Move to CircleCI for Builds and Tests (#631)
* Initial CircleCI
* Restyled by shellharden
* Restyled by shfmt
* Appeasing our overlord
* testing
* Trying to figure out this problem
* Feedback from Rob W
* Restyled by shfmt
* Typo
* Updating restyled to match editorconfig tab spacing
* Updating devcontainer
* Restyled by shfmt
* Adding simple restyle merge
* Restyled by shellharden
Co-authored-by: <>
diff --git a/.circleci/.gitattributes b/.circleci/.gitattributes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2dd06ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.circleci/.gitattributes
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+config.yml linguist-generated
diff --git a/.circleci/.gitignore b/.circleci/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3018b3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.circleci/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/.circleci/Makefile b/.circleci/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c47f94d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.circleci/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+# Set SHELL to 'strict mode' without using .SHELLFLAGS for max compatibility.
+# See
+SHELL := /usr/bin/env bash -euo pipefail -c
+# CONFIG is the name of the make target someone
+# would invoke to update the main config file (config.yml).
+CONFIG ?= ci-config
+# VERIFY is the name of the make target someone
+# would invoke to verify the config file.
+VERIFY ?= ci-verify
+CIRCLECI := circleci --skip-update-check
+CIRCLECI += --debug
+# For config processing, always refer to not self-hosted circleci,
+# because self-hosted does not currently support the necessary API.
+# Set up some documentation/help message variables.
+# We do not attempt to install the CircleCI CLI from this Makefile.
+CCI_INSTALL_LINK :=\#installation
+CCI_INSTALL_MSG := Please install CircleCI CLI. See $(CCI_INSTALL_LINK)
+CCI_VERSION := $(shell $(CIRCLECI) version 2> /dev/null)
+ifeq ($(CCI_VERSION),)
+# Attempting to use the CLI fails with installation instructions.
+CIRCLECI := echo '$(CCI_INSTALL_MSG)'; exit 1; \#
+SOURCE_DIR := config
+SOURCE_YML := $(shell [ ! -d $(SOURCE_DIR) ] || find $(SOURCE_DIR) -name '*.yml')
+OUT := config.yml
+TMP := .tmp/config-processed
+CONFIG_PACKED := .tmp/config-packed
+default: help
+ @echo "Usage:"
+ @echo " make $(CONFIG): recompile config.yml from $(SOURCE_DIR)/"
+ @echo " make $(VERIFY): verify that config.yml is a true mapping from $(SOURCE_DIR)/"
+ @echo
+ @echo "Diagnostics:"
+ @[ -z "$(CCI_VERSION)" ] || echo " circleci-cli version $(CCI_VERSION)"
+ @[ -n "$(CCI_VERSION)" ] || echo " $(CCI_INSTALL_MSG)"
+ @echo No source directory $(SOURCE_DIR) found.; exit 1
+# Make sure our .tmp dir exists.
+$(shell [ -d .tmp ] || mkdir .tmp)
+$(CONFIG): $(OUT)
+$(VERIFY): config-up-to-date
+ @$(CIRCLECI) config validate $(OUT)
+### ***
+### WARNING: DO NOT manually EDIT or MERGE this file, it is generated by 'make $(CONFIG)'.
+### INSTEAD: Edit or merge the source in $(SOURCE_DIR)/ then run 'make $(CONFIG)'.
+### ***
+# GEN_CONFIG writes the config to a temporary file. If the whole process succeeds,
+# it them moves that file to $@. This makes it an atomic operation, so if it fails
+# make doesn't consider a half-baked file up to date.
+define GEN_CONFIG
+ @$(CIRCLECI) config pack $(SOURCE_DIR) > $(CONFIG_PACKED)
+ @echo "$$GENERATED_FILE_HEADER" > $@.tmp || { rm -f $@; exit 1; }
+ @$(CIRCLECI) config process $(CONFIG_PACKED) >> $@.tmp || { rm -f $@.tmp; exit 1; }
+ @mv -f $@.tmp $@
+ @echo "$@ updated"
+.PHONY: config-up-to-date
+config-up-to-date: $(TMP) # Note this must not depend on $(OUT)!
+ @if diff -w $(OUT) $<; then \
+ echo "Generated $(OUT) is up to date!"; \
+ else \
+ echo "Generated $(OUT) is out of date, run make $(CONFIG) to update."; \
+ exit 1; \
+ fi
diff --git a/.circleci/ b/.circleci/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ec75ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.circleci/
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+# How to use CircleCI multi-file config
+This README and the Makefile should be in your `.circleci` directory,
+in the root of your repository.
+All path references in this README assume we are in this `.circleci` directory.
+The `Makefile` in this directory generates `./config.yml` in CircleCI 2.0 syntax,
+from the tree rooted at `./config/`, which contains files in CircleCI 2.0 or 2.1 syntax.
+## Quickstart
+The basic workflow is:
+- Edit source files in `./config/`
+- When you are done, run `make ci-config` to update `./config.yml`
+- Commit this entire `.circleci` directory, including that generated file together.
+- Run `make ci-verify` to ensure the current `./config.yml` is up to date with the source.
+When merging this `.circleci` directory:
+- Do not merge the generated `./config.yml` file, instead:
+- Merge the source files under `./config/`, and then
+- Run `make ci-config` to re-generate the merged `./config.yml`
+And that's it, for more detail, read on!
+## How does it work, roughly?
+CircleCI supports [generating a single config file from many],
+using the `$ circleci config pack` command.
+It also supports [expanding 2.1 syntax to 2.0 syntax]
+using the `$ circleci config process` command.
+We use these two commands, stitched together using the `Makefile`
+to implement the workflow.
+[generating a single config file from many]:
+[expanding 2.1 syntax to 2.0 syntax]:
+## Prerequisites
+You will need the [CircleCI CLI tool] installed and working,
+at least version `0.1.5607`.
+You can [download this tool directly from GitHub Releases].
+$ circleci version
+[CircleCI CLI tool]:
+[download this tool directly from GitHub Releases]:
+## Updating the config source
+Before making changes, be sure to understand the layout
+of the `./config/` file tree, as well as circleci 2.1 syntax.
+See the [Syntax and layout] section below.
+To update the config, you should edit, add or remove files
+in the `./config/` directory,
+and then run `make ci-config`.
+If that's successful,
+you should then commit every `*.yml` file in the tree rooted in this directory.
+That is: you should commit both the source under `./config/`
+and the generated file `./config.yml` at the same time, in the same commit.
+The included git pre-commit hook will help with this.
+Do not edit the `./config.yml` file directly, as you will lose your changes
+next time `make ci-config` is run.
+[Syntax and layout]: #syntax-and-layout
+### Verifying `./config.yml`
+To check whether or not the current `./config.yml` is up to date with the source
+and valid, run `$ make ci-verify`.
+Note that `$ make ci-verify` should be run in CI,
+in case not everyone has the git pre-commit hook set up correctly.
+#### Example shell session
+$ make ci-config
+config.yml updated
+$ git add -A . # The -A makes sure to include deletions/renames etc.
+$ git commit -m "ci: blah blah blah"
+Changes detected in .circleci/, running 'make -C .circleci ci-verify'
+--> Generated config.yml is up to date!
+--> Config file at config.yml is valid.
+### Syntax and layout
+It is important to understand the layout of the config directory.
+Read the documentation on [packing a config] for a full understanding
+of how multiple YAML files are merged by the circleci CLI tool.
+[packing a config]:
+Here is an example file tree (with comments added afterwards):
+$ tree .
+├── Makefile
+├── # This file.
+├── config # The source code for config.yml is rooted here.
+│ ├── @config.yml # Files beginning with @ are treated specially by `circleci config pack`
+│ ├── commands # Subdirectories of config become top-level keys.
+│ │ └── go_test.yml # Filenames (minus .yml) become top-level keys under
+│ │ └── go_build.yml # their parent (in this case "commands").
+│ │ # The contents of go_test.yml therefore are placed at: .commands.go_test:
+│ └── jobs # jobs also becomes a top-level key under config...
+│ ├── build.yml # ...and likewise filenames become keys under their parent.
+│ └── test.yml
+└── config.yml # The generated file in 2.0 syntax.
+About those `@` files... Preceding a filename with `@`
+indicates to `$ circleci config pack` that the contents of this YAML file
+should be at the top-level, rather than underneath a key named after their filename.
+This naming convention is unfortunate as it breaks autocompletion in bash,
+but there we go.
diff --git a/.circleci/config.yml b/.circleci/config.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe10785
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.circleci/config.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
+### ***
+### WARNING: DO NOT manually EDIT or MERGE this file, it is generated by 'make ci-config'.
