CHIP Client Example

An example application that uses CHIP to send messages to a CHIP server.

Building the Example Application

Building the example application is quite straightforward.


cd examples/chip-tool
git submodule update --init
source third_party/connectedhomeip/scripts/
gn gen out/debug
ninja -C out/debug
  • After the application is built, it can be found in the build directory as out/debug/chip-tool

Using the Client to Pair a device

In order to send commands to a device, it must be paired with the client.

Pair a device

To initiate a client pairing request to a device, run the built executable and choose the pairing mode.

Pair a device configured to bypass Rendezvous

The command below pair a device with the provided IP address and port of the server to talk to.

$ chip-tool pairing bypass 11097

Pair a device over BLE

Run the built executable and pass it the discriminator and pairing code of the remote device.

The command below uses the default values hard-coded into the debug versions of the ESP32 all-clusters-app:

$ chip-tool pairing ble 12345678 3840

Unpair a device

$ chip-tool pairing unpair

Using the Client to Request an Echo

Ping a device

$ chip-tool echo ip

If valid values are supplied, it will send a message to the paired device and verify that the incoming echo from the server matches what was sent out.

Using the Client to Send CHIP Commands

To use the Client to send a CHIP commands, run the built executable and pass it the target cluster name, the target command name as well as an endpoint id.

The endpoint id must be between 1 and 240.

$ chip-tool onoff on 1

The client will send a single command packet and then exit.

How to get the list of supported clusters

To get the list of supported clusters, run the built executable without any arguments.

$ chip-tool

How to get the list of supported commands for a specific cluster

To get the list of commands for a specific cluster, run the built executable with the target cluster name.

$ chip-tool onoff

How to get the list of supported attributes for a specific cluster

To the the list of attributes for a specific cluster, run the built executable with the target cluster name and the read command name.

$ chip-tool onoff read

How to get the list of parameters for a command

To get the list of parameters for a specific command, run the built executable with the target cluster name and the target command name

$ chip-tool onoff on

Using the Client for Setup Payload

How to parse a setup code

To parse a setup code, run the built executable with the payload cluster name and the parse command

$ chip-tool payload parse code

QR Code

$ chip-tool payload parse "CH:#####"

QR Code with optional Vendor Info

$ chip-tool chip-tool payload parse "CH:#####"

Manual Setup Code

$ chip-tool payload parse :#####"