blob: db8f7f38dd88fbba9214e1e7f20e95993e7e8dbf [file] [log] [blame]
"include": "../../../../src/app/tests/suites/ciTests.json",
"disable": [
"Disabled due to using ICD Management (ICDManagement) cluster, which is provisional on Darwin for now:",
"Disabled due to using Time Synchronization (TimeSynchronization) cluster, which is provisional on Darwin for now:",
"Disabled due to using provisional Ceramic Filter Monitoring (CeramicFilterMonitoring) cluster:",
"Disabled due to using provisional Electrostatic Filter Monitoring (ElectrostaticFilterMonitoring) cluster:",
"Disabled due to using provisional Fuel Tank Monitoring (FuelTankMonitoring) cluster:",
"Disabled due to using provisional Ink Cartridge Monitoring (InkCartridgeMonitoring) cluster:",
"Disabled due to using provisional Ionizing Filter Monitoring (IonizingFilterMonitoring) cluster:",
"Disabled due to using provisional Ozone Filter Monitoring (OzoneFilterMonitoring) cluster:",
"Disabled due to using provisional Toner Cartridge Monitoring (TonerCartridgeMonitoring) cluster:",
"Disabled due to using provisional UV Filter Monitoring (UVFilterMonitoring) cluster:",
"Disabled due to using provisional Water Tank Monitoring (WaterTankMonitoring) cluster:",
"Disabled due to using provisional Zeolite Filter Monitoring (ZeoliteFilterMonitoring) cluster:",
"Disabled due to AirQuality not being enabled in Matter.framework for now:",
"Disabled due to CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement not being enabled in Matter.framework for now:",
"Disabled due to CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement not being enabled in Matter.framework for now:",
"Disabled due to FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement not being enabled in Matter.framework for now:",
"Disabled due to NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement not being enabled in Matter.framework for now:",
"Disabled due to OzoneConcentrationMeasurement not being enabled in Matter.framework for now:",
"Disabled due to PM1ConcentrationMeasurement not being enabled in Matter.framework for now:",
"Disabled due to PM2.5ConcentrationMeasurement not being enabled in Matter.framework for now:",
"Disabled due to PM10ConcentrationMeasurement not being enabled in Matter.framework for now:",
"Disabled due to RadonConcentrationMeasurement not being enabled in Matter.framework for now:",
"Disabled due to TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement not being enabled in Matter.framework for now:",
"Disabled due to FanControl AirFlowDirection attribute not being enabled in Matter.framework for now:",
"Disabled due to DoorLock UnboltDoor command not being enabled in Matter.framework for now:",
"Disabled due to ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring not being enabled in Matter.framework for now:",
"Disabled due to HEPAFilterMonitoring not being enabled in Matter.framework for now:",