribute featureMap;
+ ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
+ }
+ server cluster ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring {
+ callback attribute condition;
+ callback attribute degradationDirection;
+ callback attribute changeIndication;
+ callback attribute inPlaceIndicator;
+ callback attribute lastChangedTime;
+ callback attribute replacementProductList;
+ callback attribute generatedCommandList;
+ callback attribute acceptedCommandList;
+ callback attribute eventList;
+ callback attribute attributeList;
+ callback attribute featureMap;
+ ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1;
+ }
+ server cluster FanControl {
+ ram attribute fanMode default = 0;
+ ram attribute fanModeSequence default = 2;
+ ram attribute percentSetting default = 0;
+ ram attribute percentCurrent default = 0;
+ ram attribute speedMax default = 100;
+ ram attribute speedSetting default = 0;
+ ram attribute speedCurrent default = 0;
+ ram attribute rockSupport default = 0x03;
+ ram attribute rockSetting default = 0x00;
+ ram attribute windSupport default = 0x03;
+ ram attribute windSetting default = 0x00;
+ ram attribute airflowDirection default = 0;
+ callback attribute generatedCommandList;
+ callback attribute acceptedCommandList;
+ callback attribute eventList;
+ callback attribute attributeList;
+ ram attribute featureMap default = 0x3F;
+ ram attribute clusterRevision default = 4;
+ handle command Step;
+ }
diff --git a/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_airpurifier_73a6fe2651.zap b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_airpurifier_73a6fe2651.zap
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd02955
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/chef/devices/rootnode_airpurifier_73a6fe2651.zap
@@ -0,0 +1,3374 @@
+ "fileFormat": 2,
+ "featureLevel": 99,
+ "creator": "zap",
+ "keyValuePairs": [
+ {
+ "key": "commandDiscovery",
+ "value": "1"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "defaultResponsePolicy",
+ "value": "always"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "manufacturerCodes",
+ "value": "0x1002"
+ }
+ ],
+ "package": [
+ {
+ "pathRelativity": "relativeToZap",
+ "path": "../../../src/app/zap-templates/zcl/zcl.json",
+ "type": "zcl-properties",
+ "category": "matter",
+ "version": 1,
+ "description": "Matter SDK ZCL data"
+ },
+ {
+ "pathRelativity": "relativeToZap",
+ "path": "../../../src/app/zap-templates/app-templates.json",
+ "type": "gen-templates-json",
+ "version": "chip-v1"
+ }
+ ],
+ "endpointTypes": [
+ {
+ "id": 1,
+ "name": "MA-rootdevice",
+ "deviceTypeRef": {
+ "code": 22,
+ "profileId": 259,
+ "label": "MA-rootdevice",
+ "name": "MA-rootdevice"
+ },
+ "deviceTypes": [
+ {
+ "code": 22,
+ "profileId": 259,
+ "label": "MA-rootdevice",
+ "name": "MA-rootdevice"
+ }
+ ],
+ "deviceVersions": [
+ 1
+ ],
+ "deviceIdentifiers": [
+ 22
+ ],
+ "deviceTypeName": "MA-rootdevice",
+ "deviceTypeCode": 22,
+ "deviceTypeProfileId": 259,
+ "clusters": [
+ {
+ "name": "Descriptor",
+ "code": 29,
+ "mfgCode": null,
+ "side": "server",
+ "enabled": 1,
+ "attributes": [
+ {
+ "name": "DeviceTypeList",
+ "code": 0,
+ "mfgCode": null,
+ "side": "server",
+ "type": "array",
+ "included": 1,
+ "storageOption": "External",
+ "singleton": 0,
+ "bounded": 0,
+ "defaultValue": null,
+ "reportable": 1,
+ "minInterval": 1,
+ "maxInterval": 65534,
+ "reportableChange": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "ServerList",
+ "code": 1,
+ "mfgCode": null,
+ "side": "server",
+ "type": "array",
+ "included": 1,
+ "storageOption": "External",
+ "singleton": 0,
+ "bounded": 0,
+ "defaultValue": null,
+ "reportable": 1,
+ "minInterval": 1,
+ "maxInterval": 65534,
+ "reportableChange": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "ClientList",
+ "code": 2,
+ "mfgCode": null,
+ "side": "server",
+ "type": "array",
+ "included": 1,
+ "storageOption": "External",
+ "singleton": 0,
+ "bounded": 0,
+ "defaultValue": null,
+ "reportable": 1,
+ "minInterval": 1,
+ "maxInterval": 65534,
+ "reportableChange": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "PartsList",
+ "code": 3,
+ "mfgCode": null,
+ "side": "server",
+ "type": "array",
+ "included": 1,
+ "storageOption": "External",
+ "singleton": 0,
+ "bounded": 0,
+ "defaultValue": null,
+ "reportable": 1,
+ "minInterval": 1,
+ "maxInterval": 65534,
+ "reportableChange": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "FeatureMap",
