Add missing locks around nodeIDToDeviceMap access. (#28675)
Those accesses are all supposed to happen while holding _deviceMapLock, but we
had some that were not locking.
diff --git a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/
index cf4ab4c..21ec9e5 100644
--- a/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/
+++ b/src/darwin/Framework/CHIP/
@@ -163,11 +163,17 @@
// Invalidate our MTRDevice instances before we shut down our secure
// sessions and whatnot, so they don't start trying to resubscribe when we
- // do the secure session shutdowns.
- for (MTRDevice * device in [self.nodeIDToDeviceMap allValues]) {
+ // do the secure session shutdowns. Since we don't want to hold the lock
+ // while calling out into arbitrary invalidation code, snapshot the list of
+ // devices before we start invalidating.
+ os_unfair_lock_lock(&_deviceMapLock);
+ NSArray<MTRDevice *> * devices = [self.nodeIDToDeviceMap allValues];
+ [self.nodeIDToDeviceMap removeAllObjects];
+ os_unfair_lock_unlock(&_deviceMapLock);
+ for (MTRDevice * device in devices) {
[device invalidate];
- [self.nodeIDToDeviceMap removeAllObjects];
[self stopBrowseForCommissionables];
[_factory controllerShuttingDown:self];