blob: bfe42b062f5cfa577e7164b01e094945f0dcfab7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
MTR_NEWLY_DEPRECATED("ResponseHandler is not used")
typedef void (^ResponseHandler)(id _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error);
MTR_NEWLY_DEPRECATED("Please use MTRStatusCompletion instead")
typedef void (^StatusCompletion)(NSError * _Nullable error);
MTR_NEWLY_DEPRECATED("Please use MTRSubscriptionEstablishedHandler instead")
typedef void (^SubscriptionEstablishedHandler)(void);
typedef void (^MTRStatusCompletion)(NSError * _Nullable error);
typedef void (^MTRSubscriptionEstablishedHandler)(void);
@class MTRBaseDevice;
* MTRCluster
* This is the base class for clusters.
@interface MTRCluster : NSObject
- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
+ (instancetype)new NS_UNAVAILABLE;
* MTRWriteParams
* This is used to control the behavior of cluster writes.
* If not provided (i.e. nil passed for the CHIPWriteParams argument), will be
* treated as if a default-initialized object was passed in.
@interface MTRWriteParams : NSObject <NSCopying>
* Controls whether the write is a timed write.
* If nil (the default value), a regular write is done for attributes that do
* not require a timed write and a timed write with some default timed request
* timeout is done for attributes that require a timed write.
* If not nil, a timed write is done, with the provided value used as the timed
* request timeout. The value should be chosen small enough to provide the
* desired security properties but large enough that it will allow a round-trip
* from the sever to the client (for the status response and actual write
* request) within the timeout window.
* This value is specified in milliseconds.
@property (nonatomic, copy, nullable) NSNumber * timedWriteTimeout;
* Sets the data version for the Write Request for the interaction.
* If not nil, the write will only succeed if the current data version of
* the cluster matches the provided data version.
@property (nonatomic, copy, nullable) NSNumber * dataVersion;
* MTRReadParams
* This is used to control the behavior of attribute/event reads and subscribes.
* If not provided (i.e. nil passed for the MTRReadParams argument), will be
* treated as if a default-initialized object was passed in.
@interface MTRReadParams : NSObject <NSCopying>
* Whether the read/subscribe is fabric-filtered. The default is YES.
* If YES, the read/subscribe is fabric-filtered and will only see things
* associated with the fabric of the reader/subscriber.
* If NO, the read/subscribe is not fabric-filtered and will see all
* non-fabric-sensitive data for the given attribute path.
@property (nonatomic, assign, getter=shouldFilterByFabric) BOOL filterByFabric MTR_NEWLY_AVAILABLE;
* Sets a filter for which events will be reported in the read/subscribe interaction.
* If nil (the default value), all of the queued events will be reported from lowest to highest event number.
* If not nil, queued events with an event number smaller than minimumEventNumber will not be reported.
@property (nonatomic, copy, nullable) NSNumber * minimumEventNumber MTR_NEWLY_AVAILABLE;
* MTRSubscribeParams
* This is used to control the behavior of attribute/event subscribes. If not
* provided (i.e. nil passed for the MTRSubscribeParams argument), will be
* treated as if a default-initialized object was passed in.
@interface MTRSubscribeParams : MTRReadParams
* Whether the subscribe should replace already-existing
* subscriptions. The default value is YES.
* If YES, the subscribe will cancel any existing subscriptions to the target
* node when it sets up the new one.
* If NO, the subscribe will allow any previous subscriptions to remain.
@property (nonatomic, assign, getter=shouldReplaceExistingSubscriptions) BOOL replaceExistingSubscriptions MTR_NEWLY_AVAILABLE;
* Whether the subscription should automatically try to re-establish if it
* drops. The default value is YES.
* If NO, loss of subscription will simply lead to an error report. Some
* subscription APIs do not support this value.
* If YES, loss of subscription will lead to an automatic resubscription
* attempt. If this succeeds, the subscriptionEstablished callback will be
* called again.
@property (nonatomic, assign, getter=shouldResubscribeIfLost) BOOL resubscribeIfLost MTR_NEWLY_AVAILABLE;
* The minimum time, in seconds, between consecutive reports a server will send
* for this subscription. This can be used to rate-limit the subscription
* traffic. Any non-negative value is allowed, including 0.
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber * minInterval;
* The suggested maximum time, in seconds, during which the server is allowed to
* send no reports at all for this subscription. Must be at least as large as
* minInterval. The server is allowed to use a larger time than this as the
* maxInterval it selects if it needs to (e.g. to meet its power budget).
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber * maxInterval;
* Controls whether events will be reported urgently. The default value is YES.
* If YES, the events will be reported as soon as the minInterval does not prevent it.
* If NO, the events will be reported at the maximum interval.
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL reportEventsUrgently MTR_NEWLY_AVAILABLE;
* Initialize an MTRSubscribeParams. Must provide a minInterval and
* maxInterval; there are no default values for those.
- (instancetype)initWithMinInterval:(NSNumber *)minInterval maxInterval:(NSNumber *)maxInterval;
@interface MTRReadParams (Deprecated)
@property (nonatomic, copy, nullable) NSNumber * fabricFiltered MTR_NEWLY_DEPRECATED("Please use filterByFabric");
@interface MTRSubscribeParams (Deprecated)
@property (nonatomic, copy, nullable)
NSNumber * keepPreviousSubscriptions MTR_NEWLY_DEPRECATED("Please use replaceExistingSubscriptions");
@property (nonatomic, copy, nullable) NSNumber * autoResubscribe MTR_NEWLY_DEPRECATED("Please use resubscribeIfLost");
* init and new exist for now, for backwards compatibility, and initialize with
* minInterval set to 1 and maxInterval set to 0, which will not work on its
* own. Uses of MTRSubscribeParams that rely on init must all be using
* (deprecated) APIs that pass in a separate minInterval and maxInterval.
- (instancetype)init MTR_NEWLY_DEPRECATED("Please use initWithMinInterval");
+ (instancetype)new MTR_NEWLY_DEPRECATED("Please use initWithMinInterval");