+### INSTEAD: Edit or merge the source in config/ then run 'make ci-config'.
+### ***
+version: 2
+ Run Tests [docker-build]:
+ docker:
+ - image: connectedhomeip/chip-build:0.2.11
+ environment:
+ - BUILD_TYPE: docker-build
+ steps:
+ - restore_cache:
+ key: built-tree-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch}}-{{.Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1}}-docker-build-built
+ - restore_cache:
+ key: build-environment-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch}}-{{.Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1 }}-docker-build-built
+ - run:
+ command: scripts/tools/ "ubuntu-16-lts" "$BUILD_TYPE" sudo scripts/setup/linux/
+ name: Setup Environment
+ - run:
+ command: scripts/tools/ "mbedtls-build" "$BUILD_TYPE" scripts/tests/
+ name: Run mbedTLS Tests
+ - run:
+ command: scripts/tools/ "docker-build mbedtls-build" "$BUILD_TYPE" scripts/tests/
+ name: Run Crypto Tests
+ - run:
+ command: scripts/tools/ "docker-build ubuntu-16-lts" "$BUILD_TYPE" scripts/tests/
+ name: Run Setup Payload Tests
+ - run:
+ command: scripts/tools/ "docker-build" "$BUILD_TYPE" scripts/tests/
+ name: OpenSSL Tests
+ - run:
+ command: scripts/tools/ "docker-build" "$BUILD_TYPE" scripts/tests/
+ name: Run All Unit & Functional Tests
+ Run Tests [mbedtls-build]:
+ docker:
+ - image: connectedhomeip/chip-build:0.2.11
+ environment:
+ - BUILD_TYPE: mbedtls-build
+ steps:
+ - restore_cache:
+ key: built-tree-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch}}-{{.Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1}}-mbedtls-build-built
+ - restore_cache:
+ key: build-environment-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch}}-{{.Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1 }}-mbedtls-build-built
+ - run:
+ command: scripts/tools/ "ubuntu-16-lts" "$BUILD_TYPE" sudo scripts/setup/linux/
+ name: Setup Environment
+ - run:
+ command: scripts/tools/ "mbedtls-build" "$BUILD_TYPE" scripts/tests/
+ name: Run mbedTLS Tests
+ - run:
+ command: scripts/tools/ "docker-build mbedtls-build" "$BUILD_TYPE" scripts/tests/
+ name: Run Crypto Tests
+ - run:
+ command: scripts/tools/ "docker-build ubuntu-16-lts" "$BUILD_TYPE" scripts/tests/
+ name: Run Setup Payload Tests
+ - run:
+ command: scripts/tools/ "docker-build" "$BUILD_TYPE" scripts/tests/
+ name: OpenSSL Tests
+ - run:
+ command: scripts/tools/ "docker-build" "$BUILD_TYPE" scripts/tests/
+ name: Run All Unit & Functional Tests
+ Build Examples [nRF]:
+ docker:
+ - image: connectedhomeip/chip-build-nrf-platform:0.2.11
+ environment:
+ - BUILD_TYPE: nrf-build
+ steps:
+ - checkout
+ - run:
+ command: scripts/examples/
+ name: Build example nRF5 Lock App
+ Deploy [docker-build]:
+ docker:
+ - image: connectedhomeip/chip-build:0.2.11
+ environment:
+ - BUILD_TYPE: docker-build
+ steps:
+ - restore_cache:
+ key: built-tree-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch}}-{{.Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1}}-docker-build-built
+ - restore_cache:
+ key: build-environment-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch}}-{{.Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1 }}-docker-build-built
+ - run:
+ command: scripts/tools/ "ubuntu-16-lts" "$BUILD_TYPE" sudo scripts/setup/linux/
+ name: Setup Environment
+ - run:
+ command: scripts/build/
+ name: Deployment Check
+ Code Coverage [docker-build]:
+ docker:
+ - image: connectedhomeip/chip-build:0.2.11
+ environment:
+ - BUILD_TYPE: docker-build
+ steps:
+ - restore_cache:
+ key: built-tree-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch}}-{{.Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1}}-docker-build-built
+ - restore_cache:
+ key: build-environment-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch}}-{{.Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1 }}-docker-build-built
+ - run:
+ command: scripts/tools/ "ubuntu-16-lts" "$BUILD_TYPE" sudo scripts/setup/linux/
+ name: Setup Environment
+ - run:
+ command: scripts/tools/
+ name: Run Code Coverage
+ - run:
+ command: bash <(curl -s
+ name: Upload Code Coverage
+ Build CHIP [mbedtls-build]:
+ docker:
+ - image: connectedhomeip/chip-build:0.2.11
+ environment:
+ - BUILD_TYPE: mbedtls-build
+ steps:
+ - checkout
+ - run:
+ command: scripts/tools/ "ubuntu-16-lts" "$BUILD_TYPE" sudo scripts/setup/linux/
+ name: Setup Environment
+ - run:
+ command: scripts/build/
+ name: Bootstrap
+ - save_cache:
+ key: bootstrapped-tree-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch}}-{{.Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1 }}-mbedtls-build-built
+ paths:
+ - .
+ - run:
+ command: scripts/build/
+ name: Build
+ - save_cache:
+ key: built-tree-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch}}-{{.Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1}}-mbedtls-build-built
+ paths:
+ - .
+ - save_cache:
+ key: build-environment-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch}}-{{.Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1 }}-mbedtls-build-built
+ paths:
+ - build/downloads
+ Build CHIP [ubuntu-16-lts]:
+ machine:
+ image: ubuntu-1604:202004-01
+ environment:
+ - BUILD_TYPE: ubuntu-16-lts
+ steps:
+ - checkout
+ - run:
+ command: scripts/tools/ "ubuntu-16-lts" "$BUILD_TYPE" sudo scripts/setup/linux/
+ name: Setup Environment
+ - run:
+ command: scripts/build/
+ name: Bootstrap
+ - save_cache:
+ key: bootstrapped-tree-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch}}-{{.Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1 }}-ubuntu-16-lts-built
+ paths:
+ - .
+ - run:
+ command: scripts/build/
+ name: Build
+ - save_cache:
+ key: built-tree-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch}}-{{.Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1}}-ubuntu-16-lts-built
+ paths:
+ - .
+ - save_cache:
+ key: build-environment-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch}}-{{.Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1 }}-ubuntu-16-lts-built
+ paths:
+ - build/downloads
+ Build Examples [ESP32]:
+ docker:
+ - image: connectedhomeip/chip-build-esp32:0.2.11
+ environment:
+ - BUILD_TYPE: esp32-build
+ steps:
+ - checkout
+ - run:
+ command: scripts/examples/
+ name: Build example Echo App
+ Deploy [mbedtls-build]:
+ docker:
+ - image: connectedhomeip/chip-build:0.2.11
+ environment:
+ - BUILD_TYPE: mbedtls-build
+ steps:
+ - restore_cache:
+ key: built-tree-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch}}-{{.Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1}}-mbedtls-build-built
+ - restore_cache:
+ key: build-environment-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch}}-{{.Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1 }}-mbedtls-build-built
+ - run:
+ command: scripts/tools/ "ubuntu-16-lts" "$BUILD_TYPE" sudo scripts/setup/linux/
+ name: Setup Environment
+ - run:
+ command: scripts/build/
+ name: Deployment Check
+ Run Tests [ubuntu-16-lts]:
+ machine:
+ image: ubuntu-1604:202004-01
+ environment:
+ - BUILD_TYPE: ubuntu-16-lts
+ steps:
+ - restore_cache:
+ key: built-tree-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch}}-{{.Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1}}-ubuntu-16-lts-built
+ - restore_cache:
+ key: build-environment-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch}}-{{.Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1 }}-ubuntu-16-lts-built
+ - run:
+ command: scripts/tools/ "ubuntu-16-lts" "$BUILD_TYPE" sudo scripts/setup/linux/
+ name: Setup Environment
+ - run:
+ command: scripts/tools/ "mbedtls-build" "$BUILD_TYPE" scripts/tests/
+ name: Run mbedTLS Tests
+ - run:
+ command: scripts/tools/ "docker-build mbedtls-build" "$BUILD_TYPE" scripts/tests/
+ name: Run Crypto Tests
+ - run:
+ command: scripts/tools/ "docker-build ubuntu-16-lts" "$BUILD_TYPE" scripts/tests/
+ name: Run Setup Payload Tests
+ - run:
+ command: scripts/tools/ "docker-build" "$BUILD_TYPE" scripts/tests/
+ name: OpenSSL Tests
+ - run:
+ command: scripts/tools/ "docker-build" "$BUILD_TYPE" scripts/tests/
+ name: Run All Unit & Functional Tests
+ Build CHIP [docker-build]:
+ docker:
+ - image: connectedhomeip/chip-build:0.2.11
+ environment:
+ - BUILD_TYPE: docker-build
+ steps:
+ - checkout
+ - run:
+ command: scripts/tools/ "ubuntu-16-lts" "$BUILD_TYPE" sudo scripts/setup/linux/
+ name: Setup Environment
+ - run:
+ command: scripts/build/
+ name: Bootstrap
+ - save_cache:
+ key: bootstrapped-tree-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch}}-{{.Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1 }}-docker-build-built
+ paths:
+ - .
