tree: b23aaca76e70874cf3be972daf9268c2b13ddb09 [path history] [tgz]
  1. mode-base-cluster-objects.cpp
  2. mode-base-cluster-objects.h
  3. mode-base-server.cpp
  4. mode-base-server.h

Mode Base and its aliases

Mode Base is a pseudo cluster. It has no cluster ID. It exists only to be derived from by other clusters.

How to use a Mode Base derived cluster

To use a Mode Base derived cluster, you need to

  • Create a class that inherits the ModeBase::Delegate class. For simple examples that store all their data in memory, look at the <alias name>-mode.* files in the src and include directories in examples/all-clusters-app/all-clusters-common.
  • For this class implement the GetModeLabelByIndex, GetModeValueByIndex, GetModeTagsByIndex and HandleChangeToMode methods. Look at the documentation in mode-base-server.h for more information about these methods. Cluster-specific enums can be accessed from the cluster namespace.
  • Optionally implement the Init function.
  • In some translation unit (.c or .cpp file), instantiate your ModeBase::Instance inherited class. See the constructor documentation in mode-base-server.h.
  • Call the .Init() function of your instance after the root Server::Init().
  • Alternatively, the last two steps can be done in the emberAf<ClusterName>ClusterInitCallback function.
  • Add #define EMBER_AF_PLUGIN_MODE_BASE to your chip_device_project_config_include file. In the examples, this file is CHIPProjectAppConfig.h.

Note Zap accessor functions for these clusters do not exist. Use the instance's Update... and Get... functions to access the attributes.

How to add new derived clusters

Once a Mode Base derived cluster has been defined in the spec, add the implementation using the following steps

  1. Translate the spec as an XML in src/app/zap-templates/zcl/data-model/chip. You can look at similar files on how to do this.
  2. Regenerate the zap code.
  3. Extend the all-clusters-app example to include your new cluster.