Chip Device Controller is a general library to control devices and manage commissioner functionality, it has Python, Java (for Android) and ObjC (for iOS) bindings for building tests and CHIP mobile applications. This document will focus on its python binding interface on Linux and mac os.
Note: The CHIP can be built on Linux (amd64 / aarch64) and macOS
git clone
Follow to setup CHIP on your platform.
Genrally, once build dependencies are satisfied you can build the python
Use scripts/
or run something equivalent to:
gn gen out/python_lib ninja -C out/python_lib python
Note: Python device controller is not versioned, so you need to uninstall the old device controller before install the new one.
It is recommended to setup a separate clean virtual environment The
script sets up a python environment and installs the WHL file.
virtualenv out/python_env --clear source out/python_env/bin/activate pip install out/python_lib/controller/python/chip*.whl
The WHL file installation will:
script that provides an interactive shell for the chip libraryIf we would like to setup virtual BLE central and peripheral in the same machine, then Bluez setup
cd third_party/bluez/repo ./bootstrap third_party/bluez/repo/configure --prefix=/usr --mandir=/usr/share/man --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --enable-experimental --with-systemdsystemunitdir=/lib/systemd/system --with-systemduserunitdir=/usr/lib/systemd --enable-deprecated --enable-testing --enable-tools make
Note: You also need to install several packages on RPi if you want to build bluez
sudo apt-get install libtool m4 automake autotools-dev libudev-dev libical-dev libreadline-dev
Run bluetoothd:
sudo third_party/bluez/repo/src/bluetoothd --experimental --debug &
Bring up two virtual ble interface:
sudo third_party/bluez/repo/emulator/btvirt -L -l2
You can find the virtual interface by hciconfig
$ hciconfig hci2: Type: Primary Bus: Virtual BD Address: 00:AA:01:01:00:24 ACL MTU: 192:1 SCO MTU: 0:0 UP RUNNING RX bytes:0 acl:95 sco:0 events:205 errors:0 TX bytes:2691 acl:95 sco:0 commands:98 errors:0 hci1: Type: Primary Bus: Virtual BD Address: 00:AA:01:00:00:23 ACL MTU: 192:1 SCO MTU: 0:0 UP RUNNING RX bytes:0 acl:95 sco:0 events:208 errors:0 TX bytes:3488 acl:95 sco:0 commands:110 errors:0
Then you can choose the adapter to use in command line arguments of the device controller:
For example, add --bluetooth-adapter=hci2
to use the virtual interface hci2
listed above.
chip-device-ctrl --bluetooth-adapter=hci2
Running as root via
to ensure permissions to interface with the bluetooth adapter.
sudo chip-device-ctrl
or select the bluetooth interface by command line arguments.
sudo chip-device-ctrl --bluetooth-adapter=hci2
chip-device-ctrl > ble-scan 2021-01-19 02:27:23,653 ChipBLEMgr INFO scanning started 2021-01-19 02:27:25,144 ChipBLEMgr INFO Name = CHIP-1383 2021-01-19 02:27:25,144 ChipBLEMgr INFO ID = ae0125dc-e621-3e05-9166-70ca7ea07985 2021-01-19 02:27:25,146 ChipBLEMgr INFO RSSI = -32 2021-01-19 02:27:25,147 ChipBLEMgr INFO Address = DC:A6:32:A5:4C:56 2021-01-19 02:27:25,151 ChipBLEMgr INFO Pairing State = 0 2021-01-19 02:27:25,151 ChipBLEMgr INFO Discriminator = 1383 2021-01-19 02:27:25,152 ChipBLEMgr INFO Vendor Id = 9050 2021-01-19 02:27:25,152 ChipBLEMgr INFO Product Id = 65279 2021-01-19 02:27:25,155 ChipBLEMgr INFO Adv UUID = 0000feaf-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb 2021-01-19 02:27:25,156 ChipBLEMgr INFO Adv Data = 0067055a23fffe 2021-01-19 02:27:27,257 ChipBLEMgr INFO 2021-01-19 02:27:34,213 ChipBLEMgr INFO scanning stopped Connect to BLE device
Note: This command will be deprerated after the network provisioning cluster is ready.
chip-device-ctrl > set-pairing-wifi-credential TestAP TestPassword
chip-device-ctrl > connect -ble 1383 12345678
Configure Thread border router. For example, follow Setup OpenThread Border Router on Raspberry Pi / ubuntu instruction to configure OpenThread Border Router on a Linux workstation.