+ - run:
+ command: scripts/build/
+ name: Build
+ - save_cache:
+ key: built-tree-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch}}-{{.Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1}}-docker-build-built
+ paths:
+ - .
+ - save_cache:
+ key: build-environment-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch}}-{{.Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1 }}-docker-build-built
+ paths:
+ - build/downloads
+ Main:
+ jobs:
+ - Build CHIP [docker-build]
+ - Build CHIP [mbedtls-build]
+ - Build CHIP [ubuntu-16-lts]
+ - Run Tests [docker-build]:
+ requires:
+ - Build CHIP [docker-build]
+ - Run Tests [mbedtls-build]:
+ requires:
+ - Build CHIP [mbedtls-build]
+ - Run Tests [ubuntu-16-lts]:
+ requires:
+ - Build CHIP [ubuntu-16-lts]
+ - Code Coverage [docker-build]:
+ requires:
+ - Build CHIP [docker-build]
+ - Deploy [docker-build]:
+ requires:
+ - Run Tests [docker-build]
+ - Deploy [mbedtls-build]:
+ requires:
+ - Run Tests [mbedtls-build]
+ - Build Examples [nRF]
+ - Build Examples [ESP32]
+ version: 2
+# Original config.yml file:
+# commands:
+# bootstrap:
+# description: Bootstrap the source tree
+# steps:
+# - run:
+# command: scripts/build/
+# name: Bootstrap
+# load-bootstrapped-tree:
+# description: Load the bootstrapped tree
+# parameters:
+# builder:
+# type: string
+# steps:
+# - restore_cache:
+# key: bootstrapped-tree-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch}}-{{.Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1
+# }}-<< parameters.builder>>-built
+# load-build-environment:
+# description: Load the build environment
+# parameters:
+# builder:
+# type: string
+# steps:
+# - restore_cache:
+# key: build-environment-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch}}-{{.Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1
+# }}-<< parameters.builder>>-built
+# load-built-tree:
+# description: Load the built tree
+# parameters:
+# builder:
+# type: string
+# steps:
+# - restore_cache:
+# key: built-tree-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch}}-{{.Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1}}-<< parameters.builder>>-built
+# save-bootstrapped-tree:
+# description: Save the bootstrapped tree
+# parameters:
+# builder:
+# type: string
+# steps:
+# - save_cache:
+# key: bootstrapped-tree-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch}}-{{.Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1
+# }}-<< parameters.builder>>-built
+# paths:
+# - .
+# save-build-environment:
+# description: Save the build environment
+# parameters:
+# builder:
+# type: string
+# steps:
+# - save_cache:
+# key: build-environment-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch}}-{{.Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1
+# }}-<< parameters.builder>>-built
+# paths:
+# - build/downloads
+# save-built-tree:
+# description: Save the built tree
+# parameters:
+# builder:
+# type: string
+# steps:
+# - save_cache:
+# key: built-tree-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch}}-{{.Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1}}-<< parameters.builder>>-built
+# paths:
+# - .
+# setup-environment:
+# description: Setup Environment
+# parameters:
+# builder:
+# type: string
+# steps:
+# - run:
+# command: scripts/tools/ \"ubuntu-16-lts\" \"$BUILD_TYPE\" sudo scripts/setup/linux/
+# name: Setup Environment
+# executors:
+# docker-build:
+# docker:
+# - image: connectedhomeip/chip-build:0.2.11
+# esp32-build:
+# docker:
+# - image: connectedhomeip/chip-build-esp32:0.2.11
+# mbedtls-build:
+# docker:
+# - image: connectedhomeip/chip-build:0.2.11
+# nrf-build:
+# docker:
+# - image: connectedhomeip/chip-build-nrf-platform:0.2.11
+# ubuntu-16-lts:
+# machine:
+# image: ubuntu-1604:202004-01
+# jobs:
+# build:
+# environment:
+# BUILD_TYPE: << parameters.builder >>
+# executor: << parameters.builder >>
+# parameters:
+# builder:
+# type: string
+# steps:
+# - checkout
+# - setup-environment:
+# builder: << parameters.builder >>
+# - bootstrap
+# - save-bootstrapped-tree:
+# builder: << parameters.builder >>
+# - run:
+# command: scripts/build/
+# name: Build
+# - save-built-tree:
+# builder: << parameters.builder >>
+# - save-build-environment:
+# builder: << parameters.builder >>
+# code-coverage:
+# environment:
+# BUILD_TYPE: << parameters.builder >>
+# executor: << parameters.builder >>
+# parameters:
+# builder:
+# type: string
+# steps:
+# - load-built-tree:
+# builder: << parameters.builder >>
+# - load-build-environment:
+# builder: << parameters.builder >>
+# - setup-environment:
+# builder: << parameters.builder >>
+# - run:
+# command: scripts/tools/
+# name: Run Code Coverage
+# - run:
+# command: bash <(curl -s
+# name: Upload Code Coverage
+# deploy:
+# environment:
+# BUILD_TYPE: << parameters.builder >>
+# executor: << parameters.builder >>
+# parameters:
+# builder:
+# type: string
+# steps:
+# - load-built-tree:
+# builder: << parameters.builder >>
+# - load-build-environment:
+# builder: << parameters.builder >>
+# - setup-environment:
+# builder: << parameters.builder >>
+# - run:
+# command: scripts/build/
+# name: Deployment Check
+# examples_esp32:
+# environment:
+# BUILD_TYPE: esp32-build
+# executor: esp32-build
+# steps:
+# - checkout
+# - run:
+# command: scripts/examples/
+# name: Build example Echo App
+# examples_nrf:
+# environment:
+# BUILD_TYPE: nrf-build
+# executor: nrf-build
+# steps:
+# - checkout
+# - run:
+# command: scripts/examples/
+# name: Build example nRF5 Lock App
+# test:
+# environment:
+# BUILD_TYPE: << parameters.builder >>
+# executor: << parameters.builder >>
+# parameters:
+# builder:
+# type: string
+# run_setup_payload_tests:
+# default: true
+# type: boolean
+# steps:
+# - load-built-tree:
+# builder: << parameters.builder >>
+# - load-build-environment:
+# builder: << parameters.builder >>
+# - setup-environment:
+# builder: << parameters.builder >>
+# - run:
+# command: scripts/tools/ \"mbedtls-build\" \"$BUILD_TYPE\" scripts/tests/
+# name: Run mbedTLS Tests
+# - run:
+# command: scripts/tools/ \"docker-build mbedtls-build\" \"$BUILD_TYPE\"
+# scripts/tests/
+# name: Run Crypto Tests
+# - run:
+# command: scripts/tools/ \"docker-build ubuntu-16-lts\" \"$BUILD_TYPE\"
+# scripts/tests/
+# name: Run Setup Payload Tests
+# - run:
+# command: scripts/tools/ \"docker-build\" \"$BUILD_TYPE\" scripts/tests/
+# name: OpenSSL Tests
+# - run:
+# command: scripts/tools/ \"docker-build\" \"$BUILD_TYPE\" scripts/tests/
+# name: Run All Unit & Functional Tests
+# version: 2.1
+# workflows:
+# Main:
+# jobs:
+# - build:
+# matrix:
+# parameters:
+# builder:
+# - docker-build
+# - mbedtls-build
+# - ubuntu-16-lts
+# name: Build CHIP [<< matrix.builder >>]
+# - test:
+# matrix:
+# parameters:
+# builder:
+# - docker-build
+# - mbedtls-build
+# - ubuntu-16-lts
+# name: Run Tests [<< matrix.builder >>]
+# requires:
+# - Build CHIP [<< matrix.builder >>]
+# - code-coverage:
+# matrix:
+# parameters:
+# builder:
+# - docker-build
+# name: Code Coverage [<< matrix.builder >>]
+# requires:
+# - Build CHIP [<< matrix.builder >>]
+# - deploy:
+# matrix:
+# parameters:
+# builder:
+# - docker-build
+# - mbedtls-build
+# name: Deploy [<< matrix.builder >>]
+# requires:
+# - Run Tests [<< matrix.builder >>]
+# - examples_nrf:
+# name: Build Examples [nRF]
+# - examples_esp32:
+# name: Build Examples [ESP32]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.circleci/config/@config.yml b/.circleci/config/@config.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3879be9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.circleci/config/@config.yml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+version: 2.1
diff --git a/.circleci/config/commands/@commands.yml b/.circleci/config/commands/@commands.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cab9607
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.circleci/config/commands/@commands.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+ description: Bootstrap the source tree
+ steps:
+ - run:
+ command: scripts/build/
+ name: Bootstrap
+ description: Save the build environment
+ parameters:
+ builder:
+ type: string
+ steps:
+ - save_cache:
+ key:
+ build-environment-{{ arch }}-{{
+ .Branch}}-{{.Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1 }}-<<
+ parameters.builder>>-built
+ paths:
+ - build/downloads
+ description: Save the bootstrapped tree
+ parameters:
+ builder:
+ type: string
+ steps:
+ - save_cache:
+ key:
+ bootstrapped-tree-{{ arch }}-{{
+ .Branch}}-{{.Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1 }}-<<
+ parameters.builder>>-built
+ paths:
+ - .
