Enable Multi-Fabric test commands with chip-repl runner (#24349)

* Enable Multi-Fabric test commands with chip-repl runner

* Restyle
diff --git a/src/controller/python/chip/yaml/format_converter.py b/src/controller/python/chip/yaml/format_converter.py
index 3f740d7..d3305f4 100644
--- a/src/controller/python/chip/yaml/format_converter.py
+++ b/src/controller/python/chip/yaml/format_converter.py
@@ -17,10 +17,18 @@
 import enum
 import typing
+from dataclasses import dataclass
 from chip.clusters.Types import Nullable, NullValue
 from chip.tlv import float32, uint
 from chip.yaml.errors import ValidationError
+from matter_idl import matter_idl_types
+class _TargetTypeInfo:
+    field: typing.Union[list[matter_idl_types.Field], matter_idl_types.Field]
+    is_fabric_scoped: bool
 def _case_insensitive_getattr(object, attr_name, default):
@@ -30,15 +38,16 @@
     return default
-def _get_target_type_fields(test_spec_definition, cluster_name, target_name):
+def _get_target_type_info(test_spec_definition, cluster_name, target_name) -> _TargetTypeInfo:
     element = test_spec_definition.get_type_by_name(cluster_name, target_name)
     if hasattr(element, 'fields'):
-        return element.fields
-    return None
+        is_fabric_scoped = test_spec_definition.is_fabric_scoped(element)
+        return _TargetTypeInfo(element.fields, is_fabric_scoped)
+    return _TargetTypeInfo(None, False)
 def from_data_model_to_test_definition(test_spec_definition, cluster_name, response_definition,
-                                       response_value):
+                                       response_value, is_fabric_scoped=False):
     '''Converts value from data model to definitions provided in test_spec_definition.
@@ -56,6 +65,10 @@
     # that need to be worked through recursively to properly convert the value to the right type.
     if isinstance(response_definition, list):
         rv = {}
+        # is_fabric_scoped will only be relevant for struct types, hence why it is only checked
+        # here.
+        if is_fabric_scoped:
+            rv['FabricIndex'] = _case_insensitive_getattr(response_value, 'fabricIndex', None)
         for item in response_definition:
             value = _case_insensitive_getattr(response_value, item.name, None)
             if item.is_optional and value is None:
@@ -82,18 +95,23 @@
     if response_value_type == float32 and response_definition.data_type.name.lower() == 'single':
         return float('%g' % response_value)
-    response_sub_definition = _get_target_type_fields(test_spec_definition, cluster_name,
-                                                      response_definition.data_type.name)
+    target_type_info = _get_target_type_info(test_spec_definition, cluster_name,
+                                             response_definition.data_type.name)
+    response_sub_definition = target_type_info.field
+    is_sub_definition_fabric_scoped = target_type_info.is_fabric_scoped
     # Check below is to see if the field itself is an array, for example array of ints.
     if response_definition.is_list:
         return [
             from_data_model_to_test_definition(test_spec_definition, cluster_name,
-                                               response_sub_definition, item) for item in response_value
+                                               response_sub_definition, item,
+                                               is_sub_definition_fabric_scoped) for item in response_value
     return from_data_model_to_test_definition(test_spec_definition, cluster_name,
-                                              response_sub_definition, response_value)
+                                              response_sub_definition, response_value,
+                                              is_sub_definition_fabric_scoped)
 def convert_list_of_name_value_pair_to_dict(arg_values):
diff --git a/src/controller/python/chip/yaml/runner.py b/src/controller/python/chip/yaml/runner.py
index a4414b6..1fa9d5b 100644
--- a/src/controller/python/chip/yaml/runner.py
+++ b/src/controller/python/chip/yaml/runner.py
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 import queue
 from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
 from dataclasses import dataclass, field
-from enum import Enum
+from enum import Enum, IntEnum
 import chip.interaction_model
 import chip.yaml.format_converter as Converter
@@ -39,6 +39,12 @@
     ERROR = 'error'
+class _TestFabricId(IntEnum):
+    ALPHA = 1,
+    BETA = 2,
+    GAMMA = 3
 class _ActionResult:
     status: _ActionStatus
@@ -68,13 +74,18 @@
 class BaseAction(ABC):
     '''Interface for a single YAML action that is to be executed.'''
