The K32W1 lighting example application provides a working demonstration of a light bulb device, built using the Matter codebase and the NXP K32W1 SDK. The example supports remote access (e.g.: using CHIP Tool from a mobile phone) and control of a light bulb over a low-power, 802.15.4 Thread network. It is capable of being paired into an existing Matter network along with other Matter-enabled devices.
The Matter device that runs the lighting application is controlled by the Matter controller device over the Thread protocol. By default, the Matter device has Thread disabled, and it should be paired over Bluetooth LE with the Matter controller and obtain configuration from it. The actions required before establishing full communication are described below.
In this example, to commission the device onto a Matter network, it must be discoverable over Bluetooth LE. For security reasons, you must start Bluetooth LE advertising manually after powering up the device by pressing Button SW2.
In this example, the commissioning procedure (called rendezvous) is done over Bluetooth LE between a Matter device and the Matter controller, where the controller has the commissioner role.
To start the rendezvous, the controller must get the commissioning information from the Matter device. The data payload is encoded within a QR code, or printed to the UART console.
The example application provides a simple UI that depicts the state of the device and offers basic user control. This UI is implemented via the general-purpose LEDs and buttons built in the K32W1 EVK board.
LED 2 shows the overall state of the device and its connectivity. Four states are depicted:
NOTE: LED2 will be disabled when CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_ENABLE_OTA_REQUESTOR is enabled. On K32W1 EVK board, PTB0
is wired to LED2 also is wired to CS (Chip Select) External Flash Memory. OTA image is stored in external memory because of it's size. If LED2 is enabled then it will affect External Memory CS and OTA will not work.
RGB LED shows the state of the simulated light bulb. When the LED is lit the light bulb is on; when not lit, the light bulb is off.
Button SW2 can be used to start BLE advertising. A SHORT press of the button will enable Bluetooth LE advertising for a predefined period of time. A LONG Press Button SW2 initiates a factory reset. After an initial period of 3 seconds, LED 2 and RGB LED will flash in unison to signal the pending reset. After 6 seconds will cause the device to reset its persistent configuration and initiate a reboot. The reset action can be cancelled by press SW2 button at any point before the 6 second limit.
Button SW3 can be used to change the state of the simulated light bulb. This can be used to mimic a user manually operating a switch. The button behaves as a toggle, swapping the state every time it is short pressed. When long pressed, it does a clean soft reset that takes into account Matter shutdown procedure.
In order to build the Matter example, we recommend using a Linux distribution (the demo-application was compiled on Ubuntu 20.04).
Download K32W1 SDK for Matter. Creating an account is required before being able to download the SDK. Once the account is created, login and follow the steps for downloading K32W148-EVK MCUXpresso SDK. The SDK Builder UI selection should be similar with the one from the image below.
Please refer to Matter release notes for getting the latest released SDK.
user@ubuntu:~/Desktop/git/connectedhomeip$ export NXP_K32W1_SDK_ROOT=/home/user/Desktop/SDK_K32W1/ user@ubuntu:~/Desktop/git/connectedhomeip$ source ./scripts/ user@ubuntu:~/Desktop/git/connectedhomeip$ cd examples/lighting-app/nxp/k32w/k32w1 user@ubuntu:~/Desktop/git/connectedhomeip/examples/lighting-app/nxp/k32w/k32w1$ gn gen out/debug --args="chip_with_ot_cli=0 is_debug=false chip_openthread_ftd=true chip_crypto=\"platform\"" user@ubuntu:~/Desktop/git/connectedhomeip/examples/lighting-app/nxp/k32w/k32w1$ ninja -C out/debug
In case that Openthread CLI is needed, chip_with_ot_cli
build argument must be set to 1.
After a successful build, the elf
and srec
files are found in out/debug/
- see the files prefixed with chip-k32w1-light-example
MemorySome Matter instances and global variables can be placed in the NBU
memory. When compiling with OpenThread FTD support (chip_openthread_ftd=true
) and with use_smu2_static=true
, the following components are placed in SMU2
from OTAImageProcessorImpl.cpp
from OTAHooks.cpp
from Server.cpp
from ThreadStackManagerImpl.cpp
.These instances and global variables are placed in SMU2
memory through name matching in the application linker script. They should not be changed or, if changed, the names must be updated in k32w1_app.ld
. See k32w1_app.ld for names and SMU2
memory range size.
The OpenThread buffers can be allocated from a 13KB SMU2
range after a successful commissioning process until a factory reset is initiated. This way, the OpenThread buffers will be dynamically allocated instead of statically, freeing some SRAM
. To enable this feature compile with OpenThread FTD support (chip_openthread_ftd=true
) and with use_smu2_dynamic=true
Use chip_with_factory_data=1
in the gn build command to enable factory data.
For a full guide on manufacturing flow, please see Guide for writing manufacturing data on NXP devices.
Two images must be written to the board: one for the host (CM33) and one for the NBU
The image needed on the host side is the one generated in out/debug/
while the one needed on the NBU
side can be found in the downloaded NXP-SDK package at path - middleware\wireless\ieee-802.15.4\bin\k32w1\k32w1_nbu_ble_15_4_dyn_matter_$version.sb3
image should be written only when a new NXP-SDK is released.
K32W148 board quick start guide can be used for updating the NBU/radio
(Secure Provisioning Command Line Tool)NBU
for Wireless examples - use the corresponding .sb3 file found in the SDK package at path middleware\wireless\ieee-802.15.4\bin\k32w1\
Host image is the one found under out/debug/
. It should be written after each build process.
