tree: 83d864dbd7c679704c004021ba7421119f317a39 [path history] [tgz]
  1. third_party/
  2. .gn
  3. args.gni
  5. LinuxOTAImageProcessor.cpp
  6. LinuxOTAImageProcessor.h
  7. LinuxOTARequestorDriver.cpp
  8. LinuxOTARequestorDriver.h
  9. main.cpp

ota-requestor-app (Linux)

This is a reference application that is both a server for the OTA Requestor Cluster, as well as a client of the OTA Provider Cluster. It should initiate a Software Update with a given OTA Provider node, and download a file.


In order to use this reference application to connect to a device running OTA Provider server and download a software image, these commands should be called in the following order:

In terminal 1:

./chip-ota-provider-app -f ${SW_IMAGE_FILE}
  • ${SW_IMAGE_FILE} is the file representing a software image to be served.

In terminal 2:

./chip-tool pairing onnetwork ${NODE_ID_TO_ASSIGN_PROVIDER} 20202021
  • ${NODE_ID_TO_ASSIGN_PROVIDER} is the node id to assign to the ota-provider-app running in terminal 1.

In terminal 3:

  • {REQUESTOR_LONG_DISCRIMINATOR} is the long discriminator specified for the ota-requestor-app for commissioning discovery
  • {REQUESTOR_UDP_PORT} is the UDP port that the ota-requestor-app listens on for secure connections
  • ${PROVIDER_IP_ADDRESS} is the IP address of the ota-provider-app that has been resolved manually
  • ${PROVIDER_NODE_ID} is the node ID of the ota-provider-app assigned above
  • ${DELAY_QUERY_SECONDS} is the amount of time in seconds to wait before initiating secure session establishment and query for software image

In terminal 2:

./chip-tool pairing onnetwork-long ${NODE_ID_TO_ASSIGN_REQUESTOR}  20202021 ${REQUESTOR_LONG_DISCRIMINATOR}
  • ${NODE_ID_TO_ASSIGN_REQUESTOR} is the node id to assign to the ota-requestor-app running in terminal 3
  • ${REQUESTOR_LONG_DISCRIMINATOR} is the long discriminator of the ota-requestor-app specified in terminal 3 above

Current Features / Limitations


  • Code for running a full BDX download exists in BDX
  • Sends QueryImage command
  • Downloads a file over BDX served by an OTA Provider server
  • Supports various command line configurations


  • Needs chip-tool to commission the OTA Provider device first because the Node ID and IP Address of the OTA Provider must be supplied to this reference application
  • Does not verify QueryImageResponse message contents
  • Stores the downloaded file in the directory this reference app is launched from
  • Does not support AnnounceOTAProvider command or OTA Requestor attributes