+ description: Load the bootstrapped tree
+ parameters:
+ builder:
+ type: string
+ steps:
+ - restore_cache:
+ key:
+ bootstrapped-tree-{{ arch }}-{{
+ .Branch}}-{{.Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1 }}-<<
+ parameters.builder>>-built
+ description: Save the built tree
+ parameters:
+ builder:
+ type: string
+ steps:
+ - save_cache:
+ key:
+ built-tree-{{ arch }}-{{
+ .Branch}}-{{.Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1}}-<<
+ parameters.builder>>-built
+ paths:
+ - .
+ description: Load the build environment
+ parameters:
+ builder:
+ type: string
+ steps:
+ - restore_cache:
+ key:
+ build-environment-{{ arch }}-{{
+ .Branch}}-{{.Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1 }}-<<
+ parameters.builder>>-built
+ description: Load the built tree
+ parameters:
+ builder:
+ type: string
+ steps:
+ - restore_cache:
+ key:
+ built-tree-{{ arch }}-{{
+ .Branch}}-{{.Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1}}-<<
+ parameters.builder>>-built
+ description: Setup Environment
+ parameters:
+ builder:
+ type: string
+ steps:
+ - run:
+ name: Setup Environment
+ command:
+ scripts/tools/ "ubuntu-16-lts" "$BUILD_TYPE" sudo
+ scripts/setup/linux/
diff --git a/.circleci/config/executors/@executors.yml b/.circleci/config/executors/@executors.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38c1b67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.circleci/config/executors/@executors.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ docker:
+ - image: connectedhomeip/chip-build:0.2.11
+ docker:
+ - image: connectedhomeip/chip-build-nrf-platform:0.2.11
+ docker:
+ - image: connectedhomeip/chip-build-esp32:0.2.11
+ docker:
+ - image: connectedhomeip/chip-build:0.2.11
+ machine:
+ image: ubuntu-1604:202004-01
diff --git a/.circleci/config/jobs/build.yml b/.circleci/config/jobs/build.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d073155
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.circleci/config/jobs/build.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ builder:
+ type: string
+ BUILD_TYPE: "<< parameters.builder >>"
+executor: << parameters.builder >>
+ - checkout
+ - setup-environment:
+ builder: << parameters.builder >>
+ - bootstrap
+ - save-bootstrapped-tree:
+ builder: << parameters.builder >>
+ - run:
+ name: Build
+ command: scripts/build/
+ - save-built-tree:
+ builder: << parameters.builder >>
+ - save-build-environment:
+ builder: << parameters.builder >>
diff --git a/.circleci/config/jobs/code-coverage.yml b/.circleci/config/jobs/code-coverage.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d66a8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.circleci/config/jobs/code-coverage.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ builder:
+ type: string
+ BUILD_TYPE: << parameters.builder >>
+executor: << parameters.builder >>
+ - load-built-tree:
+ builder: << parameters.builder >>
+ - load-build-environment:
+ builder: << parameters.builder >>
+ - setup-environment:
+ builder: << parameters.builder >>
+ - run:
+ name: Run Code Coverage
+ command: scripts/tools/
+ - run:
+ name: Upload Code Coverage
+ command: bash <(curl -s
diff --git a/.circleci/config/jobs/deploy.yml b/.circleci/config/jobs/deploy.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fd1c33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.circleci/config/jobs/deploy.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ builder:
+ type: string
+ BUILD_TYPE: << parameters.builder >>
+executor: << parameters.builder >>
+ - load-built-tree:
+ builder: << parameters.builder >>
+ - load-build-environment:
+ builder: << parameters.builder >>
+ - setup-environment:
+ builder: << parameters.builder >>
+ - run:
+ name: Deployment Check
+ command: scripts/build/
diff --git a/.circleci/config/jobs/examples_esp32.yml b/.circleci/config/jobs/examples_esp32.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..798530e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.circleci/config/jobs/examples_esp32.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ BUILD_TYPE: esp32-build
+executor: esp32-build
+ - checkout
+ - run:
+ name: Build example Echo App
+ command: scripts/examples/
diff --git a/.circleci/config/jobs/examples_nrf.yml b/.circleci/config/jobs/examples_nrf.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c30ad8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.circleci/config/jobs/examples_nrf.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ BUILD_TYPE: nrf-build
+executor: nrf-build
+ - checkout
+ - run:
+ name: Build example nRF5 Lock App
+ command: scripts/examples/
diff --git a/.circleci/config/jobs/test.yml b/.circleci/config/jobs/test.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3110093
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.circleci/config/jobs/test.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ builder:
+ type: string
+ run_setup_payload_tests:
+ type: boolean
+ default: true
+ BUILD_TYPE: << parameters.builder >>
+executor: << parameters.builder >>
+ - load-built-tree:
+ builder: << parameters.builder >>
+ - load-build-environment:
+ builder: << parameters.builder >>
+ - setup-environment:
+ builder: << parameters.builder >>
+ - run:
+ name: Run mbedTLS Tests
+ command:
+ scripts/tools/ "mbedtls-build" "$BUILD_TYPE"
+ scripts/tests/
+ - run:
+ name: Run Crypto Tests
+ command:
+ scripts/tools/ "docker-build mbedtls-build" "$BUILD_TYPE"
+ scripts/tests/
+ - run:
+ name: Run Setup Payload Tests
+ command:
+ scripts/tools/ "docker-build ubuntu-16-lts" "$BUILD_TYPE"
+ scripts/tests/
+ - run:
+ name: OpenSSL Tests
+ command:
+ scripts/tools/ "docker-build" "$BUILD_TYPE"
+ scripts/tests/
+ - run:
+ name: Run All Unit & Functional Tests
+ command:
+ scripts/tools/ "docker-build" "$BUILD_TYPE"
+ scripts/tests/
diff --git a/.circleci/config/workflows/Main.yml b/.circleci/config/workflows/Main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d203f5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.circleci/config/workflows/Main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ - build:
+ name: Build CHIP [<< matrix.builder >>]
+ matrix:
+ parameters:
+ builder: ["docker-build", "mbedtls-build", "ubuntu-16-lts"]
+ - test:
+ name: Run Tests [<< matrix.builder >>]
+ matrix:
+ parameters:
+ builder: ["docker-build", "mbedtls-build", "ubuntu-16-lts"]
+ requires:
+ - Build CHIP [<< matrix.builder >>]
+ - code-coverage:
+ name: Code Coverage [<< matrix.builder >>]
+ matrix:
+ parameters:
+ builder: ["docker-build"]
+ requires:
+ - Build CHIP [<< matrix.builder >>]
+ - deploy:
+ name: Deploy [<< matrix.builder >>]
+ matrix:
+ parameters:
+ builder: ["docker-build", "mbedtls-build"]
+ requires:
+ - Run Tests [<< matrix.builder >>]
+ - examples_nrf:
+ name: Build Examples [nRF]
+ - examples_esp32:
+ name: Build Examples [ESP32]
diff --git a/.devcontainer/Dockerfile b/.devcontainer/Dockerfile
index 1724c65..6c53cbf 100644
--- a/.devcontainer/Dockerfile
+++ b/.devcontainer/Dockerfile
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# All tools required for compilation belong in chip-build, forms "truth" for CHIP build tooling
-FROM connectedhomeip/chip-build:${BUILD_VERSION}
+FROM connectedhomeip/chip-build-vscode:${BUILD_VERSION}
# This Dockerfile contains things useful for an interactive development environment
diff --git a/.devcontainer/devcontainer.json b/.devcontainer/devcontainer.json
index 8e48a17..30e7a2e 100644
--- a/.devcontainer/devcontainer.json
+++ b/.devcontainer/devcontainer.json
@@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
"name": "CHIP Ubuntu Development Environment",
"runArgs": ["--cap-add=SYS_PTRACE", "--security-opt", "seccomp=unconfined"],
- "mounts": [ "source=/var/run/docker.sock,target=/var/run/docker.sock,type=bind" ],
+ "mounts": [
+ "source=/var/run/docker.sock,target=/var/run/docker.sock,type=bind"
+ ],
"build": {
"dockerfile": "Dockerfile",
"args": {
// "BUILD_VERSION": "$(cat integrations/docker/images/chip-build/version)" // trying to get this to work
- "BUILD_VERSION": "0.2.10"
+ "BUILD_VERSION": "0.2.11"
"remoteUser": "vscode",
@@ -22,7 +24,10 @@
- "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
+ "esbenp.prettier-vscode",
+ "redhat.vscode-yaml",
+ "christian-kohler.path-intellisense",
+ "knisterpeter.vscode-github"
// Use 'settings' to set *default* container specific settings.json values on container create.
