blob: b877bb3deea98f4a2d39fad52fc4cb4018f76517 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This file defines data types and objects for modeling and
* working with CHIP Operational Credentials.
#pragma once
#include <credentials/CHIPCert.h>
#include <crypto/CHIPCryptoPAL.h>
#include <lib/support/DLLUtil.h>
#include <crypto/hsm/CHIPCryptoPALHsm.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
namespace chip {
namespace Credentials {
static constexpr size_t kOperationalCredentialsMax = 5;
using namespace Crypto;
struct NodeCredential
uint8_t * mCredential = nullptr;
uint16_t mLen = 0;
struct OperationalCredentialSerializable
uint16_t mNodeCredentialLen;
uint8_t mNodeCredential[kMaxCHIPCertLength];
uint16_t mNodeKeypairLen;
uint8_t mNodeKeypair[kP256_PublicKey_Length + kP256_PrivateKey_Length];
uint16_t mRootCertificateLen;
uint8_t mRootCertificate[kMaxCHIPCertLength];
uint16_t mCACertificateLen;
uint8_t mCACertificate[kMaxCHIPCertLength];
struct NodeCredentialMap
CertificateKeyId trustedRootId;
NodeCredential nodeCredential;
struct NodeKeypairMap
CertificateKeyId trustedRootId;
P256KeypairHSM keypair;
P256Keypair keypair;
* @brief
* Collection of CHIPCertificateSet providing methods for
* finding and validating Device Credentials against Roof of Trust chains.
class DLL_EXPORT OperationalCredentialSet
OperationalCredentialSet() :
mOpCreds(nullptr), mOpCredCount(0), mMaxCerts(0), mChipDeviceCredentialsCount(0), mDeviceOpCredKeypairCount(0)
~OperationalCredentialSet() { Release(); }
* @brief Initialize OperationalCredentialSet.
* This initialization method is used when all memory structures needed for operation are
* allocated externally and methods in this class don't need to deal with memory allocations.
* @param certSetsArray A pointer to the array of the ChipCertificateSet structures.
* @param certSetsArraySize Number of ChipCertificateSet entries in the array.
* @return Returns a CHIP_ERROR on error, CHIP_NO_ERROR otherwise
CHIP_ERROR Init(ChipCertificateSet * certSetsArray, uint8_t certSetsArraySize);
* @brief Initialize OperationalCredentialSet.
* This initialization method is used when all memory structures needed for operation are
* allocated internally using chip::Platform::MemoryAlloc() and freed with chip::Platform::MemoryFree().
* @param maxCertsArraySize Maximum number of CHIP certificate-sets to be loaded to the set.
* @return Returns a CHIP_ERROR on error, CHIP_NO_ERROR otherwise
CHIP_ERROR Init(uint8_t maxCertsArraySize);
* @brief Release resources allocated by this class.
void Release();
* @brief Clear certificate data loaded into this set.
void Clear();
void CleanupMaps();
* @brief Load CHIP certificate-set into set.
* @param chipCertSet Buffer containing certificate encoded in CHIP format.
void LoadCertSet(ChipCertificateSet * chipCertSet) { mOpCreds[mOpCredCount++] = std::move(*chipCertSet); }
* @brief Find certificate set in the set.
* @param trustedRootId Authority key identifier of the root certificate-set to be found in the operational credential set.
* @return A pointer to the certificate data On success. Otherwise, NULL if no certificate found.
ChipCertificateSet * FindCertSet(const CertificateKeyId & trustedRootId) const;
* @return A pointer to the set of certificate-set data entries.
ChipCertificateSet * GetOpCredSet() const { return mOpCreds; }
* @return Number of certificate-sets loaded into the set.
uint8_t GetCertCount() const { return mOpCredCount; }
* @brief Retrieve Trusted Root ID / Authority Key ID of a Certificate Set.
* @param certSetIndex Index of the Certificate-set to be used to search for a Trusted Root ID.
* @return A pointer to the Trusted Root ID on success. Otherwise, nullptr if no Trust Anchor is found.
CertificateKeyId GetTrustedRootId(uint16_t certSetIndex) const;
* @brief Check whether certificate set is in the operational credential set.
* @param cert Pointer to the ChipCertificateSet structures.
* @return True if certificate is in the set, false otherwise.
bool IsCertSetInTheOpCredSet(const ChipCertificateSet * cert) const;
* @brief Check whether Trusted Root ID is in the operational credential set.
* @param trustedRoot Reference to the Trusted Root ID.
* @return True if Trusted Root ID is in the set, false otherwise.
bool IsTrustedRootIn(const CertificateKeyId & trustedRoot) const;
bool IsInitialized() const { return mMemoryAllocInternal; }
* @brief Validate CHIP certificate.
