blob: ff6c294248bd076e6baf43f53b231ffa9b5df012 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Auto-generated scripts for harness use only, please review before automation. The endpoints and cluster names are currently set to default
3.3.21. [TC-DD-3.21] Commissioning Flow - Commission Multiple-Endpoint
Device [DUT - Commissioner]
nodeId: 0x12344321
cluster: "Basic Information"
endpoint: 0
- label: "Note"
verification: |
Chip-tool command used below are an example to verify the DUT as commissioner test cases. For certification test, we expect DUT should have a capability or way to run the equivalent command.
disabled: true
- label: "Preconditions"
verification: |
1 - DUT is on an operational network and has accurate date, time, timezone, regulatory, and fabric information available.
2 - 5.1.3 - QR code is printed on the Commissionee device or in additional provided materials (ex: manual).
disabled: true
- label:
"Place TH into commissioning mode using the TH manufacturers means to
be discovered by the DUT Commissioner"
verification: |
./chip-all-clusters-app --discriminator 3840
Verify on TH (All-cluster-app):
[1651109580.413197][31207:31207] CHIP:DL: Device Configuration:
[1651109580.413259][31207:31207] CHIP:DL: Serial Number: TEST_SN
[1651109580.413294][31207:31207] CHIP:DL: Vendor Id: 65521 (0xFFF1)
[1651109580.413327][31207:31207] CHIP:DL: Product Id: 32769 (0x8001)
[1651109580.413358][31207:31207] CHIP:DL: Hardware Version: 0
[1651109580.413380][31207:31207] CHIP:DL: Setup Pin Code (0 for UNKNOWN/ERROR): 20202021
[1651109580.413401][31207:31207] CHIP:DL: Setup Discriminator (0xFFFF for UNKNOWN/ERROR): 3840 (0xF00)
[1651109580.413428][31207:31207] CHIP:DL: Manufacturing Date: (not set)
[1651109580.413450][31207:31207] CHIP:DL: Device Type: 65535 (0xFFFF)
[1651109580.413470][31207:31207] CHIP:-: ==== Onboarding payload for Standard Commissioning Flow ====
[1651109580.413525][31207:31207] CHIP:SVR: SetupQRCode: [MT:-24J0AFN00KA0648G00]
disabled: true
- label: "Scan THs QR code using the DUT Commissioner."
verification: |
1. Verify the QR code is scanned by DUT
Note: chip-tool does not support physically scanning QR codes
disabled: true
- label:
"DUT parses THs QR code. Follow any steps needed for the
Commissioner/Commissionee to complete the commissioning process over
the TH Commissionees method of device discovery"
verification: |
Verify on TH (All-cluster-app):
[1651109784.452770][31207:31207] CHIP:SVR: Commissioning completed successfully
[1651109784.452813][31207:31207] CHIP:DIS: Updating services using commissioning mode 0
Verify on DUT (Chip-tool):
./chip-tool pairing code 1 MT:-24J0AFN00KA0648G00
[1651109784376] [95553:65657838] CHIP: [CTL] Received CommissioningComplete response
[1651109784376] [95553:65657838] CHIP: [CTL] Successfully finished commissioning step "SendComplete"
[1651109784376] [95553:65657838] CHIP: [CTL] Commissioning stage next step: "SendComplete" -> "Cleanup"
[1651109784376] [95553:65657838] CHIP: [CTL] Performing next commissioning step "Cleanup"
[1651109784376] [95553:65657838] CHIP: [CTL] Successfully finished commissioning step "Cleanup"
[1651109784376] [95553:65657838] CHIP: [TOO] Device commissioning completed with success
disabled: true
- label:
"For each TH Endpoint that implements the On/Off light device, verify
that the DUT acknowledges the existence of the Endpoint through DUT
issuing an On command to the respective Endpoint (e.g. through some
user action to trigger such command)."
verification: |
1. Send "on" command from Commissioner to TH Endpoint 1
Verify on DUT (Chip-tool):
./chip-tool onoff on 1 1
[1657930715416] [56399:2451384] CHIP: [DMG] Received Command Response Status for Endpoint=1 Cluster=0x0000_0006 Command=0x0000_0001 Status=0x0
Verify on TH (All-cluster-app):
[1657930715.432295][2911:2911] CHIP:ZCL: On/Off set value: 1 1
[1657930715.432341][2911:2911] CHIP:ZCL: Toggle on/off from 0 to 1
[1657930715.432383][2911:2911] CHIP:ZCL: On Command - OffWaitTime : 0
[1657930715.432422][2911:2911] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint 1, Cluster 0x0000_0006 update version to ce1d8e1f
[1657930715.432468][2911:2911] CHIP:ZCL: On/Toggle Command - Stop Timer
[1657930715.432509][2911:2911] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint 1, Cluster 0x0000_0006 update version to ce1d8e20
2. Send "on" command from Commissioner to TH Endpoint 2
Verify on DUT (Chip-tool):
./chip-tool onoff on 1 2
[1657930953792] [56404:2453640] CHIP: [DMG] Received Command Response Status for Endpoint=2 Cluster=0x0000_0006 Command=0x0000_0001 Status=0x0
Verify on TH (All-cluster-app):
[1657930953.816805][2911:2911] CHIP:ZCL: On/Off set value: 2 1
[1657930953.816841][2911:2911] CHIP:ZCL: Toggle on/off from 0 to 1
[1657930953.816870][2911:2911] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint 2, Cluster 0x0000_0006 update version to 6475f591
disabled: true