To generate the esp_secure_cert_partition and the factory_data_partition, we need the DAC and PAI certificate as well as the private key(DAC key) in .der format. The factory_data_provider in addition requires the certificate declaration in .der format. The generation of the required certificates and keys is mentioned in the steps given below.
Run the commands below:
cd path/to/connectedhomeip source scripts/ gn gen out/host ninja -C out/host chip-cert cd out/host
At /path/to/connectedhomeip/out/host run the below commands.
./chip-cert gen-cd -K ../../credentials/test/certification-declaration/Chip-Test-CD-Signing-Key.pem -C ../../credentials/test/certification-declaration/Chip-Test-CD-Signing-Cert.pem -O esp_dac_fff1_8000.der -f 1 -V 0xfff1 -p 0x8000 -d 0x0016 -c "CSA00000SWC00000-01" -l 0 -i 0 -n 1 -t 0
./chip-cert gen-att-cert -t i -c "ESP TEST PAI" -V 0xfff1 -P 0x8000 -C ../../credentials/development/attestation/Chip-Development-PAA-Cert.pem -K ../../credentials/development/attestation/Chip-Development-PAA-Key.pem -o Esp-Development-PAI-Cert.pem -O Esp-Development-PAI-Key.pem -l 4294967295
./chip-cert gen-att-cert -t d -c "ESP TEST DAC 01" -V 0xfff1 -P 0x8000 -C Esp-Development-PAI-Cert.pem -K Esp-Development-PAI-Key.pem -o Esp-Development-DAC-01.pem -O Esp-Development-DAC-Key-01.pem -l 4294967295
openssl ec -in Esp-Development-DAC-Key-01.pem -out Esp-Development-DAC-Key-01.der -inform pem -outform der
openssl x509 -in Esp-Development-DAC-01.pem -out Esp-Development-DAC-01.der-inform pem -outform der openssl x509 -in Esp-Development-PAI-Cert.pem -out Esp-Development-PAI-Cert.der -inform pem -outform der
The certificates in the steps 1.2 will be generated at /path/to/connectedhomeip/out/host.For steps 1.3 and 1.4 go to connectedhomeip/scripts/tools , set IDF_PATH.
To generate the esp_secure_cert_partition install esp-secure-cert-tool using
pip install esp-secure-cert-tool
Example command to generate a esp_secure_cert_partition --private-key path/to/dac-key \ --device-cert path/to/dac-cert \ --ca-cert path/to/pai-cert \ --target_chip esp32c3 \ --port /dev/ttyUSB0 -- skip_flash
Refer for more help.
Example command to generate a factory_data_partition
./ -d 3434 -p 99663300 \ --product-name ESP-lighting-app --product-id 0x8000 \ --vendor-name Test-vendor --vendor-id 0xFFF1 \ --hw-ver 1 --hw-ver-str DevKit \ --dac-cert path/to/dac-cert \ --dac-key path/to/dac-key \ --pai-cert path/to/pai-cert \ --cd path/to/certificate-declaration
Refer to generate a factory_data_partition.
# Disable the DS Peripheral support CONFIG_ESP_SECURE_CERT_DS_PERIPHERAL=n # Use DAC Provider implementation which reads attestation data from secure cert partition CONFIG_SEC_CERT_DAC_PROVIDER=y # Enable some options which reads CD and other basic info from the factory partition CONFIG_ENABLE_ESP32_FACTORY_DATA_PROVIDER=y CONFIG_ENABLE_ESP32_DEVICE_INSTANCE_INFO_PROVIDER=y CONFIG_CHIP_FACTORY_NAMESPACE_PARTITION_LABEL="fctry"
In order to use the esp_secure_cert_partition, in addition to enabling the above config options, you should also have the esp_secure_cert_partition and factory partition in your app. For reference, refer to partitions.csv file of lighting-app. -p (PORT) build flash
and factory partition binariesThe esp_secure_cert
partition binary contains device attestation information and the factory partition binary contains Matter manufacturing specific data.
partition -p (PORT) write_flash 0xd000 path/to/secure_cert_partition.bin -p (PORT) write_flash 0x3E0000 path/to/factory_partition.bin monitor
Please flash the above mentioned partitions by looking into the addresses in partitions.csv.The above commands are for example purpose.
Run the following command from host to commission the device.
./chip-tool pairing ble-wifi 1234 my_SSID my_PASSPHRASE my_PASSCODE my_DISCRIMINATOR --paa-trust-store-path /path/to/PAA-Certificates/
For example:
./chip-tool pairing ble-wifi 0x7283 my_SSID my_PASSPHRASE 99663300 3434 --paa-trust-store-path /path/to/connectedhomeip/credentials/development/attestation/