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  1. CustomFactoryDataProvider.cpp
  2. CustomFactoryDataProvider.h

orphan: true

Usage of custom Factory Data Provider

K32W0FactoryDataProvider is the default factory data provider. It implements three interfaces from common Matter stack:

  • CommissionableDataProvider
  • DeviceAttestationCredentialsProvider
  • DeviceInstanceInfoProvider

A user can inherit K32W0FactoryDataProvider to provide additional functionality (such as parsing custom factory data fields) that is customer specific. Additionally, each method from the above three interfaces could be overwritten in the custom provider, but the current platform provider implementation should be enough for most use cases.

What MUST be done to enable usage of a custom factory provider:

  • Set use_custom_factory_provider=1. This option is only available when factory data is used (chip_with_factory_data=1). An assert will be raised if the condition is not met.

  • Modify the of the application to take into account the new files where the custom factory provider is implemented:

    if (chip_with_factory_data == 1 && use_custom_factory_provider == 1)
      sources += [
      defines = [

    Note that new flags were introduced:

    • CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_USE_CUSTOM_PROVIDER: select between using K32W0FactoryDataProvider or CustomFactoryDataProvider when registering the provider.
    • CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_CUSTOM_PROVIDER_NUMBER_IDS: set the number of custom IDs (which are different than the default IDs). If this macro is not correctly set, compilation should fail.
  • The default IDs are validated directly in SearchForId, but custom IDs should set their maximum lengths through SetCustomIds method.

  • K32W0FactoryDataProvider::kNumberOfIds is computed at compile time and should represent the number of IDs (custom + default). Custom IDs should start from FactoryDataId::kMaxId, which is the next valid ID. IDs [1, FactoryDataId::kMaxId - 1] are reserved for default factory data IDs.

Please refer to CustomFactoryDataProvider for a minimal example of a custom factory data provider and note that its implementation is just an example of how to integrate a custom provider into the application, while still using the default implementation provided by K32W0FactoryDataProvider.