// You can edit these settings after create using File > Preferences > Settings > Remote.
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 34b1d93..fafa826 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -31,6 +31,9 @@
# Example specific rules
+# Temporary Directories
# Xcode
diff --git a/.restyled.yaml b/.restyled.yaml
index 54af825..f232635 100644
--- a/.restyled.yaml
+++ b/.restyled.yaml
@@ -100,6 +100,16 @@
- name: shfmt
image: restyled/restyler-shfmt:v3.0.1
enabled: true
+ command:
+ - shfmt
+ - "-w"
+ arguments:
+ - "-i"
+ - "4"
+ - "-ci"
+ interpreters:
+ - sh
+ - bash
- "**/*.sh"
- "**/*.bash"
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index de8fd13..0000000
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-language: minimal
- except:
- - /^restyled.*$/
- - docker
- - ./integrations/ci-tools/
-# Note: To add new job types, add it to the matrix below, with a unique
-# TASK varable, then update to do what you want during that task
- include:
- - stage: Build
- name: "Build Ubuntu Linux Xenial LTS"
- env: TASK="build-ubuntu-linux"
- - stage: Build
- name: "Build NRF Example Lock App"
- env: TASK="build-nrf-example-lock-app"
- - stage: Build
- name: "Build ESP32 Echo Example"
- env: TASK="build-esp-example-echo-app"
- - stage: Tests
- name: "Unit & Functional Tests"
- env: TASK="run-unit-and-functional-tests"
- - stage: Tests
- name: "Crypto Tests"
- env: TASK="run-crypto-tests"
- - stage: Tests
- name: "Setup Payload Tests"
- env: TASK="run-setup-payload-tests"
- - stage: Tests
- name: "mbedTLS Crypto Tests"
- env: TASK="run-mbedtls-crypto-tests"
- - stage: Deployment Checks
- name: "Run Code Coverage"
- env: ENV=CODECOV_TOKEN TASK="run-code-coverage"
- - stage: Deployment Checks
- name: "Distribution Check"
- env: TASK="build-distribution-check"
diff --git a/examples/lock-app/nrf5/ b/examples/lock-app/nrf5/
index 8dd43b5..fe6e67e 100755
--- a/examples/lock-app/nrf5/
+++ b/examples/lock-app/nrf5/
@@ -7,16 +7,16 @@
if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then
- APP=$1
+ APP=$1
if [[ -n $OPENTHREAD_ROOT ]]; then
- "set substitute-path /build/KNGP-TOLL1-JOB1/openthread/examples/.. $OPENTHREAD_ROOT"
- )
+ "set substitute-path /build/KNGP-TOLL1-JOB1/openthread/examples/.. $OPENTHREAD_ROOT"
+ )
exec "$GDB" -q -x "$STARTUP_CMDS" "${EXTRA_STARTUP_CMDS[@]/#/-ex=}" "$APP"
diff --git a/examples/lock-app/nrf5/ b/examples/lock-app/nrf5/
index 67255df..ba38ca9 100755
--- a/examples/lock-app/nrf5/
+++ b/examples/lock-app/nrf5/
@@ -5,14 +5,14 @@
command -v "$JLINK_GDB_SERVER" || {
- echo "ERROR: $JLINK_GDB_SERVER not found"
- echo "Please install SEGGER J-Link software package"
- exit 1
+ echo "ERROR: $JLINK_GDB_SERVER not found"
+ echo "Please install SEGGER J-Link software package"
+ exit 1
command -v nc || {
- echo "ERROR: nc command not found"
- exit 1
+ echo "ERROR: nc command not found"
+ exit 1
# Launch JLink GDB Server in background; redirect output thru sed to add prefix.
@@ -22,20 +22,20 @@
# Repeatedly open a connection to the GDB server's RTT port until
# the user kills the GDB server with an interrupt character.
while true; do
- # Wait for GDB server to begin listening on RTT port
- while ! lsof -nP -i4TCP:"$RTT_PORT" -sTCP:LISTEN >/dev/null; do
- # Quit if the GDB server exits.
- if ! kill -0 "$GDB_SERVER_PID" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- echo ""
- exit
- fi
+ # Wait for GDB server to begin listening on RTT port
+ while ! lsof -nP -i4TCP:"$RTT_PORT" -sTCP:LISTEN >/dev/null; do
+ # Quit if the GDB server exits.
+ if ! kill -0 "$GDB_SERVER_PID" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ echo ""
+ exit
+ fi
- # Wait a bit.
- sleep 0.1
+ # Wait a bit.
+ sleep 0.1
- done
+ done
- # Connect to RTT port.
- nc localhost "$RTT_PORT"
+ # Connect to RTT port.
+ nc localhost "$RTT_PORT"
diff --git a/examples/wifi-echo/esp32/ b/examples/wifi-echo/esp32/
index 301e3c5..b72c266 100644
--- a/examples/wifi-echo/esp32/
+++ b/examples/wifi-echo/esp32/
@@ -22,14 +22,14 @@
# This file can also be used as an executable
die() {
- echo "$me: *** ERROR: " "${*}"
- exit 1
+ echo "$me: *** ERROR: " "${*}"
+ exit 1
idf() {
- [[ -d $IDF_PATH && -r $IDF_PATH/ ]] || die "can't find IDF's"
- . "$IDF_PATH/"
- "$@"
+ [[ -d $IDF_PATH && -r $IDF_PATH/ ]] || die "can't find IDF's"
+ . "$IDF_PATH/"
+ "$@"
if [[ ${0} == ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} ]]; then
- idf "${@}"
+ idf "${@}"
diff --git a/examples/wifi-echo/esp32/third_party/connectedhomeip b/examples/wifi-echo/esp32/third_party/connectedhomeip
index 20fa3af..11a54ed 120000
--- a/examples/wifi-echo/esp32/third_party/connectedhomeip
+++ b/examples/wifi-echo/esp32/third_party/connectedhomeip
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/integrations/ci-tools/ b/integrations/ci-tools/
index 5f734aa..8ed2d45 100755
--- a/integrations/ci-tools/
+++ b/integrations/ci-tools/
@@ -17,19 +17,19 @@
here=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd)
die() {
- echo "$me: *** ERROR: " "${*}"
- exit 1
+ echo "$me: *** ERROR: " "${*}"
+ exit 1
# move to ToT, I don't work anywhere else
cd "$here/../.." || die 'ack!, where am I?!?'
