tree: db1681bb8f4dd3866d4b314717ca760309e8cc41 [path history] [tgz]
  1. app/
  2. ble/
  3. controller/
  4. crypto/
  5. darwin/
  6. include/
  7. inet/
  8. lib/
  9. lwip/
  10. platform/
  11. qrcodetool/
  12. setup_payload/
  13. system/
  14. test_driver/
  15. transport/

Source Code

Directory Structure

The CHIP src directory is structured as follows:

File / FolderContents
appApplication Layer -- Zigbee Cluster Library (ZCL)
bleBLE Layer -- Bluetooth Transport Protocol (BTP)
controllerController API
cryptoCryptography libraries
darwinDarwin Framework (iOS and MacOS)
includePublic headers
inetNetwork Layer -- TCP and UDP endpoints
libCore and Support libraries
lwipLightweight IP adaptation (to third_party library)
platformDevice Layer -- platform portability adaptations
qrcodetoolQR code tool
setup_payloadQR code setup data encode / decode library
systemSystem Layer -- common APIs for mem, work, etc.
test_driverFramework for on-device testing