Run CHIP Device Controller
sudo chip-device-ctrl
set-pairing-thread-credential <channel> <pan id[HEX]> <master_key>
connect -ble <discriminator> <setup pin code> [<nodeid>]
Note: SUDO is not required when use IP to connect device.
chip-device-ctrl > connect -ip <Device IP Address> 12345678
= Linux only / [D]
= Deprecated / [W]
= WIP / [T]
= For testing
Print the available Bluetooth adapters on device. Takes no arguments.
chip-device-ctrl > ble-adapter-print 2021-03-04 16:09:40,930 ChipBLEMgr INFO AdapterName: hci0 AdapterAddress: 00:AA:01:00:00:23
ble-adapter-select <address>
Select the Bluetooth adapter for device controller, takes adapter MAC address as argument. This command only affects ble-scan
chip-device-ctrl > ble-adapter-select DC:A6:32:9E:2E:A7 (no output)
ble-scan [-t <timeout>] [identifier]
Start a ble-scan action for searching valid CHIP devices over BLE [for at most timeout seconds], stop when device matching the identifier or timeout.
chip-device-ctrl > ble-scan 2021-01-19 02:27:23,653 ChipBLEMgr INFO scanning started 2021-01-19 02:27:25,144 ChipBLEMgr INFO Name = CHIP-1383 2021-01-19 02:27:25,144 ChipBLEMgr INFO ID = ae0125dc-e621-3e05-9166-70ca7ea07985 2021-01-19 02:27:25,146 ChipBLEMgr INFO RSSI = -32 2021-01-19 02:27:25,147 ChipBLEMgr INFO Address = DC:A6:32:A5:4C:56 2021-01-19 02:27:25,151 ChipBLEMgr INFO Pairing State = 0 2021-01-19 02:27:25,151 ChipBLEMgr INFO Discriminator = 1383 2021-01-19 02:27:25,152 ChipBLEMgr INFO Vendor Id = 9050 2021-01-19 02:27:25,152 ChipBLEMgr INFO Product Id = 65279 2021-01-19 02:27:25,155 ChipBLEMgr INFO Adv UUID = 0000feaf-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb 2021-01-19 02:27:25,156 ChipBLEMgr INFO Adv Data = 0067055a23fffe 2021-01-19 02:27:27,257 ChipBLEMgr INFO 2021-01-19 02:27:34,213 ChipBLEMgr INFO scanning stopped
connect -ip <address> <SetUpPinCode> [<nodeid>]
Do key exchange and establish a secure session between controller and device using IP transport.
The node id will be used by controller to distinguish multiple devices. This does not match the spec and will be removed later. The nodeid will not be persisted by controller / device.
If no nodeid given, a random node id will be used.
connect -ble <discriminator> <SetUpPinCode> [<nodeid>]
Do key exchange and establish a secure session between controller and device using BLE transport.
The node id will be used by controller to distinguish multiple devices. This does not match the spec and will be removed later. The nodeid will not be persisted by controller / device.
If no nodeid given, a random node id will be used.
set-pairing-wifi-credential <ssid> <password>
Set WiFi credential for deprecated network provisioning precedure.
Sending ZCL commands.
zcl ?
List available clusters.
chip-device-ctrl > zcl ? dict_keys(['BarrierControl', 'Basic', 'ColorControl', 'DoorLock', 'Groups', 'IasZone', 'Identify', 'LevelControl', 'NetworkProvisioning', 'OnOff', 'Scenes', 'TemperatureMeasurement'])
zcl ? <Cluster>
List available commands in cluster.
chip-device-ctrl > zcl ? LevelControl Move moveMode: int, rate: int, optionMask: int, optionOverride: int MoveToLevel level: int, transitionTime: int, optionMask: int, optionOverride: int MoveToLevelWithOnOff level: int, transitionTime: int MoveWithOnOff moveMode: int, rate: int Step stepMode: int, stepSize: int, transitionTime: int, optionMask: int, optionOverride: int StepWithOnOff stepMode: int, stepSize: int, transitionTime: int Stop optionMask: int, optionOverride: int StopWithOnOff <no arguments>
zcl <Cluster> <Command> <NodeId> <EndpointId> <GroupId> [arguments]
Send a ZCL command to EndpointId
on device (NodeId
chip-device-ctrl > zcl LevelControl MoveWithOnOff 12344321 1 0 moveMode=1 rate=2