docker_run_command() {
- integrations/docker/images/"${IMAGE:-chip-build}"/ "${ENV[@]}" -- "$@"
+ integrations/docker/images/"${IMAGE:-chip-build}"/ "${ENV[@]}" -- "$@"
docker_run_bash_command() {
- docker_run_command bash -c "$1"
+ docker_run_command bash -c "$1"
# convert ENV to an array of words: X,Y,Z => ( X Y Z )
@@ -39,63 +39,63 @@
case "$TASK" in
- self-test)
- docker_run_bash_command 'echo looks ok to me && echo compound commands look good'
- ;;
+ self-test)
+ docker_run_bash_command 'echo looks ok to me && echo compound commands look good'
+ ;;
- self-test-env)
- docker_run_command bash -c "echo run me with ENV=HI=THERE,; env | echo HI=$'$'HI"
- ;;
+ self-test-env)
+ docker_run_command bash -c "echo run me with ENV=HI=THERE,; env | echo HI=$'$'HI"
+ ;;
- # You can add more tasks here, the top one shows an example of running
- # a build inside our build container
- build-ubuntu-linux)
- docker_run_command 'scripts/build/'
- docker_run_command 'scripts/build/'
- ;;
+ # You can add more tasks here, the top one shows an example of running
+ # a build inside our build container
+ build-ubuntu-linux)
+ docker_run_command 'scripts/build/'
+ docker_run_command 'scripts/build/'
+ ;;
- build-nrf-example-lock-app)
- docker_run_command 'scripts/examples/'
- ;;
+ build-nrf-example-lock-app)
+ docker_run_command 'scripts/examples/'
+ ;;
- build-esp-example-echo-app)
- docker_run_command 'scripts/examples/'
- ;;
+ build-esp-example-echo-app)
+ docker_run_command 'scripts/examples/'
+ ;;
- build-distribution-check)
- docker_run_command 'scripts/build/'
- docker_run_command 'scripts/build/'
- ;;
+ build-distribution-check)
+ docker_run_command 'scripts/build/'
+ docker_run_command 'scripts/build/'
+ ;;
- run-unit-and-functional-tests)
- docker_run_command 'scripts/build/'
- docker_run_command 'scripts/tests/'
- ;;
+ run-unit-and-functional-tests)
+ docker_run_command 'scripts/build/'
+ docker_run_command 'scripts/tests/'
+ ;;
- run-code-coverage)
- docker_run_command 'scripts/build/'
- docker_run_command 'scripts/tools/'
- docker_run_bash_command 'bash <(curl -s'
- ;;
+ run-code-coverage)
+ docker_run_command 'scripts/build/'
+ docker_run_command 'scripts/tools/'
+ docker_run_bash_command 'bash <(curl -s'
+ ;;
- run-crypto-tests)
- docker_run_command 'scripts/build/'
- docker_run_command 'scripts/tests/'
- ;;
+ run-crypto-tests)
+ docker_run_command 'scripts/build/'
+ docker_run_command 'scripts/tests/'
+ ;;
- run-setup-payload-tests)
- docker_run_command 'scripts/build/'
- docker_run_command 'scripts/tests/'
- ;;
+ run-setup-payload-tests)
+ docker_run_command 'scripts/build/'
+ docker_run_command 'scripts/tests/'
+ ;;
- run-mbedtls-crypto-tests)
- docker_run_command 'scripts/build/'
- docker_run_command 'scripts/tests/'
- docker_run_command 'scripts/tests/'
- ;;
+ run-mbedtls-crypto-tests)
+ docker_run_command 'scripts/build/'
+ docker_run_command 'scripts/tests/'
+ docker_run_command 'scripts/tests/'
+ ;;
- *)
- die "Unknown task: $TASK."
- ;;
+ *)
+ die "Unknown task: $TASK."
+ ;;
diff --git a/integrations/docker/ b/integrations/docker/
index 7b56fd9..275f25a 100755
--- a/integrations/docker/
+++ b/integrations/docker/
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
[[ ${*/--help//} != "${*}" ]] && {
- set +x
- echo "Usage: $me <OPTIONS>
+ set +x
+ echo "Usage: $me <OPTIONS>
Build and (optionally tag as latest, push) a docker image from Dockerfile in CWD
@@ -29,29 +29,52 @@
--help get this message
- exit 0
+ exit 0
die() {
- echo "$me: *** ERROR: $*"
- exit 1
+ echo "$me: *** ERROR: $*"
+ exit 1
set -ex
[[ -n $VERSION ]] || die "version cannot be empty"
-docker build -t "$ORG/$IMAGE:$VERSION" .
+if [[ ${*/--no-cache//} != "${*}" ]]; then
+ BUILD_ARGS+=" --no-cache "
+docker build "$BUILD_ARGS" -t "$ORG/$IMAGE:$VERSION" .
[[ ${*/--latest//} != "${*}" ]] && {
- docker tag "$ORG"/"$IMAGE":"$VERSION" "$ORG"/"$IMAGE":latest
+ docker tag "$ORG"/"$IMAGE":"$VERSION" "$ORG"/"$IMAGE":latest
[[ ${*/--push//} != "${*}" ]] && {
- docker push "$ORG"/"$IMAGE":"$VERSION"
- [[ ${*/--latest//} != "${*}" ]] && {
- docker push "$ORG"/"$IMAGE":latest
- }
+ docker push "$ORG"/"$IMAGE":"$VERSION"
+ [[ ${*/--latest//} != "${*}" ]] && {
+ docker push "$ORG"/"$IMAGE":latest
+ }
+for filename in ./variants/*; do
+ echo "Variant Filename: $filename"
+ VARIANT=${filename##*.}
+ docker build "$BUILD_ARGS" -f "$filename" --build-arg VERSION="$VERSION" -t "$ORG/$IMAGE-$VARIANT:$VERSION" ./variants/
+ [[ ${*/--latest//} != "${*}" ]] && {
+ docker tag "$ORG"/"$IMAGE-$VARIANT":"$VERSION" "$ORG"/"$IMAGE-$VARIANT":latest
+ }
+ [[ ${*/--push//} != "${*}" ]] && {
+ docker push "$ORG"/"$IMAGE-$VARIANT":"$VERSION"
+ [[ ${*/--latest//} != "${*}" ]] && {
+ docker push "$ORG"/"$IMAGE-$VARIANT":latest
+ }
+ }
exit 0
diff --git a/integrations/docker/images/chip-build/Dockerfile b/integrations/docker/images/chip-build/Dockerfile
index af9be79..9d15c27 100644
--- a/integrations/docker/images/chip-build/Dockerfile
+++ b/integrations/docker/images/chip-build/Dockerfile
@@ -37,68 +37,3 @@
libpixman-1-dev \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/ \
&& : # last line
-# Install specific release of openssl
-RUN set -x \
- && cd /tmp && wget \
- && mkdir -p /tmp/openssl && cd /tmp/openssl && unzip ../ \
- && cd /tmp/openssl/openssl-OpenSSL_1_1_1f && ./config && make && make install \
- && rm -rf /tmp/ \
- && : # last line
-# nRF5 SDK, needed for building Nordic Platform code
-RUN set -x \
- && curl -o /tmp/ \
- \
- && (mkdir /var/nRF5_SDK_for_Thread_and_Zigbee \
- && cd /var/nRF5_SDK_for_Thread_and_Zigbee \
- && unzip /tmp/ \
- && rm -rf /tmp/ \
- && : # last line
-# Tools for flashing software on Nordic devices, and accessing device logs
-RUN set -x \
- && (mkdir /var/nRF5_tools && cd /var/nRF5_tools \
- && curl \
- | tar zxvf - \
- && dpkg -i JLink_Linux_*.deb \
- && dpkg -i nRF-Command-Line-Tools_*.deb \
- && tar zxvf nRF-Command-Line-Tools_*.tar.gz) \
- && rm -rf /var/nRF5_tools/*.tar.gz \
- && rm -rf /var/nRF5_tools/*.deb \
- && : # last line
-# GNU ARM Embedded toolchain, cross compiler for various platform builds
-RUN set -x \
- && (cd /var \
- && curl \
- | tar jxvf -) \
- && : # last line
-ENV NRF5_SDK_ROOT=/var/nRF5_SDK_for_Thread_and_Zigbee
-ENV NRF5_TOOLS_ROOT=/var/nRF5_tools
-ENV ARM_GCC_INSTALL_ROOT=/var/gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2019-q4-major/bin/
-# Setup the ESP-IDF
-RUN set -x \
- && cd /var \
- && git clone --progress -b release/v4.0 \
- && cd esp-idf \
- && git submodule update --init --progress \
- && IDF_TOOLS_PATH=/var/.espressif ./ \
- && : # last line
-ENV IDF_PATH=/var/esp-idf/
-ENV IDF_TOOLS_PATH=/var/.espressif
-# Setup QEMU emulator for ESP32 platform
-RUN set -x \
- && cd /var \
- && git clone --progress qemu_esp32 \
- && (cd /var/qemu_esp32 \
- && ./configure --target-list=xtensa-softmmu --enable-debug --enable-sanitizers --disable-strip --disable-user --disable-capstone --disable-vnc --disable-sdl --disable-gtk \
- && make -j8) \
- && : # last line
-ENV QEMU_ESP32_DIR=/var/qemu_esp32
-ENV QEMU_ESP32=/var/qemu_esp32/xtensa-softmmu/qemu-system-xtensa
diff --git a/integrations/docker/images/chip-build/variants/Dockerfile.esp32 b/integrations/docker/images/chip-build/variants/Dockerfile.esp32
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c1170e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/integrations/docker/images/chip-build/variants/Dockerfile.esp32
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+FROM connectedhomeip/chip-build:${VERSION}
+# Setup the ESP-IDF
+RUN set -x \
+ && cd /var \
+ && git clone --progress -b release/v4.0 \
+ && cd esp-idf \
+ && git submodule update --init --progress \
+ && IDF_TOOLS_PATH=/var/.espressif ./ \
+ && : # last line
+ENV IDF_PATH=/var/esp-idf/
+ENV IDF_TOOLS_PATH=/var/.espressif
diff --git a/integrations/docker/images/chip-build/variants/Dockerfile.esp32-qemu b/integrations/docker/images/chip-build/variants/Dockerfile.esp32-qemu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31116d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/integrations/docker/images/chip-build/variants/Dockerfile.esp32-qemu
