Silabs CLI Guide


The guide discusses the different CLIs that can be enabled with the Silabs sample apps. The CLIs expose configuration and management APIs via a command line interface (CLI). For OpenThread devices, the OpenThread CLI can be used with or without the Matter CLI. For Wi-Fi devices, only the Matter CLI is available.

Enable the CLI Interfaces

Matter CLI

To enable the Matter CLI, the chip_build_libshell=true argument can be added. This build argument can be added to OpenThread and Wi-Fi build commands. Here is an example of the build command with the Matter CLI enabled.

./scripts/examples/ ./examples/lighting-app/silabs/ ./out/lighting-app BRD4187C chip_build_libshell=true

OpenThread CLI

The OpenThread CLI is enabled by default on all OpenThread builds. To disable the OpenThread CLI, the enable_openthread_cli=false argument can be added. Here is an example of the build command to disable the OpenThread CLI.

./scripts/examples/ ./examples/lighting-app/silabs/ ./out/lighting-app BRD4187C enable_openthread_cli=false

Connecting to the Device

The different CLIs are provided through the UART interface. The following table exposes the UART configurations to connect to the different CLIs.

Baudrate (speed)115200
Data8 bit
Stop Bit1 bit
Flow ControlNone

Any serial terminal emulator will permit to connect to the device. For MacOS and Linux, the screen utility can be used. For Windows, Tera Term can be used.

Screen Utility

To use the Screen utility, we first need to find the vcom port. For MacOS, it will be formatted as /dev/cu.usbmodem... and for Linux it will be formatted as /dev/ttyACM....
Here is an example command connecting to the device with the screen utility.

screen /dev/cu.usbmodem0004403048491 115200 8-N-1

Tera Term

See the Tera Term guide on how to connect to the device on Windows.

Command List

When the prompt matterCli> is printed, the device is ready for a command.

Note: When the OpenThread CLI is used without the Matter CLI, the prompt is >.


Prints the list of commands and their description.

matterCli> help
  base64          Base64 encode / decode utilities
  exit            Exit the shell application
  help            List out all top level commands
  version         Output the software version
  ble             BLE transport commands
  config          Manage device configuration. Usage to dump value: config [param_name] and to set some values (discriminator): config [param_name] [param_value].
  device          Device management commands
  onboardingcodes Dump device onboarding codes. Usage: onboardingcodes none|softap|ble|onnetwork [qrcode|qrcodeurl|manualpairingcode]
  dns             Dns client commands
  ota             OTA commands
  stat            Statistics commands
  echo            Echo back provided inputs
  log             Logging utilities
  rand            Random number utilities
  otcli           Dispatch OpenThread CLI command


Base64 encode / decode utilities

matterCli>base64 help
  help            Usage: base64 <subcommand>
  encode          Encode a hex sting as base64. Usage: base64 encode <hex_string>
  decode          Decode a base64 sting as hex. Usage: base64 decode <base64_string>


Exit the application

Note: Application will not respond until reset.


Output the software version


BLE transport commands

matterCli> ble help
  help            Usage: ble <subcommand>
  adv             Enable or disable advertisement. Usage: ble adv <start|stop|state>


Manage device configuration. Usage to dump value: config [param_name] and to set some values (discriminator): config [param_name][param_value].

matterCli> config help
  help            Usage: config <subcommand>
  vendorid        Get VendorId. Usage: config vendorid
  productid       Get ProductId. Usage: config productid
  hardwarever     Get HardwareVersion. Usage: config hardwarever
  pincode         Get commissioning pincode. Usage: config pincode
  discriminator   Get/Set commissioning discriminator. Usage: config discriminator [value]


Device management commands

matterCli> device
  factoryreset    Performs device factory reset


Dump device onboarding codes. Usage: onboardingcodes none|softap|ble|onnetwork [qrcode|qrcodeurl|manualpairingcode]


Dns client commands

matterCli> dns
  resolve         Resolve the DNS service. Usage: dns resolve <fabric-id> <node-id> (e.g. dns resolve 5544332211 1)
  browse          Browse DNS services published by Matter nodes. Usage: dns browse <commissionable|commissioner>


OTA commands

matterCli> ota
  query           Query for a new image. Usage: ota query
  apply           Apply the current update. Usage: ota apply
  notify          Notify the new image has been applied. Usage: ota notify <version>
  state           Gets state of a current image update process. Usage: ota state
  progress        Gets progress of a current image update process. Usage: ota progress


Statistics commands


Echo back provided inputs


Logging utilities


Random number utilities


See the official OpenThread CLI documentation for the list of commands.

Application Specific Commands

Samples apps may adds example specific commands to enhance the testable feature set of the sample. See the sample app documentation for more information on application specific commands.