-    def __init__(self, label):
+    def __init__(self, label, identity):
         self._label = label
+        self._identity = identity
     def label(self):
         return self._label
+    @property
+    def identity(self):
+        return self._identity
     def run_action(self, dev_ctrl: ChipDeviceCtrl) -> _ActionResult:
@@ -95,9 +106,10 @@
             action to perform for this write attribute.
           UnexpectedParsingError: Raised if there is an unexpected parsing error.
-        super().__init__(test_step.label)
+        super().__init__(test_step.label, test_step.identity)
         self._command_name = stringcase.pascalcase(test_step.command)
         self._cluster = cluster
+        self._interation_timeout_ms = test_step.timed_interaction_timeout_ms
         self._request_object = None
         self._expected_response_object = None
         self._endpoint = test_step.endpoint
@@ -128,8 +140,9 @@
     def run_action(self, dev_ctrl: ChipDeviceCtrl) -> _ActionResult:
-            resp = asyncio.run(dev_ctrl.SendCommand(self._node_id, self._endpoint,
-                                                    self._request_object))
+            resp = asyncio.run(dev_ctrl.SendCommand(
+                self._node_id, self._endpoint, self._request_object,
+                timedRequestTimeoutMs=self._interation_timeout_ms))
         except chip.interaction_model.InteractionModelError as error:
             return _ActionResult(status=_ActionStatus.ERROR, response=error)
@@ -152,13 +165,17 @@
             action to perform for this read attribute.
           UnexpectedParsingError: Raised if there is an unexpected parsing error.
-        super().__init__(test_step.label)
+        super().__init__(test_step.label, test_step.identity)
         self._attribute_name = stringcase.pascalcase(test_step.attribute)
         self._cluster = cluster
         self._endpoint = test_step.endpoint
         self._node_id = test_step.node_id
         self._cluster_object = None
         self._request_object = None
+        self._fabric_filtered = True
+        if test_step.fabric_filtered is not None:
+            self._fabric_filtered = test_step.fabric_filtered
         self._possibly_unsupported = bool(test_step.optional)
@@ -185,7 +202,8 @@
     def run_action(self, dev_ctrl: ChipDeviceCtrl) -> _ActionResult:
             raw_resp = asyncio.run(dev_ctrl.ReadAttribute(self._node_id,
-                                                          [(self._endpoint, self._request_object)]))
+                                                          [(self._endpoint, self._request_object)],
+                                                          fabricFiltered=self._fabric_filtered))
         except chip.interaction_model.InteractionModelError as error:
             return _ActionResult(status=_ActionStatus.ERROR, response=error)
@@ -215,7 +233,7 @@
     ''' Wait for commissionee action to be executed.'''
     def __init__(self, test_step):
-        super().__init__(test_step.label)
+        super().__init__(test_step.label, test_step.identity)
         self._node_id = test_step.node_id
         self._expire_existing_session = False
         # This is the default when no timeout is provided.
@@ -337,7 +355,7 @@
             action to perform for this write attribute.
           UnexpectedParsingError: Raised if there is an unexpected parsing error.
-        super().__init__(test_step.label)
+        super().__init__(test_step.label, test_step.identity)
         self._attribute_name = stringcase.pascalcase(test_step.attribute)
         self._cluster = cluster
         self._endpoint = test_step.endpoint
@@ -398,7 +416,7 @@
           UnexpectedParsingError: Raised if the expected queue does not exist.
-        super().__init__(test_step.label)
+        super().__init__(test_step.label, test_step.identity)
         self._attribute_name = stringcase.pascalcase(test_step.attribute)
         self._output_queue = context.subscription_callback_result_queue.get(self._attribute_name,
@@ -417,16 +435,50 @@
         return item.result
+class CommissionerCommandAction(BaseAction):
+    '''Single Commissioner Command action to be executed.'''