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+FROM connectedhomeip/chip-build-esp32:${VERSION}
+# Setup QEMU emulator for ESP32 platform
+RUN set -x \
+ && cd /var \
+ && git clone --progress qemu_esp32 \
+ && (cd /var/qemu_esp32 \
+ && ./configure --target-list=xtensa-softmmu --enable-debug --enable-sanitizers --disable-strip --disable-user --disable-capstone --disable-vnc --disable-sdl --disable-gtk \
+ && make -j8) \
+ && : # last line
+ENV QEMU_ESP32_DIR=/var/qemu_esp32
+ENV QEMU_ESP32=/var/qemu_esp32/xtensa-softmmu/qemu-system-xtensa
diff --git a/integrations/docker/images/chip-build/variants/Dockerfile.nrf-platform b/integrations/docker/images/chip-build/variants/Dockerfile.nrf-platform
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..261d5da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/integrations/docker/images/chip-build/variants/Dockerfile.nrf-platform
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+FROM connectedhomeip/chip-build:${VERSION}
+# nRF5 SDK, needed for building Nordic Platform code
+RUN set -x \
+ && curl -o /tmp/ \
+ \
+ && (mkdir /var/nRF5_SDK_for_Thread_and_Zigbee \
+ && cd /var/nRF5_SDK_for_Thread_and_Zigbee \
+ && unzip /tmp/ \
+ && rm -rf /tmp/ \
+ && : # last line
+# Tools for flashing software on Nordic devices, and accessing device logs
+RUN set -x \
+ && (mkdir /var/nRF5_tools && cd /var/nRF5_tools \
+ && curl \
+ | tar zxvf - \
+ && dpkg -i JLink_Linux_*.deb \
+ && dpkg -i nRF-Command-Line-Tools_*.deb \
+ && tar zxvf nRF-Command-Line-Tools_*.tar.gz) \
+ && rm -rf /var/nRF5_tools/*.tar.gz \
+ && rm -rf /var/nRF5_tools/*.deb \
+ && : # last line
+# GNU ARM Embedded toolchain, cross compiler for various platform builds
+RUN set -x \
+ && (cd /var \
+ && curl \
+ | tar jxvf -) \
+ && : # last line
+ENV NRF5_SDK_ROOT=/var/nRF5_SDK_for_Thread_and_Zigbee
+ENV NRF5_TOOLS_ROOT=/var/nRF5_tools
+ENV ARM_GCC_INSTALL_ROOT=/var/gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2019-q4-major/bin/
diff --git a/integrations/docker/images/chip-build/variants/Dockerfile.openssl b/integrations/docker/images/chip-build/variants/Dockerfile.openssl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d1a0d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/integrations/docker/images/chip-build/variants/Dockerfile.openssl
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+FROM connectedhomeip/chip-build:${VERSION}
+# Install specific release of openssl
+RUN set -x \
+ && cd /tmp && wget \
+ && mkdir -p /tmp/openssl && cd /tmp/openssl && unzip ../ \
+ && cd /tmp/openssl/openssl-OpenSSL_1_1_1f && ./config && make && make install \
+ && rm -rf /tmp/ \
+ && : # last line
diff --git a/integrations/docker/images/chip-build/variants/Dockerfile.vscode b/integrations/docker/images/chip-build/variants/Dockerfile.vscode
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6630b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/integrations/docker/images/chip-build/variants/Dockerfile.vscode
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+FROM connectedhomeip/chip-build:${VERSION}
+FROM connectedhomeip/chip-build-openssl:${VERSION}
+FROM connectedhomeip/chip-build-nrf-platform:${VERSION}
+FROM connectedhomeip/chip-build-esp32:${VERSION}
+FROM connectedhomeip/chip-build-esp32-qemu:${VERSION}
diff --git a/integrations/docker/images/chip-build/version b/integrations/docker/images/chip-build/version
index 13dead7..d3b5ba4 100644
--- a/integrations/docker/images/chip-build/version
+++ b/integrations/docker/images/chip-build/version
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/integrations/docker/ b/integrations/docker/
index b7309b5..b0f30eb 100755
--- a/integrations/docker/
+++ b/integrations/docker/
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
me=$(basename "$0")
die() {
- echo "$me: *** ERROR: $*"
- exit 1
+ echo "$me: *** ERROR: $*"
+ exit 1
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
# version
VERSION=${DOCKER_RUN_VERSION:-$(cat "$here/version")} ||
- die "please run me from an image directory or set environment variables:
+ die "please run me from an image directory or set environment variables:
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
help() {
- set +x
- echo "Usage: $me [RUN_OPTIONS -- ] command
+ set +x
+ echo "Usage: $me [RUN_OPTIONS -- ] command
Run a command in a docker image described by $here
@@ -60,29 +60,29 @@
# extract run options
for arg in "$@"; do
- case "$arg" in
- --help)
- help
- exit
- ;;
+ case "$arg" in
+ --help)
+ help
+ exit
+ ;;
- --)
- shift
- break
- ;;
+ --)
+ shift
+ break
+ ;;
- -*)
- runargs+=("$arg")
- shift
- ;;
+ -*)
+ runargs+=("$arg")
+ shift
+ ;;
- *)
- ((!${#runargs[*]})) && break
- runargs+=("$arg")
- shift
- ;;
+ *)
+ ((!${#runargs[*]})) && break
+ runargs+=("$arg")
+ shift
+ ;;
- esac
+ esac
docker run "${runargs[@]}" --rm -w "$RUN_DIR" -v "$RUN_DIR:$RUN_DIR" "$ORG/$IMAGE${VERSION:+:${VERSION}}" "$@"
diff --git a/scripts/build/ b/scripts/build/
index f6a2b88..671f819 100755
--- a/scripts/build/
+++ b/scripts/build/
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
if [[ ! -f build/default/config.status ]]; then
- mkdir -p build/default
- (cd build/default &&
- ../../bootstrap-configure -C --enable-debug --enable-coverage)
+ mkdir -p build/default
+ (cd build/default &&
+ ../../bootstrap-configure -C --enable-debug --enable-coverage)
elif [[ -nt configure ]]; then
- ./bootstrap
+ ./bootstrap
- ./bootstrap -w make
+ ./bootstrap -w make
diff --git a/scripts/helpers/ b/scripts/helpers/
index 69fa0af..874c07d 100755
--- a/scripts/helpers/
+++ b/scripts/helpers/
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
die() {
- echo " *** ERROR: $*"
- exit 1
+ echo " *** ERROR: $*"
+ exit 1
# from `man diff`:
diff --git a/scripts/helpers/ b/scripts/helpers/
index 18a67a3..3cea201 100755
--- a/scripts/helpers/
+++ b/scripts/helpers/
@@ -3,22 +3,22 @@
CLANG_FORMAT_VERSION="clang-format version 9.0"
die() {
- echo " *** ERROR: $*"
- exit 1
+ echo " *** ERROR: $*"
+ exit 1
if command -v clang-format-9 >/dev/null; then
- alias clang-format=clang-format-9
+ alias clang-format=clang-format-9
elif command -v clang-format >/dev/null; then
- case "$(clang-format --version)" in
+ case "$(clang-format --version)" in
- *)
- die "$(clang-format --version); \"$CLANG_FORMAT_VERSION\" required"
- ;;
- esac
+ *)
+ die "$(clang-format --version); \"$CLANG_FORMAT_VERSION\" required"
+ ;;
+ esac
- die "$CLANG_FORMAT_VERSION required"
+ die "$CLANG_FORMAT_VERSION required"
clang-format "$@" || die "format failed"
@@ -26,17 +26,17 @@
# ensure EOF newline
for arg; do
- case $arg in
- -i)
- ;;
- esac
+ case $arg in
+ -i)
+ ;;
+ esac
[[ $REPLACE != yes ]] || {
- [[ -z $(tail -c1 "$file") ]] || echo >>"$file"
+ [[ -z $(tail -c1 "$file") ]] || echo >>"$file"
exit 0
diff --git a/scripts/helpers/ b/scripts/helpers/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a6b1db5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/helpers/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+git remote add upstream
+git fetch upstream pull/"$1"/head
+git merge --ff-only FETCH_HEAD
+git push
diff --git a/scripts/helpers/ b/scripts/helpers/
index 419aaeb..0e1fc45 100755
--- a/scripts/helpers/
+++ b/scripts/helpers/
@@ -4,14 +4,14 @@
# Run shellcheck on all the shell-ish files in the tree
patterns=('*.bash*' 'bash*'
- '*.ksh*' 'ksh*'
- '*.zsh*' 'zsh*'
- '.zlogin*' 'zlogin*'
- '.zlogout*' 'zlogout*'
- '.zprofile*' 'zprofile*'
- '*.sh' '.shlib*' 'shlib*'
- '.profile*' 'profile*'
- 'suid_profile')
+ '*.ksh*' 'ksh*'
+ '*.zsh*' 'zsh*'
+ '.zlogin*' 'zlogin*'
+ '.zlogout*' 'zlogout*'
+ '.zprofile*' 'zprofile*'
+ '*.sh' '.shlib*' 'shlib*'
+ '.profile*' 'profile*'
+ 'suid_profile')
# excluding these directories (e.g. third_party/* )
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
[[ -f .shellcheck_tree ]] && . .shellcheck_tree
[[ ${*/--help//} != "${*}" ]] && {
- echo "Usage: $me <OPTIONS>
+ echo "Usage: $me <OPTIONS>
Shellcheck all scripts in the tree.