* @param trustedRootId Reference to the Trusted Root ID for the Certificate Set to be used
* for validation
* @param cert Pointer to the CHIP certificate to be validated. The certificate is
* required to be in this set, otherwise this function returns error.
* @param context Certificate validation context.
* @return Returns a CHIP_ERROR if no valid certificate could be found
CHIP_ERROR ValidateCert(const CertificateKeyId & trustedRootId, const ChipCertificateData * cert, ValidationContext & context);
* @brief Find and validate CHIP certificate.
* @param[in] trustedRootId Reference to the Trusted Root ID for the Certificate Set to be used
* for validation.
* @param[in] subjectDN Subject distinguished name to use as certificate search parameter.
* @param[in] subjectKeyId Subject key identifier to use as certificate search parameter.
* @param[in] context Certificate validation context.
* @param[out] certData A slot to write a pointer to the CHIP certificate data that matches search criteria.
* @return Returns a CHIP_ERROR if no valid certificate could be found
CHIP_ERROR FindValidCert(const CertificateKeyId & trustedRootId, const ChipDN & subjectDN,
const CertificateKeyId & subjectKeyId, ValidationContext & context,
const ChipCertificateData ** certData);
* @brief A function to sign a msg using ECDSA and the respective device credentials keypair.
* @param msg Message that needs to be signed
* @param msg_length Length of message
* @param out_signature Buffer that will hold the output signature. The signature consists of: 2 EC elements (r and s),
* represented as ASN.1 DER integers, plus the ASN.1 sequence Header
* @return Returns a CHIP_ERROR on error, CHIP_NO_ERROR otherwise
CHIP_ERROR SignMsg(const CertificateKeyId & trustedRootId, const uint8_t * msg, const size_t msg_length,
P256ECDSASignature & out_signature);
* @return A pointer to device credentials (in chip format).
const uint8_t * GetDevOpCred(const CertificateKeyId & trustedRootId) const
return GetNodeCredentialAt(trustedRootId)->mCredential;
* @return Length of the loaded device credentials buffer.
uint16_t GetDevOpCredLen(const CertificateKeyId & trustedRootId) const { return GetNodeCredentialAt(trustedRootId)->mLen; }
CHIP_ERROR SetDevOpCred(const CertificateKeyId & trustedRootId, const uint8_t * chipDeviceCredentials,
uint16_t chipDeviceCredentialsLen);
* @brief
* Serialize the OperationalCredentialSet indexed by a TrustedRootID to the given serializable data structure
* This method must be called while the OperationalCredentialSet class is valid (After Init and before Release)
CHIP_ERROR ToSerializable(const CertificateKeyId & trustedRootId, OperationalCredentialSerializable & output);
* @brief
* Reconstruct OperationalCredentialSet class from the serializable data structure.
* This method must be called after initializing the OperationalCredentialSet class with internal allocation.
* No references/pointers to the input parameter are made. The input parameter can be freed after calling this method.
CHIP_ERROR FromSerializable(const OperationalCredentialSerializable & input);
P256Keypair & GetDevOpCredKeypair(const CertificateKeyId & trustedRootId) { return *GetNodeKeypairAt(trustedRootId); }
CHIP_ERROR SetDevOpCredKeypair(const CertificateKeyId & trustedRootId, P256Keypair * newKeypair);
const ChipCertificateData * GetRootCertificate(const CertificateKeyId & trustedRootId) const;
ChipCertificateSet * mOpCreds; /**< Pointer to an array of certificate data. */
// TODO: switch mOpCredCount var type to size_t in order to allow more than 255 credentials per controller.
uint8_t mOpCredCount; /**< Number of certificates in mOpCreds
array. We maintain the invariant that all
the slots at indices less than
mCertCount have been constructed and slots
at indices >= mCertCount have either never
had their constructor called, or have had
their destructor called since then. */
uint8_t mMaxCerts; /**< Length of mOpCreds array. */
bool mMemoryAllocInternal = false; /**< Indicates whether temporary memory buffers are allocated internally. */
NodeCredentialMap mChipDeviceCredentials[kOperationalCredentialsMax];
uint8_t mChipDeviceCredentialsCount;
NodeKeypairMap mDeviceOpCredKeypair[kOperationalCredentialsMax];
uint8_t mDeviceOpCredKeypairCount;
// TODO: Remove TrustedRootId indexing - Replace it with size_t index.
const NodeCredential * GetNodeCredentialAt(const CertificateKeyId & trustedRootId) const;
P256Keypair * GetNodeKeypairAt(const CertificateKeyId & trustedRootId);
} // namespace Credentials
} // namespace chip