+    def __init__(self, test_step):
+        '''Converts 'test_step' to commissioner command action.
+        Args:
+          'test_step': Step containing information required to run wait for report action.
+        Raises:
+          UnexpectedParsingError: Raised if the expected queue does not exist.
+        '''
+        super().__init__(test_step.label, test_step.identity)
+        if test_step.command != 'PairWithCode':
+            raise UnexpectedParsingError(f'Unexpected CommisionerCommand {test_step.command}')
+        args = test_step.arguments['values']
+        request_data_as_dict = Converter.convert_list_of_name_value_pair_to_dict(args)
+        self._setup_payload = request_data_as_dict['payload']
+        self._node_id = request_data_as_dict['nodeId']
+    def run_action(self, dev_ctrl: ChipDeviceCtrl) -> _ActionResult:
+        resp = dev_ctrl.CommissionWithCode(self._setup_payload, self._node_id)
+        if resp:
+            return _ActionResult(status=_ActionStatus.SUCCESS, response=None)
+        else:
+            return _ActionResult(status=_ActionStatus.ERROR, response=None)
 class ReplTestRunner:
     '''Test runner to encode/decode values from YAML test Parser for executing the TestStep.
     Uses ChipDeviceCtrl from chip-repl to execute parsed YAML TestSteps.
-    def __init__(self, test_spec_definition, dev_ctrl):
+    def __init__(self, test_spec_definition, certificate_authority_manager):
         self._test_spec_definition = test_spec_definition
-        self._dev_ctrl = dev_ctrl
         self._context = _ExecutionContext(data_model_lookup=PreDefinedDataModelLookup())
+        self._certificate_authority_manager = certificate_authority_manager
+        self._dev_ctrls = {}
+        ca_list = certificate_authority_manager.activeCaList
+        dev_ctrl = ca_list[0].adminList[0].NewController()
+        self._dev_ctrls['alpha'] = dev_ctrl
     def _invoke_action_factory(self, test_step, cluster: str):
         '''Creates cluster invoke action command from TestStep.
@@ -513,12 +565,21 @@
             # propogated.
             return None
+    def _commissioner_command_action_factory(self, test_step):
+        try:
+            return CommissionerCommandAction(test_step)
+        except ParsingError:
+            return None
     def encode(self, request) -> BaseAction:
         action = None
         cluster = request.cluster.replace(' ', '').replace('/', '')
         command = request.command
+        if cluster == 'CommissionerCommands':
+            return self._commissioner_command_action_factory(request)
         # Some of the tests contain 'cluster over-rides' that refer to a different
         # cluster than that specified in 'config'.
         if cluster == 'DelayCommands' and command == 'WaitForCommissionee':
             action = self._wait_for_commissionee_action_factory(request)
         elif command == 'writeAttribute':
@@ -588,8 +649,33 @@
         return decoded_response
+    def _get_fabric_id(self, id):
+        return _TestFabricId[id.upper()].value
+    def _get_dev_ctrl(self, action: BaseAction):
+        if action.identity is not None:
+            dev_ctrl = self._dev_ctrls.get(action.identity, None)
+            if dev_ctrl is None:
+                fabric_id = self._get_fabric_id(action.identity)
+                certificate_authority = self._certificate_authority_manager.activeCaList[0]
+                fabric = None
+                for existing_admin in certificate_authority.adminList:
+                    if existing_admin.fabricId == fabric_id:
+                        fabric = existing_admin
+                if fabric is None:
+                    fabric = certificate_authority.NewFabricAdmin(vendorId=0xFFF1,
+                                                                  fabricId=fabric_id)
+                dev_ctrl = fabric.NewController()
+                self._dev_ctrls[action.identity] = dev_ctrl
+        else:
+            dev_ctrl = self._dev_ctrls['alpha']
+        return dev_ctrl
     def execute(self, action: BaseAction):
-        return action.run_action(self._dev_ctrl)
+        dev_ctrl = self._get_dev_ctrl(action)
+        return action.run_action(dev_ctrl)
     def shutdown(self):
         for subscription in self._context.subscriptions: