A number of unused preprocessor definitions proliferate the tree. Resolves #525 (#774)

* Cleaning out dead code, and renaming

* Cleaning up more constants

* More cleanup

* Fixing build

* Updating end periods

* Update src/lib/core/CHIPError.h

Co-authored-by: Yakun Xu <xyk@google.com>

Co-authored-by: Yakun Xu <xyk@google.com>
20 files changed
tree: e867f14aa7683d75e1c12b21caf4180ea4c78968
  1. .circleci/
  2. .devcontainer/
  3. .github/
  4. .vscode/
  5. autoconf/
  6. config/
  7. docs/
  8. examples/
  9. images/
  10. integrations/
  11. scripts/
  12. src/
  13. tests/
  14. third_party/
  15. tools/
  16. .clang-format
  17. .default-version
  18. .dir-locals.el
  19. .editorconfig
  20. .gitignore
  21. .gitmodules
  22. .prettierrc.json
  23. .restyled.yaml
  24. .shellcheck_tree
  25. bootstrap
  27. configure.ac
  31. Makefile-Android
  32. Makefile-bootstrap
  33. Makefile-Standalone
  34. Makefile.am
  35. README.md
  36. repos.conf
  37. REVIEWERS.md

Connected Home over IP

Build Status codecov

Getting started with CHIP

All documentation is inside of the docs section

Instructions about how to build and develop CHIP can be found here.

Need help?

There are numerous avenues for CHIP support:

Directory Structure

The CHIP repository is structured as follows:

File / FolderContents
.default-versionDefault CHIP version if none is available via source code control tags, .dist-version, or .local-version.
bootstrapGNU autotools bootstrap script for the CHIP build system.
bootstrap-configureConvenience script that will bootstrap the CHIP build system, via bootstrap, and invoke configure.
build/Build system support content and build output directories
BUILDING.mdMore detailed information on configuring and building CHIP for different targets
CODE_OF_CONDUCT.mdCode of Conduct for CHIP, and contributions to it
CONTRIBUTING.mdGuidelines for contributing to CHIP
CONTRIBUTORS.mdContributors to CHIP
examples/Example firmware applications that demonstrate use of CHIP technology
integrations/Third party integrations related to this project
integrations/github/GitHub integrations related to this project
integrations/github/actionsGitHub actions related to this project
integrations/docker/Docker scripts and Dockerfiles
LICENSECHIP License file (Apache 2.0)
Makefile-AndroidConvenience makefile for building CHIP against Android.
Makefile-iOSConvenience makefile for building CHIP against iOS.
Makefile-StandaloneConvenience makefile for building CHIP as a standalone package on desktop and server systems.
README.mdThis file
src/Implementation of CHIP
tests/Tests for CHIP
third_party/Third-party code used by CHIP.
tools/Tools needed to work with the CHIP repo, as well as develop in the repository


We would love for you to contribute to CHIP and help make it even better than it is today! See the CONTRIBUTING.md file for more information.


CHIP is released under the Apache 2.0 license Please read more details therein