tree: a7e2c661b96e57967ec93c618c6aeb6342d54252 [path history] [tgz]
  1. BDXDownloader.cpp
  2. BDXDownloader.h
  3. DefaultOTARequestorStorage.cpp
  4. DefaultOTARequestorStorage.h
  5. DefaultOTARequestorUserConsentProvider.h
  6. ExtendedOTARequestorDriver.cpp
  7. ExtendedOTARequestorDriver.h
  8. GenericOTARequestorDriver.cpp
  9. GenericOTARequestorDriver.h
  10. ota-requestor-server.cpp
  11. ota-requestor-server.h
  12. OTADownloader.h
  13. OTARequestor.cpp
  14. OTARequestor.h
  15. OTARequestorDriver.h
  16. OTARequestorInterface.h
  17. OTARequestorStorage.h

OTA Requestor

This is an implementation of the Matter OTA Requestor functionality that can be used by Matter applications for OTA software updates

Steps for including the OTA Requestor functionality in a Matter application

  • Enable the OTA Requestor Server cluster and the OTA Provider cluster in the application

  • Explicitly list all the source files in src/app/clusters/ota-requestor in the application's make/build file. See for example examples/ota-requestor-app/ota-requestor-common/

  • Implement a class derived from OTARequestorDriver, see for example LinuxOTARequestorDriver. This class would typically be a part of the application.

  • In the application initialization logic create an instance of the OTARequestor class and register it through SetRequestorInstance(). Create an instance of the OTARequestorDriver implementation and connect it to the OTARequestor object by calling OTARequestor::SetOtaRequestorDriver()

  • Implement a class derived from OTAImageProcessorInterface, see for example LinuxOTAImageProcessor. This class would typically be a part of the platform.

  • In the application initialization logic create an instance of the BDXDownloader class. Create an instance of the OTAImageProcessorInterface-derived implementation (e.g. LinuxOTAImageProcessor) and connect it to the BDXDownloader object by calling BDXDownloader::SetImageProcessorDelegate()

  • See examples/ota-requestor-app/linux/main.cpp for an example of the initialization code discussed above

  • Implement application- and platform-specific logic related to image download and update such as platform-specific image storage and validation, application-specific logic for triggering image query and applying the downloaded image, etc.

  • The interface between the core OTA Requestor functionality and the platform/application logic is realized through the virtual functions of OTARequestorDriver and OTAImageProcessorInterface and through the application interface methods of OTARequestor and BDXDownloader.

Design Overview

To be completed..