@@ -29,32 +29,32 @@
--help get this message
- exit 0
+ exit 0
if [[ ${*/--git//} != "${*}" ]]; then
- #
- # To run on git-files only
- #
- git ls-files -- "${patterns[@]}" | while read -r file; do
- for exclude in "${excludes[@]}"; do
- [[ $file =~ $exclude ]] && continue 2
+ #
+ # To run on git-files only
+ #
+ git ls-files -- "${patterns[@]}" | while read -r file; do
+ for exclude in "${excludes[@]}"; do
+ [[ $file =~ $exclude ]] && continue 2
+ done
+ shellcheck -f gcc "$file"
- shellcheck -f gcc "$file"
- done
- #
- # use find
- #
- exclude_args=()
- for exclude in "${excludes[@]}"; do
- exclude_args+=('!' -path "./$exclude" -a)
- done
+ #
+ # use find
+ #
+ exclude_args=()
+ for exclude in "${excludes[@]}"; do
+ exclude_args+=('!' -path "./$exclude" -a)
+ done
- pattern_args=()
- for pattern in "${patterns[@]}"; do
- pattern_args+=(-o -name "$pattern")
- done
+ pattern_args=()
+ for pattern in "${patterns[@]}"; do
+ pattern_args+=(-o -name "$pattern")
+ done
- find . "${exclude_args[@]}" '(' "${pattern_args[@]:1}" ')' -exec shellcheck -f gcc {} +
+ find . "${exclude_args[@]}" '(' "${pattern_args[@]:1}" ')' -exec shellcheck -f gcc {} +
diff --git a/scripts/setup/ b/scripts/setup/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a9bf588
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/setup/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/scripts/setup/linux/ b/scripts/setup/linux/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..eebbd0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/setup/linux/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+set -x
+apt-get update
+apt-get install -fy \
+ git \
+ curl \
+ jq \
+ make \
+ autoconf \
+ automake \
+ libtool \
+ pkg-config \
+ g++ \
+ clang-9 \
+ clang-format-9 \
+ clang-tidy-9 \
+ lcov \
+ shellcheck \
+ libssl-dev \
+ unzip \
+ wget \
+ libmbedtls-dev
+if [[ ! -f 'build/downloads/open_ssl_1.1.1f_installed' ]]; then
+ mkdir -p build/downloads
+ cd build/downloads
+ wget
+ mkdir openssl
+ cd openssl
+ unzip ../
+ cd openssl-OpenSSL_1_1_1f
+ ./config
+ make
+ rm -rf ../
+ cd ~/project
+ touch build/downloads/open_ssl_1.1.1f_installed
+ chown -R circleci:circleci build
+cd ~/project/build/downloads/openssl/openssl-OpenSSL_1_1_1f
+make install_sw install_ssldirs
diff --git a/scripts/tools/ b/scripts/tools/
index 51cb162..e4f244b 100755
--- a/scripts/tools/
+++ b/scripts/tools/
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@
[[ $# -eq 2 ]] || {
- echo "Usage: $0 <app-image.bin> <output-flash-image.bin>"
- exit 1
+ echo "Usage: $0 <app-image.bin> <output-flash-image.bin>"
+ exit 1
here=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd)
diff --git a/scripts/tools/ b/scripts/tools/
index 9b9aa0a..145e81b 100755
--- a/scripts/tools/
+++ b/scripts/tools/
@@ -23,19 +23,19 @@
usage() {
- exitcode=0
- if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then
- exitcode=1
- echo "*** Error: $*"
- fi
- echo "Usage: $0 <flash image file>"
- exit "$exitcode"
+ exitcode=0
+ if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then
+ exitcode=1
+ echo "*** Error: $*"
+ fi
+ echo "Usage: $0 <flash image file>"
+ exit "$exitcode"
me=$(basename "$0")
die() {
- echo "$me: *** ERROR: " "${*}"
- exit 1
+ echo "$me: *** ERROR: " "${*}"
+ exit 1
[[ $# -eq 1 ]] || usage "Incorrect number of arguments"
diff --git a/scripts/tools/ b/scripts/tools/
index 3fee0a9..409cc98 100755
--- a/scripts/tools/
+++ b/scripts/tools/
@@ -23,13 +23,13 @@
usage() {
- exitcode=0
- if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then
- exitcode=1
- echo "Error: $*"
- fi
- echo "Usage: $0 <image-size> <output-file> <offset1=input-file1> [<offset2=input-file2> ..]"
- exit "$exitcode"
+ exitcode=0
+ if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then
+ exitcode=1
+ echo "Error: $*"
+ fi
+ echo "Usage: $0 <image-size> <output-file> <offset1=input-file1> [<offset2=input-file2> ..]"
+ exit "$exitcode"
[[ $# -ge 3 ]] || usage "Incorrect number of arguments"
@@ -46,17 +46,17 @@
# Argument 3 onwards have input files and corresponding offsets
for item in "${@:3}"; do
- IFS='=' read -r start file <<<"$item"
+ IFS='=' read -r start file <<<"$item"
- offset=$((start))
- [[ $? -eq 0 ]] || usage "Offset ($start) must be a number"
+ offset=$((start))
+ [[ $? -eq 0 ]] || usage "Offset ($start) must be a number"
- [[ -r $file ]] || usage "Cannot read file $file"
- [[ $written -le $offset ]] || usage "Writing $file at $offset will overwrite previous segment"
+ [[ -r $file ]] || usage "Cannot read file $file"
+ [[ $written -le $offset ]] || usage "Writing $file at $offset will overwrite previous segment"
- filesize=$(stat -c%s "$file")
- written=$((written + filesize))
- [[ $written -lt $image_size ]] || usage "Writing $file at $offset will overflow image"
+ filesize=$(stat -c%s "$file")
+ written=$((written + filesize))
+ [[ $written -lt $image_size ]] || usage "Writing $file at $offset will overflow image"
- dd if="$file" of="$2" conv=notrunc bs="$offset" seek=1
+ dd if="$file" of="$2" conv=notrunc bs="$offset" seek=1
diff --git a/scripts/tools/ b/scripts/tools/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b53096d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+if [[ $1 == *"$2"* ]]; then
+ shift
+ shift
+ "$@"