blob: 6cbe1629b96d24b7995a9cc5ef584a0024094d78 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Project CHIP Authors
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/* This file contains the declarations for the Matter OTA Requestor implementation and API.
* Applications implementing the OTA Requestor functionality must include this file.
#pragma once
#include <app/CASESessionManager.h>
#include <app/server/Server.h>
#include <protocols/bdx/BdxMessages.h>
#include "BDXDownloader.h"
#include "OTARequestorDriver.h"
#include "OTARequestorInterface.h"
#include "OTARequestorStorage.h"
namespace chip {
// This class implements all of the core logic of the OTA Requestor
class DefaultOTARequestor : public OTARequestorInterface, public BDXDownloader::StateDelegate
DefaultOTARequestor() : mOnConnectedCallback(OnConnected, this), mOnConnectionFailureCallback(OnConnectionFailure, this) {}
//////////// OTARequestorInterface Implementation ///////////////
void Reset(void) override;
void HandleAnnounceOTAProvider(
app::CommandHandler * commandObj, const app::ConcreteCommandPath & commandPath,
const app::Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor::Commands::AnnounceOTAProvider::DecodableType & commandData) override;
// Application API to send the QueryImage command and start the image update process with the next available Provider
CHIP_ERROR TriggerImmediateQuery(FabricIndex fabricIndex) override;
// Internal API meant for use by OTARequestorDriver to send the QueryImage command and start the image update process
// with the Provider currently set
void TriggerImmediateQueryInternal() override;
// Initiate download of the new image
void DownloadUpdate() override;
// Set the requestor state to kDelayedOnUserConsent
void DownloadUpdateDelayedOnUserConsent() override;
// Initiate the session to send ApplyUpdateRequest command
void ApplyUpdate() override;
// Initiate the session to send NotifyUpdateApplied command
void NotifyUpdateApplied() override;
// Get the value of the UpdateStateProgress attribute (in percentage) of the OTA Software Update Requestor Cluster on the given
// endpoint
CHIP_ERROR GetUpdateStateProgressAttribute(EndpointId endpointId, app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> & progress) override;
// Get the value of the UpdateState attribute of the OTA Software Update Requestor Cluster on the given endpoint
CHIP_ERROR GetUpdateStateAttribute(EndpointId endpointId, OTAUpdateStateEnum & state) override;
// Get the current state of the OTA update
OTAUpdateStateEnum GetCurrentUpdateState() override { return mCurrentUpdateState; }
// Get the target version of the OTA update
uint32_t GetTargetVersion() override { return mTargetVersion; }
// Application directs the Requestor to cancel image update in progress. All the Requestor state is
// cleared, UpdateState is reset to Idle
void CancelImageUpdate() override;
// Clear all entries with the specified fabric index in the default OTA provider list
CHIP_ERROR ClearDefaultOtaProviderList(FabricIndex fabricIndex) override;
void SetCurrentProviderLocation(ProviderLocationType providerLocation) override
void GetProviderLocation(Optional<ProviderLocationType> & providerLocation) override { providerLocation = mProviderLocation; }
// Set the metadata value for the provider to be used in the next query and OTA update process
// NOTE: Does not persist across reboot.
void SetMetadataForProvider(ByteSpan metadataForProvider) override { mMetadataForProvider.SetValue(metadataForProvider); }
// Add a default OTA provider to the cached list
CHIP_ERROR AddDefaultOtaProvider(const ProviderLocationType & providerLocation) override;
// Retrieve an iterator to the cached default OTA provider list
ProviderLocationList::Iterator GetDefaultOTAProviderListIterator(void) override { return mDefaultOtaProviderList.Begin(); }
//////////// BDXDownloader::StateDelegate Implementation ///////////////
void OnDownloadStateChanged(OTADownloader::State state,
app::Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor::OTAChangeReasonEnum reason) override;
void OnUpdateProgressChanged(app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> percent) override;
//////////// DefaultOTARequestor public APIs ///////////////
* Called to perform some initialization. Note that some states that must be initalized in the CHIP context will be deferred to
* InitState.
