Quick Start

Demo Overview

The CHIP reference implementation contains support for a number examples and platforms.

WiFi Nodes

Controller / AdminNodeDescription
chip-tool (Linux / Mac)
Includes docs for all the cluster commands supported
all-clusters-app M5Stack (ESP)Linux simulationUse the command line tool on a laptop to pair with and control an embedded WiFi platform. This demo supports the “all-clusters-app”, so it provides the basic onoff light test and more. Two incremental modes of operation are supported for testing (configurable via Kconfig tool when building M5): Unsecured (WiFi only)
BLE Rendezvous Mode Bypass = 1 PASE secured
(BLE pairing, WiFi operational)
chip-device-ctrl.pyall-clusters-app M5Stack (ESP) Linux simulationSame as above, but uses the pychip tool as Controller Node, and focuses on BLE flow rather than Bypass.

Thread Nodes

Use one of the controllers listed above and then a Border Router and Node combination listed below.

Border RouterNodeDescription
Thread Border Router RasPi BeagleBone
lighting-app Nordic nRF5x NXP K32W Qorvo QPG6100 Silicon Labs EFR32The Lighting example is supported by many of the available Thread platforms. See the chip-tool controller instructions for how to actuate the light on/off cluster.
Thread Border Router RasPi BeagleBone
lock-app Nordic nRF5x NXP K32W Qorvo QPG6100 Silicon Labs EFR32 TI CC13x2x7The Lock example is supported by many of the available Thread and WiFi platforms.



This section summarizes how to run some common scenarios with the chip-tool controller.

IP Pairing

chip-tool pairing onnetwork 0 20202021 3840 ::1 5540 will use PASE over IP to pair a device.

NOTE: to run both the Node and Controller as separate processes on the same Linux or Mac machine, build the all-clusters-app with BLE disabled as follows:

scripts/examples/gn_build_example.sh examples/all-clusters-app/linux out/debug/standalone/ chip_config_network_layer_ble=false

Automated CASE tests

chip-tool tests Test_TC_OO_1_1 will run a suite of tests that use CASE To communicate with a paired all-clusters-app peer node.