tree: c6b4202a8675e0a8377b0a3f577b744b31fbde04 [path history] [tgz]
  1. include/
  3. event_storage.cpp
  4. event_storage.h
  5. file_output.cpp
  6. file_output.h
  7. matter.cfg
  8. perfetto_tracing.cpp
  9. perfetto_tracing.h
  11. simple_initialize.cpp
  12. simple_initialize.h

This contains a data logging and tracing backend based on Perfetto.

Uses the perfetto submodule and guides based on

Capturing single app tracing

Example capturing a trace file output for chip-tool during pairing:

out/linux-x64-chip-tool/chip-tool \
    pairing onnetwork 1 20202021  \
    --trace-to perfetto:$HOME/tmp/test_perfetto.log

where the trace file is available through the Perfetto UI

Capturing potentially multiple app tracing

An example capturing all track_event entries is available in matter.cfg and the perfetto repo has more examples.

The traced and perfetto tools should be installed, can follow the perfetto getting started guide. Short form of instructions:

cd third_party/perfetto/repo
tools/gn gen --args='is_debug=false' out/linux
tools/ninja -C out/linux tracebox traced traced_probes perfetto

To capture using a central daemon on linux, you have to start the daemon:

traced --background

Then start perfetto (using a config in text format):

perfetto -o ~/tmp/example.log --txt -c src/tracing/perfetto/matter.cfg

And finally start the app(s) with system tracing set up:

out/linux-x64-chip-tool/chip-tool \
    pairing onnetwork 1 20202021  \
    --trace-to perfetto