If debugging is needed then jump directly to the Debugging section. Otherwise, if only flashing is needed then JLink 7.84b can be used:
Plug K32W1 to the USB port (no need to keep the SW4 button pressed while doing this)
Create a new file, commands_script
, with the following content (change application name accordingly):
reset halt loadfile chip-k32w1-light-example.srec reset go quit
in the same folder that JLink executable is placed. Execute:$ jlink -device K32W1480 -if SWD -speed 4000 -autoconnect 1 -CommanderScript commands_script
One option for debugging would be to use MCUXpresso IDE.
Import SDK example(s).. -> choose a demo app (demo_apps -> hello_world) -> Finish
Right click on the application (from Project Explorer) -> Debug as -> JLink/CMSIS-DAP
After this step, a debug configuration specific for the K32W1 board was created. This debug configuration will be used later on for debugging the application resulted after ot-nxp compilation.
File -> Import -> C/C++ -> Existing Code as Makefile Project
Run -> Debug Configurations... -> C/C++ Application
into sb3
fileThe OTA image files must be encrypted using Over The Air Programming Tool (OTAP). Bootloader will load the new OTA image only if it detects that the file was encrypted with the OTAP
correct keys.
file is input for Over The air Programming (OTAP
) application (unencrypted) and it's converted to .sb3
format (encrypted).
MatterIn order to build an OTA image, use NXP wrapper over the standard tool src/app/
The tool can be used to generate an OTA image with the following format: | OTA image header | TLV1 | TLV2 | ... | TLVn |
where each TLV is in the form |tag|length|value|
Note that “standard” TLV format is used. Matter TLV format is only used for factory data TLV value.
Please see more in the OTA image tool guide.
Here is an example that generates an OTA image with application update TLV from a sb3 file:
./scripts/tools/nxp/ota/ create -v 0xDEAD -p 0xBEEF -vn 43033 -vs "1.0" -da sha256 --app-input-file ~/binaries/chip-k32w1-43033.sb3 ~/binaries/chip-k32w1-43033.ota
A note regarding OTA image header version (-vn
option). An application binary has its own software version (given by CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_DEVICE_SOFTWARE_VERSION
, which can be overwritten). For having a correct OTA process, the OTA header version should be the same as the binary embedded software version. A user can set a custom software version in the gn build args by setting chip_software_version
to the wanted version.
The OTA topology used for OTA testing is illustrated in the figure below. Topology is similar with the one used for Matter Test Events.
The concept for OTA is the next one:
Computer #1 can be any system running an Ubuntu distribution. We recommand using CSA official instructions from here, where RPi 4 are proposed. Also, CSA official instructions document point to the OS/Docker images that should be used on the RPis. For compatibility reasons, we recommand compiling chip-tool and OTA Provider applications with the same commit id that was used for compiling the Lighting Application. Also, please note that there is a single controller (chip-tool) running on Computer #1 which is used for commissioning both the device and the OTA Provider Application. If needed, these instructions could be used for connecting the RPis to WiFi.
Build the Linux OTA provider application:
user@computer1:~/connectedhomeip$ : ./scripts/examples/ examples/ota-provider-app/linux out/ota-provider-app chip_config_network_layer_ble=false
Build Linux chip-tool:
user@computer1:~/connectedhomeip$ : ./scripts/examples/ examples/chip-tool out/chip-tool-app
Start the OTA Provider Application:
user@computer1:~/connectedhomeip$ : rm -rf /tmp/chip_* user@computer1:~/connectedhomeip$ : ./out/ota-provider-app/chip-ota-provider-app -f chip-k32w1-43033.ota
Provision the OTA provider application and assign node id 1. Also, grant ACL entries to allow OTA requestors:
user@computer1:~/connectedhomeip$ : rm -rf /tmp/chip_* user@computer1:~/connectedhomeip$ : ./out/chip-tool-app/chip-tool pairing onnetwork 1 20202021 user@computer1:~/connectedhomeip$ : ./out/chip-tool-app/chip-tool accesscontrol write acl '[{"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 5, "authMode": 2, "subjects": [112233], "targets": null}, {"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 3, "authMode": 2, "subjects": null, "targets": null}]' 1 0
Provision the device and assign node id 2:
user@computer1:~/connectedhomeip$ : ./out/chip-tool-app/chip-tool pairing ble-thread 2 hex:<operationalDataset> 20202021 3840
Start the OTA process:
user@computer1:~/connectedhomeip$ : ./out/chip-tool-app/chip-tool otasoftwareupdaterequestor announce-ota-provider 1 0 0 0 2 0
user@computer1:~/connectedhomeip$ : sudo docker kill $container_id
user@computer1:~/connectedhomeip$ sudo ip link set dev eth0 down user@computer1:~/connectedhomeip$ sudo ifconfig eth0 -multicast
If OTBR Docker image is used, then the “-B” parameter should point to the interface used for the backbone.
If Wi-Fi is used on a RPI4, then a 5Ghz network should be selected. Otherwise, issues related to BLE-WiFi combo may appear.
To build example with RPC enabled, use the following gn command: gn gen out/debug --args='import("//with_pw_rpc.gni") treat_warnings_as_errors=false'
The application runs an RPC server and processes events coming from an RPC client. An example of an RPC client is the chip-console
, which can be accessed by running: chip-console --device /dev/tty.<SERIALDEVICE> -b 115200 -o pw_log.out
The console should already have been installed in the virtual environment. From the chip-console
, a user can send specific commands to the device, e.g.:
#define LIGHT_BUTTON 2
in app_config.h
) rpcs.chip.rpc.Button.Event(idx=2)
#define BLE_BUTTON 4
in app_config.h
) rpcs.chip.rpc.Button.Event(idx=4)