Creating a custom matter_idl generator

The matter_idl tool can be used to generate arbitrary code based on the Matter data model schemas. To create a custom generator that lives outside of the Matter SDK tree, follow the design pattern of scripts/py_matter_idl/examples/matter_idl_plugin:

  1. Create a directory for your python generator module, for example “matter_idl_plugin”.
  2. Add an under “matter_idl_plugin” implementing a subclass of CodeGenerator named CustomGenerator.
  3. Have CustomGenerator load jinja templates, also under the “matter_idl_plugin” subdirectory.
  4. Execute the script passing the path to the parent directory of “matter_idl_plugin” via --generator custom:<plugin_path>:<plugin_module_name> argument and package name like --option package:com.example.matter.proto
# From top-of-tree in this example
./scripts/ \
  --generator custom:./scripts/py_matter_idl/examples:matter_idl_plugin \
  --option package:com.example.matter.proto \