tree: dc62ff11725a901fbf52d592035ab9fd69eaf892 [path history] [tgz]
  1. include/
  2. src/
  3. third_party/
  4. .gn
  5. args.gni

Matter CYW30739 Lock Example

An example showing the use of Matter on the Infineon CYW30739 platform.

Table of Contents


The CYW30739 lock example provides a baseline demonstration of a Light control device, built using Matter and the Infineon Modustoolbox SDK. It can be controlled by a Matter controller over Thread network.

The CYW30739 device can be commissioned over Bluetooth Low Energy where the device and the Matter controller will exchange security information with the Rendez-vous procedure. Target Thread Network information including the active dataset and CASE credentials are then provided.


  • Build the example application:

    $ cd ~/connectedhomeip
    $ git submodule update --init
    $ ./scripts/examples/ examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739 out/lock-app
  • To delete generated executable, libraries and object files use:

    $ cd ~/connectedhomeip
    $ rm -rf ./out/
  • OR use GN/Ninja directly

    $ cd ~/connectedhomeip/examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739
    $ git submodule update --init
    $ source third_party/connectedhomeip/scripts/
    $ gn gen out/debug
    $ ninja -C out/debug
  • To delete generated executable, libraries and object files use:

    $ cd ~/connectedhomeip/examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739
    $ rm -rf out/

Building Options

DAC / DAC Key / PAI Certificate / Certificate Declaration

Infineon CYW30739 examples use test certifications, keys, and CD by default. For a production build, manufacturers can provision certifications, keys, and CD by the following arguments:

  • matter_dac, matter_dac_key, matter_pai, matter_cd

    $ ./scripts/examples/ examples/lighting-app/infineon/cyw30739 out/lighting-app \
    'matter_dac="/path/to/dac.der"' \
    'matter_dac_key="/path/to/dac_key.der"' \
    'matter_pai="/path/to/pai.der"' \

Flashing the Application

Enter Recovery Mode

Put the CYW30739 in to the recovery mode before running the flash script.

  1. Press and hold the RECOVERY button on the board.
  2. Press and hold the RESET button on the board.
  3. Release the RESET button.
  4. After one second, release the RECOVERY button.

Run Flash Script

  • On the command line:

    $ cd ~/connectedhomeip/examples/lock-app/infineon/cyw30739
    $ python3 out/debug/

Running the Complete Example

  • It is assumed here that you already have an OpenThread border router configured and running. If not see the following guide Openthread_border_router for more information on how to setup a border router on a raspberryPi.

  • You can provision and control the Chip device using the python controller, Chip tool standalone, Android or iOS app

    Python Controller

    Here is an example with the Python controller:

    $ chip-device-ctrl
    chip-device-ctrl > connect -ble 3840 20202021 1234
    chip-device-ctrl > zcl NetworkCommissioning AddThreadNetwork 1234 0 0 operationalDataset=hex:0e080000000000000000000300000b35060004001fffe00208dead00beef00cafe0708fddead00beef000005108e11d8ea8ffaa875713699f59e8807e0030a4f70656e5468726561640102c2980410edc641eb63b100b87e90a9980959befc0c0402a0fff8 breadcrumb=0 timeoutMs=1000
    chip-device-ctrl > zcl NetworkCommissioning EnableNetwork 1234 0 0 networkID=hex:dead00beef00cafe breadcrumb=0 timeoutMs=1000
    chip-device-ctrl > close-ble
    chip-device-ctrl > resolve 1234
    chip-device-ctrl > zcl OnOff Toggle 1234 1 0