tree: 5612878149d6d2316c8fdc7134f6bb19208847bf [path history] [tgz]
  1. bl602/
  2. bl702/
  3. bl702l/
  4. common/
  5. data_model/

Bouffalo Lab

This example functions as a light bulb device type, with on/off and level capabilities and uses a test Vendor ID (VID) and a Product ID (PID) of 0x8005.

The steps were verified on Bouffalo Lab BL602 and BL706 development board.

  • BL602-IoT-Matter-V1, here to purchase.
  • XT-ZB6-DevKit
  • BL706DK
  • BL704LDK

Warning: Changing the VID/PID may cause compilation problems, we recommend leaving it as the default while using this example.


BL602/BL604 is combo chip-set for Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n and BLE 5.0 base-band/MAC.



BL70x is combo chip-set for BLE and IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee/Thread.

  • BL702/BL706 has 14dbm tx power and is recommended for routing devices. SDK uses BL702 as a general name.
  • BL702L/BL704L is designed for low power application. SDK uses BL702L as a general name.

BL70x has fully certified with all Thread 1.3 features, included Thread SSED and Thread Border Router with DUA manager.


Initial setup

The following steps in this document were validated on Ubuntu 18.04/20.04 and Mac OS.

  • Install dependencies as specified in the connectedhomeip repository: Building Matter.

  • Clone and initialize the connectedhomeip repo

    git clone
    cd connectedhomeip
    git submodule update --init --recursive
    source ./scripts/ -p bouffalolab

    After environment setup Bouffalo Lab flash tool, bflb-iot-tool, imports under this environment. If not, please try scripts/ -p bouffalolab for matter environment update.

  • Setup build environment for Bouffalo Lab SoC

    Run to install Bouffalo Lab SDK to /opt/bouffalolab_sdk

    cd third_party/bouffalolab/repo
    sudo bash scripts/

    Please execute following command to export BOUFFALOLAB_SDK_ROOT before building.

    export BOUFFALOLAB_SDK_ROOT=/opt/bouffalolab_sdk

Build CHIP Lighting App example

The following steps take examples for BL602-IoT-Matter-V1 BL602 board, BL706DK BL706 board, and BL704LDK BL704L board .

  • Build lighting app with UART baudrate 2000000

    ./scripts/build/ --target bouffalolab-bl602-iot-matter-v1-light build
    ./scripts/build/ --target bouffalolab-bl706dk-light build
    ./scripts/build/ --target bouffalolab-bl706dk-light-ethernet build
    ./scripts/build/ --target bouffalolab-bl706dk-light-wifi build
    ./scripts/build/ --target bouffalolab-bl704ldk-light build
  • Build lighting app with UART baudrate 115200

    ./scripts/build/ --target bouffalolab-bl602-iot-matter-v1-light-115200 build
    ./scripts/build/ --target bouffalolab-bl706dk-light-light-115200 build
    ./scripts/build/ --target bouffalolab-bl704ldk-light-light-115200 build
  • Build lighting app with RPC enabled and UART baudrate 115200.

    ./scripts/build/ --target bouffalolab-bl602-iot-matter-v1-light-rpc build
    ./scripts/build/ --target bouffalolab-bl706dk-light-light-rpc build
    ./scripts/build/ --target bouffalolab-bl704ldk-light-light-rpc build

Build options with

  • -shell, enable UART command line
  • -115200, set UART baudrate to 115200 for log and command line
  • -rpc, enable Pigweed RPC feature
  • -cdc, enable USB CDC feature, only support for BL706, and can't work with Ethernet Board
  • -resetCnt, enable feature to do factory reset when continues power cycle is greater than 3
  • -mfd, enable Matter factory data feature, which load factory data from DTS region and MFD partition
    • Please contact to Bouffalo Lab for Matter factory data support.
  • -mfdtest, enable Matter factory data module, but only load factory data from FactoryDataProvider.cpp file.
  • -wifi, to specify that connectivity Wi-Fi is enabled for Matter application.
  • -ethernet, to specify that connectivity Ethernet is enabled for Matter application.
  • -thread, to specify that connectivity Thread is enabled for Matter application.
  • -mot, to specify to use openthread stack under third_party/openthread/repo
    • Without -mot specified, Matter Thread will use openthread stack under Bouffalo Lab SDK
  • -fp, to specify to enable frame pointer feature to print call stack when hit an exception for debug purpose.

Download image

  • Using script *

    After building gets done, python script * will generate under build output folder, such as

    • for BL602
    • for BL702
    • for BL702L

    Note 1, * should be ran under Matter build environment; if python module bflb_iot_tool is not found, please try to do source scripts/ or install as pip3 install bflb-iot-tool.
    Note 2, different build options will generate different output folder.

    Download operation steps as below, please check help option of script for more detail.

    • Connect the board to your build machine

    • Put the board to the download mode:

      • Press and hold the BOOT button.
      • Click the RESET or EN button.
      • Release the BOOT button.
    • Type following command for image download. Please set serial port accordingly, here we use /dev/ttyACM0 as a serial port example.

      • bl602-iot-matter-v1, bl706dk and bl704ldk without additional build options

        ./out/bouffalolab-bl602-iot-matter-v1-light/ --port /dev/ttyACM0
        ./out/bouffalolab-bl706dk-light/ --port /dev/ttyACM0
        ./out/bouffalolab-bl704ldk-light/ --port /dev/ttyACM0
      • bl706dk with 115200 baudrate setting

        ./out/bouffalolab-bl706dk-light-115200/ --port /dev/ttyACM0
      • To wipe out flash and download image, please append --erase to the above command.