CHIP_ERROR Init(Server & server, OTARequestorStorage & storage, OTARequestorDriver & driver, BDXDownloader & downloader);
using QueryImageResponseDecodableType = app::Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateProvider::Commands::QueryImageResponse::DecodableType;
using ApplyUpdateResponseDecodableType = app::Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateProvider::Commands::ApplyUpdateResponse::DecodableType;
using OTAChangeReasonEnum = app::Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor::OTAChangeReasonEnum;
static constexpr size_t kMaxUpdateTokenLen = 32;
// TODO: the application should define this, along with initializing the BDXDownloader
// This class is purely for delivering messages and sending outgoing messages to/from the BDXDownloader.
class BDXMessenger : public chip::BDXDownloader::MessagingDelegate, public chip::Messaging::ExchangeDelegate
CHIP_ERROR SendMessage(const chip::bdx::TransferSession::OutputEvent & event) override
ChipLogDetail(SoftwareUpdate, "BDX::SendMessage");
VerifyOrReturnError(mExchangeCtx != nullptr, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE);
chip::Messaging::SendFlags sendFlags;
if (!event.msgTypeData.HasMessageType(chip::bdx::MessageType::BlockAckEOF) &&
CHIP_ERROR err = mExchangeCtx->SendMessage(event.msgTypeData.ProtocolId, event.msgTypeData.MessageType,
event.MsgData.Retain(), sendFlags);
if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
return err;
CHIP_ERROR OnMessageReceived(chip::Messaging::ExchangeContext * ec, const chip::PayloadHeader & payloadHeader,
chip::System::PacketBufferHandle && payload) override
if (mDownloader == nullptr)
ChipLogError(BDX, "BDXDownloader instance is null, can't pass message");
mDownloader->OnMessageReceived(payloadHeader, std::move(payload));
// For a receiver using BDX Protocol, all received messages will require a response except for a StatusReport
if (!payloadHeader.HasMessageType(chip::Protocols::SecureChannel::MsgType::StatusReport))
void OnResponseTimeout(chip::Messaging::ExchangeContext * ec) override
ChipLogError(BDX, "exchange timed out");
if (mDownloader != nullptr)
void OnExchangeClosing(Messaging::ExchangeContext * ec) override { mExchangeCtx = nullptr; }
void Init(chip::BDXDownloader * downloader, chip::Messaging::ExchangeContext * ec)
mExchangeCtx = ec;
mDownloader = downloader;
void Reset()
VerifyOrReturn(mExchangeCtx != nullptr);
mExchangeCtx = nullptr;
chip::Messaging::ExchangeContext * mExchangeCtx;
chip::BDXDownloader * mDownloader;
* Callback to initialize states and server attributes in the CHIP context
static void InitState(intptr_t context);
* Map a CHIP_ERROR to an IdleStateReason enum type
IdleStateReason MapErrorToIdleStateReason(CHIP_ERROR error);
ScopedNodeId GetProviderScopedId() const
return ScopedNodeId(mProviderLocation.Value().providerNodeID, mProviderLocation.Value().fabricIndex);
* Record the new update state by updating the corresponding server attribute and logging a StateTransition event
void RecordNewUpdateState(OTAUpdateStateEnum newState, OTAChangeReasonEnum reason, CHIP_ERROR error = CHIP_NO_ERROR);
* Record the error update state and transition to the idle state
void RecordErrorUpdateState(CHIP_ERROR error, OTAChangeReasonEnum reason = OTAChangeReasonEnum::kFailure);
* Generate an update token using the operational node ID in case of token lost, received in QueryImageResponse
CHIP_ERROR GenerateUpdateToken();
* Send QueryImage request using values matching Basic cluster
CHIP_ERROR SendQueryImageRequest(Messaging::ExchangeManager & exchangeMgr, const SessionHandle & sessionHandle);
