An example testing and demonstrating the key value storage API.
This example serves to both test the key value storage implementation and API as it is brought-up on different platforms, as well as provide an example for how to use the API.
In the future this example can be moved into a unit test when available on all platforms.
The P6 platform KVS is fully implemented, the KVS is enabled and configured by providing a file during the init call.
Build the example application:
$ git submodule update --init $ source third_party/connectedhomeip/scripts/ $ ./scripts/examples/ examples/persistent-storage/p6 out/persistent_storage_app_p6
Put CY8CKIT-062S2-43012 board on KitProg3 CMSIS-DAP Mode by pressing the MODE SELECT
LED is ON confirms board is in proper mode.
On the command line:
$ cd ~/connectedhomeip $ python3 out/persistent_storage_app_p6/