        ./out/bouffalolab-bl602-iot-matter-v1-light/ --port /dev/ttyACM0 --erase
        ./out/bouffalolab-bl706dk-light-115200/ --port /dev/ttyACM0 --erase
        ./out/bouffalolab-bl704ldk-light/ --port /dev/ttyACM0 --erase

        Note, better to append --erase option to download image for BL602 develop board at first time.

  • Using Bouffalo Lab GUI flash tool BLDevCube, please download on this page.

    • Hold BOOT pin and reset chip, put the board in download mode.
    • Select DTS file;
    • Select Partition Table under examples/platform/bouffalolab/bl602/flash_config or examples/platform/bouffalolab/bl702/flash_config
    • Select Firmware Bin;
    • Select Chip Erase if need;
    • Choose Target COM port.
    • Then click Create & Download.

Run the example

  • You can open the serial console. For example, if the device is at /dev/ttyACM0 with UART baudrate 2000000 built:

    picocom -b 2000000 /dev/ttyACM0
  • To reset the board, Click the RESET or EN button.

  • To toggle the light bulb’s on/off state by clicking BOOT button, which also toggles the LED.

  • To do factory reset, press BOOT button over 4 seconds, release BOOT button after led blink stopped.

Test Commission and Control with chip-tool

Please follow chip_tool_guide and guide to build and use chip-tool for test.

Prerequisite for Thread Protocol

Thread wireless protocol runs on BL706, which needs a Thread border router to connect Thread network to Wi-Fi/Ethernet network. Please follow this guide to setup a raspberry Pi border router.

After Thread border router setup, please type following command on Thread border router to get Thread network credential.

sudo ot-ctl dataset active -x

Commissioning over BLE

  • Reset the board or factory reset the board

  • Enter build out folder of chip-tool and running the following command to do BLE commission

    • BL602

      ./chip-tool pairing ble-wifi <node_id> <wifi_ssid> <wifi_passwd> 20202021 3840
    • BL706

      ./chip-tool pairing ble-thread <node_id> hex:<thread_operational_dataset> 20202021 3840

    <node_id>, which is node ID assigned to device within chip-tool fabric
    <wifi_ssid>, Wi-Fi network SSID
    <wifi_passwd>, Wi-FI network password
    <thread_operational_dataset>, Thread network credential which running sudo ot-ctl dataset active -x command on border router to get.

Cluster control

After successful commissioning, cluster commands available to control the board.

  • OnOff cluster

    The following command shows to toggle the LED on the board

    $ ./chip-tool onoff toggle <node_id> 1
  • Level cluster

    The following command shows to move level to 128.

    $ ./chip-tool levelcontrol move-to-level 128 10 0 0 <node_id> 1
  • Color cluster

    The following command shows to change hue and saturation to 240 and 100

    $ ./chip-tool colorcontrol move-to-hue-and-saturation 240 100 0 0 0 <node_id> 1
  • Identify Light

    The following command shows to identify the board 10 seconds

    ./chip-tool identify identify 10 <node_id> 1

Test OTA software upgrade with ota-provider-app

Please take guide for more detail on ota-provider-app build and usage.

Create the Matter OTA image with Bouffalolab OTA bin.xz.hash format image

  • Bouffalo Lab OTA bin.xz.hash format image

    • Build Bouffalo Lab OTA image as following execution using python script * under firmware build out folder, shell ./<output_firmware_name> --build After script executed, a folder ota_images and an image FW_OTA.bin.xz.hash will be generated. FW_OTA.bin.xz.hash is compressed with hash verification for build out firmware.

    • bin.xz.hash image

      After compile done, the build script will call <output_firmware_name> to generate Bouffalo Lab OTA format image as above, and put it under out folder with name likes <output_firmware_name>.bin.xz.hash

  • Build Matter *.ota OTA image with Bouffalo Lab OTA image under connectedhomeip repo folder

    $ ./src/app/ create -v 0xFFF1 -p 0x8005 -vn 10 -vs "1.0" -da sha256 <FW_OTA.bin.xz.hash> lighting-app.ota

    lighting-app.ota should have greater software version which is defined by macro CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_DEVICE_SOFTWARE_VERSION in CHIPProjectConfig.h

Start ota-provider-app

  • Start ota-provider-app for lighting-app.ota

    $ rm -r /tmp/chip_*
    $ ./chip-ota-provider-app -f <path_to_ota_bin>/lighting-app.ota

    where <path_to_ota_bin> is the folder for lighting-app.ota.

  • Provision ota-provider-app with assigned node id to 1

    $ ./chip-tool pairing onnetwork 1 20202021
    $ ./chip-tool accesscontrol write acl '[{"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 5, "authMode": 2, "subjects": [112233], "targets": null}, {"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 3, "authMode": 2, "subjects": null, "targets": null}]' 1 0

Start ota software upgrade

  • BLE commission BL602/BL702 lighting if not commissioned.
  • Start OTA software upgrade process
    ./chip-tool otasoftwareupdaterequestor announce-otaprovider 1 0 0 0 <node_id_to_lighting_app> 0
    where <node_id_to_lighting_app> is node id of BL602/BL702 lighting app.
  • After OTA software upgrade gets done, BL602/BL702 will get reboot automatically.

Run RPC Console

  • Build chip-console following this guide

  • Start the console

    $ chip-console --device /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 2000000
  • Get or Set the light state


    rpcs.chip.rpc.Lighting.Set(on=True, level=128)