+ "code": 65532,
+ "mfgCode": null,
+ "side": "server",
+ "type": "bitmap32",
+ "included": 1,
+ "storageOption": "RAM",
+ "singleton": 0,
+ "bounded": 0,
+ "defaultValue": "0",
+ "reportable": 1,
+ "minInterval": 1,
+ "maxInterval": 65534,
+ "reportableChange": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "ClusterRevision",
+ "code": 65533,
+ "mfgCode": null,
+ "side": "server",
+ "type": "int16u",
+ "included": 1,
+ "storageOption": "External",
+ "singleton": 0,
+ "bounded": 0,
+ "defaultValue": null,
+ "reportable": 1,
+ "minInterval": 1,
+ "maxInterval": 65534,
+ "reportableChange": 0
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Access Control",
+ "code": 31,
+ "mfgCode": null,
+ "side": "server",
+ "enabled": 1,
+ "attributes": [
+ {
+ "name": "ACL",
+ "code": 0,
+ "mfgCode": null,
+ "side": "server",
+ "type": "array",
+ "included": 1,
+ "storageOption": "External",
+ "singleton": 0,
+ "bounded": 0,
+ "defaultValue": null,
+ "reportable": 1,
+ "minInterval": 1,
+ "maxInterval": 65534,
+ "reportableChange": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Extension",
+ "code": 1,
+ "mfgCode": null,
+ "side": "server",
+ "type": "array",
+ "included": 1,
+ "storageOption": "External",
+ "singleton": 0,
+ "bounded": 0,
+ "defaultValue": null,
+ "reportable": 1,
+ "minInterval": 1,
+ "maxInterval": 65534,
+ "reportableChange": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "SubjectsPerAccessControlEntry",
+ "code": 2,
+ "mfgCode": null,
+ "side": "server",
+ "type": "int16u",
+ "included": 1,
+ "storageOption": "External",
+ "singleton": 0,
+ "bounded": 0,
+ "defaultValue": null,
+ "reportable": 1,
+ "minInterval": 1,
+ "maxInterval": 65534,
+ "reportableChange": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "TargetsPerAccessControlEntry",
+ "code": 3,
+ "mfgCode": null,
+ "side": "server",
+ "type": "int16u",
+ "included": 1,
+ "storageOption": "External",
+ "singleton": 0,
+ "bounded": 0,
+ "defaultValue": null,
+ "reportable": 1,
+ "minInterval": 1,
+ "maxInterval": 65534,
+ "reportableChange": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "AccessControlEntriesPerFabric",
+ "code": 4,
+ "mfgCode": null,
+ "side": "server",
+ "type": "int16u",
+ "included": 1,
+ "storageOption": "External",
+ "singleton": 0,
+ "bounded": 0,
+ "defaultValue": null,
+ "reportable": 1,
+ "minInterval": 1,
+ "maxInterval": 65534,
+ "reportableChange": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "AttributeList",
+ "code": 65531,
+ "mfgCode": null,
+ "side": "server",
+ "type": "array",
+ "included": 1,
+ "storageOption": "External",
+ "singleton": 0,
+ "bounded": 0,
+ "defaultValue": null,
+ "reportable": 1,
+ "minInterval": 1,
+ "maxInterval": 65534,
+ "reportableChange": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "FeatureMap",
+ "code": 65532,
+ "mfgCode": null,
+ "side": "server",
+ "type": "bitmap32",
+ "included": 1,
+ "storageOption": "RAM",
+ "singleton": 0,
+ "bounded": 0,
+ "defaultValue": "0",
+ "reportable": 1,
+ "minInterval": 1,
+ "maxInterval": 65534,
+ "reportableChange": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "ClusterRevision",
+ "code": 65533,
+ "mfgCode": null,
+ "side": "server",
+ "type": "int16u",
+ "included": 1,
+ "storageOption": "External",
+ "singleton": 0,
+ "bounded": 0,
+ "defaultValue": null,
+ "reportable": 1,
+ "minInterval": 1,
+ "maxInterval": 65534,
+ "reportableChange": 0
+ }
+ ],
+ "events": [
+ {
+ "name": "AccessControlEntryChanged",
+ "code": 0,
+ "mfgCode": null,
+ "side": "server",
+ "included": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "AccessControlExtensionChanged",
+ "code": 1,
+ "mfgCode": null,
+ "side": "server",
+ "included": 1
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Basic Information",
+ "code": 40,
+ "mfgCode": null,
+ "side": "server",
+ "enabled": 1,
+ "attributes": [
+ {
+ "name": "DataModelRevision",
+ "code": 0,
+ "mfgCode": null,
+ "side": "server",
+ "type": "int16u",
+ "included": 1,
+ "storageOption": "External",
+ "singleton": 1,
+ "bounded": 0,
+ "defaultValue": null,
+ "reportable": 1,
+ "minInterval": 0,
+ "maxInterval": 65344,
+ "reportableChange": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "VendorName",
+ "code": 1,
+ "mfgCode": null,
+ "side": "server",
+ "type": "char_string",
+ "included": 1,
+ "storageOption": "External",
+ "singleton": 1,
+ "bounded": 0,
+ "defaultValue": null,
+ "reportable": 1,
+ "minInterval": 0,
+ "maxInterval": 65344,
+ "reportableChange": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "VendorID",
+ "code": 2,
+ "mfgCode": null,
+ "side": "server",
+ "type": "vendor_id",
+ "included": 1,
+ "storageOption": "External",
+ "singleton": 1,
+ "bounded": 0,
+ "defaultValue": null,
+ "reportable": 1,
+ "minInterval": 0,
+ "maxInterval": 65344,
+ "reportableChange": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "ProductName",
+ "code": 3,
+ "mfgCode": null,
+ "side": "server",
+ "type": "char_string",
+ "included": 1,
+ "storageOption": "External",
+ "singleton": 1,
+ "bounded": 0,
+ "defaultValue": null,
+ "reportable": 1,
+ "minInterval": 0,
+ "maxInterval": 65344,
+ "reportableChange": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "ProductID",
+ "code": 4,
+ "mfgCode": null,
+ "side": "server",
+ "type": "int16u",
+ "included": 1,
+ "storageOption": "External",
+ "singleton": 1,
+ "bounded": 0,
+ "defaultValue": null,
+ "reportable": 1,
+ "minInterval": 0,
+ "maxInterval": 65344,
+ "reportableChange": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "NodeLabel",
+ "code": 5,
+ "mfgCode": null,
+ "side": "server",
+ "type": "char_string",
+ "included": 1,
+ "storageOption": "NVM",
+ "singleton": 1,
+ "bounded": 0,
+ "defaultValue": "",
+ "reportable": 1,
+ "minInterval": 0,
+ "maxInterval": 65344,
+ "reportableChange": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Location",
+ "code": 6,
+ "mfgCode": null,
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+ ]
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+ }
+ ]
+ },
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+ ]
+ },
+ {
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+ "enabled": 1,
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+ },
+ {
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+ }
+ ],
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+ ]
+ },
+ {
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+ "enabled": 1,
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "id": 2,
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+ "name": "MA-air-purifier"
+ },
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+ {
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+ "name": "MA-air-purifier"
+ }
+ ],
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+ ],
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+ }
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+ "bounded": 0,
+ "defaultValue": "4",
+ "reportable": 1,
+ "minInterval": 1,
+ "maxInterval": 65534,
+ "reportableChange": 0
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "endpoints": [
+ {
+ "endpointTypeName": "MA-rootdevice",
+ "endpointTypeIndex": 0,
+ "profileId": 259,
+ "endpointId": 0,
+ "networkId": 0
+ },
+ {
+ "endpointTypeName": "Anonymous Endpoint Type",
+ "endpointTypeIndex": 1,
+ "profileId": 259,
+ "endpointId": 1,
+ "networkId": 0
+ }
+ ],
+ "log": []
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/chef/linux/BUILD.gn b/examples/chef/linux/BUILD.gn
index c3ea39c..d3cf534 100644
--- a/examples/chef/linux/BUILD.gn
+++ b/examples/chef/linux/BUILD.gn
@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@
+ "${project_dir}/common/chef-fan-control-manager.cpp",
+ "${project_dir}/common/chef-resource-monitoring-delegates.cpp",
diff --git a/examples/chef/nrfconnect/CMakeLists.txt b/examples/chef/nrfconnect/CMakeLists.txt
index 8d7c9a2..b0b6981 100644
--- a/examples/chef/nrfconnect/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/examples/chef/nrfconnect/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -80,13 +80,15 @@
target_sources(app PRIVATE
- ${CHEF}/nrfconnect/main.cpp
- ${CHEF}/common/stubs.cpp
- ${CHEF}/common/chef-channel-manager.cpp
+ ${CHEF}/common/chef-channel-manager.cpp
+ ${CHEF}/common/chef-fan-control-manager.cpp
+ ${CHEF}/common/chef-resource-monitoring-delegates.cpp
+ ${CHEF}/common/stubs.cpp
+ ${CHEF}/nrfconnect/main.cpp
message(STATUS ${CHEF}/devices/${SAMPLE_NAME}.zap)
diff --git a/src/app/data-model/Nullable.h b/src/app/data-model/Nullable.h
index dec7fc5..d926c54 100644
--- a/src/app/data-model/Nullable.h
+++ b/src/app/data-model/Nullable.h
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
// Pull in APIs that make sense on Nullable with the same names as on
// Optional.
using Optional<T>::Value;
+ using Optional<T>::ValueOr;
// Some consumers need an easy way to determine our underlying type.
using UnderlyingType = T;