* Validate and extract mandatory information from QueryImageResponse
CHIP_ERROR ExtractUpdateDescription(const QueryImageResponseDecodableType & response, UpdateDescription & update) const;
// Various actions to take when OnConnected callback is called
enum OnConnectedAction
kQueryImage = 0,
* Called to establish a session to provider indicated by mProviderLocation
* @param onConnectedAction The action to take once session to provider has been established
void ConnectToProvider(OnConnectedAction onConnectedAction);
* Called to tear down a session to provider indicated by mProviderLocation
void DisconnectFromProvider();
* Start download of the software image returned in QueryImageResponse
CHIP_ERROR StartDownload(Messaging::ExchangeManager & exchangeMgr, const SessionHandle & sessionHandle);
* Send ApplyUpdate request using values obtained from QueryImageResponse
CHIP_ERROR SendApplyUpdateRequest(Messaging::ExchangeManager & exchangeMgr, const SessionHandle & sessionHandle);
* Send NotifyUpdateApplied request
CHIP_ERROR SendNotifyUpdateAppliedRequest(Messaging::ExchangeManager & exchangeMgr, const SessionHandle & sessionHandle);
* Store current update information to KVS
void StoreCurrentUpdateInfo();
* Load current update information to KVS
void LoadCurrentUpdateInfo();
* Session connection callbacks
static void OnConnected(void * context, Messaging::ExchangeManager & exchangeMgr, const SessionHandle & sessionHandle);
static void OnConnectionFailure(void * context, const ScopedNodeId & peerId, CHIP_ERROR error);
Callback::Callback<OnDeviceConnected> mOnConnectedCallback;
Callback::Callback<OnDeviceConnectionFailure> mOnConnectionFailureCallback;
* QueryImage callbacks
static void OnQueryImageResponse(void * context, const QueryImageResponseDecodableType & response);
static void OnQueryImageFailure(void * context, CHIP_ERROR error);
* ApplyUpdate callbacks
static void OnApplyUpdateResponse(void * context, const ApplyUpdateResponseDecodableType & response);
static void OnApplyUpdateFailure(void * context, CHIP_ERROR error);
* NotifyUpdateApplied callbacks
static void OnNotifyUpdateAppliedResponse(void * context, const app::DataModel::NullObjectType & response);
static void OnNotifyUpdateAppliedFailure(void * context, CHIP_ERROR error);
* Commissioning callback
static void OnCommissioningCompleteRequestor(const DeviceLayer::ChipDeviceEvent * event, intptr_t arg);
OTARequestorStorage * mStorage = nullptr;
OTARequestorDriver * mOtaRequestorDriver = nullptr;
CASESessionManager * mCASESessionManager = nullptr;
OnConnectedAction mOnConnectedAction = kQueryImage;
BDXDownloader * mBdxDownloader = nullptr; // TODO: this should be OTADownloader
BDXMessenger mBdxMessenger; // TODO: ideally this is held by the application
uint8_t mUpdateTokenBuffer[kMaxUpdateTokenLen];
Optional<ByteSpan> mMetadataForProvider;
ByteSpan mUpdateToken;
uint32_t mCurrentVersion = 0;
uint32_t mTargetVersion = 0;
char mFileDesignatorBuffer[bdx::kMaxFileDesignatorLen];
CharSpan mFileDesignator;
OTAUpdateStateEnum mCurrentUpdateState = OTAUpdateStateEnum::kUnknown;
Server * mServer = nullptr;
ProviderLocationList mDefaultOtaProviderList;
// Provider location used for the current/last update in progress. Note that on reboot, this value will be read from the
// persistent storage (if available), used for sending the NotifyApplied message, and then cleared. This will ensure determinism
// in the OTARequestorDriver on reboot.
Optional<ProviderLocationType> mProviderLocation;
SessionHolder mSessionHolder;
} // namespace chip